North Carolina
The White Nationalist movement is spilling a lot of ink right now discussing the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference. Before writing another essay about the topic, I would like to frame this debate by asking a series of questions.
(1) Jared Taylor is being widely criticized around the internet on White Nationalist blogs and forums.
What are his critics on the internet doing to advance White Nationalism? Where is their conference? Where is their newsletter? Where are their television and radio appearances?
Is a sixty year old man supposed to do everything?
(2) The Egyptian riots are being broadcast across the Arab world by al-Jazeera.
Where is the White Nationalist equivalent of al-Jazeera, Russia Today, BET, or Univision?
(3) The loudest critics of Jared Taylor seem to be people who are in favor “rejecting the system.”
Were these people – the system rejecters – of any assistance to Jared Taylor and Amren in Charlotte? Were they of any assistance last year when Jeffrey Imm derailed the 2010 conference?
(4) Patrick Cannon is described as the Mayor Pro Tem of Charlotte.
Is there a pro-White elected official in Charlotte or North Carolina that the White Nationalist movement can appeal to?
(5) Are there White Nationalists in North Carolina even bothering to run for elected office in that state?
I am not referring to Glenn Miller for Senate campaigns.
(6) Jews have the ADL and AJC. Blacks have the NAACP and the Urban League. Hispanics have the NCLR and MALDEF.
Is there are a White equivalent to any of these organizations? Blacks and Jews started creating their own ethnic defense organizations over a century ago.
(7) North Carolina is an Upper South state. It is reasonable to assume that at least 20 percent of Whites in North Carolina are racially conscious. The majority of these people identify as “Christians” and “conservatives.”
Why hasn’t the White Nationalist movement succeeded in organizing the 1/5th of the White population (at a minimum) that agrees with us on our most important issues?
(8) According to the SPLC, there are a number of pro-White organizations active in North Carolina.
Why haven’t Whites in North Carolina joined the National Socialist Movement, World Church of the Creator, National Alliance, Confederate Hammerskins, Ku Klux Klan, or White Revolution?
What happened to the White Patriot Party?
(9) The CofCC has chapters in North Carolina.
What is preventing them from reaching a wider audience?
(10) Blacks and Jews work within the system to advance their anti-White policy positions.
How has pacifism and waiting for the inevitable collapse of the system worked out for us as a strategy? Doesn’t this lack of resistance only empower our enemies and create a self fulfilling prophecy of White marginalization?
(11) According to Gallup, the White majority in North Carolina describe themselves as “conservatives.” A healthy percentage of those “conservatives” dislike the NAACP, support our free speech rights, support restrictionist immigration laws, and many are even racially conscious.
What sense does it make to attack the people we need to win in North Carolina? Are we better off for distancing ourselves from our audience?
(12) Amren has spent almost twenty years educating the public in White racial consciousness. This has produced a few thousand anonymous, intimidated, disorganized converts to race realism scattered across North Carolina.
Shouldn’t we be educating White Nationalists in how to fight back? Isn’t that just as important as converting them to White racial consciousness? Isn’t action more important than rhetoric?
(13) There are probably a few thousand White Nationalists in North Carolina who subscribe to our ideas.
What is the use of spreading an ideology that no one in North Carolina seems inclined to act upon?
(14) I was at the 2010 Amren conference. There was a lot of talk there about filing lawsuits.
What happened to those lawsuits? What happened to the idea of creating a White Nationalist version of MALDEF or the NAACP Legal Defense Fund?
“Ideas” like that have been floating around for decades.
(15) The enemy seems to have all the power in North Carolina. They are organized to the precinct level in Charlotte. Negroes like Patrick Cannon hold elected office. They are well financed and have their own media outlets.
There are some White Nationalists who are ideologically committed to disorganization though. Does that make any sense?
(16) It sure would be nice if there was, say, a network of pro-White activists that could be tapped to stage rallies and mass protests in North Carolina. Illegal aliens seem to be able to do this all the time.
How is it that illegal aliens can rally across North Carolina at a month’s notice whereas White Nationalists seem to be utterly rudderless on this front?
(17) I’m sure that White Nationalists in North Carolina have posted thousands of radical comments on popular online forums like Stormfront and VNN over the past decade.
There is no shortage of blogs and forums that cater to this audience. I used to run one myself.
