Incredible Third Assault In Portland

Now Portland knows why Rosa Parks had to sit at the back of the bus


H/T Stormfront.

The little boy just kept screaming, “Mommy, I don’t want you to die.” The woman starts crying in the interview.

The saddest thing here … this is the true legacy of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

White people in the North and West are being terrorized by the Black Undertow on integrated transportation because of the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement. The only people who care are Neo-Confederates in Alabama who saw it coming.

That evil damn bus which carried Rosa Parks has been turned into a shrine in Montgomery. It was the NAACP lawsuit Browder vs. Gayle (1956) that ended segregation in public transportation in Alabama.

Note: In case you haven’t been following this story, a 14-year-old White girl was savagely beaten by the Black Undertow on a MAX train and a 15-year-old White boy was brutally assaulted by an African-American motorist outside a MAX platform within the last week or two alone.

This is the world that integrationists like Brooks D. Simpson wanted and created. The blood of these victims – and this is just one city, in one week in BRA – is on their delicate little hands.

Brooks said on his website today that he is a proud integrationist. He obviously enjoys what he sees happening to White people in the “Free States.” These blacks are the apple of his eye.

We continue to insist here that every city and every state WOULD BE BETTER OFF without the Black Undertow.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Did anyone notice how, when the reporters asked the victim if she had heard about the other transit incident involving the assault on the 14 year old, she answered that, yes she had and she wondered if the same the same people might have assaulted her. The young woman is obviously dangerously naive. I would assume most of the whites in Portland are like her. Will they wise up from these incidents? Also, has anyone noticed all the violent crime that’s being committed by the 8% black population in Seattle, lately?

  2. Jane – Whites will either wise up, or be slaughtered.

    Hunter – are you aware of the abuse perpetrated by The Diverse medical aides, and care-givers, against the elderly? Things do not go so well, for the White Oldtimers, when left to the mercy of the Vibrant. Sooner or later the Poster Boy for Cognitive Dissonant Vermin AKA B Simpson will meet their Eve Carson Fate. Thus it is written….

  3. One must contextualize this with poor old Emma West over in London. Can you forward these accounts of beatings to her lawyers?

    She’s been arrested for pointing out how dangerous the public transit system
    has become. How dangerous the street has become.

    I hope she can make a cogent complete defense of her opinions.

  4. The naive pacific northwesterners (I am from the area) are learning the reality of blacks(and hispanics). These liberals don’t understand that in most parts of the country, white people have forfeited public transportation because of black people. Here, they still don’t understand what the demographic change going on in the PNW actually entails. They want to be able to have public transportation available to them, as well as “diversity.”

  5. Poor little lad, having to watch his mom strangled, by a wild animal.

    These critters know they can get away with it time after time after time. They know the won’t get beaten down by a unified group. The know the cops will be reluctant to prosecute and they know the punishment will be light.

    Meanwhile they wreck a first class mass transit system and laugh up their sleeve at us.

  6. See the smile on their face.Them nor the race traitors will have sympathy.This is why I say screw the victim mentality.

  7. What goes around comes around! When the Sh*t Hits the Fan, No Mercy! No Quarter! No Prisoners!

    Payback is a Bitch! The Final Solution to this Problem is at Hand!

  8. So when is old Harold Covington going to “recover his ancient courage” and do something about stuff like this? I mean, since his “ass is up there” already, and he’s this mastermind on urban, racial, guerilla-warfare, when are we going to see the Northwest Front prove that it’s the only viable plan left for white people, like he’s been shooting off? Here it is, niggers drawing blood first. So, when are Colonel House, Fourmyle of Ceres, and the rest of his “Northmen” going step into the real world and defend their “homeland”? Bunch of losers. And that slimy charlatan wonders why nobody would move up there…

  9. Well, I’m sure if we all type on our computers with sufficient intensity and frequency, the power of our impotent rage will somehow manifest itself as racial awareness in all our people, and the revolution will commence.

  10. The opposition won because we can count on our hands the number of people who forcefully articulate the pro-white position compared to thousands upon thousands of leftists.

