The Negro

What is it about them that inspires such dislike?

Robert Lindsay, Guy White and Ian Jobling spend lots of time talking about the subject. I still haven’t seen anyone get to the heart of the matter. The race realists have a litany of complaints about negroes: their lack of intelligence, higher level of violent crime, sordid culture, their barbarism in Africa, inability to create great civilizations, preferential treatment by the government, their poverty and backwardness, corruption, etc.

We all know negroes who don’t fit this stereotype. The majority of blacks are law abiding citizens. Many are obviously intelligent and educated. Some are conservatives who disapprove of affirmative action. A number of blacks have amassed enormous personal wealth. There are negroes who “act white” and reject the black underclass. Yet White Nationalists still insist on total separation.

Are White Nationalists simply driven by hate? I don’t think so.  That’s not it.

I know many negroes whom I like on a personal level. In the past few months, I have actually hung out with blacks on several occasions who know my circle of friends. I never felt any sense of animosity towards them. I’m not so obsessed with race that I am unable to judge people as individuals. Last year, I considered voting for Obama out of disgust with McCain and the Republicans.

It’s easier with the Jews. They seem bent on destroying us. Their actions are motivated by malice and hate. Jews think of us as their enemy. “Anti-Semitism” is a defensive reaction against their hostility towards racially conscious whites. It is not the same with the negro.

Instead, there is just something irreducibly alien about him. When I drive through a black county or neighborhood, I can’t help but feel I am in alien territory. I don’t stop for gas or food. Even with the negroes I happen to like, I am always left with the impression that underneath the surface we are fundamentally different in some way. The racial difference is too strong.

W.E.B. DuBois once wrote about it. The most successful blacks such as DuBois and Obama are often the ones who are the most conscious of their color. They can’t seem to help feeling like aliens in White America. You can see this in the way negroes interact with us.

It creates a feeling of unease. There is always a low level sense of racial tension. Sometimes it is aired in a botched joke, a look, or a comment. More than any other reason, I think this is why white racialists so often become separatists. It is a logical extension of their desire to avoid uncomfortable situations.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it’s partly to do with an unconscious, visceral fear upon sight of a Negro, perhaps a function of their relatively primitive features. It’s an implicit attitude that can be suppressed, but which is always ready to surface at the slightest provocation (e.g. witnessing a strange gait or unexpected tone when laughing).

  2. According to Zeskind and Duke, it’s proximity and not just to blacks. It’s as LaGriffe reasoned, “when a neighborhood goes from virtually all White to virtually all Black, a White homeowner’s likelihood of becoming a crime victim goes from virtually nil to virtually certain.”

    Zeskind also departs from conventional wisdom in explaining White voter behavior. He rejects the idea that White voters voted for Proposition 187, an anti-immigrant ballot initiative in California, because they were opposed to illegal as opposed to legal immigration, or because they used immigrants as a scapegoat for the bad economy. He explains that statistical analysis of the polling data showed only a slight correlation between voting for Proposition 187 and income level, education level, or financial worries. There was a strong correlation, however, between a person’s likelihood of voting for Proposition 187 and the percentage of immigrants in the person’s neighborhood. The distinction between legal and illegal immigrants did not matter to White voters. What did matter was race and culture.

    The David Duke campaigns demonstrated the same phenomenon. The polling data showed that White voters were likely to vote against David Duke if the percentage of Black people in the neighborhood was small, but as the percentage of Black residents increased, the likelihood of voting for David Duke increased. After carefully analyzing why Duke received the support he did, Zeskind quotes with approval a study that concluded, “Supporters in part saw Duke as a voice for whites, in the same sense that minorities have spokespersons.” (Incidentally, that is exactly what David Duke says.)

  3. The chimp attack a few months ago hit a forbidden nerve. The recent retrospective articles continue to invite thought-criminal parallels. See Officials Warned Repeatedly of Possible Chimp Attack.

    Officials have also been warned repeatedly that forced integration increases interracial animosity and violence. The official defense in both cases is the same:

    The agency said the warnings and concerns were general in nature, and there were no specifics indicating Travis was dangerous.

    We have to treat every entity, even chimps, as individuals. Unless of course an individual White should offend/assault an individual non-White. Then the “person of color” collective identity kicks in to elevate the offense to “hate” status. For this sleight of self-serving illogic we can thank mostly jewish “persons of color”.

  4. At this point it’s tough for me to separate my feelings for blacks from my feelings for Jews, white Uncle Toms, the multicult, the zeitgeist, etc.

    Does anyone else know what I mean? E.g., I reject blacks now as much because the multicult demands I accept them as anything else.

    I’m the snake that’s tired of being trod upon. Bring me a waziritowlhedistani, and sight unseen I can’t stand the poor bastard because I’m tired of being trod upon.

    In other words, I’ve gone political and now have a hard time disentangling these things.

  5. I guess what I’m trying to say is it took Jews, white Uncle Toms, and their tyranny to really make me hate blacks, or anyone else.

    That’s the only context in which I hate anyone. I get along fine with blacks in everyday life (though I avoid them), etc., bla bla bla.

    What makes me hate is having my freedom taken away. Tyranny is what I hate. To paraphrase Braveheart, “my hate will die with you, Tyranny”.

  6. And of course, it was the very same “persons of color” that pushed so hard to end de jure segregation afforded by realty covenants that ran with the sale of the property. in 1926, the USSC Corrigan v. Buckley decision stated that covenants were not unconstitutional and met the test of the 14th amendment. By 1948, in the USSC Shelley v. Kraemer decision, realty covenants were declared unconstitutional under the 14th amendment. Interestingly, “the brief filed on behalf of the United States government…was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar Davis, Hilbert Zarky, and Stanley Silverberg. However, the Solicitor General’s office chose to omit their names from the brief. The principal assistant to the Solicitor General, Arnold Raum, who was also Jewish, stated that it was “bad enough that Perlman’s name has to be there (the SG), to have one Jew’s name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on. That makes it look as if a bunch of Jewish lawyers in the Department of Justice put this out.”

