Thomas and Debra Goodrich’s book The Day Dixie Died: Southern Occupation, 1865-1866 is one of a small handful of books that dares to tell the truth about what really happened in the American South in 1865.
BRA’s historians prefer to focus exclusively on black suffering, noble Yankees, the preservation of the Glorious Union, Lincoln’s assassination, the abolition of slavery, and the wickedness of Southern opposition to Reconstruction.
The Southern reader is always left with the gut feeling that something is being deliberately omitted from their narrative. Court historians are not telling the whole story. There is a sneaking suspicion that history is being written from the perspective of the victors.
What about the losers? If the Union won the War Between the States, then the Confederates were the losers. In The Day Dixie Died, Thomas and Debra Goodrich describe in vivid detail what life was like for the losing side in the year that followed Appomattox.
Here are some highlights:
John Wilkes Booth, The Conspirators, and Lincoln’s Assassination

In his last public speech, Abraham Lincoln endorsed the idea of making “African-Americans” into citizens with voting rights in Louisiana. John Wilkes Booth was among the audience and told a friend, “That means nigger citizenship. Now, by God, I’ll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever make.”
In a last ditch effort to save the Confederacy, John Wilkes Booth (who was a member of the Confederate Secret Service) and his fellow conspirators plotted to decapitate the Union government by assassinating Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Seward.
In Ford’s Theater, Booth famously shot and killed Lincoln. The Shakespearean actor leaped from the stage, raised his dagger of his head, and yelled “Sic semper tyrannis, The South is Avenged.” Lewis Powell attempted to assassinate William Seward and succeeded in stabbing him several times. George Atzerodt was assigned to assassinate Andrew Johnson, but got drunk and abandoned the idea at the last moment.
Booth was hunted down and was fatally shot in the head outside a tobacco barn in Port Royal, Virginia. He told the Union solider who shot him, “Tell my mother I die for my country.”
Among the items found on Booth was a diary. The April 21 entry reads:
“After being hunted like a dog through swamps, woods, and … chased by gun boats till I was forced to return wet, cold, and starving, with every mans hand against me, I am here in despair. And why; For doing what Brutus was honored for, what made Tell a Hero. And yet I for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew am looked upon as a common cuttthroat … I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. I struck for my country and that alone … I do not repent the blow I struck. I may before my God but not to man.”
Lewis Powell, George Atzerdot, Mary Surratt, and David Herold were arrested in connection with Booth’s conspiracy and were executed in a military show trial. Mary Surratt, who was the first woman ever executed by the United States government, was an innocent tavern owner.
Northern mobs extracted their own version of justice across the Union. In Buffalo, the home of ex-president Millard Fillmore was splashed in gallons of black ink. In Staten Island, a gang invaded the home of ex-president John Tyler and ransacked his parlor.
From Maine to Minnesota, scores of Confederate sympathizers, Democrats, and critics of Republicans and the Lincoln administration were shot, stabbed, hung or beaten to death in an orgy of patriotic violence. Every home in Nashville and New Orleans was forced to fly the Stars and Stripes.
Union soldiers marched on Raleigh with the intention of burning the city to the ground like Columbia. Only the muzzles of cannons and German Sherman’s tireless efforts prevented a massacre of Southern civilians.
Occupied Richmond

In the War Between the States, 178,000 black troops fought for the Union Army and 19,000 served in the Union Navy. 70,000 of these black Union soldiers died in the war from disease or combat injuries.
“African-Americans” were 10 percent of the Union Army. These black soldiers served under the command of White abolitionists who led them into battle to kill Confederate soldiers in the South.
Black soldiers were given the honor of being the first troops to enter defeated Richmond on April 3, 1865:
“Bervet Brigadier General Draper’s brigade of colored troops, Brevet Major General Kautz’s division, were the first infantry to enter Richmond. The gallant 36th U.S. Colored Troops, under Lieutenant Colonel B.F. Pratt, has the honor of being the first regiment. Captain Bicnnef’s company has the pride of leading the advance…
By that point, Virginia was a vast tomb for countless thousands of dead Confederate soldiers. When Abraham Lincoln arrived for the ceremonial lowering of the Stars and Bars, Richmond was buried in a sea of black. The city was in funeral mode when Robert E. Lee arrived with the ragged remnants of the Army of Northern Virginia.
