Truth Comes Out

The myth of the Klan goes viral in the North and launches the first genuine White Nationalist movement in America


The truth finally comes out about BRA – there is no such thing as “White America,” at least not yet.

Instead, the United States should be more accurately seen as anywhere from 9 to 11 different European-American Nations, and the struggle for power within the Union explains why Black Run Amerika was created on two separate occasions … in the 1870s and the 1960s.

Here’s our explanation:

The Confederacy, of course, went down to defeat in 1865, its cities occupied by “foreign” troops, its slaves emancipated by presidential decree. Yankees hoped that out of the Union’s costly military victory, its occupying forces might carry out a massive project in state building, an effort to democratize the Deep South, Tidewater, and Confederate Appalachia along Yankee and Midlander lines. With its soldiers maintaining order, thousands of Yankee and Midland schoolteachers, missionaries, businessmen, and government officials were deployed to the three regions. They introduced public education, creating segregated elementary schools and black colleges (many of which exist today). They eliminated laws and practices that enforced the Deep Southern caste system. They ensured that newly freed slaves could vote and stand for office and that former top Confederate officials could not. Fifteen African-Americans were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from the former Confederacy between 1870 and 1877, and two represented black-majority Mississippi in the U.S. Senate.

But foreign occupiers have always found it difficult to fundamentally change a culture. The people of Tidewater, the Deep South, and Confederate Appalachia resisted the Yankee reforms as determinedly as they could, and after the Union troops withdrew in 1876, whites in the “reconstructed” regions undid the measures. Yankee public schools were abolished. Imposed state constitutions were rewritten, restoring white supremacy and adopting poll taxes, “literacy tests,” and other instruments that allowed white officials to deprive African-Americans of the right to vote. (As a result, the total presidential vote in South Carolina fell from 182,600 in 1876 to 50,000 in 1900, even as the state’s population increased). Ku Klux Klansmen murdered “uppity” blacks who ran for office or violated the rules of the traditional caste system. Despite a war and a concerted occupation, Deep Southern and Tidewater culture retained their essential characters, setting the state for future clashes in the century to follow.

That’s right.

In the aftermath of the War Between the States, Yankeeland treated Dixie as if it were a conquered nation like Ireland, and naturally attempted to remake Dixie in the image of Yankeeland in order to indefinitely perpetuate its grip on power.

In order to do this, Yankeeland forced Dixie at gunpoint to ratify the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment which overturned the hated Dred Scott decision and created “African-Americans” from the masses of the former slaves.

The Yankee occupiers of Dixie then justified their occupation of Dixie on the basis of protecting the “civil rights” of African-Americans – the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was the first stab at federal civil rights legislation, this whole discourse of “civil rights” goes back to this period, and the push for “civil rights legislation” lasted into the 1890s.

During this period, the infamous carpetbagger vultures moved to Dixie and lorded over the disenfranchised Whites of the South in league with the “emancipated” African-Americans and the scalawag traitors who had fought for the Union in the War Between the States.

As Woodward says, the Yankee occupation forces deliberately set about to dismantle the Southern racial caste system in order to elevate blacks over Whites. This was the great utopian project that was resumed by Yankeeland in the 1950s and 1960s – it actually never ended in the North, but it lingered on as a regional consensus in the Northeast and Midwest until the Truman presidency.

It took three generations of Southerners and a struggle that lasted thirty years (1866 to 1896) to overthrow Reconstruction and establish the Jim Crow system – it was that struggle more than anything else which forged Deep South, Tidewater, and Greater Appalachia into “Dixie.”

The War Between the States (1861 to 1865), Reconstruction and Redemption (1866 to 1896), and the Jim Crow South (1866 to 1965) – a period that lasted a hundred years – dwarfs the Antebellum era when most of the South wasn’t even a generation removed from the frontier.

It is time to shift our focus now to the West.

In the future, the balance of power will be shaped by the affinities of the rapidly growing, increasingly assertive Hispanics of El Norte. Until the second half of the twentieth century, the other nations generally ignored El Norte, a national culture that controlled no state governments and was assumed to be on the road to extinction, its various elements absorbed into the Far West, Greater Appalachia, and the Deep South. Nortenos – isolated in enclaves in the Far West and marginalized by the racial caste system in the border states under Dixie control – were expected to go quietly the way of the American Indians.

But nortenos began reasserting control over the political and cultural life of New Mexico, south Texas, and southern Arizona, and making deep inroads in Southern California. They’ve elected their own to city halls from San Antonio to Los Angeles, the governorship of New Mexico, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Senate seats for New Mexico and Colorado. As discussed in chapter 23, their numbers have increased rapidly both in raw totals and percentage of the federation’s population, triggering talk of a reconquista of land lost after the Mexican-American War. Already the largest U.S. minority, Hispanics of all origins are expected to account for a quarter of the federation’s population by 2025. In 2010, nortenos already constituted a majority in Los Angeles, San Antonio, and El Paso and a plurality in the state of New Mexico. Some observers believe that, if Mexico were to break up, several of its northern states might seek annexation or political affiliation with the United States, further increasing El Norte’s influence and prestige within the federation. The bloc that wins the allegiance of El Norte stands to control American affairs.

