Who Rides The Bus Now?

Who rides the bus now?

Montgomery, Alabama, USA CSA

Yesterday, I heard about the opening of the new Freedom Riders museum in Montgomery on the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides to Alabama.

James Zwerg and Rep. John Lewis were on hand to wear the halo of righteous victimhood that always comes with being a Civil Rights Martyr (CRM). PBS has been airing a new two hour documentary that glorifies the Freedom Riders.

You can watch it below.

For some reason, I felt compelled to visit this newly constructed shrine of African-American victimhood in Black Run America. Unfortunately, I was dismayed upon my arrival to learn that the Freedom Riders Museum was not open to the public on a Monday afternoon at 12 PM, which has been labeled “a work day” by White people in the private sector.

Having briefly lived in Montgomery in 1999, I was curious to see what the Civil Rights Movement had been about there. Every college student in America learns that the two iconic battles of the “Civil Rights Movement” in Montgomery were the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 and the Freedom Riders Arrival in 1961.

When I was living in Montgomery, I never knew anyone who either rode a Greyhound bus or relied upon public transportation. Thus, it was hard for me to believe that White people once did these things in Montgomery, and I was determined to visit this museum to see the photographic evidence of this with my own eyes.

I intended to ask the employees of the Freedom Riders Museum in Montgomery a facetious question: who rides the Greyhound bus now?

The Greyhound/Trailways bus station is now located in West Montgomery on South Boulevard in front of Taco Bell near the I-65 intersection. That is also the Bermuda Triangle where all the African-American crackheads, pimps, and prostitutes like to hang out.

White people who live in Montgomery know better than to succumb to the temptation of cheap gasoline and stop at night at the Kangaroo gas station adjacent to the Greyhound Bus Station. If you stop there to fill up your tank with cheap regular unleaded, you will be reliably accosted by various types of scary African-American homeless people who might liberate your wallet.

This small section of West Montgomery is hallowed ground to the Civil Rights Movement. Less than a mile in either direction of the new Greyhound/Trailways bus station, you will find Rosa Parks Avenue and the Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail which runs up Mobile Highway.

This is the seediest area of Montgomery which you have to travel through on US-82 on the way to Tuscaloosa. Rosa Parks Avenue and Mobile Highway are reliably blue lighted at night.

A Google search for “Montgomery + Police + Sting” turns up all sorts of interesting people who sojourn into that area to celebrate the heritage of the Civil Rights Marytrs (CRM) like Yankee James Zwerg who bravely faced down a mob of angry Southern white supremacists to make the Greyhound Bus Station a BRA “no-go zone” for White people.

In 1955, an African-American seamstress and NAACP activist named Rosa Parks bravely refused to give up her seat at the back of the bus. She went on to become the second most famous American in history. More American children can identify Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.

Clearly, Rosa Parks did something of unparalled historical importance to deserve this level of notoriety in the United States. George Washington led the Continental Army, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and Abraham Lincoln preserved the Union, but Rosa Parks integrated public transportation in Montgomery.

In 2011, 83.6 percent of the people who ride the Montgomery Area Transit System (MATS) are African Americans, even though African-Americans are 54.5 percent of the population of Montgomery. Whites are 42.3 percent of Montgomery residents, but are only 12.7 percent of MATS riders.

We also find that 62.9 percent of bus riders in Montgomery are female, 78.2 percent do not own a car, 23.9 percent are 25 to 34, and 53.1 percent make less than $10,000 a year.

We know from The New York Times EBT card statistics that 32 percent of African-Americans in Montgomery County subsist on foodstamps.

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the same African-Americans who get free groceries with their EBT cards, who live in subsidized housing paid for the government, whose healthcare is paid for by the government, where the welfare check arrives on “Da First of the Month,” are also the same people who almost exclusively ride public transportation in Montgomery.

Rosa Parks deserves to be the second most famous American in history because of her great accomplishment which was ridding the buses in Montgomery of White taxpayers for welfare queens like Latonya and Shaniqua who live in the projects and dine on foodstamps could literally enjoy a free lunch and a free ride.

Occidental Dissent looks forward to the day when stimulus package money can be used to retrofit the buses in Montgomery with sparkling new silver rims and sound systems so that the Northern tourists who visit to Montgomery can enjoy the authentic 365Black civil rights experience while cruising down Dexter Avenue to MLK’s church.

Long live James Zwerg! Long live Rosa Parks! Long live Barack Hussein Obama! Long live Black Run America!

Note: The strikethrough above is the solution to this particular problem.