  11. The latest from Brooks:

    “That’s quite clear. It speaks for itself.

    Would you extend your observations about African Americans to other non-white groups as well? I ask because, as you know, Arizona’s a racially diverse state, which was not the impression you left in your post (just as someone failed to examine the racial composition of my prep school, which was far more diverse than the surrounding population in New Hampshire). Indeed, whatever your impression about Arizona as a whole, the block I live on is really quite diverse in terms of race and national origin, and folks get along just fine.

    My experience with African Americans, some of whom I count as good friends, does not confirm your impressions. Moreover, it is clear to me that issues of class, economic and educational opportunity, and racism work against African American advancement. People who are white often are not aware of what that means in this regard because they think they represent the norm.”

  12. The full force of the BRA government would be (and has been) brought to bear on any white person or group who attempted to reassert civilization. Anyone doing so now would be crushed by the Obama/Holder regime. The government must be taken, one piece at a time.

  13. Thought I might pick the quote apart.

    Would you extend your observations about African Americans to other non-white groups as well? I ask because, as you know, Arizona’s a racially diverse state, which was not the impression you left in your post (just as someone failed to examine the racial composition of my prep school, which was far more diverse than the surrounding population in New Hampshire)”

    Prep school eh? Says it all. He went to school with Indians, Pakistanis, French diplomats kids etc etc.

    . “indeed whatever your impression about Arizona as
    a whole, the block I live on is really quite diverse in
    terms of race and national origin, and folks get along
    just fine.”

    they don’t, I’ve lived in Arizona. It’s a drug smuggling
    state with narcogangs running things just below the
    visual horizon.

    “My experience with African Americans, some of
    whom I count as good friends, does not confirm your
    impressions. Moreover, it is clear to me that issues
    of class, economic and educational opportunity, and
    racism work against African American advancement.”

    advancement to where?

    “People who are white often are not aware of what
    that means in this regard because they think they
    represent the norm.”

    what that means in this regard, a nice floating sentence. The thing is it only require one chimpout and you are dead or maimed. The rate of such chimpouts is exponentially higher among blacks than it is among whites.

  14. the block I live on is really quite diverse in terms of race and national origin, and folks get along just fine.

    My experience with African Americans, some of whom I count as good friends, does not confirm your impressions. Moreover, it is clear to me that issues of class, economic and educational opportunity, and racism work against African American advancement.

    When you hear a White person talking in these terms, you know that you are dealing with someone who cannot be “reached”; cannot be “converted”; cannot see the reality of race, and will proclaim the innocence of the non-White who shoots or stabs him with his final dying gasp. This type of White person sees his artificially propped-up “diverse” neighborhood with everyone of every color getting along and living in peaceful harmony, and then assumes that we can ALL have this enriching experience, if only we can commit a few more billion dollars and pass a few thousand more pages of behave-Whitey legislation. Just a few thousand billion more…then we’ll get there.

    Brooks D. Simpson is not an idiot–he is a fool.

  15. Brooks D. Simpson says:

    “Moreover, it is clear to me that issues of class, economic and educational opportunity, and racism work against African American advancement.”

    Insanity. This is straight out of what will soon come to be known as the New Dark Ages. When modern ignorance reached its Apex.

  16. I lived in Oregon and Washington in the early 90’s. It was mostly white then and still is. However many of the DWL’s will fight you to the death to defend their little pet house darkies. I’m firmly convinced many of these whites in the NW are mentally ill. I agree with one of the other posters, whites will either die or fight back.

    I’ve pretty well written off most of my family members. They are completely naive and they think if they vote in the Republicans, things will go back to normal.

    I wish my family and many of my white friends would realize how much non-whites hate us. They just feel if the non-whites would just get more education and a better house, we’d all get along.

    Funny thing is my brother and my uncle would shit a brass brick if one of their sons married a non-white. We were at a restaurant recently and we had a black female server who kept hitting on my cousin. He’s a blue-eyed redhead. My uncle was fuming the entire dinner.

