Black History Month 2012: The (Black) “Land of the Free”

Liberia ... the black "Land of the Free"


I hope you are enjoying OD’s unique celebration of Black History Month 2012.

We have assumed responsibility in the blogosphere this year of commemorating this great occasion by drawing the attention of White school children to the great accomplishments of black people throughout history.

As we have already seen, a DNA test has recently proven that King Tut was of European ancestry, but Emperor Bokassa I’s coronation in the Central African Empire and Le Vieux’s $300 million dollar replica of St. Peter’s Basilica in the African bush more than makes up for the loss of King Tut and Ancient Egypt to Caucasians.

The time has come to draw your attention to what is arguably the greatest accomplishment in African-American history … the creation of the great black homeland in West Africa, the Republic of Liberia, which means “Land of the Free.”

In the years before the War Between the States, which resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment in the United States, White Americans were divided over the best way to end the domestic institution of African servitude.

The “anti-slavery movement” colonized the entire political spectrum from abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison on the Left who advocated the immediate abolition of slavery on moral and religious grounds to gradualists and colonizationists like John Randolph and Henry Clay on the Right who advocated the gradual elimination of slavery and the removal of free blacks to a colony in West Africa.

The American Colonization Society was founded in 1816 to facilitate the repatriation of African-Americans to the Dark Continent. The U.S. Congress appropriated $100,000 for this unusual philanthropic alliance of Quakers, Southern slaveholders, and free blacks to acquire a 36 mile long strip of land on the coast of West Africa in 1821. This settlement was renamed “Liberia” in 1824.

Over the course of the next 23 years, Liberia erected a capital named Monrovia in honor of President James Monroe, a prominent supporter of the colonization movement. Liberia also expanded in size as four other American colonies were absorbed into the emerging black homeland.

With the assistance of Northern and Southern state legislatures and the support of the U.S. federal government, around ten thousand African-Americans emigrated to Liberia between 1821 and 1867. In 1847, the colony was persuaded by the ACS to declare its independence and assume its separate and equal station among the great powers of the earth.

For 133 years (1847 to 1980), these “Americo-Liberians” ruled Liberia through the “True Whig Party” (organized in 1869) which lorded over the 95 percent of the Liberian population that belonged to the 16 indigenous African tribes.

The Americo-Liberians created a replica of the U.S. government complete with their own Star Spangled Banner, President, Vice President, Senate, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court. They even created their own (black) version of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution:

“We the people of the Republic of Liberia were originally the inhabitants of the United States of North America.

In some parts of that country, we were debarred by law from all the rights and privileges of men–in other parts, public senti ment, more powerful than law, frowned us down.

We were everywhere shut out from all civil office.

We were excluded from all participation in the government.

We were taxed without our consent.

We were compelled to contribute to the resources of a country, which gave us no protection.

We were made a separate and distinct class, and against us every avenue to improvement was effectually closed. Strangers from all lands of a color different from ours, were preferred before us.

We uttered our complaints, but they were unattended to, or only met by alleging the peculiar institutions of the country.

All hope of a favorable change in our country was thus wholly extinguished in our bosoms, and we looked with anxiety abroad for some asylum from the deep degradation.

The Western coast of Africa was the place selected by Amer ican benevolence and philanthropy, for our future home. Removed beyond those influences which depressed us in our native land, it was hoped we would be enabled to enjoy those rights and privileges, and exercise and improve those faculties, which the God of nature has given us in common with the rest of mankind.

Under the auspices of the American Colonization Society, we established ourselves here, on land acquired by purchase from the Lords of the soil. . .

Liberia is not the offspring of grasping ambition, nor the tool of avaricious speculation.

No desire for territorial aggrandizement brought us to these shores; nor do we believe so sordid a motive entered into the high considerations of those who aided us in providing this asylum.

Liberia is an asylum from the most grinding oppression. In coming to the shores of Africa, we indulged the pleasing hope that we would be permitted to exercise and improve those faculties, which impart to man his dignity–to nourish in our hearts the flame of honorable ambition, to cherish and indulge those aspirations, which a beneficent Creator had implanted in every human heart, and to evince to all who despise, ridicule and oppress our race, that we possess with them a common nature, are with them susceptible of equal refinement, and capable of equal advancement in all that adorns and dignifies man.

We were animated with the hope, that here we should be at liberty to train up our children in the way they should go–to inspire them with the love of an honorable fame, to kindle within them, the flame of a lofty philanthropy, and to form strong within them, the principles of humanity, virtue and religion.”