What has all that internet posting – all that “spreading of ideas” – ever accomplished for us in North Carolina?
(17) This is not the first time an Amren conference has been shutdown. Last year, Jeffrey Imm succeeded in cancelling Amren’s reservations at several DC area hotels.
I took it upon myself to confront and condemn Jeffrey Imm in the streets of DC twice. In February and June, we were the only ones there. This is only a small illustration of a larger point.
Why don’t White Nationalists join their own organizations? Why don’t they show up at their own events? How can we ever break the taboos against us by “spreading ideas” – safely, harmlessly, anonymously – on the internet?
(18) George Lincoln Rockwell predicted the “collapse of the system” would happen in 1969.
After 42 years, there are still White Nationalists who believe the inevitable collapse of the system will still solve all our problems. In 2008, I was told that the United States was going to collapse in a hyperinflationary downward spiral on the Weimar model.
Is it not sensible to assume that we need a backup plan or a better plan for advancing our goals?
(19) White Nationalists have spent the last 17 years spreading ideas on the internet.
Were we better off before the internet when David Duke was running for Governor of Louisiana? Why hasn’t using the internet as an education tool been as successful as we hoped?
(20) White Nationalists use the internet to educate White people in White racial consciousness. The internet has a scatter shot effect: it reaches isolated people who are geographically scattered across a wide area.
These people use the internet as a substitute for community. It often causes them to withdraw from their real communities, friendship networks, and kinship networks in favor of an ideological substitute.
In the most extreme cases, some White Nationalists become so alienated and ideological that they become estranged from their own family members.
Does this make White Nationalists more or less effective at converting ordinary White people to White Nationalism?
(21) I have two final questions.
Given the refusal of White Nationalists to organize in the real world and flex their political power in North Carolina, a state with favorable demographics for White Advocacy, why should we expect our situation to be otherwise?
What does it say about the course of the White Nationalist movement that we can no longer defend our most basic civil rights?
Is there something we are not doing that we should be doing? Is there something we are doing that we should not be doing?
He’s telling you that that’s at least partly because the sort of people who attempt to inform them about those issues are “white nationalists” — some of the grumpiest, most disagreeable, most alienated and most unsympathetic people you’ll ever encounter.
The only reason why I continue to bother to interact with White Nationalists is ideology, habit, and the psychology of previous investment.
I’m not the biggest fan of the NFL. I do watch college football. I know why people in Alabama enjoy college football too: they can follow the action packed games and enjoy having a good time after a long work week.
It is not because they “worship niggers.”
If White Nationalists were serious about making White Nationalism fun and attractive, they would hold cultural events like German and Celtic festivals, and focus on the positive aspects of their racial heritage. In North Carolina, there is a non-racial group that does this which combines celebrating Celtic culture with sports.
The CofCC is holding a Celt Festival in March. I’ve been told the NA under Gliebe used to hold some kind of German festival in Ohio. It was one of their most popular events.
I wonder why.
For the record, I have quit responding to the vanguardists, except when they show up in my comment threads. I also disabled the “Daily Vanguard” feature on this website. It was an eyesore.
Why have I done this?
There is no point in arguing with them. Vanguardists are so alienated, disagreeable, and unsympathetic that the majority of White racialists in this country want nothing to do with them.
They have zero appeal to the White majority in the United States. This isn’t due to any vast Jewish conspiracy. It is due almost entirely to the manner in which they present themselves to the public.
As someone who was privy to these discussions last year, I suspect it has something to do with the fact that many of the speakers wanted to stay in a nice hotel with a bar and convenient access to a nearby airport.
That’s why Turkey and Hans-Hermann Hoppe are the obvious solutions. It would have the bonus effect of keeping most of the disreputable types away.
My guess is that Derbyshire is referring to Amren:
Hey Whiteboy!
Do you want “white power”??? Really?
Maybe some of you including Hunter should stop crying over how powerful this so-called “vanguard” is in swaying opinion on White Nationalism. Not many people are falling for the kosher variety. That really is the problem here. Stop using Hunter’s labels to smear real White Nationalism. There are some kooks out there but it’s far from the Nazi uniform wearing, satanist worshipping, societal loners that Hunter would have you believe. I even believe that these kooks are being injected into the movement to discredit it. Just like Hunter is playing footsie with the neocons and allowing his site to become the mouthpiece for the RNC. Our alien elites want the built up rage in the population channeled into something harmless like partisan political discourse.
