Detroit could run out of cash by spring. The Black Undertow’s flagship city has a $200 million dollar budget deficit.
A state manager could soon be appointed to run Detroit. There are already state managers overseeing Flint, Pontiac, Benton Harbor, and Detroit Public Schools.
Council Member Kwame Kenyatta told the Detroit Free Press, “We as a community and as a people can agree to disagree but at the end of the day we have to decide what our destiny is going to be before someone comes in as a master, as someone to control the plantation. We don’t need someone else’s consent to do the business that the people put us in charge of.”
I enjoyed this rebuttal over at Walter Russell Mead’s blog on The American Interest:
“Plantation”? “Plantation” is a colloquialism for a prosperous place where white people live good and make money from the back-breaking labor of black people.
Detroit is a place where the predominantly black population doesn’t work but receives handouts from white middle and upper-middle class taxpayers in the form of food stamps, welfare, health benefits, etc. Rather than being prosperous, the whole thing is collapsing. “Plantation”? OK, you can start calling me a racist now. Just remember, I wasn’t the one who made this a racial issue.”
Amazingly, there are still libertarians who believe that free labor is superior to slave labor in a multiracial society. How is free labor working out in Detroit? If Detroit were run like a Southern plantation, it would actually work.
Note: In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett signed a law in October that enabled the takeover of Harrisburg. Almost 150 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Run Detroit is bankrupt, violent, and illiterate.
The ‘plantation’ rhetoric is a barely transparent takeover by blacks, of the supposed ‘perpetual victim’ mentality by those who claim all manner of public benefit from the questionable ‘Holocaust.’ The thought is here: “Hey, the Jews bilked the Whites, why can’t we?”
And, it’s no wonder that Blacks would copycat their real ‘masters.’ After all, who ran the NAACP for decades? Jews, that’s who. The Blacks are merely the Jews’ shabbas goy – for the last sixty years, in fact….
“Amazingly, there are still libertarians who believe that free labor is superior to slave labor in a multiracial society”
And why not? If one is free to hire who they wish and to not pay for the shiftless, they’d all die off of starvation or at least wander off to San Fransico for handouts. That sounds a lot better than “no cost” labor that eats, requires oversight and screws things up. Especially when a machine can do it all without eating or getting all uppity up in hea’
Hunter, you’re dreaming if you think any place can or will go back to the pre-industrial days of human labor. You sound like a Luddite to rail against technology and industry as Yankee voodoo. The reason industry took hold faster in the North than the South was for the same reason wirless technology has grown faster in Asia than North america: difference in adoption costs of leap-frogging technologies.
America was already wired for telephones when cellular started to take off so it was adopted slower. The south was the same way with machinery since they already had slave labor. Slaves are obsolete now, so why would they ever be re-adopted?
Detroit is a mess because labor is free to sit on its’ ass and collect wellfare, not free to move the hell out when the factories are free to not hire the slow-witted animals.
I am the son of a Cracker from around Phenix City, AL and a Hillbilly from Roane County, TN, but I was born and grew up in Detroit in the 50’s and 60’s.
Things that I’ve read in the past few years indicate that Detroit was already past its prime and was losing population before I came along, but I can tell you firsthand that it was a damn good place to live when I was a kid. It still had the highest per capita income in the country and everyplace except the Black Bottom was clean and safe in those days.
Those of you who never saw that city back then have no basis to even begin to comprehend the enormity of the crime that was perpetrated there in the name of civil rights and equality.
Detroit was a true Shining City On A Hill that came to be through the labors of the White people who created its industrial base.
Fifty years of cannibals and the lefties who imported them turned the Motor City into the decaying ruins that you can see in the Tour of Detroit videos on youtube. Compare the shithole in those videos to the pictures of Detroit that can be viewed at http://www.shorpy.com/ to understand my hatred of niggers and lefties.