The Liberians were set free and cast ashore on the coast of West Africa to prove to the world – especially to the white supremacists of the United States – that they were “susceptible of equal refinement” and “capable of equal advancement in all that adorns and dignifies man.”

Unlike their counterparts in the United States, these African-Americans were free to realize their full potential and human dignity without the obstacles of slavery, segregation, racism, white privilege and white supremacy set in their path.

Protected by the U.S. Navy from predatory European imperialists, Liberia alone escaped the fate of other African nations which were swallowed up by rival European empires in the “Scramble for Africa” in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

How did the world’s second great experiment (Haiti being the first) in black freedom and equality work out in practice?

The Americo-Liberians established themselves as a black aristocracy that ruled with absolute power over Liberia. They emulated the planter class of the American South by wearing top hats and morning coats to mark their social status. They built Antebellum-style homes with pillared porches, gabled roofs and dormer windows.

The indigenous Liberian tribes were considered an inferior race and were excluded from the government by restricting voting rights to property owners. The Americo-Liberians segregated themselves from the natives who were excluded from citizenship until 1904.

In 1931, Liberia was accused by the United Nations of practicing “forced labor … hardly distinguishable from slavery” on Firestone’s rubber plantation. The company was granted a 99 year concession there in 1926 and maintains the world’s largest natural rubber operation there to this day.

By 1870, Liberia (like Haiti) had sunk into debt to its European creditors. The financial crisis dragged on for decades with Liberia going bankrupt in 1906 followed by the U.S. taking over its finances (again like Haiti) in 1912. This was followed by a return to insolvency (also like Haiti) in the 1930s.

Between 1945 and 1980, Liberia was propped up by $780 million dollars in foreign aid from the United States. It was a spearhead of American opposition to communism in West Africa.

In spite of enormous foreign assistance, after 133 years of freedom and independence the majority of Liberia’s population in 1980 was living in squalor without access to electricity or clean drinking water. The Liberian government derived the vast majority of state revenues from taxes paid by Firestone, the Liberian Iron Mining Company, and by prostituting its national flag to foreign merchants for a modest fee.

African-American supremacy in Liberia came to an end on April 12, 1980 when a group of seventeen soldiers led by Samuel Doe, an indigenous Liberian from the Krahn ethnic group, scaled the gate of President Daniel Tolbert’s Executive Mansion, overpowered the guards, and murdered Tolbert in his pajamas. They fired three bullets into his head, gouged out his right eye, and disembowled him.

In this way, imperialism finally came to a bloody end in Liberia … when the African-American ruling class was violently overthrown by a military coup d’état. Ministers and officials of the Tolbert government were rounded up, put on trial before the “People’s Redemption Council,” and were sentenced to death.

In the first video below, a crowd of thousands of Liberians laugh and jeer in Monrovia as thirteen high-ranking officials in the Tolbert administration are executed by a squad of drunken soldiers who were tied to telephone poles on a beach in Monrovia, who fire volley after volley into their Americo-Liberian overlords. The mob screams, “Freedom! We got our freedom at last!”

Ten years later, President Samuel Doe was violently executed on state television during the First Liberian Civil War. The United States spent another $500 million dollars in the 1980s propping up the Doe regime which polarized Liberia along ethnic lines by practicing Krahn supremacy, murdering and torturing his rivals, and indiscriminately murdering, raping, and oppressing Gio and Mano civilians in Nimba County.

In the second video, Doe is tortured as his rival Commander Prince Johnson sips a Budweiser and orders his ears cut off. Doe was later able to end his suffering by bashing his brains out against a wall until he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

The torture and execution of President Samuel Doe in Liberia was only the beginning of the bloodshed and suffering in the (Black) “Land of the Free.” The story of Charles Taylor, General Butt Naked, “Blood Diamonds,” and child soldiers must still be told.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was thinking in terms of a spearhead! Heh. Or a downpointed triangle. But 3/5 human is spot on. But blacks were thus defined as 3/5 human to keep the south from having extra congressmen and a larger slice of the electoral college.

    It didn’t need a star just a questionmark. “?” WTF were the Quakers thinking?

  2. “3/5 human. . .”

    The 3/5ths compromise was a move to limit the electoral power of the south by the north. Had they gotten their way slaves would have been 0/5ths of a person.