You have to have a bare minimum of standards in the White Nationalist Movement if our race is going to survive. American Renaissance is philo-semitic and asiaphilic. Jared Taylor himself has dated an oriental woman. Many of his past speakers have shown up at these conferences with their nonwhite spouses. Do you really think they’re committed to the survival of Europids? Let’s say people did throw their support to Jared Taylor and his movement goes mainstream and is successfull in dissemenating its message to the general public. We would be in no better shape than we are now because the Jews would still be in charge and America would get increasingly multiracial and multicultural maybe with a conservative bent. That is AMREN’s message after all, isn’t it?
For the record, Rodger believes in channeling our grievances through effective outlets like VNN, Counter-Currents, and the KKK, which delivered precisely nothing on the legislative front in January.
If that is “real White Nationalism,” then it hardly any wonder that Whites are losing their country. Just listening to people like Rodger is enough keep the majority of White racialists in America bottled up in the conservative movement.
They stay there because people like Rodger are unsympathetic and disagreeable to be around. The racialists in the mainstream also know that White Nationalists like Rodger are constitutionally incapable of doing anything about their problems.
There is no incentive to become a White Nationalist.
Jared Taylor was experimenting with AMREN several months ago testing the waters for his masters:
This sympathy article for Karl Rove has absolutely nothing to do with White advocacy of any kind and even some you geniuses should be able to figure it out why he ran this story on his website.
Hunter doesn’t address the points he just smears with his lies. Do you notice that?
Joe’s practical suggestion is the most constructive course of action in the comments so far.
This is what the A3p is doing join us we are the only legitimate organization making headway. Bill Johnson said
These past few days have been busy ones, full of opportunities to lobby for white interests at the very highest levels of American leadership. I spoke at length (in person and on the telephone) with two presidential campaign managers, three subordinate campaign managers, one U.S. Congressman and eight U.S. Senators. In some of the conversations, we talked at length about the future of the white race, and in some of the conversations, I was only able to make a short statement.
They have zero appeal to the White majority in the United States. This isn’t due to any vast Jewish conspiracy. It is due almost entirely to the manner in which they present themselves to the public.
The bulk of my previous post was truncated. I’ll reproduce that portion (and more) in reply to your above point.
Many people get their start in WN by becoming aware of scientific/statistical facts regarding racial differences; or they always longed for a sense “national community” or national purpose; or by becoming aware of their racial mortality; or their experiences with non-whites were so negative that they were permanently scarred by them; or any number of other reasons.
They then attempt to “awaken” other people based on the same reasons. They don’t realize that the match that lit the brush fire isn’t required to keep it burning. What got them interested in race isn’t necessarily going to be — and experience surely teaches that it’s not — what earns the masses’ support.
The fact is most non-racial issues can easily be brought into the purview of racialism. This is good news, because most whites are likely never going to care as much about race as WNs want them to (which isn’t to say they’ll never care more than they do today; I’m sure they will), but they can still support racial goals for “indirect” reasons.
It’s the task of WNs or other racialists to make it as easy as possible for people to agree with WN positions on race (particularly the minimal, life-essential positions); but the way so many WNs go about it you’d almost figure they were instructed to make it as difficult as possible.
Speaking for myself, if I hadn’t had a brain of my own with which to think, I never, ever, ever, ever in a million lifetimes would have supported anything that came within a whiff of “WN” if all I had to go on were the “vanguardists'” scribblings regarding race (or more precisely “what race means,” which in many ways is what it comes down to, although they themselves don’t put it that way). Many of your colleagues on these blogs already consider me a thorn in their side (even though I’m a total, total nobody, even less effectual than they are, in the grand scheme of things) but I can assure you I would have done much, much more if I thought that WN/racialism/racial nationalism/etc required thinking like an Alex Linder, a Greg Johnson, a Turd Sallis, or a whacked out freak like “Chechar” (I predict he’ll snap out of it), or the Instaurationists (to be white is all; anything else is a life not worth living; all non-whites are by their very constitution mortal enemies; white decline can only have resulted from relentless plotting — total bullshit, all of it).
Chechar is a weird cat.