    [ Footnote 26 ] Restrictive agreements of the sort involved in these case have been used to exclude other than Negroes from the ownership or occupancy of real property. We are informed that such agreements have been directed against Indians, Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Hawaiians, Puerto Ricans, and Filipinos, among others.

  7. Great post Prozium. I’m also a Southerner who is a pro-White activist, but despite that I also have some friends, acquaintances, and coworkers who are (part) Black. I have no problem with this, and I don’t ‘hate’ them or feel racist feelings toward them because of their partial Black ancestry. It is important though to distinguish between the part-Blacks (mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, etc) and the full Blacks. The more White blood that an American Black has, the better they are – that much is obvious to all. Conversely, the Blacker/darker they are (the less White blood they have), the more degraded and worse they are.

    Dasein: “I think it’s partly to do with an unconscious, visceral fear upon sight of a Negro, perhaps a function of their relatively primitive features. It’s an implicit attitude that can be suppressed, but which is always ready to surface at the slightest provocation…”

    It’s not so much a “visceral fear,” more like a natural evolutionary/biological reaction.

    Think about it – the three major races of the world were kept separate for thousands upon thousands of years, and this very long-term separation has been ‘seared’ deep in to our brains…thus when we are thrust in to the presence of people of other races, we feel a natural defensiveness, uneasiness, or even the “fear” you speak of. It’s difficult to undo untold thousands of years of biological evolution in a few meager decades of multiracial propaganda as pushed by the Jew-manipulated American mass-media.

    For most of human history, people obviously spent their entire lives without ever seeing a person of another race. If Blacks would have started showing up in Medieval Northern Europe for instance the people there would have been shocked beyond belief…same if Northern Europeans would have shown up in East Asia at that time, or if Asians would’ve just started showing up in Africa, etc. The people there, having evolved in racial/ethnic isolation for long periods of time, would’ve likely followed their natural/healthy instinctive racial reaction(s) to either expel the foreign ‘others’ or kill them.

    My point is that this ‘racial defensiveness’ is an entirely normal biological/evolutionary process by our brains that is reacting against potential racial competitors encroaching upon specific racial territories.

    You used the word “visceral,” and that is a good way to describe what I am talking about – “primal” might be a better term. There is no way to just ignore the mental (as well as physiological) unease that occurs within everyone when the various racial/ethnic groups of the world are tossed in to the same physical spaces – those feelings of unease are just too deep and primal to ignore because of thousands of years of racial/ethnic isolation – the pulse quickens, the blood pressure increases, the body’s muscles tighten, the sense become a bit more acute, etc – all this are natural/healthy ‘fight or flight’ reactions by the body when stressed by contact with those who are radically unlike us and who may be attempting to steal our native racial lands, resources, women, and so on. To ignore those natural/healthy feelings is actually a major mistake because to do so would mean the eventual extinction of your kind as it is overcome by more ethnocentric groups.

  8. Svigor: ” Does anyone else know what I mean? E.g., I reject blacks now as much because the multicult demands I accept them as anything else. ”

    A similar example: I do not dislike Arab music, but when I hear that kind of music on the radio, I tend to turn it off. What annoys me and prevents me from enjoying it is that I know it is meant to contribute to the brainwashing and the advertising for immigration, “diversity”, and so on.

  9. Good posts, Svigor. I know exactly what you mean.

    For me, it’s not personal. I don’t “hate” someone just because they are black (or some other non-white). But I want my own people to have a future, to be able to maintain themselves, and to live according to their own standards, not trapped in a Brazil North style hellhole.

    This does not prevent me from treating non-whites fairly. I do my utmost to treat everyone I deal with fairly. I have done great favors for non-whites, as (believe it not) non-whites have done for me. But, at the end of the day, non-whites are a threat to the very existence of my own people, and the status quo cannot be accepted or tolerated. I would love to part ways amicably, but part ways we must – one way or the other.

    Just because I might really like and even respect a particular non-white, and strive to treat all people fairly, that does not mean that it is acceptable for my own people to be marginalized and destroyed. Similarly, I would not expect them, no matter how much they liked or respected me as an individual, to tolerate the destruction of their own people just because that ‘ol Trainspotter is such a good guy. Again, it ain’t personal.

  10. This does not prevent me from treating non-whites fairly.

    My pride prevents me from treating non-whites, and anyone else, unfairly (and other skullduggery). It’s conduct unbecoming what I would, in my pre-full-blown-racialist days, have characterize as “manly” (these days I tend to think of it as conduct unbecoming a white man, or maybe Anglo-Saxon man).

  11. It occurs for the umpteenth time that a strong, aracial anti-tyranny movement could serve our purposes so well.

    E.g., I think many more Americans can sympathize with “we want an end to tyranny, and that includes the tyranny that tells people how and with whom they work, learn, live, love, worship and otherwise associate” than with explicit racialism.

  12. Why do you keep linking to Jobling? Remember, Prozium, he has shown no respect towards you. He would never dignify your website with a link. He even banned you from his forum for mild criticisms you made of him here. Let’s hope his website stays inactive, as it is now.

  13. I no longer have non-white friends. I think it’s dishonest, deceptive, and a betrayal of your own principles.

    To be civil is one thing, but to have a real friendship with someone who belongs to a race that you want to separate from, it’s just too much of a contradiction.

    I had a white friend who was seeing a black girl for a long time, and I spoke out about it to him personally. This is no idiot mind you, he’s in the top 1%. In one way it made it worse, because people who are very intelligent never want to admit they’re wrong.

    So he married her. Well at that point nothing else could be done, and one has to make a choice, your principles or your friendship. What would you choose?

  14. I’ll take Ian Jobling seriously when we see Jews create an organization that is pro-white and advocates for white separatism.

  15. Svigor, that is AmRen’s basic approach, freedom of association.

    I think what it all boils down to is power. If the media, law, politics and education are in the hands of your enemies, the masses aren’t going to listen to you.