A witness of the event described the scene:
“By some strange intuition, it was known that General Lee was among them, and a crowd collected all along the route he would take, silent and bareheaded. There was no excitement, no hurrahing; but, as the great chief passed, a deep, loving murmur, greater than these, rose from the very hearts of the crowd. Taking off his hat and simply bowing his head, the man great in adversity passed silently to his own door; it closed upon him, and his people had seen him for the last time in his battle harness.”
Robert E. Lee, the man would have been president, died in 1870.
Occupied Charleston

A Boston correspondent who arrived in Charleston after the war described “a city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses … of rotting wharves, of deserted warehouses, of wild-weed grown gardens, of miles of grass-grown streets, of acres of pitiful and voiceful barrenness.” Most of the citizens of Charleston were exiled, widowed, orphaned, crippled, or dead.
Robert Gould Shaw, who was famously played by Matthew Broderick in Glory, died leading the Massachusetts 54th All-Black Regiment in the Battle of Fort Wagner outside Charleston.
The black survivors were invited back to participate in the occupation:
“Leading the first Union troops to enter Charleston was a black Union soldier who rode a mule up Meeting Street, carrying a banner emblazoned “Liberty.” Black soldiers with the famous Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth Regiment, survivors of the bloody assault on Fort Wagner outside Charleston, marched behind him singing “John Brown’s Body,” the abolitionist anthem.”
William Lloyd Garrison and Henry Ward Beecher arrived in Charleston on April 14, 1865 to witness Robert Anderson’s raising of the Stars and Stripes at Fort Sumter. After the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, Beecher gave the keynote address which culminated in a bloodthirsty call for vengeance.
He wasn’t referring to the starving and vanquished inhabitants of Charleston who might have sympathized with his call for vengeance, but to the thousands of Yankees who had died in the course of “preserving the Union.” The survivors wandered around the ruins of Charleston like ghosts as the patriotic celebrations lasted through the night and into the next day.
“In Charleston, a wanderer found the churchyard there symbolic of the city itself – sunken grass, broken headstone, a “mangy cur … slinking” amid the markers. Then he noted a particular grave: “All around the little plat is a border of myrtle, sweet in rich greenness, but untrimmed and broken and goat-eaten. It is the grave of the father of the Rebellion, and on the marble slab there is cut the one word, – CALHOUN” … Time was when South Carolina guarded this grave as a holy spot. Now it lies in ruin.”
As John C. Calhoun’s grave was overwhelmed by weeds, “African-Americans” taunted the local Whites in their “Jubilee” and paraded through the ruined streets of Charleston behind a wagon pulling a coffin marked “Slavery is Dead.”
War Crime Trials

Henry Wirz, the Confederate commander in charge of Andersonville, was put on trial for war crimes by a military tribunal and was publically executed before a crowd of 250 spectators.
If Wirz had implicated Jefferson Davis for being responsible for the conditions at Andersonville, his sentence would have been commuted and he would walked away. He refused, “I would not become a traitor to him or anyone else to save my life.”
Wirz stoically marched to his death at the gallows:
On the morning of November 10, 1865. Wirz was roused by guards in his cell at the Old Capitol Prison. “As they were leaving the room,” wrote a witness, “Witz turned to the mantel, and with as much nonchalance as if he had been in a bar-room, took up a bottle of whisky, and pouring out a liberal draught, drank it down with apparent relish. Then taking a chew of tobacco, he took his place in the procession.”
“He disappointed all those who expected to see him quiver at the brink of death …,” wrote a reporter for the New York Times, only one of a flock of correspondents scribbling away. “His step was steady, his demeanor calm, his tongue silent … He met his fate with unblanched eye, unmoving feature, and a calm, deliberate prayer for all those whom he has deemed his persecutors.”
13 percent of Confederate POWs died in Northern prison camps like Elmira amid a cornucopia of food. 11 percent of Union POWs died in Confederate prison camps like Andersonville.
