Jacksonian America

Clinton Coalition No More

Clinton Country

In The Weekly Standard,  Jay Cost draws my attention to an article by Sean Trende published last year at RealClearPolitics about the demise of the Clinton coalition.

A year later, this process is far more advanced than it was when Republicans won two governorships in Virginia and New Jersey. White Democrats and Independents have been silently deserting the Democratic Party. Combined with the anger of the Republican base, this movement within White America toward the GOP sheds considerable light on the Tea Party and its likely trajectory.

The story begins in the Early Republic when the Democratic Party emerged and succeeded in overthrowing the Federalist Party. For two hundred years thereafter, the Democratic Party was the champion of the common White man against the Whig and Republican monied interests.

The base of the Democratic Party was located in the South and Border States. These Jacksonian Democrats – culturally conservative, hawkish, populist Whites  – sustained the party from Andrew Jackson through Bill Clinton.

In the twentieth century, this slowly began to change. Progressives moved into the Democratic Party under Woodrow Wilson and became more influential under FDR. Jews became an increasingly more powerful and influential faction within the Democratic coalition.

Under FDR, the Democratic Party began its long courtship with black voters. As blacks, Jews, and White liberals became more influential within the party, the first cracks began to appear in the Jacksonian base. The Dixiecrats in the Deep South rebelled against Truman.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Republicans exploited the White backlash against the Civil Rights Movement to peel off a significant number of Jacksonians, but they remained a small minority within the Republican coalition. Blacks voted solidly Democratic after the Voting Rights Act.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Democratic Party migrated further to the Left, and the ensuing White backlash resulted in landslide victories for Nixon and Reagan. In spite of this, Jacksonians remained a minority within the traditional Republican coalition.

In the 1990s, the South began to tilt dramatically toward the Republican Party. Jacksonians were now evenly divided between the Republican and Democratic parties. Still, there were enough Jacksonians around for Bill Clinton to build a winning coalition and reside in the White House for eight years.

Under George W. Bush, the Jacksonian exodus continued, now reaching a point where terms like “Red America” and “Blue America” entered mainstream political discourse. In 2000 and 2004, the Jacksonian abandonment of the Democratic Party cost Al Gore and John Kerry the presidency.

By the mid-2000s, Jacksonians had become the base of the Republican Party. They had given the GOP the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, but the GOP establishment blocked their agenda. This collapse in confidence resulted in the Republican blowouts of 2006 and 2008.

Barack Obama was elected President.

This was interpreted by superficial observers as evidence of a progressive realignment of American politics that would last for decades. Obama, the Democratic majority, and the liberal base of the party had waited years for this opportunity and seized upon it to advance their agenda.

In the process, they succeeded in driving out almost all of the remaining Jacksonians from the Democratic Party. This fresh influx of Whites into the Republican Party completed the realignment that began with the Dixiecrat rebellion. It has been half a century since the Jacksonians were united under a common political umbrella.

Political gravity is now working its magic.

With all the Jacksonians now in the Republican Party, the GOP establishment is too weak to maintain its traditional dominance. The conservative base of the party is ousting the establishment and succeeding in remaking it in its own image.

Now that all the Jacksonians have abandoned the Democratic Party, the power and influence of Jews, non-White minorities, and White liberals within the party has been magnified even further. The brakes are gone on the liberal agenda.

This is having the effect of pushing out the socially liberal, fiscally conservative Whites who live in the suburbs outside the major cities. They are leaning toward the Republicans this year. As the fiscal ramifications of the Jacksonian exodus to the GOP becomes clear, they too will likely find themselves settling down in their new home.

The talk of 2010 being a “wave election” is grossly overblown. In the Senate, Democrats are mostly defending seats in the Northeast and Pacific West, regional strongholds of the party, which they nevertheless seem close to losing anyway.

The real “wave election” will come in 2012 when Democrats will be forced to defend 24 Senate seats in the South, Mountain West, and Midwest where the major realignment of the White vote is taking place.