What is the purpose of a state manager? What powers do they have? Are they the same race as the present government of Detroit?
i forgot, no it will most likley be a white michigander (who will quickly be replaced by a nigger), in michigan, thanks to nigger crime and the oligarchy we have been in a recession since the 80s and now the “managers” are basically a last ditch effort to regain control of areas that are “poorly managed”, but assurably as soon as these managers accomplish their goals the lefties will haul them out and put the niggers back in.
IMHO they cannot save it as a first world city since there are too few whites willing to sacrifice their children to the satanic evil that is modern liberalism.
Do you know where Eufaula, AL is at?
We need to appoint White managers of all the Black Undertow cities and counties here in Alabama.
Sometimes I just want to drop to my knees and weep uncontrollably for everything that was lost. Just bawl my fool eyes out for the beautiful life that was stolen from me and murdered… Problem is, I don’t have any tears left. I’m worn out. Emotionally, and spiritually.
We feel the same way down here.
Yeah, I kind of remember where Eufaula is. When I was a little kid we used to go visit relatives around Columbus and Phenix City and we used to go through Eufaula when we would go down to Dothan to see one of my aunts.
Detroit doesn’t prove anything about free labor anymore than it is a plantation, for the reason that much of the population lives on the dole, and a bunch more in cushy government jobs paid for with wealth extracted from the surrounding state.
That isn’t a labor model, it’s a criminal model, extortion by government agents, gang intimidation.
While I enjoy your critiques of BRA I certainly don’t think there was anything good about slavery. You may have gone all the way back to embracing the “peculular institution” in your neoConfederate musings, but if so you’ve crossed a bridge too far.
It was Christians who championed it’s end out of their view of the inherent rights of man. I don’ t think the entire arc of history since the enlightenment can or should be thrown out just because of the idiots on World Star Hip Hop.
That would clearly be a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We can certainly re-establish a well ordered society without returning to the social organizational models of the early 19th century.
Long ago I came to understand that societies are run by presumption. As a culture, we can never ask that everyone think the same, but we can ask that certain presumptions are entertained by everyone.
The abolition of the presumption of the existence of slavery has done massive harm to Western culture. It has overtaken nearly every other presumption, including the presumption of innocence. In the broad sense, it goes like this:
1. Slavery is the worst thing on the planet for which every white person is guilty.
2. Every slavish impulse to anything must be fought as a possible gateway to more white guilt.
3. We therefore must be slave to nothing.
4. We will therefore fall for anything.
5. Which has made us slaves.
As a culture we need to embrace that anyone could become a slave at any time, for all kinds of actions. Excessive debt, law breaking, being of the wrong side of something and, most importantly, embracing the wrong presumptions.
Look around you. Slavery happens. The sin is not in being a slave or in being a slave owner. The sin is in being a bad slave owner.
Slavish adherence to the fantasy of nobody being a slave to anyone or anything makes one the biggest slave of all — a slave who believes he is free. We need to admit that there are slaves, so we can enslave the right people. That would be the guilty, instead of the innocent.
White Adamic Aryans are to have Dominion over the whole earth. Now the Mutated Cainite Bastards are over us and we are their slaves. We dont follow the Dominion Mandate—so we end up slaves. White Adamic Aryan Dominion now! Got any suggessions, maybe NEWS? Must be silent……
Playing Roots Backwards says:
December 6, 2011 at 5:54 pm
I am the son of a Cracker from around Phenix City, AL and a Hillbilly from Roane County, TN, but I was born and grew up in Detroit in the 50?s and 60?s.
JR Replies: Very good and I am sure that your memories of a positive, White Detroit in the 50s and 60s can be confirmed by honest historians. Check out the Steve Earle song:
Hillbilly Highway
This song’s lyrics tell the story of how tens of thousands of poor Whites from the South and Appalachia took the highways North to work in industrial jobs in Detroit and how they made it though their hard work. Whites in the North, Detroit might have had some reservations about this mass influx of different, poorer Whites from the South, but by and large they accepted these Whites and they helped them make good lives in a new place – Detroit and other Northern industrial cities.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and Whites from northern post industrial cities are looking to escape to some other places, thousands are looking South. I hope that our White kinsmen in the South will not keep the civil war chip on their shoulders from helping these White transplants make a go of things in the South.