  16. Jobling is representative of the “moderate” tendency that I am often at odds with. I’m not trying to give him publicity. His site isn’t in my blogroll.

  17. No matter how much you may like a certain negro, he is, and will always be, a biological threat. This has nothing to do with his character. It doesn’t matter how much money he has. He has a different evolutionary history and he cannot produce a white child.

    The black militant from the ghetto may be more personally offensive and a threat to your life, but the well-dressed, integrationist, miscegenist, friendly negro is a biological threat to your race.

  18. Mark: “The black militant from the ghetto may be more personally offensive and a threat to your life, but the well-dressed, integrationist, miscegenist, friendly negro is a biological threat to your race.”

    Absolutely. In fact, they are by far the greater threat.

    Mark: “To be civil is one thing, but to have a real friendship with someone who belongs to a race that you want to separate from, it’s just too much of a contradiction.”

    Yeah, I hear you, but I have something of a different take on it. For example, let’s take a Japanese foreign exchange student. Could he not befriend a non-Japanese, while still opposing any sort of non-Japanese immigration to Japan? I think he could, and I don’t think it would necessarily involve a contradiction. Non-whites can befriend whites while still demanding that their own identity and people be preserved. I see no reason why such can’t apply to whites. This weird modern formulation of “I like Akbar so therefore the survival of my own people is irrelevant” is just plain insane, a non-sequitur of mindblowing proportions. But it’s a real meme out there, and we are going to have to deal with it.

    And yet, I still hear you. The non-white friends that I have are from long ago; I’m not inclined to make any new ones. I think the problem is that I anticipate the real possibility of a painful separation, and that of course puts us in a different position from the Japanese exchange student who can go to another land, make friends, and then return – pain free – to his racial homeland. What a wonderful luxury that would be, but it is denied to us. But that’s the status quo: non-whites get to preserve their own, and whites get to applaud their own destruction.

  19. “Well at that point nothing else could be done, and one has to make a choice, your principles or your friendship. What would you choose?”

    Already had to do this twice with two friends. In my opinion the ‘cancer’ has to be removed, there can be no tolerance towards the kind of out-right betrayal implicit in Racial Miscegenation.

    One was a red-headed White of French descent who got involved with an Asian. I tolerated this for awhile figuring it was just a phase (the guy was under-employed and a heavy alcohol and drug user as well but he was my friend), but when he finally spawned a ‘Jon and Kate’ wanna be child that looked like an alien Asian (his red hair and green eye recessive traits had disappeared in this ‘offspring’) I had to cut of the friendship. We had been friends since like the 2nd grade, close to twenty years!

    Another incident included a ‘female friend’ that I had a crush on and would hang around with. A beautiful Scotch/ Italian specimen. (Reminiscent of other Celtic/ Med beauties like Rose Mcgowan and Katy Perry. ) Anyhow she eventually got married to some swarthy mestizo trash. I would have been more then happy to continue our friendship, we were actually really good friends, but considering her choice of mate, there was zero chance of that.

  20. “So he married her. Well at that point nothing else could be done, and one has to make a choice, your principles or your friendship. What would you choose?”

    That would be a deal breaker for me. If I had known the guy for a long time, and we were genuinely good friends, I would probably still be willing to take his calls. But I would in no case have been willing to attend the wedding, or to socialize with the couple in any way. I’m not going to sanction that type of behavior. I’ve been in a similar situation before, not too many years ago, so this isn’t purely theory. In my situation the roles were reversed. Very conservative black guy that I had known from college. Not a close friend, but close to some close friends. Very smart guy, a rare dude. He had always maintained that he would only marry a black woman. And he was true to his word until, in his thirties…he married a white woman. Needless to say, I didn’t go to the wedding. There will be no couple’s night out.

    There are certainly limits, and miscegenation is one of them. Probably the main one. The acceptable friendship to which I refer is within the context of mutual respect. I would not remain friends with someone who behaved in such a way that was clearly damaging to my people’s interests.

  21. “Yeah, I hear you, but I have something of a different take on it. For example, let’s take a Japanese foreign exchange student. Could he not befriend a non-Japanese, while still opposing any sort of non-Japanese immigration to Japan? I think he could, and I don’t think it would necessarily involve a contradiction.”

    If our nation and race were secured, perhaps.

    However, when you open up interracial relations, you’re sending a cue to females that it’s okay for them to befriend non-whites as well.

    If a black guy has a bunch of white friends, likes white people, maybe even prefers them, whites have given him the idea he is one of them, he’s accepted, and white females think it’s okay. It’s not a good idea.

    Here’s the test, talk to them openly about race and tell them what you think.

  22. “If our nation and race were secured, perhaps.”

    That was pretty much the example I used: a person from a fairly secure nation like Japan.

    “Here’s the test, talk to them openly about race and tell them what you think.”

    I have. I don’t hide my white nationalist views from my immediate social circle.

    I think your criticisms and concerns are valid, and I don’t particularly disagree with them. As I stated, I am not inclined to make new non-white friends. And I agree that it is easy for socializing to send the wrong message to other whites, setting a bad example. It’s a legitimate concern.

    On the other hand, the reality is that lots of white people do in fact have non-white friends, or at least non-whites that they know and basically like. That reality is likely to continue until things get hot, and a real separation is achieved. Most of these people are not insane leftists who hate white people. Many are normal people, people who are not entirely unsympathetic to us.

    But with the current insane meme of “I like Akbar, so the survival of my own people is irrelevant” so common, the reality is that we need to deal with this issue. Whites need to understand that, while they may like a particular non-white, it is also o.k. for them to care about their own people. They need to understand that, just because they like Akbar, that it is not o.k. for their own people to be displaced, replaced, marginalized and slaughtered. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a variation of “I agree with what you’re saying, but X [insert non-white here] is nice.”