As we move further into the twenty-first century, “Heartland America” will increasingly take shape. The Republican Party will gradually be transformed into the White Party. The Democratic Party into the non-White Party.

This is the precursor to separation.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A pity that Barbara Boxer will probably be reelected though the polls a few months ago had her losing. Even though a RINO would have replaced her it would have been nice to have one less Jew in the senate.

  2. @ Hunter

    This realignment has been going on since Kevin Phillips noticed & quantified it back in the late 1960’s as the “Southern Strategy”. Although, Phillips (is he Jewish) refuses to speak to the Jewish agenda & Israel, and today acts & writes like a neo-con/neo-lib.

    The Jewish-Roman Catholic alliance in Congress is under stress, and we will see more Roman Catholic politicians fall because of their slavish behavior to the Jews’ agenda and Israel’s interest. Funny how it’s known in Congress as “interested in Israel”.

    Also, people are starting to see through Irish Catholic blowhardism as practiced by Pat Buchanan, and that type of Eddie Haskell Roman Catholic. Then there is Irish blowhard, he even starred in the Knute Rockne story, Ronnie Raygun who did open the door for both illegal aliens & mass migration from the turd world.

    As long as we give the Jews the back of our hand every chance we get, and can keep the Catholics from wavering, or being bought off by Jew money & media, we may have a chance to turn things around.

    Good story, Hunter.

  3. The only reason I’m even going to bother voting in November is because Rand Paul is running for Senator in my state. If there really is a sea change happening then it should reflect in traditional conservative candidates being fielded for office. If it turns out that the Republican Party and perhaps even the Tea Parties are taking the neoconservative brand off the shelves, repackaging it under a different label and putting the same product out there for uninformed gullible consumers, then there’s no point in us voters maintaining the charade.

  4. @Alex

    Pat’s a blowhard with King Tut tendencies. What’s an old Irish Roman Catholic political pooch like Pat going to do—takes his millions with him in his casket?

    Pat’s a fraud in the sense that he takes money for his Irish Roman Catholic bullshit—and then says just the opposite on TV the next day. He’s more of a fat old Irish whore. LOL.

  5. Good grief – “Old Dutch” AKA “Tom Watson” aka “Tom” and now aka “Earlmundo Pitts III” just can’t stop with his fucking stupid Irish Catholic Bashing. What a freak.

    He makes some points, but this retard has a real sick obsession.

  6. Anyone who has the courage to openly to state that the US Congress is “Israeli occupied territory” and lived to to say it again another day is heroic. The legendary 300 Spartans would have cheered Buchanan’s moxie in the face of a ruthless, relentless enemy.

    Blowhards merely mouth-off, full of ineffectual sound and fury, under the cover of anonymity on internet forums. That is definitive blowhardism.

    BTW, Buchanan is only one quarter Celtic or non-Scots Irish. He’s half German by ancestry. He now says he’s Scots-Irish.

  7. @ Good Grief etc.

    Speaking of fat old Irish Roman Catholic whores, can you name me an Irish Roman Catholic politician in Pennsylvania who isn’t a homosexual?

    A Roman Catholic football coach put the above question to me. 🙂

  8. I’m a Protestant but Pat Buchanan is the voice of the real right in America and adored by millions of us. Why are so hung up on bashing Catholics? Is it because they believe in replacement theology or the Pope reinstated the “prayer for conversion” or because they don’t follow Christian zionism?

  9. Follow the link to the Real Clear Politics article. It puts Virginia under the microscope of the last several election cycles. Notice the implosion of the Mark Warner coalition. In particular, look at the flight of rural White Democrats (i.e., Jacksonians) from the coal counties in western Virginia.

  10. I hope you’re right, Hunter. I’m afraid it’s the “one step forward, two steps back” that I’ve seen in this country since I was a kid, with it being far crazier now than then. It’s like swing voters have no real values, and no real brain. They’re like worms who simply move in the opposite direction of whatever last poked them, on their slow movement to the progressive side, because that’s the “easier” side. I Just pray your descriptions hold true until 2012, and things don’t go back to “business as usual” after November.