A year ago, he was a Lawrence Auster groupie. Now he keeps repeating Greg Johnson’s most absurd statements on his blog.
Speaking of Counter-Currents, I see they have moved on to Nazi UFOs, Al Gorism, and eugenics. There is something funny about a bunch of homosexuals lecturing others about their reproductive choices.
“The bulk of my previous post was truncated.”
The bulk of the content of your commentary is typically truncated. Basically it boils down to trying to make Nordics feel guilty about wishing to survive. Yawn.
That you and Hunter now in a sense find comfort in each other’s arms speaks volumes. I’ll just let that hang in the air, free of explication. To flesh it out would truly be to indulge in sadism – which is decidedly un-Nordic.
And of course I say the above as a fan of the Silvster. Which perhaps doesn’t speak highly of my allegedly good taste.
Chechar, Greg Johnson and Wintermute are literary types. They filter racialism through the romantic prism of their literary imaginations. Nothing wrong with that, as far as it goes. But any sane man can only agree all concerned are better served with them writing odes to our race rather than with their hands anywhere near the levers of power.
But any sane man can only agree all concerned are better served with them writing odes to our race rather than with their hands anywhere near the levers of power.
Chechar for Fuehrer! Yeah, yeah, I know that’s about as likely as a Sri Lanka blizzard, but he’s not so bad. Seriously, what is it about him that irks you? That he supports eugenics (which, I would have thought, any sane man would)? Christianity does strange things to the white mind.
Chechar is a profoundly confused man, Kasimir. He would outlaw abortion and contraceptives for Whites, yet see fit to kill in infancy the handicapped when it is precisely…eugenic abortion that could eliminate the defective in a manner that is not a monstrosity.
Really, is that “Fuehrer” material? Never mind, I take it I’ve answered my own question.
“Weird Cat” (Hunter) perhaps, but “a whacked out freak” (Silver), why?
Yes, a year ago Auster and I were on friendly terms. I am relatively new to WN (started to read WN literature on September of 2009). This means that, as you conceded in your Antisemitica blogsite, it took me a few months, from September 2009 to February 2010, to wrap my head on the JP. Previously I only had Hollywood and the PC books on Nazism I had read (BBC books, Golhagen’s etc). I cannot blame myself for having been politically brainwashed most of my life. Had the right info, such as the OD of 2008-2009, been know to me I would not have been a philo-Semite for so long.
@ “Chechar is a profoundly confused man, Kasimir. He would outlaw abortion and contraceptives for Whites, yet see fit to kill in infancy the handicapped when it is precisely…eugenic abortion that could eliminate the defective in a manner that is not a monstrosity.” – Captain
Why confused? If I would outlaw abortion for whites it’s because we need more white kids. Anything wrong with that?
As to euthanizing the most severe cases of retarded people, Captain is referring to something I recently said in Age of Treason (AOT). Let me clarify it.
I had never written before about that subject: it’s not under my radar and it offends people with handicapped relatives. I made the causal comment that, since I have seen how severely retarded persons have been abused by their families (an ubiquitous problem according to social workers), if I were such a person I would prefer to be euthanized that to live that terrible life.
Anything wrong with that? (The AOT discussion was a little more complex but, again, the whole subject is not under my radar.)
Chechar, do you still stand by your dozens of remarks around the web that you support a “Day Of The Rope” scenario in which murdering interracial couples is morally necessary?
You are very deranged and confused man. It is really abhorrent and irresponsible that you make a living as a counselor for abused children.
Why so rude? Is this the vernacular here? Besides–:
1) I don’t make a living as a counselor.
2) What I actually said at OD in the thread “The Fate of Northernkind, by Charles Carroll (repost)” on May 15 2010 was this:
A dramatic moment in [The Turner Diaries] is the dilemma the central character had to face when he had to kill a young white girl coming with black gangs who discovered the base (the revolutionaries killed all the blacks but the girl escaped and ran toward the highway in the midnight). He had to shoot her.
Later in the novel many other white girls who had defiled their race died in The Day of the Rope, and the novel’s author dedicated another of his books to a serial killer who targeted mixed couples… in real life!
A delicate redhead girl of English ancestry was my Platonic love when I was much younger. She inspired me to write a couple of posts in my blog about the “crown of evolution.” Nowadays, when I see an Aryan redhead with a naco here in Mexico (Iberian whites use the word “naco” to refer to slightly mestisized Indians, just as whites use “nigger” in the U.S.) I feel that my world falls apart. It’s the sin against the holy ghost par excellence, and I am afraid to say that it cannot be forgiven.