    I can’t overemphasize how common this problem is. I also believe that my white nationalist views have been taken more seriously by some whites precisely because they know I’m not some sort of stereotypical hater. I suppose it’s a bit of a tradeoff. In any event, while I agree that your approach is best, as a practical matter we are in the propaganda phase of the struggle. We are not in a position to sever all relationships between whites and blacks. We are, however, in a position to discredit the “I like Akbar, therefore extinction is okie dokie” meme. That meme has to be neutralized as the insanely ridiculous non-sequitur that it is. Non-whites don’t buy into that meme. Neither should whites.

  23. I no longer have non-white friends. I think it’s dishonest, deceptive, and a betrayal of your own principles.

    That isn’t entirely true.

    I have a very good Ashkenazi, Reformed Jew friend but he is well aware of my views. I’m not deceptive with him.

  24. “W.E.B. DuBois once wrote about it. The most successful blacks such as DuBois and Obama are often the ones who are the most conscious of their color. They can’t seem to help feeling like aliens in White America. You can see this in the way negroes interact with us.”

    The most successful black also often have a significant non-White admixture (these two being very good examples). Their concern with their colour is likely due to their internal conflicts (‘Tragic Mulatto’).

  25. The reason that many White people–not just White nationalists–dislike Blacks is because as a group they deserve to be disliked. The vast majority of them do fit the negative stereotypes that White nationalists give them. In fact, the negative stereotypes don’t do many of them justice. I went to minority White schools my entire life and currently live in probably one of the most diverse areas in the country, so I know this firsthand.

    Besides, look at what Blacks have done to American popular culture. If it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have hip-hop, rap, and all the slang and fashion that have so polluted my generation. As a race they deserve to be hated just for that.

    But it should go without saying that some individual Blacks can be decent people. There are exceptions to every rule.

    Prozium said:

    “It’s easier with the Jews. They seem bent on destroying us. Their actions are motivated by malice and hate. Jews think of us as their enemy. “Anti-Semitism” is a defensive reaction against their hostility towards racially conscious whites. It is not the same with the negro.”

    I can assure you that most Blacks have a great deal more animosity towards Whites than Jews do. Kevin MacDonald’s work shows that it is really only the elite Jewish community that has had a detrimental effect on the interests of Whites. Most Jews don’t hate Whites, although quite a few of them strike me as somewhat suspicious of traditional America–which they see as historically anti-Semitic.

    But the reason that Jews have been able to work against the interests of Whites so well is because of their high intelligence. If Blacks had the same average IQ as Jews, and they dominated the academia and the media like the Jews do today, don’t you think that they would work against our interests with much more vigor and viciousness?

  26. “I like Akbar so therefore the survival of my own people is irrelevant”

    Romantic love can create similar conflicts even when race in not involved: for example, if you decide to fall in love with someone who is much older, much richer, much poorer, belongs to another class, or even to the wrong sex! The solution is that people should behave like adults and not be overly romantic. They should accept that they can indulge in romantic love only with the right kind of person.

    There are possible contradictions between individual rights and collective rights, between individual behavior and the well-being of the nation, between who we like personally and our desire to ensure the survival of the white race. In order to reduce those contradictions, we have to make a conscious decision to prefer the company of white people. At the national level, as soon as we can, we need to put legal barriers to prevent free association with other races, or we won’t last long.
    The writer JJ Rousseau wrote in his Confessions: “It has taught me this great lesson of morality, perhaps the only one that can have any conspicuous influence on our actions, that we should ever carefully avoid putting our interests in competition with our duty”. I think we need to heed his advice in racial matters too.

  27. Blacks aren’t necessarily evil, however they aren’t compatible with white society. They’re too short-sighted, too child-like to really gel with our people. They’re a race whose concerns rarely stray beyond the moment. Their passions, once aroused, can become deadly, fast. They sometimes have active imaginations but no real practicality ever troubles their notions. Negroes aren’t us and can never be so, regardless of how we try to condition them.

    I don’t hate Negroes and even know some smart and capable ones. But they are, as Prozium says, alien. Their ways are such that whites won’t ever be compatible with them. Unless we end up, one day, all “one race.” And even then the problems won’t cease – the case of Brazil (the “color continuum”) is instructive.

  28. Prozium,

    I must compliment you for sticking to the term ‘Negro’ rather than using ‘black’ or ‘African-American’. I am opposed to the word ‘black’ as a designation for Negroes because it places too much emphasis on the colour factor, and gives rise to the notion that racialism is all about hating people “because of the colour of their skin”, as if this were the only known racial difference.

  29. “What is it Like to Teach Black Students?”

    by Christopher Jackson

    Until recently I taught at a predominantly
    black high school in a southeastern

    The mainstream press gives a hint of
    what conditions are like in black schools,
    but only a hint. Expressions journalists
    use like “chaotic” or “poor learning
    environment” or “lack of discipline” do
    not capture what really happens. There
    is nothing like the day-to-day experience
    of teaching black children and that is
    what I will try to convey.

    Most whites simply do not know what
    black people are like in large numbers,
    and the first encounter can be a shock.

    One of the most immediately striking
    things about my students was that they
    were loud. They had little conception of
    ordinary decorum. It was not unusual
    for five blacks to be screaming at
    me at once. Instead of calming down and
    waiting for a lull in the din to make their
    point—something that occurs to even
    the dimmest white students—blacks just
    tried to yell over each other.

    It did no good to try to quiet them, and
    white women were particularly inept at
    trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as
    she begged the children to pipe down.
    They just yelled louder so their voices
    would carry over hers.

    Many of my black students would
    repeat themselves over and over again—
    just louder. It was as if they suffered
    from Tourette syndrome. They seemed
    to have no conception of waiting for
    an appropriate time to say something.
    They would get ideas in their heads and
    simply had to shout them out. I might be
    leading a discussion on government and
    suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get
    more Democrats! Clinton, she good!”
    The student may seem content with that
    outburst but two minutes later, he would
    suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton

    Anyone who is around young blacks
    will probably get a constant diet of rap music.
    Blacks often make up their own jingles,
    and it was not uncommon for 15 black
    boys to swagger into a classroom,
    bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

    They were yelling back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of
    words in the same harsh, rasping dialect.
    The words were almost invariably
    a childish form of boasting: “Who got
    dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe,
    who got dem shine grill (gold and silver
    dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually
    ends with a claim—in the crudest
    terms imaginable—that all womankind
    is sexually devoted to him. For whatever
    reason, my students would often groan
    instead of saying a particular word, as in,
    “She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long
    grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh,
    she lick dat aaaahhh.”