Ruffin’s Suicide

Edmund Ruffin, the fiery Virginia secessionist who fired the first cannon shot at Fort Sumter, committed suicide. Before he blew his brains out with that rifle, Ruffin left behind a letter for posterity:
“I here declare my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule — to all political, social and business connection with the Yankees and to the Yankee race. Would that I could impress these sentiments, in their full force, on every living Southerner and bequeath them to every one yet to be born! May such sentiments be held universally in the outraged and down-trodden South, though in silence and stillness, until the now far-distant day shall arrive for just retribution for Yankee usurpation, oppression and atrocious outrages, and for deliverance and vengeance for the now ruined, subjugated and enslaved Southern States!
…And now with my latest writing and utterance, and with what will be near my latest breath, I here repeat and would willingly proclaim my unmitigated hatred to yankee rule–to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, and the perfidious, malignant and vile Yankee race.”
Mass Starvation

1 out of every 4 Southern White men of military age died or was seriously maimed in the War Between the States. At least 45,000 amputees came home unable to work in an economy where Confederate currency had become worthless.
The inevitable result of such of a male holocaust on the battlefield and the destruction of the Confederate infrastructure by the Union Army was the mass starvation of women and children on the homefront:
In Georgia:
“There seemed no limit to the privation; an estimated thirty-five thousand people in an around Atlanta had to be fed by government rations or starve.
We had nothing to eat but musty meal and hardtack,” a man from Georgia recalled. “We just kept from starving and that was all.” Another Georgian acknowledged, ” We did not starve; but, like thousands of others, “we most starved'”
In South Carolina:
“In South Carolina, “hundreds of mortal beings are perishing around us each day for want of food and raimant …,” the Charleston Courier reported. There are numbers of White families who know not where to get their next meal.”
In Alabama:
“Near Huntsville, Alabama, families of dead Rebel soldiers were dying of starvation.”
In Missouri and Arkansas:
“In the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas, much of the scattered and decimated population was surviving on “greens, slippery elm bark, and roots.”
In Virginia and North Carolina:
In North Carolina, a reporter for the New York Herald watched as “wasted women” lurked around train stations, “moving like clothed skeletons around the cars to gather up any corn which … may escape from the sack.” In neighboring Virginia, “here a tired woman, with a babe in one arm and a little toddler clinging to her skirts … There a twelve-year-old boy, dragging a wooden cart … Aged women, hobbling along … shy young girls, with basket and bag, blushing under the impudent leers and coarse jets of the loafing soldiery.”
In Louisiana:
A Texas cavalryman along the Red River in Louisiana reported that women and children were living in the woods without shelter or adequate clothing. “There are many,” said the soldier, “that have been in easy circumstances who are actually living on blackberries.”
Not surprisingly, food of any sort in the ravaged Red River Valley was a delicacy, and Yankee soldiers sailing to Shreveport soon found sport in the situation:
“In front of every farm-house would be a large assemblage of whites and blacks, of all ages and assorted sizes. Our boys amused themselves by throwing “hard-tack” to them, and then what running and tumbling and scrambling would ensue! little nigs and little whites, little dogs and big dogs, all joined in the race, and by the time the “hard-tack” was secured it was difficult to determine what were the original ingredients.”
The Imprisonment of Jefferson Davis

President Jefferson Davis and the remnants of the Confederate government were hunted down and captured near Irwinville, Georgia.
Davis spent the next two years in prison at Fort Monroe on the coast of Virginia. Obama recently designated Fort Monroe a national monument because it was a refuge for runaway slaves.
As a prisoner of the victorious Union, President Davis was forced to suffer the indignity of wearing the shackles of a common criminal. The scene is described in the book:
“These are not orders for a soldier,” shouted the prisoner, losing all control of himself. “They are orders for a jailer – for a hangman … I plead against this degradation. Kill me! Kill!” he cried passionately, throwing his arms wide open and exposing his breats, “rather than inflict on me, and on my people through this insult worse than death.” …
“It required six men to accomplish it, he the while struggling like a maniac,” recalled a witness to the scene. “Mr. Davis was thrown on his back on the cot …,” said another present, “and the blacksmith welded the irons on his wrists and ankles.”
Other Topics
The above is a sample of the topics discussed in this must read book.
