Avalanche Buries Obama

Rejected: White voters abandon Obama


Barack Hussein Obama is tanking with White voters. The latest Heartland Monitor poll illustrates in vivid detail the ongoing racialization of American politics.

Every White subdemographic (yes, even you Damn Yankees) has turned against BRA’s president:

White Millennials

Obama has declined from 54 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 39 percent (December 2011) among White Millennials aged 18 to 29.

College Educated White Women

Obama has declined from 52 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 42 percent (December 2011) among college educated White women.

White Democrats

Obama has declined from 85 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 75 percent (December 2011) among White Democrats.

White Independents

Obama has declined from 47 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 32 percent (December 2011) among White Independent voters.

White Gen X’ers

Obama has declined from 41 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 29 percent (December 2011) among White Gen X’ers.

Non-College Educated White Women

Obama has declined from 41 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 30 percent (December 2011) among non-college educated White women.

White Boomers

Obama has declined from 42 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 35 percent (December 2011) among White Boomers.

Non-College Educated White Men

Obama has declined from 39 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 34 percent (December 2011) among working class White men.

College Educated White Men

Obama has declined from 42 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 37 percent (December 2011 among college educated White men.

White Seniors

Obama has slightly improved his standing among White Seniors and has risen from 40 percent (2008 exit poll data) to 41 percent (December 2011).

Let’s have a round of applause for White Gen X’ers now in their prime working years whose hostility toward BRA’s president is unmatched among the broader White electorate. White Millennials have also turned more sharply against Obama than any other White subdemographic.

BRA’s racial etiquette demands an endless stream of Mainstream Media editorials about how Republicans are “in trouble” with Hispanic voters. The fact that Obama and the Democratic Party have tanked among White voters who still comprise a commanding majority of the electorate is something that liberal journalists prefer not to talk about.

In other news, 16 percent of Whites believe there is “a lot of discrimination in America today” compared to 59 percent of African-Americans. 9 percent of Whites believe that Whites are treated better than African-Americans in BRA while 56 percent of African-Americans cling to this view.

25 percent of Whites are “BRA conscious”: they believe that African-Americans are treated better than Whites in our society. In the mid-2000s, the White majority began to perceive anti-White bias as a greater problem than anti-black bias for the first time ever. 11 percent of Whites now believe anti-White bias is a 10 on a scale of 10.

As Paul Kersey often reminds us, the ranks of “Those Who Can See” are growing by the day. There are already twice as many Whites who believe the government favors African-American over Whites as the liberal minority which takes the opposite view. The number of Whites who perceive anti-White bias as being a serious problem is also growing exponentially and this is starting to be reflected in things like Obama’s declining approval rating or Democrats “explicitly abandoning the White working class.”

Note: Liberal historians who hang the legitimacy of the “Civil War” on the deification of African-Americans in BRA are ultimately going to find themselves on the losing side of this argument as Whites descend into minority status in the United States.

The perceptions of the past are always shaped by the realities of the present. As we move further into the 21st century, Whites are becoming more racially conscious. Economic decline is accelerating this change in White racial attitudes. Demographically, the nation is becoming more like Alabama.

A decade from now, America will be a changed country on race, and what was seen as “progress” in BRA will be reinterpreted as “decline” in its successor. This retrenchment of White racial attitudes is reminiscent of the “great change in feeling” on race that swept over America during the Long Depression of the 1890s.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Demographically, the nation is becoming more like Alabama.”

    What, exactly, do you mean by this? What chance would an aspiring [white, male] college prof have, of ‘equal treatment’ and unbiased vision as ‘one of the Faculty’ by both students and staff, in one of the ‘historically black colleges’ -say, Talledega?

    Just a hypothetical situation, but I (for one) would like you to elaborate on that opening sentence in this scenario for we Northernors.

  2. Alabama is an unusual place.

    It has one of the largest black populations in the United States. Traditionally, the North and West have been a lot “whiter” than the Deep South, but that is rapidly changing. Racial attitudes are changing as a consequence.

    In Alabama, politics are racialized. Whites are Republicans. Blacks are Democrats. Elections are racial headcounts. In much of the Northeast and Southwest, the states there now have either Upper South or Lower South demographics.

