Colin Woodward’s American Nations is one of those riveting, game changing books like The Bell Curve that comes along once in a decade.
I dare say this book has the potential to be as foundational to Southern Nationalism as Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique has been to White Nationalism. This is exceptional praise for a clearly biased Yankee historian coming from a diehard Southern racialist.
Southern Nationalists will find all their gut suspicions about America’s national decline confirmed and documented in this book: the Southern colonies and Northern colonies were founded by different groups of Europeans with different ideas about race and culture for radically different purposes.
In the North, the Puritans in Massachusetts and the Quakers in Pennsylvania came to the New World as two of the most notorious utopian sects in the British Isles. Sandwiched in between New England and Pennsylvania, the Dutch founded New Amsterdam as a multicultural commercial entrepot in the globalized capitalist economy they were pioneering in the seventeenth century.
In the South, the Cavaliers settled the Virginia Tidewater and the Barbadian Chivalry settled South Carolina as an extension of the West Indies slave states. The Scots-Irish settled the Southern backcountry from Pennsyltucky to Texas.
The American colonies were founded by six different groups that gave rise to the original six American cultures: Tidewater, Deep South, and Greater Appalachia in the South; Midlands, New Netherland, and Yankeedom in the North.
In the American Revolution, Yankeedom revolted and Tidewater and Deep South joined the rebellion as lukewarm allies. Greater Appalachia fought on both sides. Midlands was pacifist and New Netherland was loyalist.
In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the Constitution of 1789 was created by independent states – forming the united States of America – out of the practical necessity to provide for their common defense against the European superpowers of the day like Britain and France (the outer enemy), and to restrain common man (the inner enemy) who had been imbued with the revolutionary spirit in the “American” struggle to throw off the colonial yoke.
Almost immediately, the six rival nations within the United States began quarreling with each other, with Yankeedom attempting to assert its supremacy within the Union under President John Adams.
Tidewater forged an alliance called the Democratic-Republican Party with Deep South, Greater Appalachia, Midlands, and New Netherland to overthrow the Federalists and Yankee hegemony in the election of 1800 – thereafter, the Virginia Dynasty (Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe) ruled America until the election of John Quincy Adams in 1824.
Yankee hegemony was briefly restored under John Quincy Adams, who famously struck a “corrupt bargain” with Henry Clay to defeat Andrew Jackson, who defeated Adams in the election of 1828 – Jackson founded the Democracy, the party of white supremacy, which dominated America until the War Between the States.
Under the Southern presidents, Americans began the long march across North America: Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon (this was opposed by Yankeedom), America invaded Canada in the War of 1812 (this was opposed by Yankeedom), Andrew Jackson invaded Florida which led to its acquisition from Spain (this was opposed by Yankeedom), Jackson and Van Buren deported the Southeastern Indians to Oklahoma (this was opposed by Yankeedom).
In the 1830s, Southerners settled the Mexican province of Coahuila y Tejas (which was surrendered to Spain by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams), fought the Texas Revolution, and created the Lone Star Republic (Texas annexation was opposed by Yankeedom). In the 1840s, James K. Polk settled the Oregon Question with Britain (this was somewhat opposed by Yankeedom who wanted British Columbia) and won California and the American Southwest in the Mexican War (this was strongly opposed by Yankeedom).
The last territorial annexation to the continental United States was the Gadsden Purchase under the Directory-controlled Franklin Pierce which brought Southern Arizona and New Mexico into the Union. Mexico had wanted to sell Baja California, but there was too much opposition in the Northern states.
By the 1850s, the South had evolved into an agrarian, expansionist, aristocratic society based on plantation slavery that had dominated the federal government for decades through the Democracy. A complex racial caste system had evolved south of the Mason-Dixon that did not exist in the North.
In contrast, the North had evolved into a commercial, egalitarian, “free labor” society with a manufacturing economy that had attracted millions of German and Irish immigrants. The Republican Party was coalescing around a program of anti-slavery, opposition to national expansion, high tariffs, and internal improvements.
Coinciding with these developments, Yankeedom after the Second Great Awakening was spawning radical utopian 19th century intellectual movements: Transcendentalism, the abolitionist movement, the women’s suffrage movement, the temperance movement, the anti-war movement, the Church of Latter Day Saints which resulted in the Mormon exodus to Utah, and later the “Civil Rights Movement.”
The roots of radical leftism in America can be traced back to this religious revolution in Yankeedom in the 1830s and 1840s. It was fiercely opposed by Yankee traditionalists like Lyman Beecher. This was the culture that spawned leftist radicals like John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, and Charles Sumner.