If your curiosity has been aroused, you can also find discussions of other neglected subjects such as the mass crime wave that followed abolition, more on “swallowing the dog,” the looting of plantations, the carpetbagger invasion, the epidemic of black-on-white rape, the anarchic collapse of Texas, partisan warfare in Missouri and Kentucky, Jesse James getting shot in the chest after attempting to surrender, the race war in Memphis, the starvation of freedmen, the brutal dictatorship of “Parson” Brownlow in Tennessee, and black troops removing buttons from the uniforms of Confederate veterans.
The Day Dixie Died ends on a positive note: in the context of military occupation, economic collapse, and social revolution, the formation of the Ku Klux Klan in Tennessee, America’s very first revolutionary pro-White organization.
Buy this book. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Lincoln’s words in the speech referenced are…”It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers.” He clearly makes a distinction between the two. If he wished to broadly enfranchise the colored man then why the preference for a franchise conferred upon the “very intelligent” and veterans. Compare it to Lee’s commitment to welcome them to live as free men in the south after the war; grant their families freedom if they died in battle defending the Confederacy and reward them monetarily for faithful service. Lincoln, according to the speech referenced, is far less demanding than Lee.
Apparently, the death toll at Andersonville was ~13,000 consisting of almost 30% of the ~45,000 incarcerated there.
“Civil War railroad historian George Edgar Turner concluded: “Tons of bacon, rice, sugar and other perishable foods spoiled in accumulated masses while soldiers in near-by Virginia famished for want of them.” Historian Charles W. Ramsdell pointed out that Lee’s army starved, “not because there was no food in the Confederacy, for it was plentiful in many portions of Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, but because the railroads simply could not carry enough of it.
The Confederacy did permit ships, mainly operated by private enterprises looking to make sizable profits, to run the blockade. Blockade-runners brought in much needed military equipment and supplies, but the most profitable part of their cargoes consisted of luxury goods, such as silks, laces, spices, molasses, liquor, sugar, coffee, and tea. What the South needed was machinery, salt, zinc, iron, steel, and copper, but these were heavy and bulky, and these items produced much smaller returns. The Confederate government tried to regulate blockade-runners, but this usually lessened the willingness of private entrepreneurs to risk having their ships and cargoes captured. Although the Confederacy finally outlawed the importation of alcoholic beverages and some other luxury goods, bans proved ineffective and these items were available in the Confederacy up to its final days—for those able to pay for them.”
In other words the Confederacy, with its inadequacies and inefficiencies aided and abetted the scarcities it endured.
Excerpted from Starving the South by Andrew F. Smith
Johnny Cash had a mulatto wife. Secretary William Seward in Dixon work had a negress lover and was super anti-white. Solomon Chase in Dixons work helpèd Jeff Davis gain freedom. The Mutation freaks, the Blenders as H. Millard calls them are hell bent on mixing all races up on a world wide scale. Not only Races, but these controllers are giving us GMO Foods. They want to control everything—to get their main goal of total control, they have to get rid of the White Race. Cain was a degenerate seed who was the first jew. All the big cities and world and governments are under Cainite Control. The South was right but the war was stupid, Whites killing Whites because of a Mutant Elite Bastard Race. Reconstrution was a nightmare just like the Second Reconstruction with BRA that Hunter talks about so well.
The death of Dixie and look what we got today: LOONEY TUNES WHACKO BLENDERS PUSH GENOCIDE BY H: MILLARD——–and check this Reb out: NEW NATION NEWS – From The Confederacy……. Hey Hunter–what about PRINCE HALL MASONRY and its role in BRA? And how many Northeast Liberal Establishment Members are Scot Rite or York Riters? Southern Baptist are eat up with Anti White Scot Riters!
Hunter and Desmond: The best account on War Between States is Richard Kelly Hoskins in his Vigilantes of Christendom—Chapter 6 WAR BETWEEN THE STATES-The South Meets the Establishment. Great White Desert.org has Hoskins book to view… Also Robert E. Miles Great White Desert and Richard Butler Great WhiterDesert are good info. Inequality and Racial War by Buddy Tucker on OTHER ARTICLES-Truth From God.com is grerat info…..
Mr. Thomas- Why do you persist in telling everyone on this board to read your links? Don’t you realize they are ‘tacitly ignoring’ EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR POSTS?
