RE: Noblesse Oblige

The griefers deserve a bonus for doing their job this week: Steve Sailer is directly discussing Jewish power and their abuse of that power. For years, critics have accused him of deliberately evading the Jewish Question, but that never did make sense to me. I was sure that the man was far too lacking in basic social instincts to strategically avoid ANYTHING.

I’ve been vindicated. He has finally gotten around to it.

He dove right to the crux of the issue: That they’re alien elites. He contrasts their disregard for and even reflexive hatred of the White American nation with the spirit of noblesse oblige manifested by the WASP elites they’ve replaced.

The problem with Sailer is that a part of his bargain with the devil to be an analytical genius was that he be socially retarded. To quote Brimelow from his foreword to America’s Half-Blood Prince:

He often reminds me of a gangly, goofy Labrador pup, bounding happily into the living room eager to show off the latest filthy bone he’s dug up, utterly oblivious to the universal shock, horror and dogicidal glares.

This sword slices both ways in this case. His condition leads him to casually stroll down this dangerous path of inquiry yet it renders him incapable of devising a workable solution after so thoroughly presenting the problem.

Veterans of the “Citizenism vs. White Nationalism” debates will see a familiar pattern emerging in Sailer’s plea for Jews to radically reconsider their relationship with White America. Why don’t our Jewish overlords stop thinking of us as a threat and expand their tribal sympathies to include us?

That’s just not how neurotypical humans work, Steve. You can, with constant pressure, disable the tribal instinct altogether. But you can’t arbitrarily mold it to your fancy. By analogy, you can castrate a child molester but you can’t make him have a normal sex drive.

Jews innately sense an “us” and “them” separation between themselves and their gentile hosts at a very basic level. That’s healthy, natural, and appropriate. Humans exist in tribes as naturally as geese exist in flocks and fish exist in schools. The problem is that only an indigenous elite can be expected to treat a nation fairly.

Jews are the abusive stepfather of Western Civilization.

The only lasting solution is to raise up or rehabilitate an indigenous elite. Jews aren’t the only managerial elite capable of latching onto an alien people, as the Overseas Chinese demonstrate. Simple anti-Semitism without accounting for the necessity of having an indigenous elite can only serve to deliver us to different alien overlords.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. Matt, nice blog about Sailer. I think you’ve zeroed in on some of what makes him tick. And he does more to broach The Jewish Problem(s) than you might think.

    Readers might also want to revisit my two columns on Sailer, plus a more recent blog. See:

    Steve Sailer, an Indispensable Pundit

    and Channeling Steve Sailer

    Finally, the blog is “Steve Sailer Gets It”:

  2. To n/a:

    I don’t want to restore the United States. I don’t want to restore the US Constitution. I don’t want to restore the old patterns of ethnic dominance in the US, the WASP elite, Jim Crow, etc. Why not? Because if we turned the clock back 100 years, our descendants would be in the same mess 100 years hence. America was a flawed creation. We can do better. America is falling of its own weaknesses. That which is falling, we should push.

    Pointing out perfidious Americans of all ethnic backgrounds is easy and proves nothing. I also know white nationalists of all ethnic backgrounds too, and most of them are a mix of different European tribes — English/Dutch/German, Italian/Irish/German, Italian/Irish/French, Spanish/Russian/Irish, Hungarian/Dutch/Spanish, Scottish/Irish/German. This is true even of some of the older generation who call themselves Anglo-Saxons, but even among men in their 60s, it is perceived as an affectation and eccentricity. Those under 40, even under 50, generally think of themselves as white first and foremost.

    These are the people who are working for a state or states for our people. If we win, they and their descendants will be the new elite, the new aristocracy, and they will think of themselves simply as white. There will be a lot of English and Scottish blood in their veins, but they will not think of themselves as Anglo-Saxons or Protestants, but simply as white. They will be the new W establishment.

    It is all well and good to bemoan the American machine, and how it has stripped Europeans of their distinct identities. But that will not undo the work it did. We cannot unmix the genes now. But we can turn that to our advantage. Because of the heterogeneous European stocks in this country, America from the very beginning promoted simple racial consciousness — white versus the black and red then the yellow — and we can build a White Republic on that foundation.

  3. “And why do anti-Jewish white nationalists insist that whites will never learn to behave differently, will never acquire the ability to stand up for their own interests while in the presence of this tiny little group?”

    It serves their ethnic interest. Why is there an Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform if the Irish, as “White” Americans care about or should care about White American nationalism? It’s more important to serve the interests of the 50,000 illegal Irish in the US. If you believe that you can’t “arbitrarily mold” tribal instinct, in the case of Jews, to suite your ends, then why do you believe it is possible in the case of the Irish or any other White ethnic group? With respect, it’s entirely contradictory.

  4. Desmond,
    I believe that tribalism can be molded, but only over time and only under the right conditions. These “right conditions” happened for the majority of Americans of Irish descent, to whom being of Irish descent is of very little real significance. With Jews, there’s a perfect storm of conditions to limit their sense of tribal identification to within the Jewish population. Does that help explain it? I may need to put some time into sorting my thoughts out a bit better on the subject.