In 1860, Yankeedom dominated the Republican Party, and the Appalachian Abraham Lincoln was elected president. As in the 1850s, the Northern coalition had to run a candidate from the minority element of the coalition to win enough support in Appalachian settled states like Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio (later the center of Copperheadism) to secure the White House.
Led from its cultural heartland in Charleston, South Carolina seceded from the United States and led the Deep South into the Confederacy. Tidewater wanted to join the Confederacy, but was blocked by Greater Appalachia which controlled the governments of the Upper South.
In 1861, Jefferson Davis ordered Confederate troops to fire on Fort Sumter, which rallied New Netherland and Midlands to Yankeedom, and which gave Lincoln the support he needed in the North to suppress the Confederacy – previously, New Netherland had been strongly pro-Confederate, and New York City had entertained the idea of seceding from Yankeeland and becoming a city-state.
After Lincoln called for troops to suppress the Confederacy, Greater Appalachia split into Union Appalachia and Confederate Appalachia, and the shift in sentiment within Appalachia is what propelled Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee to join the Confederacy.
The War Between the States devastated the South – hundreds of thousands of Southerners had lost their lives, much of the region was physically destroyed in the course of the war, the slaves were emancipated which wiped out the Southern economy, and the region fell under military rule.
During Reconstruction, the Northern coalition of Yankeedom, Midlands, and New Netherlands attempted to “reconstruct” Dixie in the image of the North. The hated Dred Scott decision was overturned and blacks were made into American citizens. Thousands of Yankee carpetbaggers moved to the South where they amassed great fortunes.
Yankees emancipated blacks and made them into American citizens in order to rule the South by creating a negro based Republican Party in Dixie. They created public universities and public schools in the South – naturally, they were integrated – in order to brainwash Southern children into the racial mores of Northern culture.
The radical experiment completely backfired when Appalachians created the Ku Klux Klan and Deep Southerners created organizations like the White League which heroically fought to overthrow Reconstruction – in 1877, the end of Reconstruction in the South was known as “Redemption.”
From 1861 until 1896, thirty five years of nationalist struggle within the South in the War Between the States, Reconstruction, and Redemption fused the three separate Southern cultures into “Dixie,” which existed as the Jim Crow South from 1896 to 1965.
“Dixie” was the White Republic – the “White Man’s Country” within the United States – which subsumed Tidewater, Deep South, and Greater Appalachia. Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Maryland, and Oklahoma had failed to join the Confederacy, but joined “Dixie” after the Yankees destroyed slavery and forged the South into a nation-state in Reconstruction.
In the North, the triumphant Union had forced “Dixie” to pass the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment, passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Anti-Klan Act of 1871, and the Civil Rights Act of 1875 – virtually everything within the power of the Union was done to force racial equality on the defeated South during this period.
Although the North failed to impose its worldview on Dixie, it triumphed within the Northern states – every Northern state banned segregation and racial discrimination and (with the exception of Indiana) repealed their anti-miscegenation laws before 1887. Yankees had succeeded in “integrating” the North before the Jews started arriving en masse from 1890s to 1920s.
Meanwhile, the triumphant North’s capitalist economy drew millions of more immigrants from around the world; before 1890, mostly from Ireland, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, and China; after 1890, mostly from Poland, Italy, and Greece. The immigrants “assimilated” into the preexisting regional cultures or “rebelled” against them.
The North has controlled the federal government with few exceptions from Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s until the Dixie-led coalition in the Republican Party triumphed in the 1990s. America has been systematically remade in the image of Yankeedom with everything from Yankee public schools to Yankee mass media.
(1) Virginia born Woodrow Wilson became president when the Republican Party split between Taft and Roosevelt. Wilson has the distinction of being the president who resegregated the federal government and brought the “League of Nations” (another utopian scheme) from Northern academia to Western Europe.
It is no coincidence that Woodrow Wilson was the president of Princeton University and the Governor of New Jersey.
(2) FDR, a Northern born Dutch aristocrat from the Hudson Valley, formed a national coalition between New Netherland, Dixie, and Midlands called the New Deal Coalition in the tragic circumstances of the Great Depression.
For decades, Union pensions, the Republican tariff wall, and the Northern controlled federal government had enriched the Northern states at the expense of the Dixie nations, which only began to change when FDR’s defense spending and internal improvements began to transform the colonial economy of the region.
(3) Harry Truman accidentally ended up in the White House after FDR died in office. The South was beginning to prosper in this period because Southerners had ceased to be the minority in Congress. The Dixiecrats broke with Truman over his push for a civil rights bill.