    So many black girls dance in the hall, in the classroom,
    on the chairs, next to the chairs, under
    the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a
    call on my cell phone and had to step
    outside of class. I was away about two
    minutes but when I got back the black
    girls had lined up at the front of the
    classroom and were convulsing to the
    delight of the boys.

    Many black people, especially black
    women, are enormously fat. Some are
    so fat I had to arrange special seating to
    accommodate their bulk. I am not saying
    there are no fat white students—there
    are—but it is a matter of numbers and
    attitudes. Many black girls simply do not
    care that they are fat. There are plenty
    of white anorexics, but I have never met
    or heard of a black anorexic.

    “Black women be big Mr. Jackson,”
    my students would explain.

    “Is it okay in the black community to
    be a little overweight?” I ask.
    Two obese black girls in front of
    my desk begin to dance, “You know
    dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.”
    “Juicy” is a colorful black expression
    for the buttocks.

    Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical
    people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid.
    Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike
    whites, who tread gingerly around the
    subject of race, they can be brutally to
    the point. Once I needed to send a student
    to the office to deliver a message. I
    asked for volunteers, and suddenly you
    would think my classroom was a bastion
    of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands
    shot into the air. My students loved to
    leave the classroom and slack off, even
    if just for a few minutes, away from the
    eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned
    boy to deliver the message. One
    very black student was indignant: “You
    pick da half-breed.” And immediately
    other blacks take up the cry, and half
    a dozen mouths are screaming, “He

    For decades, the country has been
    lamenting the poor academic performance
    of blacks and there is much to
    lament. There is no question, however,
    that many blacks come to school with a
    serious handicap that is not their fault.
    At home they have learned a dialect that
    is almost a different language. Blacks
    not only mispronounce words; their
    grammar is often wrong. When a black
    wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?”
    he may actually say “Whar da badroom
    be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent
    of “Where the bathroom is?” And
    this is the way they speak in high school.
    Students write the way they speak, so
    this is the language that shows up in
    written assignments.

    It is true that some whites face a
    similar handicap. They speak with
    what I would call a “country” accent
    that is hard to reproduce but results in
    sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme
    a Coke.” Some of these country whites
    had to learn correct pronunciation and
    usage. The difference is that most whites
    overcome this handicap and learn to
    speak correctly; many blacks do not.

    Most of the blacks I taught simply
    had no interest in academic subjects. I
    taught history, and students would often
    say they didn’t want to do an assignment
    or they didn’t like history because it was
    all about white people. Of course, this
    was “diversity” history, in which every
    cowboy’s black cook got a special page
    on how he contributed to winning the
    West, but black children still found it
    inadequate. So I would throw up my
    hands and assign them a project on a
    real, historical black person. My favorite
    was Marcus Garvey. They had never
    heard of him, and I would tell them to
    research him, but they never did. They
    didn’t care and they didn’t want to do
    any work.

    Anyone who teaches blacks soon
    learns that they have a completely different
    view of government from whites.
    Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by
    having students write about one thing
    the government should do to improve
    America. I gave this question to three
    classes totaling about 100 students,
    approximately 80 of whom were black.
    My few white students came back with
    generally “conservative” ideas. “We
    need to cut off people who don’t work,”
    was the most common suggestion.
    Nearly every black gave a variation on
    the theme of “We need more government

    My students had only the vaguest
    notion of who pays for government
    services. For them, it was like a magical
    piggy bank that never goes empty. One
    black girl was exhorting the class on
    the need for more social services and I
    kept trying to explain that people, real
    live people, are taxed for the money to
    pay for those services. “Yeah, it come
    from whites,” she finally said. “They
    stingy anyway.”

    “Many black people make over
    $50,000 dollars a year and you would
    also be taking away from your own
    people,” I said.

    She had an answer to that: “Dey
    half breed.” The class agreed. I let the
    subject drop.

    Many black girls are perfectly happy
    to be welfare queens. On career day, one
    girl explained to the class that she was
    going to have lots of children and get fat
    checks from the government. No one in
    the class seemed to have any objection
    to this career choice.

    Surprising attitudes can come out in
    class discussion. We were talking about
    the crimes committed in the aftermath of
    Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the
    rape of a young girl in the bathroom of
    the Superdome. A majority of my students
    believed this was a horrible crime
    but a few took it lightly. One black boy
    spoke up without raising his hand: “Dat
    no big deal. They thought they is gonna
    die so they figured they have some fun.
    Dey jus’ wanna have a fun time; you
    know what I’m sayin’?” A few black
    heads nodded in agreement.

    My department head once asked all
    the teachers to get a response from all
    students to the following question: “Do
    you think it is okay to break the law if it
    will benefit you greatly?” By then, I had
    been teaching for a while and was not
    surprised by answers that left a young,
    liberal, white woman colleague aghast.
    “Yeah” was the favorite answer. As one
    student explained, “Get dat green.”

    There is a level of conformity among
    blacks that whites would find hard to
    believe. They like one kind
    of music: rap. They will
    vote for one political party:
    Democrat. They dance
    one way, speak one way,
    are loud the same way,
    and fail their exams in the
    same way. Of course, there
    are exceptions but they
    are rare.

    Whites are different.
    Some like country music,
    others heavy metal, some
    prefer pop, and still others,
    God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have
    different associations, groups, almost
    ideologies. There are jocks, nerds,
    preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all—
    well—black, and they are quick to let
    other blacks know when they deviate
    from the norm.