  5. Joe Walker said: “While Sailer’s article is good in that it acknowledges that Jews have replaced WASPs as the dominant ethnic group in the United States, it is bad in that it asks Jews to be good overlords of the rest of us.”

    Steve Sailer is stuck on his “Citizenism” idea (which would be a great idea if humans were angels) because he’s half Jewish. He can see that Jews have been a problem for America, but his Jewish half leads him to, nevertheless, ultimately defend Jews. Can’t blame him for that since he is part Jewish:

    “For an extreme example of how pro-Semitism can come about within an individual merely through genes alone, consider me [Steve Sailer]. Although I’m Catholic, I became very pro-Semitic at the age of 13 when my powers of logic kicked in (and my hair turned curly). I quickly noticed that a high percentage of the thinkers I either agreed with (e.g., Milton Friedman) or whom I considered it a worthy challenge to argue against were Jewish. Since I was adopted, a few years later I concluded that it was likely that I was half-Jewish biologically, (which indeed appears to be the case based on evidence my wife dug up when I was 30). It’s important to understand the chain of causation: having a very Jewish-style brain (e.g., enjoying logical argument), I sought out the best logical arguers to read, very many of whom were Jewish. (You may object that my political views today don’t sound much like those of the majority of American Jews, but I was enormously influenced by Jewish neoconservatives in the 1970s and 1980s. Having gone to some lengths to expose myself to Jewish thinkers (not because they were Jewish per se, but because those who most stimulated my kind of mind more than writers from other ethnic groups), I absorbed from them a lot of typically Jewish political stances: e.g., pro-Israel and pro-immigration.

    “Now, my pro-Semitism came about even though I was being raised in my (adoptive) family, which has no Jewish relatives, and, in fact, has a slight anti-Semitic mindset. (I realize my case is only a single data point, so I recommend somebody conduct a formal adoption study of Jews and part-Jews adopted by gentile families.)”

  6. I was lucky to grow up in the 70s and 80s before most blacks spread out of their segregated neighborhoods and before immigrants reached critical mass. It wasn’t a perfect era and I’m sure my father lived in a better time, but I have pleasant memories of what it meant to be an American and I would like that nation salvaged if possible, rather than split off into territories.

  7. “Steve Sailer is stuck on his “Citizenism” idea (which would be a great idea if humans were angels) because he’s half Jewish. He can see that Jews have been a problem for America, but his Jewish half leads him to, nevertheless, ultimately defend Jews. Can’t blame him for that since he is part Jewish:” — Eileen


    As you posted, what Sailer actually says is that its really all speculation and a ‘guess’ whether he is Jewish or not.

    Tell you the truth, this seems more like ‘protective cover’ on his part — and others like him — than anything else.

    I am Not Racist, but…

    …As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism.

  8. @KNL — Sailer said, “…it was likely that I was half-Jewish biologically, (which indeed appears to be the case based on evidence my wife dug up when I was 30).” There’s evidence. A birth certificate or adoption records or something that Mrs. Sailer found.

    Besides, you’re making it too complicated. More likely that someone who favors a particular group AND says it’s likely that he’s OF that group is, indeed, of that group, rather than just trying to court favor with that group.

  9. “…There’s evidence. A birth certificate or adoption records or something that Mrs. Sailer found.”


    Perhaps I am reading a bit too much into it, however, I would assume that if there was a birth certificate or adoption records, Sailer would have said so, since his statement seems to leave a lot of ‘wiggle room’.

    BTW, this comment of his is several years old, well before he started to become far more tolerant and open in discussing the ‘JQ’ — and I feel it was a bit of ‘plausible denial’ on Sailer’s part to fend of potential criticism on discussing it.

    Either way, I tremendously like ‘the Steve-O’, as some of his commenters refer to him as. He is a good man and a great commentator on the issues of the day.

  10. Glad to see Sailer addressing the topic of Jewish elites. Guy White must be having a coronary since according to him all “normal” people reject anti-semitism because Jews are so intelligent and cuddly.

    Jews aren’t simply the new self interested and money obsessed elite but a hostile elite. Most of them share an atavistic hatred of the white majority and its culture which is obvious by their activism on behalf of non-whites and the anti-white themes of most Hollywood movies. They feel an obligation only to pursue their collective ethnic self interest and nothing more.

  11. KNL said: “Either way, I tremendously like ‘the Steve-O’, as some of his commenters refer to him as. He is a good man and a great commentator on the issues of the day.”

    Me, too — and I agree. Second site I visit every day (after Drudge). I do think it’s interesting, though, that Steve hedges on the JQ — and that is likely because he’s half Jewish. We are all machines for our genes! There’s no getting away from biology.

  12. Jews aren’t simply the new self interested and money obsessed elite but a hostile elite. …

    They feel an obligation only to pursue their collective ethnic self interest and nothing more.