In what is known as the “Civil Rights Movement,” Yankeedom began to reassert itself by contesting the racial caste system of Dixie in order to form a Northern coalition, just as it had done in the 1850s when it created the Republican Party over the wedge issue of anti-slavery.
With the “Second Reconstruction,” Yankees succeeded in driving a wedge in the Democratic Party between Dixie and its coalition partners – the South revolted in the Dixiecrat rebellion of 1948 and the Goldwater campaign of 1964 and finally abandoned the Democratic Party when Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, one of the biggest supporters of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, got the Democratic nomination.
Since the 1960s, “Dixie” (the fusion of Tidewater, Deep South, and Greater Appalachia) has been allied with Far West and the Anglo minority in “El Norte.” Yankeedom has forged an alliance with Left Coast and New Netherland on the basis of social liberalism and centralizing control of the federal government.
The two swing sections of the United States are “El Norte” and “Midlands” (South Florida is not covered in the book, but is clearly another one) which can throw control of the U.S. federal government to the Yankee coalition (as in Barack Hussein Obama) or the Dixie coalition (as in George W. Bush).
The two coalitions have always been led by Dixie and Yankeedom which have been locked in perpetual combat for control of the United States since the American Revolution – our lax immigration policy is designed to create “Aztlan” in the Southwest to provide another partner for Yankeedom (Southerners voted down the Equal Rights Amendment and Immigration Act of 1965) to reassert its control over the federal government.
In December 2010, every single representative from New England voted for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal and the DREAM Act. This is due to the internal politics within the Democratic Party. The opposition to DADT repeal and the DREAM Act was due to internal politics within the Republican Party.
Where do the Jews fit into this picture? The Jews are “New Netherland” now after having assumed control of New York City – an easy conquest, it was always materialistic and multicultural from the beginning – many generations ago. They are also powerful in South Florida, Midlands, and the Left Coast.
“The System” that White Nationalists are always deploring is simple enough to understand: in the American system, the nations that exist under the American federation have to forge alliances with each other to compete with other nations who are allied together as an opposition force, and what passes for “America” in the 21st century is the clash between these rival nations.
The European Union and Canada are multinational federations. They are being consumed by the same divisive forces which tore apart Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Quebec is the liberal wrecking ball within Canada.
In America, the Dixie coalition has to win Midlands or El Norte to control the federal government because of irreconcilable cultural differences over social liberalism with the Whites in Yankeedom and Left Coast who are driven by utopian fantasies, and that is why Republican elites repress the indigenous racialist and anti-immigration sentiment that is boiling underneath the Republican coalition.
Southern Nationalists already have a solution to this conflict: dissolving the Union and creating a homogeneous Southern Republic based on Dixie is the only conceivable way to ensure our long term racial and cultural survival as a distinct people in North America. It cures the problem which is the multinational federation that is America.
“Scholars have long recognized that “the South” as a unified entity didn’t really come into existence until after the Civil War. It was the resistance to Yankee-led Reconstruction that brought this Dixie bloc together to ultimately include even Appalachian people who’d fought against the Confederacy during the war. . . .
The southern clergy helped foster a new civil religion in the former Confederacy, a myth scholars have come to call the Lost Cause. Following its credo, whites in the Deep South, Tidewater, and, ultimately, Appalachia came to believe that God had allowed the Confederacy to be bathed in blood, its cities destroyed, and its enemies ruling over it in order to test and sanctify His favored people. . . .
In Appalachia, however, such rigid hierarchies had never existed, and free blacks initially had more room to maneuver. Ironically this relative social dynamism triggered a particular gruesome counterattack in the borderlands. Appalachia’s staggering poverty – made worse by war and economic dislocation – created a situation in which many white Borderlands found themselves in direct competition with newly freed blacks, who tended to be less deferential than those in the lowlands. The response was the creation of a secret society of homicidal vigilantes called the Ku Klux Klan. The original Reconstruction-era Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, and remained almost entirely an Appalachian phenomenon, a warrior order committed to crushing that nation’s enemies. Klansmen tortured and killed “uppity” blacks, terrorized or murdered Yankee schoolteachers, burned schoolhouses, and assaulted judges and other officials associated with the occupation. Revealingly, it was disbanded on the orders of its own Grand Wizard in 1869 because the Dixie bloc’s white elite had become concerned that it was encouraging the lower white orders to think and act on their own.”
If this agenda sounds like it overlaps with the “White Nationalist” agenda, it is because “White Nationalists” are rallying to the standard of an abstraction, the “White Republic” or “White homeland,” which is really the historical ghost or shadow of the Jim Crow South which was created by Dixie in the aftermath of Reconstruction.