    I said hey Uncle, I thought you weren’t racist. You love negroes and you voted for Obama, what’s the big deal if a negress dates your son? He was so mad he was spitting and frothing at the bit like a rabid dog. I called him on his hypocrisy. He’s still in denial and thinks we’re all the same.

    My spouse and I are at the end of the trail of living in the city. We have a house in the South and may still move to an even smaller town. We’ll have less money but we’ll be far safer. Whites have to get out of the cities or it will literally be a killing field. I shudder to think what will happen if race riots broke out in the big cities. It will be hell to pay for these clueless whites who are still goopy eyed over Liar-In-Chief.

  17. Kraus and Tech9 you are absolutely correct. True believer DWL’s are unreachable and will literally fight you to the death to preserve their illusions. They suffer from a serious addiction to their own moral superiority and sacrifice their own to their dark gods. To obtain their “fix” of moral superiority, they would throw any white under the bus at any time.

    Just like DWL’s with their negro pets, we assume that if the DWL’s would just get more education from a beatdown or other adverse encounter, or a ruined neighborhood from the effects of the black undertow, they would suddenly see the light. We are just as wrong about them as they are about their negro pets.

    They’re not waking up any time soon, and when you add in the constant drone of multiculti propaganda, the outlook is grim. Our current civilization cannot be saved. Once the destruction is complete, whatever remnant is left will build the next civilization from the ashes of this one. That remnant will need to make sure that all DWL types have not survived the cataclysm.

  18. one of the worse things about damnyankees and leftist is, not only do they want us to live side by side with niggers, mexicans and other animals but they want us to do so while unarmed.

  19. I am currently in Spain. Madrid is the whitest city I have lived in since Stockholm in 1966. I have spent five hours on the magnificent Metro. I saw my first black passenger yesterday.
    Paris and London are to be avoided.

  20. Agreed about DWLs.

    They are practising an updated version of human sacrifice. They allow their kin to be sacrificed on the altar of a Dark God.

    However, blacks are not their pets. For the most part blacks are the masters in this relationship. The diversity commissars at Universities for instance can make the most seasoned tenured faculty tremble in abject fear. I cannot imagine how disipline as I understood it even as later as 1992 can be maintained in today’s schools. Enoch Powell predicted the black wiuld have the whip hand.

  21. “….Would you extend your observations about African Americans to other non-white groups as well? I ask because, as you know, Arizona’s a racially diverse state, which was not the impression you left in your post (just as someone failed to examine the racial composition of my prep school, which was far more diverse than the surrounding population in New Hampshire)”…”


    “You are only asking this because you wish to defend white genocide. Why are you for white genocide? What happened to you to make you that way? Nobody is asking whether Asia is “ready for radical immigration yet,” or flooding Mexico with White Irish Celts, to the point that Mexicans are no longer a majority in Mexico, and putting White Irish Celts in office to rule them, and calling Mexicans “racists” and “xenophobes” if they complain. No world policies are sending Spanish people into China en masse and creating tt.v. adverts showing the Chinese intermarrying with them. This is happening only in European countries. Why? Have you ever wondered?

    There. I have applied the idea to other groups. So again: why are you for the genocide of whites? What made you pro genocide?

    “Btw on people ‘getting along.’ They always do— until they don’t. You run the risk of exposing yourself as stupidly arrogant, since you believe everything stays the same all the time, and violent things that happen every day, and that have happened to others can never happen to precious little you, lol.”

    But you do this b/c you do not care about what happens to any white people. Why?

  22. I am currently in Spain. Madrid is the whitest city I have lived in since Stockholm in 1966. I have spent five hours on the magnificent Metro. I saw my first black passenger yesterday….

    Take back what I said. Maybe the “change” is only being done to previously Anglo-protestant protectorate countries. There were Vatican II’s 1960s’s moves and “ecumenical councils” pushed onto places s/a America. Then Hart-Celler/ Kennedy’s Open Borders Acts “Romanized” some countries, not others; acts in the south s/a Military Land appropriation for bases/ federal activities, or outlawing cash crops of Bible Belt (i.e. Tobacco Acts done even as information surfaced that government had potential ties to drug running as in Iran-Contra)— that and more may have only been done to Protestant countries. Maybe —as you say— the catholic towns abroad do not have to put up with any such problems, as stated here.