    One might object that there are important
    group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I
    have done my best to find them, but so
    far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk
    the same, think the same. Certainly, they
    form rival groups, but the groups are not
    different in any discernible way. There
    simply are no groups of blacks that are
    as distinctly different from each other
    as white “nerds,” “hunters,” or “Goths,”
    for example.

    How the world looks to blacks
    One point on which all blacks agree
    is that everything is “racis’.” This is
    one message of liberalism they have
    absorbed completely. Did you do your
    homework? “Na, homework racis’.”
    Why did you get an F on the test? “Test

    I was trying to teach a unit on British
    philosophers and the first thing the students
    noticed about Bentham, Hobbes,
    and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da
    black philosopher a’?” I tried to explain
    there were no blacks in eighteenth century
    Britain. You can probably guess
    what they said to that: “Dat racis’!”
    One student accused me of deliberately
    failing him on a test because I
    didn’t like black people.

    “Do you think I really hate black
    “Have I done anything to make you
    feel this way? How do you know?”
    “You just do.”
    “Why do you say that?”

    He just smirked, looked out the window,
    and sucked air through his teeth.
    Perhaps this was a regional thing, but
    the blacks often sucked air through their
    teeth as a wordless expression of disdain
    or hostility.

    My students were sometimes unable
    to see the world except through the lens
    of their own blackness. I had a class
    that was host to a German exchange
    student. One day he put on a Power Point
    presentation with famous German landmarks
    as well as his school and family.

    From time to time during the presentation,
    blacks would scream, “Where da
    black folk?!” The exasperated German
    tried several times to explain that there
    were no black people where he lived in
    Germany. The students did not believe
    him. I told them Germany is in Europe,
    where white people are from, and Africa
    is where black people are from. They
    insisted that the German student was
    racist, and deliberately refused to associate
    with blacks.

    Blacks are keenly interested in
    their own racial characteristics. I have
    learned, for example, that some blacks
    have “good hair.” Good hair is black
    parlance for black-white hybrid hair.
    Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to
    style, and considered more attractive.
    Blacks are also proud of light skin.
    Imagine two black students shouting
    insults across the room. One is dark
    but slim; the other light and obese. The
    dark one begins the exchange: “You
    fat, Ridario!” Ridario smiles, doesn’t deign to look
    at his detractor, shakes his head like a
    wobbling top, and says, “You wish you
    light skinned.”

    They could go on like this, repeating
    the same insults over and over.

    My black students had nothing but
    contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They
    would vent their feelings so crudely
    that our department strongly advised us
    never to talk about immigration in class
    in case the principal or some outsider
    might overhear.

    Whites were “racis’,” of course, but
    they thought of us at least as Americans.
    Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain,
    not necessarily hostile understanding of
    white people. They know how whites
    act, and it is clear they believe whites
    are smart and are good at organizing
    things. At the same time, they probably
    suspect whites are just putting on an
    act when they talk about equality, as if
    it is all a sham that makes it easier for
    whites to control blacks. Blacks want a
    bigger piece of the American pie. I’m
    convinced that if it were up to them
    they would give whites a considerably
    smaller piece than whites get now, but
    they would give us something. They
    wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

    What about black boys and white
    girls? No one is supposed to
    notice this or talk about it but
    it is glaringly obvious: Black
    boys are obsessed with white
    girls. I’ve witnessed the following
    drama countless times. A black
    boy saunters up to a white
    girl. The cocky black dances
    around her, not really in a menacing
    way. It’s more a shuffle
    than a threat. As he bobs and
    shuffles he asks, “When you
    gonna go wit’ me?”

    There are two kinds of reply.
    The more confident white
    girl gets annoyed, looks away
    from the black and shouts, “I don’t wanna
    go out with you!” The more demure
    girl will look at her feet and mumble
    a polite excuse but ultimately say no.

    There is only one response from the
    black boy: “You racis’.” Many girls—all
    too many—actually feel guilty because
    they do not want to date blacks. Most
    white girls at my school stayed away
    from blacks, but a few, particularly the
    ones who were addicted to drugs, fell
    in with them.

    There is something else that is striking
    about blacks. They seem to have
    no sense of romance, of falling in love.
    What brings men and women together is
    sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude
    openness about this. There are many degenerate
    whites, of course, but some of
    my white students were capable of real
    devotion and tenderness, emotions that
    seemed absent from blacks—especially
    the boys.

    Black schools are violent and the
    few whites who are too poor to escape
    are caught in the storm. The violence is
    astonishing, not so much that it happens,
    but the atmosphere in which it happens.
    Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly
    content with what they are doing,
    having a good time, and then, suddenly
    start fighting. It’s uncanny. Not long
    ago, I was walking through the halls
    and a group of black boys were walking
    in front of me. All of a sudden they
    started fighting with another group in
    the hallway.

    Blacks are extraordinarily quick to
    take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed
    a black boy’s white sneaker with my
    shoe. He immediately rubbed his body
    up against mine and threatened to attack
    me. I stepped outside the class and had
    a security guard escort the student to
    the office. It was unusual for students
    to threaten teachers physically this way,
    but among themselves, they were quick
    to fight for similar reasons.

    The real victims are the unfortunate
    whites caught in this. They are always
    in danger and their educations suffer.
    White weaklings are particularly susceptible,
    but mostly to petty violence. They
    may be slapped or get a couple of kicks
    when they are trying to open a bottom
    locker. Typically, blacks save the hard,
    serious violence for each other.

    There was a lot of promiscuous sex
    among my students and this led to
    violence. Black girls were constantly
    fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon
    to see two girls literally ripping
    each other’s hair out with a police officer
    in the middle trying to break up the
    fight. The black boy they were fighting
    over would be standing by with a smile,
    enjoying the show he had created. For
    reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom
    fought over girls.

    Pregnancy was common among the
    blacks, though many black girls were
    so fat I could not tell the difference. I
    don’t know how many girls got abortions,
    but when they had the baby they
    usually stayed in school and had their
    own parents look after the child. The
    school did not offer daycare.