Please, like a recent column I read in which your ‘CI’ folk do nothing but bicker and slander in most unchristianlike fashion,
take your urls somewhere else. No one cares for them. At least that is my opinion.
Hunter- amazing post. I will see if I can procure a copy of this book… yet another one on the ‘must read’ lists.
one more list of reasons I’m unlikely to make common cause with yankees.
now that I think about it, yankees are like women; they do you all kinds of wrong, tell you it’s your fault, for your own good and never apologizes for it
Aye, I’ll be ordering a copy. I may be an ignorant swamp yankee, but you’ve kindled a fire in me to know this South in while I have lived so long.
I’ve also abandoned completely my plan to move to Maine, opting instead for a house up in Dixie County, LOL. Well possibly Dixie, perhaps a surrounding county. Old Town looks inviting. Wherever! So long as I may bear a long knife for personal defense, I am content.
BY THE WAY, months ago I asked about the name of a notorious secessionist whose name had escaped me, — EDMUND RUFFIN it was. I wonder if you have read old boy’s journals? The last volume is supposed to be unrelenting hellfire in the manner of his suicide note.
Fr. John: No free speech. Be quiet. Be politically correct. Buddy Tucker is right about WEVILS.
I finally see your strategy Hunter. You’re going to play the “Southern Holocaust” card as justification for secession. I like it. Nothing moves mountains like white guilt.
Great job Hunter now the Southern Genocide deniers are gonna show and pile on like Morris Dees signs their paychecks. (Morris truly being a high level capo in the Southern Genocide)
Considering the availability of cameras at the time there were quite a few pictures taken of cities like Atlanta, Richmond, Columbia. I don’t know if they’re in this book or not but as you might tell from the one on the cover, 1865 Richmond looked very like 1945 Berlin. Of course they leave cities like that all over the world now, not to mention creating their own in places like Detroit. I’d like to put together a timelined picture book of the wonderful results of the American Experiment over two centuries.
That they did it to people they claimed as their own countrymen, who merely tried to resolve their differences by peaceful divorce and in accord with their own Constitution, well, all you can expect from such a mindset is a completely indifferent concern and unequaled brutality in pursuing whatever faddish cause they’re enamored with at the time. America is a rabid dog.
Fr. John: You do like Christian Identity because they bicker and fight? Since WW 2 The Justice Department has a training school for Agents. These Agents go all over USA and infiltrate Groups. Some even set up groups. They do it to Monitor, Control and Neutralize. When someone shows true leadership ability they get rid of them or kill them. No matter what type of movement it is, there will always be bickering and attacking each other because of human nature. But, some of this bickerting and attacking could be or is from infiltrators or Double Agents. The links I put up are good and important. Why would you disagree to look at them? James P. Wickstrom has alot of good information and Great White Desert.org is a store house full of wisdom. And Hunter this is for you or whoever wants to look at it: Confederate States of America Website—-http://csagov.org/ Talk about Secession- look at CSA Website.
The ideal is to secede from the United States and create a “White ethnostate,” right? A “White Republic” that is explicitly based on race and ethnicity. I wonder where people ever got that idea. 🙂
Here’s the story of a Confederate veteran on the way home from a Northern POW camp witnessing “Old Glory” on parade in Washington:
“On his way home, one former Rebel prisoner, Matthew Jack Davis, paused just long enough in Washington to witness the Grand Review. What he saw in the city must have stirred more emotions than he had words to express. Near starvation, his clothes tattered, dreading what he might find when he reached home, and above all, humiliated by defeat, Davis gazed upon the conquering blue host as they made their coveted victory parade through the flower-strewn streets of the capital. For two days, amid a roar of cheers and a sea of waving handkerchiefs, the columns of the victors appeared to go on and on forever. But what left an indelible impression upon the young man was not the shiny weapons of his former foe, or their bold blue uniforms, or even their numbers. Instead, what was most impressive to Davis was the spring in their step, the strength in their arms, and the incredible air of health and vitality surrounding them. Contrasted with his own weak and pitiful self, nothing could have brought home more the inevitability of defeat to this young man than the display of confidence and might. There could have been no other outcome – the South had lost because it could not win.”
