St. Louis Red Lobster Beating


H/T CofCC.

St. Louis has furnished us with the latest example of why the lunch counters were segregated.

In The Forum: The Axis Sally scandal discussion continues, Obama’s electoral map grows steeper, Walter Russell Mead on the collapse of the “Blue Social Model, and famine in Somalia.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why do these “things” happen? Th’ Nigs.

    The Brentwood Galleria is the next American mall to go under IMHO.

    The mall cops let all the broke shoplifting sheboons and Thugs walk right by them as tge stupidly ID 14-20 year old girls who do have Sephora bags, starbucks cups, Nordstrom bags, Annie Ann’s Pretzels etc etc etc

    they even swarmed all over some white Occupy hippies that met at the mall too.

    I don’t think the Owners/managers realize it!

  2. “Last weekend I went to St. Louis to do some exploration. Just like Dr. Livingstone went into the darkest parts of the Congo to find the source of the Nile, I went to right across from East St. Louis to find the end result of diversity.” – ramzpaul
    “They’re building a bridge over the Potomac for all the white liberals fleeing to Virginia.” – George C. Wallace
    We’ve had 50 years of white liberalism and white flight, and look what it has done to us. We need to remember that Spain was in a bad way but made a comeback and drove out the Moors.

  3. Hunter do diary on Pruitt Igoe housing estate St Louis.

    It was designed as segregated housing by the same architect who designed the WTC.
    It was desegregated and rapidly turned into a nightmare. It was demolished in the 1970s. DWL write about the archtecture failing. Truth is de- segregation doomed the viability of public housing. Even those who should know better, like Charles Jencks, said modernism was finished when Priutt Igoe was demolished.

    It is the true story of America’s demise.

  4. What’s the deal with groids and Red Lobster? Is that where jigs move on up to? You’re best bet is too go at 3:30-4:00PM. Very few customers and better service as a result. Interesting anecdote: About one year ago I had the misfortune of dining near “African-Americans” at Red Lobster. A female of the troupe proceeded to berate waiters and demand that her seafood allergy be accommodated!! Idiocy and audacity are separated by a fine line. Negros erase that line.

  5. They erase the line with a stinking streak of piss. Just like their wilder cousins. Imagine having to work among such filth?

  6. LOL, Hunter. I love how you refer to it as “the Axis Sally scandal”, as if she was Monica Lewinsky. I think Harold should really stop at this point. It’s becoming a sort of ‘wizard behind the curtain’ scenario..

    I’m not sure why niggers like Red Lobster so much. Is it black-owned? Here in Detroit, they seem to congregate at “The Olive Garden’ restaurants as well. I could care less. Whenever I eat out, it’s at places where I’m friends with the owners. I’m not giving my money or patronage to some quasi fast-slop corporate-owned chain. I wouldn’t eat that stuff if I was starving.

  7. In one of Terrtible Tommys Joom Articles, an article explained how Black Females drive to Red Lobster in their SUV to eat. They have a house full of black kids and get 768 a month for each one by a different father. What the Hell is Going on? The Blue Gums do have a craze for Red Lobster, its true.

  8. here in the Chicago suburbs is a Red Lobster.The neighborhood is all white but the restaurant usually is half full of nigger customers.The closest black neighborhood is at least 8 miles away.This incident illustrates why there are no Red Lobsters in black hoods.Last time we went to eat there,my wife let me out of the car I reserved a table and was told there was a 45 min wait.There were a few benches with negroes sitting on them.I have only 1 leg and I stood waiting,not 1 nigger got up to offer me a seat.10 minutes later the wife came in and commented loudly she said you mean nobody let you sit down?I said what do you expect.?

  9. The story of the Red Lobster in the suburbs of Chicago has reminded of something Joe Bob once said. I asked Joe Bob if he had ever been to the Pickrick. He replied, “No, Atlanta always had too many niggers. I’d rather eat a plate of cold grits full of dead cockroaches than have lunch at a restaurant full of niggers. General Sherman burned downed Atlanta because Lincoln told him to. I would burn down Atlanta because the niggers have take over. If there’s any justice in the hereafter, then Abe Lincoln is now standing in a lake of fire and serving fried chicken to niggers for all eternity.”

  10. Lincoln might well be roasting. All the national heroes, Henry V, Joan of Arc, Wellington, MacArthur, Nimitz, Nelson, Napoleon, Washington, Alexander, Caesar, vercingetorix, Carradoc, Aurelius, Zhukov, Montgomery Rommel etc etc all these people who DEFENDED their own people and smote foreigners, must view him as an outcast if their souls reside together someplace after death.

    Lincoln is in many ways an incomprehensible figure in world history. a man heroicized for turning on his own kind. He might even be shocked at the veneration blacks give him.

  11. Hunter can you take down the link to the Axis Sally scandal? It’s just gossipy, fantasy rumor, character assassination. O.D. isn’t in any WN Movement ghetto where everyone has to play “he said, she said” nonsense.

    O.D. is in mainstream America, with implicit White racial consciousness. No reason to go down the Jerry Springer, Maury Povitch, American “WN Movement” nonsense route.

  12. The Brentwood Galleria is the next American mall to go under IMHO.

    The mall cops let all the broke shoplifting sheboons and Thugs walk right by them as tge stupidly ID 14-20 year old girls who do have Sephora bags, starbucks cups, Nordstrom bags, Annie Ann’s Pretzels etc etc etc

    they even swarmed all over some white Occupy hippies that met at the mall too.

    I don’t think the Owners/managers realize it!

    Anarcho-Tyranny writ small. Whites are going to have to learn to take a much, Much, MUCH more antagonistic approach to authority figures. Squeaky (loud, abusive, uncooperative) wheel gets the grease. Quiet wheel gets exploited.

  13. Agreed about making a noise. These young ladies ought to have refused to cooperate. Point to their bags and point out they are paying the mall cop wages.

    Another idea for the billboards. (Or perhaps for the second round after the first round gets yanked).

    Do a series of billboards modeled after the subliminal ads in They Live. Have the content of billboards reflect the DWL PC programming about race:





    Then maybe have a “Can you See?” tagline, and a plug for the website.

    It would at least have a shot of getting past the PC censors.

    Additionally saw this on SBPDL. Hilarious stuff.




    It’s basically endless and it would pass censorship. What could anyone say in objection? “It’s a lie!” bwahahaha.

  14. The four women need red hot steel pokers placed where the sun does not shine and they will probably get exactly that for all eternity in H.

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