  3. In the North and West, racial homogeneity once fostered a culture of indifference to racial identity. In the South, racial identity remained important because White solidarity was necessary to carry elections.

  4. That’s all well and good, but what is it LIKE to live as a White man in an overwhelmingly black state? (You can certainly speak to that) What is it LIKE for a college instructor looking for their first position (who is white) to work for a ‘historically black college’? (Make some guesses) What does that MEAN as far as freedom of thought, opinion, white hatred being ‘projected’ on a teacher, who never has encountered such blatant bias and discrimination before? (how are your views taken among Southern Whites, let along Southern Blacks?

    I mention Talledega, as it is an HBC in North Central AL, and yet says it is a ‘Christian’ college…. if the UCC can be considered such these days..so one might (wrongly?) assume there would be some ‘charity’ in these delineations?

  5. I don’t know anyone who works for an HBC.

    Whites have nothing to do with Tuskegee or Alabama State. They might as well not exist. No one from Auburn has any reason to go to Tuskegee.

    Blacks are 26 percent of the population of Alabama. They are not an overwhelming majority here. There are enough of them here though to foster a sense of racial consciousness.

  6. “Traditionally, the North and West have been a lot “whiter” than the Deep South, but that is rapidly changing.”

    No it’s not. It is a well known fact that blacks have been returning South. You know that so stop it with your goddam lying.

  7. The South is 56 percent black. 44 percent of blacks live in the North and West. There has been a 3 to 4 percent change.

    The North and West are a lot more non- White than they used to be. Whites are approaching minority status in New York and New Jersey. They are already a minority in California, Hawaii and New Mexico.

    Even the Northwest is rapidly becoming non-White. Washington is around 72 percent White now.

  8. “Every White subdemographic (yes, even you Damn Yankees) …”

    The attitude typical of nearly all Southerners that I have come into contact with throughout the years. “Damn Yankees”- it is as much a cliche to lump us all into one basket as it is for Hollywood to portray all Southerners as hillbillys. Do you realize that most of us North of the Mason-Dixon line have no ancestry in the US further back than the turn of the last century? In other words, we do not have the hostility toward Southerners (should we call you “Johnny Rebs”?) that you seem to have toward us. For all but a few “Yankees” (those few who actually can trace their roots back 150 years or more in the US) the whole North/South hostility thing is a curiosity of the past. My relatives/ancestors got off the boat and onto American soil in 1913. You really ought to lose the whole “Yankee” diatribe and realize that you cannot do anything without the majority of Whites backing you-regardless of their geographic location within the US.

  9. Thanks. It was pretty much as I suspected, but I thought I’d ask a real man of the South, who would not equivocate.

    Merry Christmas to you.

  10. George, as a guest in our country, you really should be better informed about our quarrels and their importance to us. What is most surprising is that you think the term Yankee could include yourself. Yankees are our blood kin and this is why we are so disappointed with their stupidity and poor manners.

  11. @Old Atlantic

    My people came here from Europe in the early 20th Century also, and I’m no fucking “guest”. Throughout my life, I shed my blood on the very ground I walk, fighting with the niggers that you Southrons bred into a permanent plague. I’ve earned my place here many times over. Screw your imagined “quarrels”.

  12. I am a Yankee Woman. Ynkee men – TAKE IT. TAKE what the Mone of Dixie have ot say. I deal with Damned Yankee “Christians” (fatuous, will-fully clueless selfindulgent careerists )EVERY BLOODY Day.

    I hate them. I can’t wait to get away from them. I hope I’m out before their beloved Nigras – the ones being imported from every Dark Place – swarm all over them.

    TAKE IT. Stop whining about what Hunter’s writing. It’s his blog. He’s right about EVERYTHING re: Yankees. So DEAL WITH IT.

  13. Corrected for typos:

    I am a Yankee Woman. Yankee men – TAKE IT. TAKE what the Men of Dixie have to say. I deal with Damned Yankee “Christians” (fatuous, willfully clueless self-indulgent careerists ) EVERY BLOODY Day. ”


  14. I was using Damn Yankees in a humorous sense. The point was that many of you seem to be finally coming around. Things are getting better. The liberals up there have lost a lot of their previous support.