    What is interesting — and unique — about the Jewish elites Mr. Dithers is that they believe, nay mandate, that their collective ‘self-interest’ MUST come at the expense of the White Majority — or any other majority of which they dwell amongst

  13. What is interesting — and unique — about the Jewish elites Mr. Dithers is that they believe, nay mandate, that their collective ’self-interest’ MUST come at the expense of the White Majority — or any other majority of which they dwell amongst.

    And a further – and most important – question is : exactly *how* do the Jewish elites conceive their “collective self-interest”?

    As a regnant oligarchy, they cannot pursue it strictly in terms of material self-interest. There has to be an irrational theological and/or ideological element to it that transcends issues of mere *personal* self-interest. For there is no such thing as a collective “self”. There can only be a collective working toward something else – something greater – such as (ancient) “Rome” or “the salvation of souls” or “the withering away of the State” in order to preserve and coordinate adherence to a common enterprise.

    And it is the case in the modern world that ideological and theological leadership does not inherit its position. Dedication to, and sacrifice for, the “faith” or the “cause” or the “movement,” is an element of ascent to power in this context, and tends to exclude self-seeking, merely materialistic hypocrites from the ranks of those who rule.

    So, I put it to you: what exactly is the faith, expectation, and higher motivation, of those who govern us from behind the scenes? Is the answer suggested by the history of the West – and by the history of the Jews, themselves?

    [hint: Masada and Bar Kochba]

  14. having a very Jewish-style brain (e.g., enjoying logical argument)

    Oh, brother. Now Jews get to own being a natural debater. I’ve often thought that I’m better at understanding how Jews think because that’s how I think, too, but I’ve never thought it would be a great idea to label our common thought patterns “Jewish.”

  15. And if Steve thinks he “thinks like a Jew,” he can think again. Rational materialism ain’t enough, you need a huge dose of ethnocentrism too.

  16. Oh, and don’t forget authoritarianism, too. I may have Steve beat on the ethnocentrism bit, but authoritarianism, fuggedabout it. Jews can have that one.

  17. Jewish-style brain (e.g., enjoying logical argument)

    You know, Jews have above-average verbal skills but I generally find them to be subpar when it comes to logic. You don’t need logic to fool people. I remember reading several articles by Jewish journalists where I literally lost count of all the logical fallacies.

    So, I put it to you: what exactly is the faith, expectation, and higher motivation, of those who govern us from behind the scenes? Is the answer suggested by the history of the West – and by the history of the Jews, themselves?

    [hint: Masada and Bar Kochba] – NN

    I don’t know the exact answer but it certainly is grandiose and messianic, I’ve always taken their ideology of “repairing the world” quite seriously as it’s how they seem to operate even in mundane affairs.

  18. Jewish-style brain (e.g., enjoying logical argument)

    Actually, it is precisely the antithesis of ‘logic’ that defines “Jewish” (read Talmudic) ‘thinking’ and ‘arguing’ — and their ability to pull-off this social con-game for so long (but especially among Anglo-Americans).

  19. >em>Actually, it is precisely the antithesis of ‘logic’ that defines “Jewish” (read Talmudic) ‘thinking’ and ‘arguing’…

    Here is an example:


    These men say that night is day;
    they claim that the darkness is light.

    Job 17:12

  20. Actually, it is precisely the antithesis of ‘logic’ that defines “Jewish” (read Talmudic) ‘thinking’ and ‘arguing’…

    Additional examples:


    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous,
    Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    Proverbs 17:15


    Woe to those who call evil good

    and good evil,

    who put darkness for light

    and light for darkness,

    who put bitter for sweet

    and sweet for bitter.

    Isaiah 5:20

  21. Anthony Imperiale later became PC after his neighborhood turned Puerto Rican. He was not pro-white in any way, shape or form. Frank Rizzo was not pro-white either. We need to distinguish between our beliefs about a white ethno-state and the old man reactionary garbage from the 1970’s that failed to stop our enemies from gaining ground.

  22. Me, too — and I agree. Second site I visit every day (after Drudge). I do think it’s interesting, though, that Steve hedges on the JQ — and that is likely because he’s half Jewish. We are all machines for our genes! There’s no getting away from biology.


    Steve Sailer, while certainly not at our level of consciouness regarding the ‘JQ’, is nonetheless excellent on it compared to so many of his colleagues on the ‘paleo’ Right.

    He is a great man and a great writer, and an asset to our people.

  23. Greg,

    “I don’t want to restore the United States.”

    I’m indifferent to the fate of the United States as a political unit. I’m not indifferent to the fate of my coethnics, among whom I do not count people who look like this or this.

  24. I’m not indifferent to the fate of my coethnics, among whom I do not count people who look like this or this. – n/a

    No one could look at those pics and believe that what racialists call “Meds” are in the same racial category as what we traditionally call White. Olive skin and features like theirs are clearly influenced by Near Eastern admixture. There is no other explanation, esp since ancient Romans and Greeks were not of this same phenotype but rather virtually indistinguishable from modern Whites.

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