  3. Excellent work as always Hunter, though it’s getting better in February 2012.

    Judging only on the quality of the posts and the growing awareness of the commentsphere, I think this movement is reaching some kind of critical mass. Later I would like to talk to you about getting financing in order to mainstream this movement, so that the second decade of 2012 sees the birth of a Those Who Can See counter-revolution. It is a hard fight and as such it needs legitimization, and this requires resources. As our friend Jared Taylor makes clear in his recent feature entitled “Race And Literature: Why Is It Always Liberal?” (, the historical momentum is against any kind of an awakening movement, which I why I think we need to get organized in the smartest, richest way possible. More on that later.

    In the meantime:

    Thank you for blogging about Liberia in February 2012. I have been obsessed with Liberia since Charles Taylor’s American-born son, Charles McArther Emmanuel, was arrested in Miami (where he is still held) for crimes against humanity, right around the time his father whom you right about was being extradited to the Hague for his trial there.

    Yeah, I know, it’s not that long ago. But when you go to Starbucks tomorrow, how many of the people in line do you think are aware that (A) Monrovia was named after the US prez who supported repatriation?; (B) Of those who are aware – including readers of this killer blog – how long do you think the average person has been aware of this fact?, a fact that the Those (Shall Not) See campaigners have done everything in their power to prevent us from seeing?

    According to Wiki, Taylor’s son spent his early life until 17 in Orlando Florida; he was the product of a muh-dik between the Charles and a college girlfriend, whom I’m thinking might have been a CB. (Hat tip to M.S. for the enlightening references to the historical writings of Thomas Branagan) (TB’s work basically makes it clear that the reason blacks in the USA are 17% white on average is not what the Those Who (Shall Not) See movement have wanted us to believe all along, namely that black females à la Sally Hemmings were raped by evil white overlords; the truth is that negro hyper-sexuality and white female natural submissiveness and susceptibility to negro seduction techniques resulted in the light-skinned blacks you see all around you behind the counter at Starbucks getting their white=parts from the PATERNAL side of their heritage, NOT the maternal side).

    It is amazing the money that whitey will spend to house and try these three-fifthers; what is more amazing still is the money and effort that has been spent to produce what we are witnessing now: a big-as-empires, history changing coverup, namely the Athenian, civilization-eroding, Jesus-approved love thy neighbour myth of equality.

    About two years ago the New York Times Magazine published a confusing article (confusing to Those readers who Could Not See) by the daughter of some Americo-Liberian gubment official that I found confusing because it made no sense: even though my understanding of Liberian history was limited at that time, and even though I had not yet viewed this fascinating 8=part documentary on Liberia yet :

    Vice Guide to Liberia You Tube :

    …I was pretty sure that this NYT Magazine article about a beknighted Liberian daughter of the elite suffering at the hands of an evil rebel army faction did not make sense. Who were the real villains supposed to be again? After all whitey was nowhere to be seen…

    But I digress: Hunter I think that we need to organize in the most intelligent kind of way possible.

    This blog and others like it need to obtain a veneer of absolute legitimacy, so that they cannot be dismissed as hate sites but rather as unimpeachable sources of fact.

    If only Warren Buffet were an HBDer.

    A friend of mine does consulting for Roman Abramovich’s people. Maybe the Ruskies could help.



  4. Great research as usual!

    Here is another good documentary video about Liberia. What a hell hole!

    Black thug leaders such as “General Butt Naked, General Ben Laden, General Mosquito, General Mosquito Spay,”

    Cannibalism, eating the hearts of the enemy soldiers, Killing young children and drinking their blood before going into battle. Incredibly foul slums and third world poverty.

    It is all here in this professionally filmed video, if you can watch it for long.

  5. Yes, you got the nod of the head to the electoral college. But it’s not that Negroes are 3/5ths of a MAN. They are hominids, surely.

    Rather, as Adam was the crown of creation, and other hominids already existed apart from Eden (where did Cain get his wife?) on the earth, when God planned Christ’s ethnic forebear, (and even PhD scientists such as Jewish author Gerald Schroeder noted of Adam’s unique ‘creation’ in his tome, ‘The Science of God’) what I was actually referring to, is that Negroes are to be thought of (in perpetuity) as 3/5ths of a WHITE MAN.

    Once that is grasped, all else falls into place. And everything the Deicides have striven to burden the White Man with, from Boas on down, can be swept into ‘the dustbin of history’ – and Jews can be held culpable for it all… as they have been, since AD33.