Here’s a description of Jackson where black soldiers also given the honor of overthrowing the government of Mississippi:
“A correspondent in Mississippi noted only “four or five houses standing and inhabited on the whole route for Vicksburg to Jackson.” Arriving in Jackson, the reporter found the State House, the governor’s mansion, city hall, and the asylum to be the only public buildings left standing – all else were ashes and ruin. So total was the destruction in Jackson that many began calling it chimneyville.”
The governor of Florida committed suicide. The governor of Texas was arrested with Jefferson Davis. The governor of Louisiana died in exile in Mexico. Quite literally, the Southern political elite was decapitated and the cultural elite was purged.
This is how the South became part of the United States:
“Also, some white officers encouraged their black troops to drive home the fact that the South was a conquered land. “Black heels should stand on white necks,” sniffed one officer’s wife in Augusta. Given the explosive situation, hostilities were inevitable. In Columbus, Georgia, a veritable battle broke out when black troops knocked whites off the sidewalk. One citizen pulled a pistol and shot a soldier, beginning a bloody free-for-all.
Reports grew more frightening with each tale of black troops preying on helpless populations.”
In South Carolina, less than 150 Whites voted to rejoin the Union. It was constitutional conventions of blacks, carpetbaggers, and scalawags that illegally voted to rejoin the United States.
Here in Alabama, around 10 percent of Whites (virtually all of whom were anti-Confederates from the mountain counties in North Alabama) voted to rejoin the Union. The White majority boycotted the election and the constitutional convention.
Blacks voted to rejoin the Union. The black-carpetbagger-scalawag government was recognized by Congress. It sent “representatives” to Washington. These people ratified the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment.
After the Redemption of Alabama in 1874, there was never a vote on rejoining the United States.
It was all worth it!
I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE’S GONNA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!!
the “Southern Holocaust” card as justification for secession. I like it. Nothing moves mountains like white guilt.
I was thinking along the same lines. The North devastated the South. Southerners would be the richest people on Earth if not for the devastation of the Yankees. If Yankee Judea can excuse robbing us blind (and pissing it all away) with the devastation wrought on blacks, why can’t Southerners excuse secession with the devastation wrought on us by whites.
Of course, Yankee Judeans will say “you seem to be doing fine,” to which the reply should be, “no thanks to you Yankee Judeans; we’re doing fine and blacks are still mired in the usual because we are able, and blacks are not; you hypocritical Yankee Judeans think being incompetent justifies blacks and being competent condemns Southerners – just more of the insanity you’re famous for.”
Few Yankees seem to understand that plantation slavery in the Antebellum South was like modern prisons. The blacks were locked up on the plantations in the countryside.
They could only “go to town” on the weekends with passes written by their masters. White men participated in the slave patrols at night. It was a racial institution that nurtured a culture of white solidarity.
The modern equivalent of abolition would be unleashing all the criminals in federal and state prisons. You don’t realize that you are living next to a prison until the murderers and rapists have been turned loose into your community.
So the inevitable happened:
“White Southerners were overwhelmed by the black crime wave spreading across their homeland. In a moment, Freedmen were everywhere. Defeated whites felt out of place in this new world and, for the first time in their lives, vulnerable …
In another case, near Gallatin, Tennessee, a black “laid in wait” for a white girl he had been watching in the neighborhood. Sensing his opportunity, he seized and “violated” the young woman. When another black man approached, the criminal fled. Helping the terrified girl to a nearby home, the rescuer sounded the alarm.
An enraged father near Bridgeport, Alabama, set out in search of the freedman who had brutally raped his daughter. Overtaking a black on the road, the frenzied father asked his name. “None of your damn business,” was the reply. “Without a second thought, the father shot the man on the spot. Later, it was determined he had killed an innocent man.
In Richmond, two black soldiers raped a white girl … In New Orleans, a freedman ravished a nine-year-old … In Salisbury, a white woman was raped by a black. Scores of reports such as these as well as numerous “attempted” assaults (it was usually put that way, said one woman; “consummated” nails the victim to the stake”) fueled fear and widened the gulf between blacks and whites. But this was only the beginning. The anticipated new year plunged the South into a maelstrom of violence. …
At almost the same time, four black troops from Fort Macon were brought to Raleigh in chains on charges of raping a thirteen-year-old. In Texas, a band of several hundred black soldiers went on a rampage, raiding, robbing, and raping.”