  11. I’ve been around the White Nationalist scene for almost a decade now. Looking back on that period, I can’t point to any steps forward. Looking a decade ahead, I can’t see anything changing.

    The problems holding the White Nationalist movement back are easy to identify. The solutions are readily available. The major obstacle isn’t our opposition or lack of historical opportunities. It is an unwillingness on the part of White Nationalists to do what is necessary to win.

    The problem is easily illustrated with the following question: are you willing to stand on a podium in your community, grasp a microphone in your hand, and tell your peers in public what you have been saying on the internet?

    In a single stroke, this question strikes down 99% of the Laptop Luftwaffe. It floors them.

    Like a Rubik’s Cube, it also illustrates various other aspects of the problem: the inability to organize, the inability to build a power base, the inability to communicate with ordinary people in their own terms, the inability of the converted to do anything, a radical rhetoric that is untethered from effective action, using the internet as an escape valve to blow off steam, etc.

    It is true that country does swing like a pendulum to the Left and Right, but less to the Right than to the Left. That in a nutshell is what I have been trying to get across here.

    The Far Left is willing to do all the things that White Nationalists frown on. That is one of the major reasons they are succeeding. Jewish Trotskyites are willing to invade and subvert the conservative movement, but any suggestion that White Nationalists should similarly invade and hijack the mainstream Right is met with contempt and derision.

  12. RE Alex
    Why are so hung up on bashing Catholics?

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but if the RCC has ever been a friend of the USA then God Help Us if we are make an enemy!

    The year the RCC becomes a friend of the USA is the year when fewer than 10% of new babies born are born to white-protestant parents. The day the USA becomes a true soulless collective of mixed-race-beyond-all-repair drones, easily manipulated. This is the Pope’s dream.

    Pat Buchanan is a defacto protestant, because he stands against the deluge just like the rest of us. Never have I heard him aggressively push the Pope’s line of Immigration/Integration or political-Catholicism.

  13. RE Alex
    Why are so hung up on bashing Catholics?

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but if the RCC has ever been a friend of the USA then God Help Us if we are make an enemy!

    The year the RCC becomes a friend of the USA is the year when fewer than 10% of new babies born are born to white-protestant parents. The day the USA becomes a true soulless collective of mixed-race-beyond-all-repair drones, easily manipulated. This is the Pope’s dream.

    Pat Buchanan is a defacto protestant, because he stands against the deluge just like the rest of us. Never have I heard him aggressively push the Pope’s line of Immigration/Integration or political-Catholicism.

  14. The problem is easily illustrated with the following question: are you willing to stand on a podium in your community, grasp a microphone in your hand, and tell your peers in public what you have been saying on the internet?

    Matt Perot did just that, as I recall, and posted the video of it here.

    I haven’t seen any postings by him, which is a shame because he was one of the best assets of this site.

    I have tremendous respect for him standing up like he did.
    Anyone know?

  15. I once had a great deal of respect for Matt Parrott. His example in Indiana is what convinced me to join the CofCC in June. After the CofCC National Conference, I went to two CofCC events in South Carolina and one in Maryland.

    I had planned to stay in Virginia and start a CofCC chapter there. I had already bought the domain. That’s undoubtedly where I would be right now if events had not intervened.

    In July, I found out that I had radically misjudged Matt Parrott, as I had radically misjudged Greg Johnson the year before. More than anything else, Matt Parrott and Greg Johnson caused me to step back from White Nationalism.

    After I had begun stepping back and reexamining my beliefs, the process took on its own momentum.

  16. “As we move further into the twenty-first century, ‘Heartland America’ will increasingly take shape. The Republican Party will gradually be transformed into the White Party. The Democratic Party into the non-White Party.” ( — from the log entry)

    The Republican Party will gradually be transformed into the White Party, the Democratic Party into the non-White and Jewish Party.

  17. Hunter,

    Seriously, dude. You could have handled that without directly suggesting that I’m a bad person who did something reprehensible again. How many times do you expect me to tolerate your attacking me from behind a pseudonym then deleting my comments when I attempt to defend myself? It’s dishonorable and presumes incorrectly that I’ll keep my mouth shut indefinitely.