    Aside from the police officers constantly
    on patrol, a sure sign that you
    My black students had
    nothing but contempt for
    Hispanics. Whites were
    “racis’,” of course, but
    they thought of us at least
    as Americans.

    Security guards are everywhere in
    black schools—we had one on every
    hall. They also sat in on unruly classes
    and escorted students to the office. They
    were unarmed, but worked closely with
    the three city police officers who were
    constantly on duty.

    There was a lot of drug-dealing at
    my school. This was a good way to
    make a fair amount of money but it
    also gave boys power over girls who
    wanted drugs. An addicted girl—black
    or white—became the plaything of anyone
    who could get her drugs.

    One of my students was a notorious
    drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was
    19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once
    he got a score of three out of 100 on a
    test. He had been locked up four times
    since he was 13.

    One day, I asked him, “Why do you
    come to school?”

    He wouldn’t answer. He just looked
    out the window, smiled, and sucked air
    through his teeth. His friend Yidarius
    ventured an explanation: “He get dat
    green and get dem females.”

    “What is the green?” I asked. “Money
    or dope?” “Both,” said Yidarius with a smile.

    A very fat black interrupted from
    across the room: “We get dat lunch,” Mr.
    Jackson. “We gotta get dat lunch and
    brickfuss.” He means the free breakfast
    and lunch poor students get every day.
    “Nigga, we know’d you be lovin’
    brickfuss!” shouts another student.

    Some readers may believe that I
    have drawn a cruel caricature of black
    students. After all, according to official
    figures some 85 percent of them graduate.
    It would be instructive to know how
    many of those scraped by with barely a
    C- record. They go from grade to grade
    and they finally get their diplomas
    because there is so much pressure on
    teachers to push them through. It saves
    money to move them along, the school
    looks good, and the teachers look good.

    Many of these children should have been
    failed, but the system would crack under
    their weight if they were all held back.

    How did my experiences make me
    feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost
    sympathy for them. In so many ways
    they seem to make their own beds.
    There they were in an integrationist’s
    fantasy—in the same classroom with
    white students, eating the same lunch,
    using the same bathrooms, listening to
    the same teachers—and yet the blacks
    fail while the whites pass.

    One tragic outcome among whites
    who have been teaching for too long
    is that it can engender something close
    to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up
    fast food—not for health reasons but
    because where he lived most fast-food
    workers were black. He had enough of
    blacks on the job. This was an extreme
    example but years of frustration can
    take their toll. Many of my white colleagues
    with any experience were well
    on their way to that state of mind.

    There is an unutterable secret among
    teachers: Almost all realize that blacks
    do not respond to traditional white
    instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism?
    Not at all. It is what
    brings about endless, pointless innovation
    that is supposed to bring blacks up
    to the white level. The solution is more diversity—or put
    more generally, the solution is change.
    Change is an almost holy word in education,
    and you can fail a million times as
    long as you keep changing. That is why
    liberals keep revamping the curriculum
    and the way it is taught. For example,
    teachers are told that blacks need handson
    instruction and more group work.

    Teachers are told that blacks are more
    vocal and do not learn through reading
    and lectures. The implication is that they
    have certain traits that lend themselves
    to a different kind of teaching.

    Whites have learned a certain way for
    centuries but it just doesn’t work with
    blacks. Of course, this implies racial
    differences but if pressed, most liberal
    teachers would say different racial
    learning styles come from some indefinable
    cultural characteristic unique to
    blacks. Therefore, schools must change,
    America must change. But into what?
    How do you turn quantum physics into
    hands-on instruction or group work? No
    one knows, but we must keep changing
    until we find something that works.

    Public school has certainly changed
    since anyone reading this was a student.
    I have a friend who teaches elementary
    school, and she tells me that every week
    the students get a new diversity lesson,
    shipped in fresh from some bureaucrat’s
    office in Washington or the state
    capital. She showed me the materials
    for one week: a large poster,
    about the size of a forty-two inch
    flat-screen television. It shows
    an utterly diverse group—I mean
    diverse: handicapped, Muslim,
    Jewish, effeminate, poor, rich,
    brown, slightly brown, yellow,
    etc.—sitting at a table, smiling
    gaily, accomplishing some undefined
    task. The poster comes with
    a sheet of questions the teacher is
    supposed to ask. One might be: “These
    kids sure look different, but they look
    happy. Can you tell me which one in
    the picture is an American?”

    Some eight-year-old, mired in ignorance,
    will point to a white child like
    himself. “That one.”

    The teacher reads from the answer,
    conveniently printed along with the
    question. “No, Billy, all these children
    are Americans. They are just as American
    as you.”

    The children get a snack, and the
    poster goes up on the wall until another
    one comes a week later. This is
    what happens at predominately white,
    middle-class, elementary schools everywhere.
    Elementary school teachers love All
    of the Colors of the Race, by award-winning
    children’s poet Arnold Adoff.

    These are some of the lines they read
    to the children: “Mama is chocolate …
    Daddy is vanilla … Me (sic) is better …
    It is a new color. It is a new flavor. For
    love. Sometimes blackness seems too
    black for me, and whiteness is too sickly
    pale; and I wish every one were golden.
    Remember: long ago before people
    moved and migrated, and mixed and
    matched … there was one people: one
    color, one race. The colors are flowing
    from what was before me to what will
    be after. All the colors.”

    Teaching as a career
    It may come as a surprise after what
    I have written, but my experiences have
    given me a deep appreciation for teaching
    as a career. It offers a stable, middle-class
    life but comes with the capacity
    to make real differences in the lives of
    children. In our modern, atomized world
    children often have very little communication
    with adults—especially, or even,
    with their parents—so there is potential
    for a real transaction between pupil and
    teacher, disciple and master.