  23. I mean— given the information about Spain, it seems the “changes” to the American South may well simply be because they were “Bible Belt” (i.e. Protestant and with Anglo-German-Scots ties). Religiously motivated, with intent to “get rid” of those populations by flooding them with the ex-slaves of Spanish and Portuguese colonizers.

    In fact, one NEVER SEES the Mississippi Burning of the Portuguese, or the One Hundred Movies about the big Spanish slavers. Or the juicy Euro Latina sizing up the big buck in The Mandingo of Nicaragua. Or some lusty Euro Latina eating an excrement pie in The Help.

    Why, I’m sure “jewish” Hollywood intends to re-make all of these films very soon, showing all the evils of the Spanish colonists, and since they really had 90% of the slaves, showing that they had some culpability for this evil.

    For now, of course, we have edifying tales with Robert DeNiro, Liam Nissan, Daniel Day Lewis, Aidan Quinn, etc, etc—- showing us how they as divine Jesuits liberated the natives and protected them from the evil church…

    — while Spain sounds very untouched by all of this.

  24. Right, right, right…

    Repeat: American Southerners were the only people ever, on the face of the earth, to have slaves. And their form of slavery, unlike any others that didn’t really exist, was the WORST form ever under the history of the whole wide world. And while Spain and Portugal were the greatest of all colonizers during the colonial period, they didn’t have one little slave, not ever, and the Jesuits among them were great heroes who always loved native people and did great things for them in the wilderness….

  25. If your great great great grandparents had known, they have killed every slave owner, slave merchant and slave in 1805. Clean slate.

    If they’d understood the consquences of slavery on their Beleaguered descendents that is.

  26. Its not to late to turn this around! Just takes a Little Killin’ and No Complainin’!

    Damn FEDGOV is Already Dead! Just the dying corpse of it left Now!

    The Monkey in Charge has No Idea of the Reality of the Situation! Its going to be Extremely One-Sided! This War is going to be the Easy Part!

    Building the New Order is going to be hard work after all these years of DECAY!

  27. John – Niggers are much easier to deal with than you imagine. I NEVER allow Niggers to try to intimidate me. You cut them off IMMEDIATELY.
    You stare them down. MAKE them drop their eyes. It’s a tone of voice. I…don’t know how to communicate this, over a forum – but it’s in animal signals.

    You have to MEAN it.

    Take voice, and fecning lessons. Fencing will teach you to focus – and press FORWARD. Death does not exist. No fear. The Diversity Commissars will whmper like whipped curs, if you know how to handle them. 100% OUTRAGED YELLING – ROAR at ’em – and don’t allow for a SECOND’S argument. YOU are RIGHT they are WRONG How DARE you try to pull that crap on me you goddamned PIECE OF GODDAMNED SHIT HOW DARE YOU I WILL HAUL YOUR SORRY FAT ASS THROUGH EVERY COURT IN THE LAND AND THAT WILL BE THE BEGINNING WHO THE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLARE YOU YOU GOD-DAMNED SON OF A BITCH $^*&$#%&&…and continue.

    Hold their eyes. Learn to stare some-one down.

    It’s so much easier than you can imagine.

    John – I’ve done this. More than once. It works.

    People may very well think you are nuts – so what? “Crazy” scares people. Especially Nigs. And Jews.

    They think you’ve got something up your sleeve.

    Try it. Experiment.

    It’s fun!

  28. I’ve not had any trouble in my face. I’m a bit too tall and well built to be a soft touch. I’ll break a jaw or shatter a cheek before I get hauled down. But It’s the pack mentality that alarms. No matter how tough you are more than three people can always take down a single person. Sadly this is characteristic of how the groid operates. It means you have to consider carrying a pistol or a knife, to give yourself a means of equalizing.

    My aim is excellent so I’d win a gunfight even if I had two or three assailants with handguns.

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