    Please delete your comment above and this comment, then move on with your life.

  18. To Matt Parrott,

    I think it is best to move on, go other places, do other things – and I for one hope they are successful positive things.

    Try not to live in the past and become obsessed with some personal insult/feud.

    I am quite sure that if you move on, move away from O.D. there will be no negative personal comments about you posted here.

    O.D. is like a bar which caters to a White crowd, that shares a common interests – some bars are sports bars, this bar is a (White) history, politics, culture bar.

    You insulted the owner of the bar, and generally behaved a few times in ways that got you kicked out by the bouncer.

    It’s best to just walk away and go somewhere else, because you are going to be formally banned from the bar.

    It’s not a death sentence, just a bar owner and the regular customers keeping the peace in one specific bar.

    So best of luck in all things and I am sincere in wishing you the best, wishing you small, but significant local success in your political activism.

    But, you just can’t hang out in the O.D. bar and insult the owner, cause trouble have to be repeatedly ejected by the bouncer.

    Please leave.


  19. Inquiring minds at O.D. want to know exactly what it is that caused the falling out between Matt Parrott and H.W.??

  20. Jack,

    Try not to live in the past and become obsessed with some personal insult/feud.

    I’m not living in the past. I’m being insulted right here and now.

    You insulted the owner of the bar, and generally behaved a few times in ways that got you kicked out by the bouncer.

    I didn’t get bounced. I bounced myself. This fact is not in dispute.

    It’s best to just walk away and go somewhere else, because you are going to be formally banned from the bar.

    Disease is being spread about me by the “bar owner”. That’s the only reason I’m here, to ask that he stop doing that. The ONLY posts I’ve made in here since formally departing have been explicitly and directly related to asking “Hunter Wallace” to stop directly attacking me.

    I don’t give a tinker’s dam if I get banned. I’ll defend myself from elsewhere, if necessary.

  21. Junghans says:
    September 28, 2010 at 2:27 pm
    Inquiring minds at O.D. want to know exactly what it is that caused the falling out between Matt Parrott and H.W.??

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I propose that this personal issue not be talked about any more on O.D. – it’s just typical Movement gossipy nonsense. Matt should now move away and move on and the rest of the O.D. community (which we hope will grow and grow with great new people) will agree not to post any negative personal comments about Matt, Hunter.

    Hunter and Matt are simply not going to be doing any activism together, they’re not an effective team. No reason they have to hate each other or really spend any time thinking about each other.

    This type of stuff happens all the time in the “Movement” – another reason Hunter and the O.D. community want to break out of the tiny American WN “Movement” and go mainstream, connect with regular White Americans.

  22. Matt Parrott says:
    September 28, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    I’m not living in the past. I’m being insulted right here and now.

    Disease is being spread about me by the “bar owner”. That’s the only reason I’m here, to ask that he stop doing that. The ONLY posts I’ve made in here since formally departing have been explicitly and directly related to asking “Hunter Wallace” to stop directly attacking me.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    OK. Let me see what I can do. I recommend all parties concerned just agree to walk away and not make any more posts on this subject.

    I think it is entirely reasonable for their to be a strict policy where no negative or any comments are made against Matt on O.D.

    But, it does take lots of time and effort to police the comments section, and stuff gets through.

    The other option is to just end the comment section and just include a one a day letter to the editor – that’s what Vdare does.

    Peace folks.


  23. Matt,

    If I remember correctly, and multiple OD contributors can confirm my recollection, as they witnessed the whole episode in person, you flipped out in July without provocation, spread around a ton of unsubstantiated lies about me on Majority Rights, then spent the better part of August attacking me on your blog, and have continued to do so into September.

    Then you come here, wave your hands, and claim to be the victim. It is all rather maddening. Just how many posts do you have on your blog attacking me?

  24. Hunter,
    I have only one post on my blog that could be appropriately characterized as “attacking” you, which I only published after you attacked me and my supporters, then refused to remove the attack over here.