Alas, if The Day of the Rope arrived during my lifespan, would I have the moral toughness to bring those beloved creatures to justice…?
/end quote
The implication was that personally I wouldn’t dare to do the dirty job in the Day of the Rope. At least not on white girls.
Eugenic abortion will never be the answer because of the nature of autosomal recessive traits. The question of kill or let live or live and let die will always be there for the eugenicist.
Re: the severely retarded – this never was an issue before.
In past times – everywhere – famileis never had the ability to be able to literaly afford to care for a severely deformed, non-functional individual. The care and feeding of such a person is so overhwelming, that the energy expended engulfs the ability of parents, and an extended family, to do so. Never mind “deformed” – it’s al abut the ability of a baby to grow to adulthood, and care for itself, and produce a new generation.
We also never possessed the technical medical ability to keep the severely deformed alive.
The severely deformed (dysfunctional) were either killed outright, or left to die. This is still the general course of events, in most non-White countries.
We live in an extremely wealthy civilization. We have made astonishing advances in medical techniques, equipment, and sheer knowledge of the bio-chemical systems of the human body.
Alas – we have been so very generous, as a Race, that we have invited in the Other – who hasd never produced such wealth, and knowledge – to come right on in, and partake of everything we create, and have.
They Other is sucking us dry, in every way.
As our population, thus civlization, collapses, so will our ability to sustain the severely deformed. Events will go “back to normal” – and the severely deformed/dysfunctional will be allowed to die off. The mothers of the defective babies may cry for awhile, but the demands of feeding healthy children will compel attention.
Answering the question “Where’s the White Patriot Party?”, I’ll say: “those still among the living are waiting for an honest, capable, dedicated leader with the guts to lead them bravely into the streets, rather than cowardly into anonymous cyber space chit chat.”
I’m 70 btw, not 60.
There is no alternative to white men coming together. And that means uniting and organizing physically. An active, in the streets, no compromising, political party for white folks, which proclaims the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the time. Just like Hitler did it, and with or without the swastika.
I’d name it The White Freedom Party, meaning of course, freedom from the GD jews.
Sieg Heil !!!
I have no objection to White Nationalists networking and organizing on the streets. You know as well as I do though that the rhetorical radicals on the internet are not about to do it.
Denise: I am acquainted with a number of special ed teachers. Some of them are soft-headed babblers, and others know the score, and will share it with you. The expense of caring for these children is enormous, possible only for the rich, or a rich government. These mothers love their children, and I greatly respect them for that, but so do mothers in Burma and such places love their kids. Burmese parents don’t sacrifice their healthy offsprings’ futures for the love of their broken children. As the paper wealth of the U.S. evaporates, we too will simply be unable to devote resources to so many people who will never be able to wash a dish or sweep a floor. It’s sad, but true.
” the severely deformed/dysfunctional will be allowed to die off. ”
Everybody dies, but the issue is kill and let live or live and let die. The repugnance that grew from the alleged atrocities of the Nazi T4 programme was because they chose the former. If there was amniocentesis in 1930’s Germany, and the “life that was not worthy of living” was aborted, there would be no issue. 95% of Down’s foetuses are currently aborted. If the severely disabled were allowed to live and let die, then there would be no issue. Typically the life span of the severely disabled is greatly shortened. The live and let die position of the modern world differs only in a way that extends the life of the severely disabled. Just as care/technology extends the life of the aged and care/technology saves/extends the life of the severely wounded. The question for the Nazis then, allegedly, became where to draw the line. If society is unburdened by killing defective babies, then why not continue to alleviate the burden by killing the severely wounded or the demented elderly or whatever group becomes an alleged burden upon a society that can ill afford it? And of course the other issue that arises is who will make that decision?
Hunter Wallace said:
I have no objection to White Nationalists networking and organizing on the streets. You know as well as I do though that the rhetorical radicals on the internet are not about to do it.(end of H.W.)
My Response: And why is that ?? I’ll tell ya in one word, “cowardice”.
Vanguardism, or the uniting and organizing of white people, is not only the correct strategy to freeing white people from the jewish menace and saving the white race from extinction, it is the only strategy with any chance of accomplishing those two goals.