For 150 years the Dixie bloc has done itself few favors in neglecting to win norteno hearts and minds. The Deep South’s caste system and Appalachia’s commitment to white supremacy led to the oppression and alienation of Tejanos and New Mexico Hispanos. Anglo colonists in Arizona and southern California – a majority of whom hailed from Dixie and have voted for Dixie candidates – didn’t go out of their way to integrate Spanish-speaking people into politics and society while they were in power. As a result, El Norte’s activists and political leaders have aligned themselves with northerners while its electorate has voted with Yankeedom in every presidential election since 1988. With Dixie and Far Western populists railing against the dangers of Mexican immigration, El Norte can be expected to back the Northern bloc for some time to come.

This won’t come as shocking news to Californians and Westerners whose ancestors came to the Golden State from Oklahoma and Texas.

Yankeeland and its Left Coast and New York City allies are fostering the creation of Aztlan in the Southwest for the same reason it supports the Black Undertow and the Brown Tide in Dixie – it is all part of a calculated political strategy to rule America through a “gentry liberal” strategy of assembling enough aggrieved minority blocks to form an electoral majority.

This explains the phenomena of White Nationalism which is mysteriously taking shape outside of Dixie: ever since 1965, which was the culmination of postwar Yankee utopianism, blacks have been allowed to run wild across America and Hispanics are swamping the Southwest and from the Caribbean they are swarming into states like New York and New Jersey.

These gentry liberals symbolized by the likes of Michael Bloomberg have destroyed the White middle class in New York City. They have destroyed California. They have outsourced all the jobs of the Midwest to East Asia – the stars are aligned for another White Nationalist movement.

Jews are a highly visible face of this because they have been elevated to leading partner status in the leftwing coalition behind the Democratic Party – they have the money, the organizing talent, and the media – and they share the same deluded, but sincere Yankee agenda of creating “a utopian society.”

Jews can’t rule America by themselves though. They don’t have anything like the numbers to form an electoral majority. Blacks were pretty easily bought off. Yankees were agreeable. Hispanics, Asians, public sector unionized workers, and homosexuals are the other core elements of the coalition of the willing.

Southern Whites – the Dixie bloc – are correctly perceived here as the core of the opposition. The Deep South especially is the “bastion of white supremacy” and the “racist” and “reactionary” heartland of the populist conservatives who are stubbornly standing in the way of the progressive agenda.

Has there ever been a genuine White Nationalist movement in the Heartland? Of course. Just watch Boardwalk Empire. The North has come to its senses before on race. Pat Buchanan’s new book about 100 Percent Americanism is illustrative that it is happening again.

It was inspired by a movie called The Birth of a Nation, which was about the very first and oldest revolutionary pro-White organization in North America – the Ku Klux Klan, which famously launched a crusade against Radical Reconstruction.

D.W. Griffith’s masterpiece was a hit in the Northern states! Don’t miss the videos.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “If Mexico were to break up…” Who? What? Mexico, unlike the Jew-cooked ethnic stew that is now America, is – except for a slight disjunction between the ruling-class Iberians and mestizo masses – ethnically homogeneous. It’s the mongrelized US that’s going to break up, with “Azatlan” – Calif, Ariz, NM, Texas, Colorado, etc. – being annexed by Mexico; pending, of course, the outcome of our own Civil War II. Labor sweatshopping aside and importing Reds aside, that’s the point of the whole immigration exercise. As to the KKK, those white sheets and funny hats are a bit of a problem. This time around, we are going to have to put real uniforms on real men. Men carrying guns. The Jews? They aren’t “deluded” about anything, and they own both parties in “partnership” with no one. Just finished reading Revilo Oliver’s THE JEWISH STRATEGY. He nails the whole thing like no one before or since.

  2. The Hispanics of the Southwest were ignored because there were so few of them, and they’re dumbshits anyway. Why should the Dixie bloc have troubled itself for the last 150 years to win the hearts and minds of a small ignorant minority that lived on the fringes? And why would anybody want their dumb Beaner hearts and minds? They just don’t matter. If every one of them flew to Venus, we’d never miss them. The whole Hispanic problem is a creation of the Federal government, which to this day refuses to guard the border. This writer Woodward is full of shit. He might just as well ask why the Cambodians don’t seek better relations with the Kurds.

  3. The left never stops trying to blame things on Southern White men. In this case it’s they are trying to blame us for the mexican invasion. Their “blame game” shows you who they fear and dislike the most.

    Makes me proud of my kin folk

  4. I find these “maps” of America splitting into a dozen different nations being downright silly. Other than the Confederacy none of these regions have a strong enough sense of self identity as a separate nation. Sure there is animosity at DC, Wall Street, Hollywood; but no desire to form “The Foundry”, “Ecotopia” etc. These maps are the ravings of high functioning autism.

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