As hard as it is to believe today, blacks used to be capable of creating great wealth in the South, the Caribbean, and elsewhere in Brazil and other parts of South America. Haiti used to be richest colony in the New World. The West Indies were far more valuable to Britian than New England.
It was the Southern cotton trade that made New York into the financial capital of America and it was Southern cotton that powered the Industrial Revolution in Britian and New England.
Freedom failed. It turned Haiti into the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The Mississippi Delta used to be the richest part of America. Now it is the poorest.
Never before or since have negroes created as much wealth as they did under slavery. Under freedom blacks are nothing but an economic burden upon society
Does anyone doubt that Africa would be a prosperous continent under slavery and colonialism?
Nobody wants to live as slaves, Hunter. Europeans should not be slave owners of blacks. Who cares if black Africans are prosperous? Leave those blacks alone.
Slavery worked. Freedom failed.
In any case, the origins of anti-racism can be traced back to the anti-slavery movement. The abolitionists created the civil rights movement.
We need alot of White Chucky Angels!
Africa would be prosperous for White owners under Colonialism, sure. Everybody else? . No.
Also there really are not enough Whites to occupy if any wanted too.Women of the West these days at best produce enough babies to replace themselves. There is no one extra to go to the colonies and certainly not enough women to keep whatever men did go from mating with the locals. It was very hard in the past, even harder now.
Defending slavery on economic grounds is patently ridiculous. It didn’t work else it would have beaten the Union rather easily. The fact is such systems are simply inefficient compared to automation. They require much more manpower to keep the slaves in check and produce much less wealth than freemen or machinery.
There were two reasons the South did as well as they did
#1 The greater bravery of the Southerner meeting the unwillingness of the Union to fight
#2 The Unions use of slave soldiers (aka conscripts) and the related internal issue, the defacto wage slavery of factory workers.
Note also in recent years, till outsourcing and more automation did them in, even cities like Detroit with high black working populations did very well. What happened is technological change made jobs for everyman go away. This hit Blacks harder than Whites since on average they do not seem to be as intelligent or organized as Whites. However this lack of jobs creep is getting everybody
In the end Hunter, you are not going to get a Confederacy with slavery again.
Ignoring the fact its probably not appropriate for Christians (though fine for Jews oddly) the Blacks don’t need to be smart to shoot or hack up people trying to enslave them. Its not Maxim gun vs spear anymore or an Africa where one savage tribe sells its POW’s to someone else, its the 21st century and everybody has a Glock.
Now I suspect you probably can get a White land but those days of plantations are done. While a certain amount of social graces will be missed, good riddance to bad rubbish.
The Belgian Congo was certainly a lot more prosperous for everyone in the 1950s than it is today in the 2010s.
If free labor is superior to slave labor, then the abolition of slavery should have made places like the Lower Mississippi Valley, Haiti, and the West Indies more prosperous. Instead, Mississippi went from being one of the richest states in America to one of the poorest in four years.
The North didn’t have automized agriculture in the 1860s either.
It looks to me like it was capitalism that brought African-Americans and European immigrants to Detroit to work as a cheap labor force. Then the same destructive forces shipped manufacturing jobs overseas leaving the Black Undertow cities behind.
In the North, technology and the marketplace are the master of the Yankee, not the other way around. Many foreigners have noticed this.
When I drive around Alabama, I don’t see a plantation society based on chattel slavery. Instead, I see an inferior “free labor” society of fast food restaurants, big box stores, and suburbs that stands oddly juxtaposed against the ruins of a culture that was clearly superior.