Simply put: White men must unite and organize/come together physically and politically.
But, as you say, “the rhetorical radicals on the internet are not about to do it”, because they’re too cowardly and not because it’s not the correct way to go.
You have thusly conceded you are a defeatist.
At best you’re a hobbyist. At worse, a saboteur or (as Rodgers suggests) a David Horowitz/Bill O’Reilly/Jarod Taylor neo-con.
Btw, have you posted a recent photo of yourself to replace the one showing you grinning from behind a tree ??
(1) I will repeat my original question. What happened to the White Patriot Party in North Carolina?
(2) I don’t think White Nationalists are really any more cowardly than any other group of Americans. Cowardice alone cannot explain the failure of White Nationalists to organize their target audience.
(3) I believe in taking White Nationalists and turning them into an effective opposition to the status quo.
(4) That isn’t a recent photograph. I wasn’t “hiding behind a tree” in that photograph either. It was the angle of the camera. There were other photographs which clearly show I wasn’t “hiding behind the tree.”
Hunter Wallace said:
(1) I will repeat my original question. What happened to the White Patriot Party in North Carolina?
GLENN MILLER: It disbanded in 1986 mainly as a result of my errors in judgment. But to say it’s failure is proof that forming an active white political party is a waste of time, is like saying we shouldn’t run for political office because one of us failed to win an election. Those who bad-mouth the idea or suggestion that whites should unite and organize publicly into a political party are most likely just plain too GD yellow to join one. Cowards love company so much they want everybody to be one, and lie like kikes to make it happen.
(2) I don’t think White Nationalists are really any more cowardly than any other group of Americans. Cowardice alone cannot explain the failure of White Nationalists to organize their target audience.
GLENN MILLER: All white people are cowards when it comes to standing up for white people. Whites feel they have no choice. The muds are encouraged by the media and by the JOG to stick together. We are constantly warned by the media and by the JOG not to. A strong, capable leader with the guts to form and lead an activist political party, can, in time, change millions of young white people from cringing cowards to brave, in the streets, activists similar to Hitler’s SA.
(3) I believe in taking White Nationalists and turning them into an effective opposition to the status quo.
GLENN MILLER: LOL !! In other words, do nothing but type anonymously, and email bitch to their congressmen.
Glen Miller writes:
GLENN MILLER: All white people are cowards when it comes to standing up for white people. Whites feel they have no choice. The muds are encouraged by the media and by the JOG to stick together. We are constantly warned by the media and by the JOG not to. A strong, capable leader with the guts to form and lead an activist political party, can, in time, change millions of young white people from cringing cowards to brave, in the streets, activists similar to Hitler’s SA.
Jack Ryan responds:
My experience in American WN and my intense study of 1930s European history and contemporary conditions leads me to conclude that conditions are simply not the same in the United States of America year 2011 as they were in 1930s Europe, particularly Germany. Much as we might wish things were the same and a strong, popular based NS, SA movement could succeed here if there was the right leader/leaders, conditions are just not the same.
White Americans – particularly White Conservative Americans make the mistake of living and thinking in the past – doing things like opposing “The Russians” in the 1970s and 1980s based on the real, horrible crimes, powers in Russia/USSR in the 1920s, 30s, 40s.
Germans organizing for the legitimate rights of their Germany people in Germany in the 1930s weren’t mostly societal misfits – they were acting, thinking, dressing in mainstream German ways ~ 1930s. They were not dressing up like Napoleonic soldiers from France in the 1812.
Also, the great success of German NS, SA – White Nationalism in Germany in the 1930s was done with mostly implicit White Nationalism – the leadership (outside of the homo socialist SA leaders) was clearly White Nationalist, but the mass movement was mostly German nationalist, anti marxist, ex military, lower middle class, anti Semitic etc. A straight out German White patriot party probably wouldn’t have done a whole lot better in Germany in the 193os than it did in North Carolina in the 1980s (wow time flies!).
The key to our success, survival will be to do effective organizing in the USA/North America given existing conditions, culture, economics, religion etc. We need to form/join groups of Whites in ways that are natural, not alien, weird – ways that repel the masses of American Whites.
If you know where to look, we are having successes – it’s not all gloom and doom. Look at the hockey culture, certain religious groups. It’s going under the radar and m’thinks that’s where we should be going.