Welcome to what Northerners had been living with (and still are) for decades prior. So, the tragic lesson to be taken from this is simply: PICK YOUR OWN FUCKING COTTON.
Welcome to what Northerners had been living with (and still are) for decades prior. So, the tragic lesson to be taken from this is simply: PICK YOUR OWN FUCKING COTTON.
I think the real lesson is not to lose wars to Yankee Judea.
As Hunter says, ‘twernt Southerners who turned ’em loose. I’ve been saying for years that blaming negros for TNB is like putting the chimps on trial when the zookeeper turns them loose on the populace.
Interesting rift you’ve been highlighting here, Hunter. There are actually Yankee White advocates who defend Yankee Judea. Whodathunkit? I’m having trouble putting myself into those shoes. Sounds like a smoke and fire sitch to me.
I could totally see the Yankee argument, if they’d shipped all the negros back to Africa. They’d definitely have the high ground in that case. Hell, I’d be right there in the chapel in the city on a hill, worshiping next to them. But this “it’s YOUR fault Yankee Judea is and always has been run by maniacs determined to free the chimps from the zoo” thing is just risible.
There are more Hispanics and Asians here now than African-Americans. More blacks have come to America from Africa under the Immigration Act of 1965 than were brought here during the slave trade.
Virtually all the Jews came here after the War Between the States. There are tons of Haitians, Dominicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans here. At least 1/4th of El Salvador is here.
Yankees have imported Somalians to Minnesota and Maine to increase “diversity” there. I believe the fifth “Somali-American” self-detonated over there quite recently.
No, the real lesson is do your own work on your own land, and have nothing to do with niggers. Ever.
And stop putting everything on Jews. If they were as diabolical and powerful as WN’s make them out to be, white “goyim” would have been made extinct a long time ago.
The WNs believe that Jews are the source of all their problems. The truth of the matter is that Yankees had armed 178,000 “African-Americans” to fight for Lincoln to destroy the Confederacy. They succeeded in killing or maiming 1 out of every 4 Southern White men and plunged the South into poverty that lasted for 100 years.
It was Yankees like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner who passed the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment which overturned the hated Dred Scot decision and made blacks into American citizens. In states like South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, the Whites there were living under a negro-carpetbagger dictatorship for years until the White Man’s Revolution of 1876.
The University of South Carolina was integrated. The University of Arkansas was integrated. “African-Americans” controlled the South Carolina state militia. There were integrated public schools in Louisiana. The anti-miscegenation laws had been repealed. Albert Pike, who before the war was a prominent abolitionist, wrote The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government.
So what about the Jews? What about them? Most of them showed up after the 1890s. They made a bad situation worse. The racial basis of American citizenship had already been overthrown in 1867. The Chinese were flooding into the Western states until the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882.
Andrew Johnson was impeached by the Radical Republican Congress for opposing their effort to “Africanize the Southern States.” Here is Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio:
“Sen. Benjamin Wade of Ohio, along with many of his peers, had longed for this ultimate race war, privately, if not publicly. “There is no doubt,” wrote the fiery abolitionist, “that if by an insurrection they [the blacks] could contrive to slay one-half of their oppressors, the other half would hold them in the highest respect.”
It was just such chilling beliefs as these that Southern whites had suspected all along.”
Henry Ravenel didn’t blame them:
“Likewise, Henry Ravenel was dismayed by the downward spiral of society and placed the blame squarely on the interlopers. “Neither the negro slave nor his master is responsible,” the South Carolinian asserted. “It has been done by those, who have political power, are determined to carry into practice the sentimental philanthropy they have so long and angrily advocated.”
“Similarly, Northern missionaries were viewed as the long arm of radical Republicans whose “object … is simply to debase the whites of this section by exalting the blacks.”
I’m looking forward to a surely upcoming look at the Brook Farm mentality. The flip side of their insanity-at-home-depravity-abroad national personality that still exists.
I’m writing a post tomorrow about Emma West and how the Yankees got their great ideas from Britain and France who pioneered the anti-slavery movement in Haiti and the West Indies. There is a connection between that tram and William Wilberforce and the culture of philanthropy.