Thanks to Colin Woodward’s American Nations, we know the roots of “White Nationalism” can be spelled: K-K-K. The national borders of the “White Republic” can be drawn on a map. It even has a name: Dixie.
Hopefully, this will eliminate some confusion in the blogosphere.
There were strong Progressive movements in the South, and I don’t mean Graingers or free silver types. Yes, there were agrarian populists in the countryside, but progressives did have a hold in southern cities.
The South was still devastated from the War at the beginning of the 20th century, but that didn’t erase the eons of shared culture between whites in the two regions going back well before North America was settled by Europeans–and neither did immigration at that point.
Every reform movement you mentioned and more was pushed by editorialists and activists in southern cities. You can even add anti-smoking and animal cruelty stances. I’ve read contemporary articles in Savannah papers calling for a ban on selling tobacco near schools and of arrests due to leaving horses without proper care–and this was in 1905! Clean food and pure water were issues, as well. The South did not exist in a vacuum.
I’m not your enemy, and we probably wish for similar outcomes. I just don’t believe that the South was as distinct as you do.
I’m sure how else to explain it to you.
Jim Crow was a Southern system of race relations. The Western states had their own version of Jim Crow which was repealed between 1945 and 1967.
In the South, the 14th Amendment was nullified by the Plessy decision, whereas the Northeast and Midwest were integrated between the 1860s and 1880s. The North repealed its anti-miscegenation laws. “Racial discrimination” was a crime. Segregation was a crime that could get you thrown in jail.
How was the South like the North? Follow the links to the Jim Crow history website. You will find that the North was nothing like the South at all. In fact, the Northern system of race relations was the exact opposite of the Southern system of race relations.
In Georgia and Mississippi, it was a felony to publish materials that advocated race mixing, whereas segregation could get you thrown in jail in Minnesota! The NAACP was based in New York City.
After the War Between the States, millions of European immigrants settled in the Northern states, because it had a commercial and manufacturing economy, whereas the South was an agricultural region with a racial caste system, which is why “Southerners” show up as ethnic “Americans” in the U.S. Census.
The South doesn’t have the same religion as the North. It is ethnically distinct from the North. It is culturally distinct from the North. It is philosophically and ideologically distinct from the North.
We do not share the same history as the North. The most important defining event in Southern history was the War Between the States and Reconstruction. The bloodiest war in our history was fought against the North.
Quite honestly, the South has never really been like the North, which opposed everything from the Louisiana Purchase to the annexation of Texas to the “Winning of the West” to Indian Removal to the Gadsden Purchase.
Even in Colonial America, the Southern colonies were unlike the Northern colonies. In the 2012 election, the South will vote for the Republican candidate and the North will vote for Barack Hussein Obama.
How do we explain America before 1865 and America after 1865? Very simple.
Before 1865, the South was the dominant section in the Union. After 1865, the North was the dominant section in the Union. If you look at voting patterns and especially the votes on major pieces of legislation and constitutional amendments, the same pattern will reveal itself.
Even today, Northern cities do not look like Southern cities.
I understand what Jim Crow was, and I also understand that there was/is a racial caste system in the North. I guess the difference is between de facto and de jure racism. Why else were black groups in the North threatening mayhem and boycotts at the beginning of WWII and burning down cities in the North in the 1960s?
Yes, the regions did develop somewhat differently for many reasons, but the founding groups and colonists were still mostly Protestants from the British Isles and northwestern Europe. We can split hairs all day long about regional architecture, variances in Protestant religion and racial views, but the fact remains that white Yankees were not that different from white Southerners. Whites moved easily and freely between both societies before and after the war.
Todd brings up the telling phrase, one I had forgotten, but was ubiquitous in the late ’60s and early ’70s: de facto segregation. The North practiced segregation, but it was done under the table through clauses in private property deeds that forbade the selling of the property to non-Whites, or by discrimination in hiring. New schools were built far from the edges of racial turfs, to ensure that the enrollment districts did not include too many of the wrong color, and in the racial border areas, parents could choose which school their kids would attend. Of course, parents generally chose to keep to their own kind. It wasn’t just the cost of housing that created ghettos. Whites wanted it that way.
This quiet but effective system of racial hygiene was destroyed by the courts through lawsuits against “de facto” (by fact) segregation. Much was made of the hypocrisy of allowing the North to do by stealth what the South did by law (de jure). Northerners didn’t want to live around Blacks any more than Southerners did, but the same NAACP/ACLU crowd forced them on us. When Northern cities were forced to open up their records, it was clearly evident that they had deliberately kept the races apart, and the Great Busing Assault on our schools began. The Southerners were the first victims of the War on Whites, but not the only ones.