(1) What exactly happened to cause the collapse of the White Patriot Party in North Carolina 25 years ago?
(2) Isn’t it easy to say brave things on the internet when you don’t have have a real job or a family to support?
(3) Bitching to congressmen is far more effective than bitching about the Jews on vBulletin messageboards.
Hey Jack, here’s what I said:
” A strong, capable leader with the guts to form and lead an activist political party, can, in time, change millions of young white people from cringing cowards to brave, in the streets, activists similar to Hitler’s SA.” (unquote)
I said “similar to Hitler’s SA”, not just like it. You misinterpreted what I said.
I advocate simply for whites to come together into an active, in the streets, political organization, and for it’s leaders to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that of course, includes the truths about the GD kikes, and WWII, etc.
Those WNs who oppose this blatatantly essential strategy, are saying we need to lie and deceive on the internet about the jews, and not unite and organize whites into a pro-white, anti-jew, political party.
Hunter Wallace said:
(1) What exactly happened to cause the collapse of the White Patriot Party in North Carolina 25 years ago?
GLENN MILLER: Long story. I’ll abbreviate. In April 85, Bruce Pierce told the feds about my involvement with the Order. Within coupla months afterwards, about a dozen other Order members became government witnesses and did the same. Using all that information, evidence, and willing court witnesses, the feds and Morris Dees charged me with “the intent to cause civil disorder”, got me and my second in command convicted in July 86, and the federal judge ordered us both not to associate, in any way, with The White Patriot Party or with about 28 other white groups, which he listed. Also, I should have hired a lawyer rather than accept a court appointed one. I had the money to hire one. Those two errors and others, as I said, are mainly why the WPP later disbanded. The WPP failed because of me, not because forming white political parties are futile or wrong.
(2) Isn’t it easy to say brave things on the internet when you don’t have have a real job or a family to support?
GLENN MILLER: All hobbists use that excuse. Fact is though, there are tens of millions of whites who either don’t have jobs or have very low paying ones. Whites who are terrified of losing their jobs obviously have high paying jobs, therefore they should contribute generously to our political party in lieu of actually joining.
(3) Bitching to congressmen is far more effective than bitching about the Jews on vBulletin messageboards.
GLENN MILLER: Only if one’s bitching to congressmen includes bitching about the GD kikes. Btw, why don’t you run for federal office like I did ??
(1) In other words, you took stolen money to finance your operation, and the group collapsed into a typical, short lived vanguardist fiasco with your associates squealing to the feds on each other.
(2) I think your bravery stems largely from the fact that you have already thrown away any shot you ever had at a real career by serving time in prison.
(3) You don’t start out running for federal office.
Hunter Wallace said:
“(1) In other words, you took stolen money to finance your operation, and the group collapsed into a typical, short lived vanguardist fiasco with your associates squealing to the feds on each other.
GLENN MILLER: That’s true, but it’s truthfulness has absolutely nothing to do with our argument, which is: “Are WNs correct to form into an activist, political party”?
(2) I think your bravery stems largely from the fact that you have already thrown away any shot you ever had at a real career by serving time in prison.
GLENN MILLER: Absurd. I retired as a Master Sergeant in 1979, and have received a fairly large Army pension ever since, plus other benefits. I formed the WPP in 1980, after 6 years as an activist with Covington’s NSPA and Dr Fields’ NSRP. I drove an 18-wheeler 11 years (1991-2002). My “bravery” results from my obsession with, and my hatred for, the GD kikes for what they have done, are doing, and will do to white people. It’s the last thing I think of when I go to bed, and the first when I wake up, and I’ve been that way since 1974 when I became jew-wise.
(3) You don’t start out running for federal office.
GLENN MILLER: Is that your excuse for not running next year ?? And why don’t you encourage others to run so they can take advantage of radio campaign commercials, media interviews, and radio talk show invites ??
GLENN MILLER: “It’s the last thing I think of when I go to bed, and the first when I wake up, and I’ve been that way since 1974 when I became jew-wise.”
So your life since 1974 has consisted of going to bed thinking about Jews, waking up thinking about Jews, and thinking about Jews at most points between? I’m absolutely no fan of Hunter(wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole), but the way you describe life sounds more like a self-imposed insane asylum compared to what he suggests.