No, the real lesson is do your own work on your own land, and have nothing to do with niggers. Ever.
And stop putting everything on Jews. If they were as diabolical and powerful as WN’s make them out to be, white “goyim” would have been made extinct a long time ago.
Defend the Jew: primary obsession of Yankee Judeans.
Hunter, no Jews, no Second War of Yankee Aggression (AKA desegregation)? No 1965 Immigration act? We would’ve/could’ve turned things around by now if not for them.
And Hunter, you’re too impressed with ideological pedigree. I’m sure we can trace French/English nuttery to something, and that something to something else, ad nauseam, until we get back to Eve and the Fruit. I get the feeling I could leave and come back in a few years and you’d be doing just that, and explaining how Eve wasn’t a Hebrew.
Johnny Cash is superb, as always. But I prefer version performed by “The Band” on their self-titled album.
“I’m writing a post tomorrow about Emma West and how the Yankees got their great ideas from Britain and France who pioneered the anti-slavery movement in Haiti and the West Indies. There is a connection between that tram and William Wilberforce and the culture of philanthropy.”
Thank you for connecting them, as few “patriots” see the relationship. Not even the BNP, apparently. No matter anything, her language, the circumstances or what she may be forced to say in the future, that common and innocent woman should rally as many forces as the grandest eloquence.
As I approach old age, frankly, I’m tempted to go there and oblige my ancestors.
Fr. John: I read the White Reference article. There will always be problems like this. It has been going on for years and years. The FBI, ADL, Mossad, SPLC, JDL and Justice Department Agents are around and do their dirty work. Robert DePugh and Robert Shelton in 1970s gave Lie Detector Tests for all people attending their Patriot Conferences. You would be surprised at the list of people who refused to take it. I cannot undertstand why you would be upset about the info websites I post? Are you something else rather than what you write? When the White Race tries to free itself the Controllers and Evil Ones will do all in their power—TO STOP AN AWAKENING AND NIP IT IN THE BUD! Keep the Dixie Awakening Going Hunter!
Ruffin should NOT have killed himself. He should have taken as many Race Traitors out, as he possibly could have managed.
“Hunter, no Jews, no Second War of Yankee Aggression (AKA desegregation)? No 1965 Immigration act? We would’ve/could’ve turned things around by now if not for them.”
I have to agree with you, Svigor. I don’t understand the need that many Gentiles have to defend Jews. I had a beloved uncle (the kind of Southern man that is constantly bashed on television and the media) who basically told me that I risk eternal damnation for not supporting Jews and Israel. He was successful and educated in his profession, but certain views of his defied logic. No matter what Yankees were in the past, they aren’t it today. Jews are. Why fight ghosts when there are real monsters about?
I also love the South, but I still don’t buy the exceptionalism that is often pitched, as if the region were monolithic and completely unique ideologically, racially (among whites) or otherwise. The colony of Georgia outlawed slavery and Jews originally, and I can’t look at a white Southerner and a WASP Yankee and tell the difference. And outside of the differences that weather puts on architecture, and the different flora, I can’t tell the difference between a colonial city in the North and one in the South. In the past, the main difference in the regions was the presence of large numbers of blacks, not different races of whites.
Jews have been in the USA since before the USA the USA. The slave trade was run by Jews, out of Rhode Island.
You would be correct, Denise. Jews have been present in America since the days of Columbus. Jews right here in Philadelphia financed to a degree some of the Founding Fathers during the Revolutionary War for Independence. I wonder under what conditions these men took money from Jews? Maybe freedom of religion? Economic freedom? The radical jewish idea that only they could repair the world and create a “shining city on the hill “?
Freedom for one group could mean slavery to another. Why did Jews propagate slavery? Hmmm…
just saw your comments on the history channel, and mister you are miss-informed. you talk like a radical republican, your are just another person who can.t see the forest for the trees…
And have you heard what he said about American GI’s in his book, Hellfire? Horrid things. Yes, that’s your fathers and grandfathers. This man is disgusting fake.
Dave McGowan did a great series on the Lincoln assignation. All here should read this series. I guaranty any who do will be forced to question another series of lies.