Paleos and White Nationalists

Jared Taylor has a very mild reply up to Justin Raimondo at Takimag this morning. It seems appropriate considering his likely audience. What do White Nationalists want? He gives his usual answer: to live in a normal ethnostate like Japan, Israel, or Mexico.

The paleos are a mixed bag. If the comment section were still functional at Takimag, this much would be obvious. Taylor’s message will resonate amongst the nationalist-minded conservatives Buchanan targeted in Death of the West, Day of Reckoning, and State of Emergency. His books were my own personal gateway to White Nationalism and the broader racialist movement. There is considerable overlap between the nationalist wing of paleoconservatism and White Nationalism. Pat Buchanan and Jared Taylor both continue to write about the existential threat to the West from third world immigration.

The other wing of paleoconservatism is anti-nationalist and (sometimes) anti-racist: paleolibertarians who dream of dismantling the state, neo-Confederates stuck in the nineteenth century, traditional Catholics, snob set intellectuals absorbed in the classics. All of these types are represented at the major paleo websites and are usually hostile to racialists. Some paleos manage to combine several of these tendencies.

Taylor’s pragmatic argument for immigration restriction will certainly fall on deaf ears amongst the libertarians. It won’t get past their stubborn inability to see beyond the individual. They simply can’t imagine a world (reality) where “individuals” have group loyalities, interests, and identities in addition to their personal ones. As Hispanics, Africans, and Asians increase in number relative to Europeans, they will demand higher taxes to support ever more government services. The state will grow stronger as America becomes more racially, ethnically, and culturally heterogeneous. The libertarian tendency to ignore reality and think in purely abstract terms is also evident in their fancy that the state can be dispensed with altogether.

This lack of attention to reality is a common theme that runs through the paleo opposition to White Nationalism: the neo-Confederates who live in the nineteenth century, the Catholic traditionalists focused on the afterlife, the snobs who live in their libraries. They all seem to dwell on some time, place, or subject which is not the immediate future. If the debate at Takimag were not repressed, this would all be on display.

Over the past decade, there has been a lot of amalgamation between White Nationalists and the nationalist paleos, which were two distinct social movements until recently. VDARE is the nexus of this trend. I suspect a decade from now the distinction will be long forgotten and both groups will share the same concerns.

The boundry of conservative respectability will shift again to the left as America’s racial demographics continue to change. Millions of mainstream conservatives will find themselves out in the wilderness of the “far right.” The next round of amalgamation will begin from there.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is a very interesting analysis; I also read Mr. Taylor’s response to the libertarian, Justin Raimondo. Jared Taylor is a very smart scholar.

    It will interesting, to see the next round of political coalition shifting. Hatred for Whites on the far-Left will only get much worse! I think in the long-term, factions of the Far-Left will even turn on the Jews. The anti-White Jews are playing with fire. The same applies for White Liberals.

    I think accepting pro-White policies will become an eventual necessity for Whites. For some-including even several “anti-racists”-it will mean survival, even on a personal-individual basis.

    We will need a Nationalist bridge (officially ignoring race), to attract Whites disgusted by pro-White activism, so they can later find the White Nationalist bridge which could very well be lead by Jared Taylor among a few others.

  2. Nobody seems to be more of a gasbag on most of the points you articulated than Thomas Fleming.

    As another poster pointed out, ‘arrogant to the nth degree’–yet no one can objectively understand why?

  3. Anyone who thinks the race dimension has no importance in the task now lying before Euro peoples — anyone who insists it’s all strictly a matter of “culture,” for example — is not on our side. It’s as simple as that, very, very, very simple. If Fleming thinks the race dimension has no importance in the task now lying before Euro race peoples — if he insists it’s strictly a matter of “culture,” for example — he’s not on our side. This seems to be the case with almost everyone who posts comments regularly at Taki’s site, at, and at a number of other sites.

  4. Fleming’s Catholic, right? That right there could explain a lot: the only true Catholics today are certain members of the Sedevacantists and certain members of Bishop Richard Williamson’s group, the Society of St. Pius X. The Vatican is embarked on a major push to genocide all people of European race everywhere on the planet and replace them with West-Central Sub-Saharan Africans. Lucifer, on other words, now runs the official Catholic Church.

  5. almost everyone who posts comments regularly at Taki’s site, at, and at a number of other sites.

    almost everyone who posts log entries regularly at Taki’s site, at, and at a number of other sites.

  6. I don’t get the bit about neo-Confederates being hostile to those concerned about race. Neo-Confederates don’t view race as important?

  7. It’s worth noting that Gottfried is not as hostile to racialists as you suggested in an earlier post, though you likely have different standards of judgment. When Claes Ryn started chafing a year ago at Jared Taylor’s presence in a group he and Gottfried founded, Gottfried stuck with Taylor to the point of the group’s dissolution.

  8. Paleo-conism is just too big. There is too big a difference between Sam Francis style Racialist Paleos and Paleo-libertarians.

    Yes the Paleo-libertarians are literally insane. Are Mexicans really wading through the Rio Grande river with copies of Atlas Shrugged and Latin Catholic texts held high above of the waves?!?!?!?! (can mestizos even read Latin?)

    There is no doubt that the US will decline and that Whites are going to have to take Racialism into account and will need to start discriminating again just to survive the coming crime wave and recession. One already needs to when they consider if it might be a good idea or not to go into Detroit or Oakland!!!!

  9. The neo-Confederate paleocons reduce every issue to North vs. South antagonism and lessons in Civil War history. I had Clyde Wilson in mind.

  10. Taylor’s response was generally reasonable and well done. Nice to see McLaren here — I hope he’ll realize that what most of us want is compatible with what he wants.

  11. Prozium, why do you support a crypto-Semitic race trator like Jared Taylor? He looks down upon people like us like scum.

  12. Yosemite, why don’t you join your buddies over VNN instead of lowering the quality of this blog? Jared Taylor is the greatest living American, who has done more than anyone else to, once again, make white racialism mainstream. Your slanderous comments are doubly frustrating because Taylor can’t be compared at all to someone like Jobling, who indeed goes out of his way to please Jewish opinion.

  13. “Jared Taylor is the greatest living American”

    Hardly. Jared Taylor is on record stating that millions of Jews were murdered by the National Socialists during the Second World War. He is on record stating that Jews are “fine by me” and “look white to me”. He invites anti-Moslem bigots to distort the pro-white movement in a neocon and Zionist direction. He has allowed dozens of Jews to enter his conference and speak at his conference — Paul Gottfried, Rabbi Schiller, Michael Levin, Berman, Auster, and dozens of others.

    “Jobling, who indeed goes out of his way to please Jewish opinion.”

    Jobling doesn’t openly say that he is pro-Jewish either. When he deals with the Jewish question at all, he mainly focuses on criticising “antisemitism”, rather than telling us how wonderful the Jews are. Jared Taylor does exactly the same thing.

  14. Truth, are you the same Truth, the black guy, that used to post at AR?

    Absolutely not!

    U actually think a negro would leave a comment like “Can Mestizos read”???

    C’mon man…

  15. “When he deals with the Jewish question at all, he mainly focuses on criticising “antisemitism”, rather than telling us how wonderful the Jews are. Jared Taylor does exactly the same thing.”

    “…rather than telling us how wonderful the Jews are…”
    No this is “Guy ‘White’s” job!!!!!

  16. “…rather than telling us how wonderful the Jews are…”
    No this is “Guy ‘White’s” job!!!!!


    Yeah, just what exactly is up with this ‘guy’???

    Is he 4 or against US?

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