I’ll be completely honest: The reason you would never be elected for anything even remotely resembling a power or policy-making position isn’t because White people are apathetic and misinformed, and it isn’t even because Jewish hegemony dictates who controls society, it’s because people can see that you might have driven yourself batshit crazy after 35+ years of enveloping yourself in all things “Jewish” more than most of the Jews I’ve ever known. I can only imagine what a twisted cranial mess I would have if I were to think about death every waking moment for years and years.
(1) Your argument is that only “vanguardists” can win. The swift collapse of your own organization, which you admit is due to your own bad judgement (taking stolen money, associating with people with criminal inclinations), is a strong argument against that point of view.
Wouldn’t you have been better off if you had not surrounded yourself with hotheads?
(2) Exactly.
In your case, there is no professional deterrent to “naming the GD kikes.” So it is not quite a matter of courage here. That presupposes there is some kind of risk involved. When you don’t have a job, you risk nothing from “naming the GD kikes.”
(3) If I was running for any public office, OD would be the last place where I make that announcement.
Celestial Time said:
“So your life since 1974 has consisted of going to bed thinking about Jews, waking up thinking about Jews, and thinking about Jews at most points between? I’m absolutely no fan of Hunter(wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole), but the way you describe life sounds more like a self-imposed insane asylum compared to what he suggests.
GLENN MILLER: I didn’t say in “between”. Just morning and nite. You misquoted me. But yes, I’m definitely a fanatical anti-semite. Since you’re not, then you’re either not yet jew-wise, or an idiot lemming, or anti-white, or just too yellow to tell the truth about the GD kikes, even anonymously in cyber space.
I’ll be completely honest: The reason you would never be elected for anything even remotely resembling a power or policy-making position isn’t because White people are apathetic and misinformed, and it isn’t even because Jewish hegemony dictates who controls society, it’s because people can see that you might have driven yourself batshit crazy after 35+ years of enveloping yourself in all things “Jewish” more than most of the Jews I’ve ever known. I can only imagine what a twisted cranial mess I would have if I were to think about death every waking moment for years and years.
GLENN MILLER: Ha. But I never ran to win, silly. I ran for the side benefits, especially the one that allows me to badmouth the GD kikes directly to millions of gentiles, free of charge. Also to lots of kikes. I was a guest on the jewish Oy Veh Family Values radio talk show (from Chicago) and spoke to 300,000-400,000 kikes for over half an hour in April last year, for just one example. Want the archive link ??
Btw, I appeared as guest on 15 regular radio talk shows solely because I was a candidate for federal office. Just imagine if 10 or more jew-wise WNs did the same next year while telling the truth about the GD kikes, and while broadcasting WN website addresses to tens of millions, free of charge via system radio stations. Now you tell me why we can’t find 10 with the freakin guts.
Hunter Wallace said:
(1) Your argument is that only “vanguardists” can win. The swift collapse of your own organization, which you admit is due to your own bad judgement (taking stolen money, associating with people with criminal inclinations), is a strong argument against that point of view.
GLENN MILLER: 6 years and over 5,000 members and paying supporters ain’t “swift” or “a strong argument” against the White Patriot Party. As for “people with criminal inclinations” in the White Patriot Party, the Democrat and Republican parties had a damn sight more, don cha think ??
Wouldn’t you have been better off if you had not surrounded yourself with hotheads?
GLENN MILLER: Well, Hitler had lots of “hotheads” in his organization, didn’t he ?? Well then, thar ya go.
In your case, there is no professional deterrent to “naming the GD kikes.” So it is not quite a matter of courage here. That presupposes there is some kind of risk involved. When you don’t have a job, you risk nothing from “naming the GD kikes.”
GLENN MILLER: You’re the one who described me as brave, remember ?? Now you say I’m “not quite a matter of courage”. Which do you really mean ?? Fact is, I’m not a brave man a’tall, just an honest, fed-up, jew-hating, white man who tells the truth about the jews, publicly, the best I can. You oughta try that, yourself.
(3) If I was running for any public office, OD would be the last place where I make that announcement.
GLENN MILLER: And where might that place be ?? Ha. Ten years from now, you’ll still be doing nothing but squattin and typing. That is if you haven’t quit your WN internet hobby out of boredom/lost interest.