Watch the full episode. See more American Experience.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. where the welfare check arrives on “Da First of the Month,” are also the same people who almost exclusively ride public transportation in Montgomery.

    In California this day is known as “Mother’s Day.” The schools empty out as everyone hits the swap meets and WalMarts before all the good stuff is gone — or the gov’ment money is gone, whichever comes first!

  2. I used to attend a discussion group here in Dallas in which I was the only overtly racially conscious member. One evening during a break, as several of us were having a glass of wine and refreshments in the lobby of the old house where we met, a couple of younger women – teachers in their 30s – told about their field trip to Civil Rights shrines. They had done this as part of their coursework in a master’s degree program at Southern Methodist University (SMU). Such academic pilgrimages are very popular now, I understand. Anyway, they visited Montgomery, Selma and Atlanta and after telling us about that they talked about their favorite Civil Rights “heroes.” I then told the group about my own Civil Rights pilgrimage of 1964, when my family and I had visited Lester Maddox at his Pickrick Cafeteria in Atlanta. Lester – a small but feisty man – had become notorious for chasing would-be “integraters” out of his restaurant with an axe handle. After the authorities made him close his cafeteria because he refused to comply with the Civil Rights Act, he reopened as a store, selling “Pickrick Drumsticks,” axe handles commemorating his defiance. My brother and I each bought one. I still have mine.

    Unfortunately, the other folks at the discussion group (a typical assortment of guilty white liberals) did not seem to appreciate my story. The reason I’m bringing it up here is to remind you that there was and is another side to what happened during “the Struggle,” and we need to do a better job of defending the Southern whites of that era from the calumny which is now routinely directed against them. We can have our own heroes – Lester Maddox is certainly one of mine – and we shouldn’t be shy in talking about them to others, including dewy eyed school teachers who know only the approved version of what happened back then.

  3. Why do people use the term “civil rights movement”? The term “civil rights movement” doesn’t describe what it acturally was- it was an ethnically and racially motivated movement of black people, led and financed largely by Jews. The so-called “civil rights leaders” didn’t care about the civil rights of Celtic Americans in the South.

  4. In my Southern state capital we have a massive network of buses and trolleys. A recently built transfer station, complete with a $35k statue of a local “civil rights” leader, highlights this billion dollar system. One day I and another white person decided to ride the bus to work downtown from our mostly white, burbs neighborhood. The bus was 10 minutes late, then 20, then 30 minutes. As we walked back to our houses and got in our cars to leave, a last minute call to the city bus authority revealed that, “We had a breakdown and only gots so many buses fo yo route”. I couldn’t help it and asked how many people does she think were late for their jobs that day, “We don’t got many people riding de buses in your neighborhood.” By golly after some research she was right. And the people that rode the buses, from my unscientific survey, seemed to be about 95% black. And no white people that could afford a car should try this experiment with out understanding the risks.

  5. Unless you’re prepared to go Epic Beard Man on their nappy heads you should stay clear of public transportation.

  6. I’ve only recently come to see the Civil Rights Movement for what it was–the marginalization of white southern men. They could really give a hoot about raising up the black man, what they wanted was to tear down the white man and, of course, give blacks unfettered access to white girls and women.
    Here’s my argument to civil rights nuts: if southern whites were so damned evil, why would blacks want to live around them at all? Why didn’t the rich Yankee do-gooders buy out the blacks and move them all to the North? Or why didn’t they build their own towns and schools in a segregated south? Do you not think the Chinese would have done that? No, the point was to destroy the white man, plain and simple.

  7. This is the scariest “blog” I have stumbled upon to date — you people could not be more ignorant if you tried. Some of the comments posted to this thread have made me stop to check and double-check the date they were posted… but then I suppose you’re all proud to be continuing the legacy of racism. Thank goodness you’re all tucked far away in the boonies and those of us who are educated, decent human beings are in charge. I always wonder why we didn’t just let you secede…

  8. Liz, y’all didn’t let us secede because you needed someone who would serve in the military to protect your precious rights, among other things.

  9. Thank god for your comment Liz, I was starting to feel so disgusted it was making me sick. I have NO desire to visit the southern states simply because of the remnants of racism that lurk there, I agree that the white southern man is probably one of the most detrimental beings left on this planet and needs to be destroyed if these are the beliefs some of you have. I am not as ignorant as you lot though, and will not paint all southern white men with the same brush, but I feel sorry for the ones who are enlightened if they have to deal with your hate mongering asses on a regular basis. OH and for you information, us white women can choose whoever the hell we want, “destroying the white man” has nothing to do with whom we choose to love. Now do everyone else in the world a favor and shut up before someone smarter then you shuts you up.

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