  6. OP, if you have not encountered it yet, there is also a very good documentary about General Buttnaked called: ‘the redemption of General Buttnaked’ and it shows this manipulative, disgusting creature trying to re-invent itself as a pastor to save its own worthless hide.

    Enjoying the blog very much, thank god for the American freedom of speech, carry on sirs.

  7. May I also suggest covering the attempted hijack of Greek, Roman history by lunatic Afrocentrics and their allies in academia?

    My own “conversion” from liberal to racist analysis was a direct reaction to two things.

    I read Black Athena and reviewed the rebuttals. It’s the single quickest way to peel away academics from their addiction to the dark gods. You must have a functioning student, professor base of support.

    I only stumbled across this book and the controversy by accident. Black Athena’s author Martin Bernal is the single most destructive voice in academia I have ever come across. Apparently this book is standard reading in black colleges. It’s astonishing and insane.

  8. Didn’t think I could feel sorry for a Negro, but the 2nd video of Doe being tortured did it for me. Standing around and laughing, having a “good time”, guzzling beer and actually enjoying someone else’s pain (the definition of sadism) – only from blacks. God us and our children in the future- this is our future unless enough Whites can come to grips with reality.

  9. George – don’t feel sorry for Doe. tha’ts simply normal squeamishness. He did what was done to him fr 10 years. Don’t feel sorry for them. If Doe could be resurrected – he’d do the same thing to you, if you had wandered across his path, and he didn’t have anything more entertaining planned.

  10. @ Denise:

    “George – don’t feel sorry for Doe”

    – Though I can feel for this p.o.s., still I can keep it in perspective and understand that he and those like him are a threat to our existence. The difference between us and them is that we would simply execute him and be done with it. They OTOH would torture us first and derive pleasure from it.

  11. “Even in the Quaker capital of Philadelphia, African Americans were personae non gratae in many quarters. Evidently, many Friends and others outside the South viewed slavery and race as peculiarly southern problems. From a distance, they could indulge their benevolent proclivities and passionately advocate abolition, civil rights and Inner Lights. Yet their own liberalism and tolerance were sorely tested when it was they who were confronted with the prospect of having to interact personally and daily with black people … . On this score it becomes comprehensible that Philadelphia Quakers would be among the biggest financial contributors to the colonization cause by the late 1820s.” – p. 59, “The price of liberty: African Americans and the making of Liberia” by Claude Andrew Clegg
    Is a Black Undertow traumatic experience the only cure for a white liberal? Do white liberals like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett really believe that, in terms of statistical averages, blacks and whites have equal genetic abilities? What should be the role of Christianity in pro-White advocacy?
    “We have enormously difficult problems. If we are to solve them at all, we must tackle them with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than they have ever been tackled before. We must prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for a very long, bloody, and agonizing struggle. … We must build a foundation which will sustain us for a very long campaign. … Now we need a philosophical and spiritual basis for out political cause.” Our Cause — Free Speech
    “… peeing on a crucifix is edgy and irreverent — burning the Qu’ran is hate — it’s kind of confusing.” — ramzpaul

  12. Billly – true fact – long before the Cibbil Wrongs Era – the worst insult – the very WORST insult – any Black in America could level at another Black was to call that person a “Philadelphia Negro”. It mean the worst de la worst.

  13. Some-one please post the second one on Massa Simpson’s site. Plase. Thanks. Tell him Happy Nigger Month, from Denise! Ook ook!

  14. Thanks, Hunter. These articles on Liberia, the CAR, and Cote d’Ivoire are really interesting: genuine Black History. I knew a bit about Liberia and the CAR, but nothing about the last. (Incidentally, Houphoet-Boigny is a much greater man than any of the Blacks celebrated in schools, and even Bokassa doesn’t look too bad next to Mandela).

  15. What is the deal with the white liberals feeling sorry for Doe? This man got what he deserved and I would have done the same thing to anyone who tried to overthrow self determination for my ethnic group. They did the right thing by torturing this African American.

  16. Alexander Stephens was 100% correct about race in the speech that is so often used by the ignorant to attack him. Black people can only achieve a civilized existence as a people inside of a slave class. That is there natural place in Western Society and any civilized society as anyone who goes out and gains experience with them can see. On there own they cannot maintain, they are not intelligent as a people and they are not self motivated. Blacks require outside management to sustain a civilized condition. If the Golden Circle concept could have become a reality Black people living here and within’ the rest of the Golden Circle would be happy and content as they were by their own words during the antebellum period in the South.

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