    A rewarding relationship can grow
    up between an exceptional, interested
    student and his teacher. I have stayed in
    my classroom with a group of students
    discussing ideas and playing chess until
    the janitor kicked us out. I was the
    old gentleman, imparting my history,
    culture, personal loves and triumphs,
    defeats and failures to young kinsman.
    Sometimes I fancied myself Tyrtaeus,
    the Spartan poet, who counseled the
    youth to honor and loyalty. I never had
    this kind intimacy with a black student,
    and I know of no other white teacher
    who did.

    Teaching can be fun. For a certain
    kind of person it is exhilarating to map
    out battles on chalkboards, and teach
    heroism. It is rewarding to challenge
    liberal prejudices, to leave my mark on
    these children, but what I aimed for with
    my white students I could never achieve
    with the blacks.

    There is a kind of child whose look
    can melt your heart: some working-class
    castaway, in and out of foster homes,
    often abused, who is nevertheless almost
    an angel. Your heart melts for these children,
    this refuse of the modern world.

    Many white students possess a certain
    innocence; their cheeks still blush.
    Try as I might, I could not get the
    blacks to care one bit about Beethoven
    or Sherman’s march to the sea, or
    Tyrtaeus, or Oswald Spengler, or even
    liberals like John Rawls, or their own
    history. They cared about nothing I
    tried to teach them. When this goes on
    year after year it chokes the soul out
    of a teacher, destroys his pathos, and
    sends him guiltily searching for The Bell
    Curve on the Internet.

    Blacks break down the intimacy that
    can be achieved in the classroom, and
    leave you convinced that that intimacy
    is really a form of kinship. Without
    intending to, they destroy what is most
    beautiful—whether it be your belief in
    human equality, your daughter’s innocence,
    or even the state of the

    Just last year I read on the
    bathroom stall the words “F**k
    Whitey.” Not two feet away, on the
    same stall, was a small swastika.

    The National Council for the Social
    Studies, the leading authority on social
    science education in the United States,
    urges teachers to inculcate such values
    as equality of opportunity, individual
    property rights, and a democratic form
    of government. Even if teachers could
    inculcate this milquetoast ideology into
    whites, liberalism is doomed because so
    many non-whites are not receptive to
    education of any kind beyond the merest

    It is impossible to
    get them to care about such abstractions
    as property rights or democratic citizenship.
    They do not see much further than
    the fact that you live in a big house and
    “we in da pro-jek.” Of course, there are a
    few loutish whites who will never think
    past their next meal and a few sensitive
    blacks for whom anything is possible,
    but no society takes on the characteristics
    of its exceptions.

    Once I asked my students, “What do
    you think of the Constitution?”
    “It white,” one slouching black rang
    out. The class began to laugh. And I
    caught myself laughing along with them,
    laughing while Pompeii’s volcano simmers,
    while the barbarians swell around
    the Palatine, while the country I love,
    and the job I love, and the community I
    love become dimmer by the day.

    I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian
    who visited Zimbabwe not
    too many years ago. Traveling with a
    companion, she stopped at a store along
    the highway. A black man materialized
    next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I)
    work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You
    give job.”

    “What happened to your old job?”
    the expatriate white asked. The black man replied in the straightforward
    manner of his race: “We drove
    out the whites. No more jobs. You give

    At some level, my students understand
    the same thing. One day I asked
    the bored, black faces staring back
    at me. “What would happen if all the
    white people in America disappeared

    “We screwed,” a young, pitch-black
    boy screamed back. The rest of the
    blacks laughed.

    I have had children tell me to my face
    as they struggled with an assignment. “I
    cain’t do dis,” Mr. Jackson. “I black.”

    The point is that human beings are not
    always rational. It is in the black man’s
    interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but
    he drives them out and starves. Most
    whites do not think black Americans
    could ever do anything so irrational.
    They see blacks on television smiling,
    fighting evil whites, embodying
    white values. But the real black is not
    on television, and you pull your purse
    closer when you see him, and you lock
    the car doors when he swaggers by
    with his pants hanging down almost to
    his knees.

    For those of you with children, better
    a smaller house in a white district than
    a fancy one near a black school.

    I have been in parent-teacher conferences
    that broke my heart: the child
    pleading with his parents to take him
    out of school; the parents convinced
    their child’s fears are groundless. If you
    love your child, show her you care—
    not by giving her fancy vacations or a
    car, but making her innocent years safe
    and happy. Give her the gift of a not-heavily black

    Mr. Jackson now teaches at a majority-
    white school.

    + SOURCE =

  30. “It creates a feeling of unease. There is always a low level sense of racial tension. Sometimes it is aired in a botched joke, a look, or a comment. More than any other reason, I think this is why white racialists so often become separatists. It is a logical extension of their desire to avoid uncomfortable situations.”

    You think it is JUST WHITES that feel this way?, or even just human beings? Let me share a story with ya’ll.

    I use to work in a store and we one evening found an infant kitten in the back alley. Well, long story short, he was an adorable and friendly cat, so we adopted him.

    As he was growing, he would love to play rambunctiously with us, the staff, and most any customers who would come into the store.

    With one exception, however. And I am sure you all probably know where this is going.

    Yup, if a Negro had ANY degree of attitude, even if said individual didn’t say A WORD, which most ‘bad assers’ never or rarely did, the cat would avoid ’em like the plague, and hissed and growled on the occasions when he was approached, by ’em.

    Now before any Pee Cee fools think the cat was a ‘racist’, think again, for if a Black man or women customer/client was a decent person, without even saying anything, the cat treated them just as friendly and affectionately as a White customer–you know, grabbing their leg, trying to sit on their lap (and often shoulders), etc.

    (One Black customer in particular I think took something like 40-50 pictures of himself and the cat and e-mailed it home to his family in the South).

    You see, it was all in the people’s BODY LANGUAGES, for it is something like 93% of what is being communicated, according to many psychological studies.

    So, bottom line, other than working along side a very cool and intelligent cat, is that in order to GET respect, one HAS to be ready to GIVE IT. And most people know when one is sincere, since it all boils down to BODY LANGUAGE.

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