    There are a few articles that were inspired by your posts, but those don’t reference you or OD and remain entirely focused on the actual political arguments being made.

    I posted a couple accusations at MR in July that I was not able to substantiate. Next time, I won’t make that mistake. I attempted to back away from them in the hope that you would recognize that I sincerely wish this to stop. Unfortunately, it’s only emboldened you to completely reinvent the entire chronology and demonology of the episode and go on the offensive.

  25. Junghans,

    In June, I returned from a 600 mile round trip to Greenville, SC to attend a CofCC regional meeting. Before I left, Greg Johnson was coming here to stir up trouble for losing his job. We sent his comments into the spam filter in the hope that he would go away.

    When I got back, I was informed that Greg Johnson was on Majority Rights attacking me again. The usual trolls that have been harassing me for years came out of the woodwork. I made the stupid mistake of going over there to defend myself.

    It wasn’t too difficult to point out that Greg Johnson was a financially motivated rent seeker. After all, I was hardly in a position to fire him. If he got canned, it certainly wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t his boss. He must have done something wrong to end up at Counter Currents.

    Around that time, I got sick of having to deal with trolls, and decided to take a vacation. I wrote a post about this. It is in the archives.

    At that moment, while I was out of town, Matt Parrott here stabbed me in the back and made up all sorts of lies which he posted on Majority Rights. When he initially started posting that stuff, several commentators couldn’t believe it was him, as I had done nothing to Parrott to provoke any of this.

    I started receiving phone calls from several OD contributors who told me what Matt Parrott had been saying. I had no idea any of this was going on. To this day, I still haven’t gone over there to read what was said.

    People like William Rome and Robert Campbell were asking me stuff like: what in the world did you do to Matt Parrott to cause him to flip out like that? I told them I had no idea. I hadn’t communicated with Parrott since his “audacious proposal” in which he demanded full control of the OD domain and hosting account to ensure “data security.”

    That whole sordid episode inspired a lot of self examination on my part.

    – Why had I moved to Virginia and blown my savings to save these people?

    – Did I want to stay in Virginia and work pro bono for the White Nationalist movement anymore?

    – Why had I so radically misjudged these people? Who else had I misjudged?

    – Did I want to build a CofCC chapter in light of the fact that the person who inspired me to join the CofCC was not who I thought he was?

    – Why am I driving across America on my own dime promoting the White Nationalist movement?

    – If White Nationalists can’t stand by you on an internet blog, will they stand by you in a street or a fox hole? If not, is there any hope for this movement?

    – What did I have to show for the last ten years of involvement in the White Nationalist movement?

    – In light of my own experience, did it make any sense for me to persuade others to join the White Nationalist movement, or to join White Nationalist organizations?

    You can see where this is going.

  26. Matt,

    There are far more posts over there that attack me than just one. The vast majority of them were posted in August before I said anything about you here.

    In fact, I said nothing about you for weeks, when you were over at Majority Rights ranting and raving, attacking me on your blog, and forwarding that stupid letter of yours around. I believe the date of that letter was August 6th or thereabouts.

    No one who witnessed this episode from beginning to end has any illusions that you were the one who started the whole thing. I didn’t even know you were attacking me until other OD contributors called to tell me about it.

    It’s bad form and poor history to pretend you are the victim here. You were given a platform to promote yourself for months on end and repaid my kindness by throwing me under the bus in public.

  27. Jack,

    I don’t comment often, but I am a long time OD reader who enjoys both the articles and comments. I really don’t understand the reasoning behind changing the comment policy. Other than deleting direct personal attacks on Matt (or anyone), personal gossip with no relevance to the topic, or clear and egregious instances of anti-racist trolling, I don’t see a reason why any comments need to be deleted. Without robust exchanges, differing viewpoints and debate, the comments lose their value. The comments are often just as important as the article.

  28. I’ve been meaning forever to post comment guidelines. When I do post them, the list will contain reasonable rules like “no flaming” and “no off-topic posting” and “no hobby horse riding.”

Comments are closed.