  15. The older demographic moving toward Obama reflects the tried and true tactic of scaring seniors about their social security. Every senior I talk to is convinced the Republicans are going to take away their social security and medicare.

    The Republicans of course would never muck with the benefits of people who are already retired. Do them (and everyone else) a favor and point this out every time you can. Once the systems goes broke, no one will get their checks.

  16. How many of those White folks who are unhappy with BHO, are unhappy with him because he’s not liberal enough? My guess is a lot. Especially among the young, college educated and damnyankee.

    Regarding the question of why Southerns refer to all yankees, even the ones who’s family showed up after the War of northern Aggression, as damnyankees; Denise beat me to it. I can’t speak for all Southrons, I do it because y’all fit the bill. Have the same ways of thinking, doing and acting even if your people are relatively new to the Americas. I also do it because my beloved grandfathers and grandmothers did so. yankees that come down here and embrace our way of living and traditions are welcome, (ie Denise) but that’s not what most of y’all do.

  17. Stonelifter – once I get to Dixie, I will make myself useful raiing Hell down on any new Yankee arrivals, if they try to lecture, or re-create the mess they’ve left. I’ve already done this, fyi.

  18. Robert in Arabia- I wonder if one removed the “3/5ths factor” what the REAL statistics are- i.e., how bad is it for American-Americans. (Whites)

    (Yes, frnakly, I don’t care what happens to the Darkies. The fallacy of papal universalism doesn’t hold water with me. The only ‘Christendom’ there is, ends at the Bosporus and the Pillars of Hercules. If you aren’t part of the race of Christendom, you aren’t my concern. [ Matt. 15:24]

    I don’t consider them (darkies) human, esp. if they are imbeciles, druggies, sexual predators, EBT sluts and pimps, and all the other bestial elements of their accursed race.)

  19. “Fr. John says:
    December 17, 2011 at 3:16 pm
    Robert in Arabia- I wonder if one removed the “3/5ths factor” what the REAL statistics are- i.e., how bad is it for American-Americans. (Whites)

    (Yes, frnakly, I don’t care what happens to the Darkies. The fallacy of papal universalism doesn’t hold water with me. The only ‘Christendom’ there is, ends at the Bosporus and the Pillars of Hercules. If you aren’t part of the race of Christendom, you aren’t my concern. [ Matt. 15:24]

    I don’t consider them (darkies) human, esp. if they are imbeciles, druggies, sexual predators, EBT sluts and pimps, and all the other bestial elements of their accursed race.)”

    Fr John – I just want you to know how much I appreciate your posts. God bless you. I am so grateful that you are “out there”. I look forward to your posts as much as I look forward to Hunter’s entries.

  20. @ Old Atlantic;

    “What is most surprising is that you think the term Yankee could include yourself.”
    The term is used very loosely by many Southerners to refer to anyone not born and raised in the South.
    “Yankees are our blood kin…”
    -Which is precisely why I do not consider myself such. As to being a “guest in YOUR country”-good grief, how laughable- I was born and raised here. You and “your kin” haven’t even been able to get it together to retake “your country” or even to prevent the introduction of Somalis to the state of Maine. When you can do so, then you will have the needed respect and stature to look down your noses at other Whites like myself.

  21. ‘Let’s have a round of applause for White Gen X’ers now in their prime working years whose hostility toward BRA’s president is unmatched among the broader White electorate. ‘

    And us White Gen. Xers have every reason to be hostile to Obama and his kind! We were the first to have to deal with integrated class-rooms. We were the first to have to deal with Affirmative Action.

    Experience is a great teacher.

  22. My people came here from Europe in the early 20th Century also, and I’m no fucking “guest”. Throughout my life, I shed my blood on the very ground I walk, fighting with the niggers that you Southrons bred into a permanent plague. I’ve earned my place here many times over. Screw your imagined “quarrels”.

    Lol. In one breath he absolves Yankees of any anti-Southern animus, and scoffs at the idea that a 2nd or 3rd generation American in the north could have any such. In the next, he’s blaming Southerners (via inherited collective guilt, no less) for crimes Yankees committed.

    That didn’t take long.

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