Deconstructing The MSM Trayvon Martin Narrative

From Jayson Blair to Rathergate to Trayvon Martin, the MSM is unreliable and ideologically driven


H/T Free Republic

The MSM is caught lying again … ala Troy Davis, the Jena 6, Duke Lacrosse, OJ Simpson, Rodney King, and Tawana Brawley … to promote hatred of Whites and the myth of black victimhood.

MYTH: George Zimmerman disobeyed orders not to pursue Trayvon Martin

REALITY: After being told, “you don’t have to do that,” when Zimmerman answered that he was pursuing Martin, Zimmerman quit pursuing him. The 911 respondent asked because he could hear Zimmerman breathing heavily as he was running. After Zimmerman agrees to stop pursuit, his breath immediately returns to nomal. (Recordings are available on Wikipedia.)

MYTH: Martin was fleeing from Zimmerman when he was shot. Jesse Jackson alleged Martin was shot in the back of the head; former Governor Jeb Bush characterized Martin as “someone who has turned their back.”

REALITY: Martin was on top of Zimmerman, pummeling his head into the concrete. Witnesses confirmed this, but police didn’t need to take their word. Martin had considerable amounts of his own blood on him, having received a broken nose, and multiple lacerations to the back of the head. Zimmerman’s assertion that Martin came up to him is unproven, but uncontradicted.

MYTH: Are you serious? A little kid like Martin couldn’t possibly have attacked and pummeled Zimmerman!

REALITY: The photos released by the family of Martin were several years old. The “little kid” was 6-foot-three, much lighter than Zimmerman, but towering over him.

MYTH: Martin should have retreated.

REALITY: That Martin had already evaded Zimmerman is made plain by Zimmerman’s call to the police. So how did they end up in another encounter? Zimmerman complained that Martin attacked him. What’s the alternative theory? That Zimmerman pulled his gun on a fleeing Martin? If so, how did they end up brawling? That Zimmerman was so much faster than Martin, despite being several inches shorter and much pudgier than him, that he caught up to Martin despite Martin’s fleeing? More likely, Martin waited until Zimmerman was off the phone with police, and then ambushed him, as Zimmerman alleges.

MYTH: No matter what, Zimmerman didn’t need to kill Martin.

REALITY: Zimmerman’s head was being smashed on the concrete. He’s probably somewhat lucky he’s not a drooling vegetable. Even so, Zimmerman claims the gun came out because Martin had tried to take it from him. This is consistent with the state of the gun as it was found: The chamber was empty, despite the gun being fully loaded, apart from the one round which killed Martin. This suggests that something prevented the bullet from being replaced in the chamber, as would likely have happen if Martin had been grabbing the barrel.

MYTH: Martin was just an innocent kid, who had never been in trouble.

REALITY: Martin had received a lengthy suspension from school; he was a likely drug dealer. Martin certainly didn’t deserve to be killed for criminality. But he was suspended when the school found him with an empty baggie containing traces of marijuana. The fact that he was not high actually hurts his case, since it means that the marijuana was likely dealt to someone, rather than having been for personal use.

MYTH: Zimmerman was simply a racist, Republican, tea-party white supremacist with no reason to confront Martin.

REALITY: Zimmerman, an Hispanic registered Democrat, son of Virginia judge, and trained in law enforcement, was patrolling the area due to a rash of thefts. Martin was seen shortly after dark, on a warm night, wearing a darkly colored, hooded sweatshirt, not the “angel white” hoodie that’s been in the press. He did not confront Martin, but did attempt to approach Martin, before Martin, at first, ran away.

MYTH: This would never have happened, if not for Florida’s gun rights.

REALITY: If Zimmerman had been unarmed, maybe he would never have been so bold as to attract Martin’s ire, but maybe he would have ended up dead, as that tends to happen when your head slams into concrete too many times.

MYTH: Boy, the media blew it.

REALITY: The media might not have been aware of how soundly its race-baiting narrative would be disproven, but they certainly knew Martin was no longer the little kid that he was in the photos they still use, and that Zimmerman was not the white supremacist they made him out to be. They knew that Jackson’s and Bush’s characterizations were false, but published them without correction. They harped on the fact that Martin was “unarmed,” but made no mention of the brawl, which renders that fact senseless.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Nice.

    “Martin had considerable amounts of his own blood on him, having received a broken nose, and multiple lacerations to the back of the head.”

    In the sentence above, I think you mean Zimmerman, not Martin.

    In the paragraph on Martin’s past record, it is also worth mentioning that he was investigated for a graffiti incident at school that led to his bag being searched and the discovery of women’s jewelry for which Martin had no explanation as well as a screwdriver described by the investigating officer as a “burglary tool.” See the Sailer’s discussion in the following link:

  2. If you want my cynical/conspiratorial hunch, I think that the media is ramping up the anti-white propaganda to help Obama secure victory in November.

    The problem is that it’s backfiring on them bad.

    First, some Occupiers got arrested for trying to hurt anti-genocide protestors in Sacramento.

    Next, the public face of KONY 2012 went BONY 2012 and became a public laughing-stock.

    Now, lots of people are noticing how George Zimmerman was railroaded by the press before all the facts were in. They’ve also noticed how the press tried to turn a possibly justified, hispanic-on-black homicide into a white-on-black atrocity of atrocities.

    And liberals are using this as an excuse to attack “stand your ground” laws. Bad bad bad idea. That is basically telling people “You have no right to protect yourself against thugs.” Hey, at least liberals are showing their true colors.

    Meanwhile, dozens of black-on-white crimes have happened since Trayvon’s death––ones with no ambiguity whatsoever.

    They are getting sloppy. Don’t celebrate yet, though.

  3. Hopefully the Grand Jury will have the courage to look at the evidence and tell the world that the shooting was self defense and justified under Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law. The operative word here is “hopefully”

    Even if the Grand Jury exonerates Zimmerman, Attorney General,Eric “My People” Holder wont take kindly to him killing one of his “Holder Youth” and federal charges of Zimmerman “violating Martins civil rights” will follow.

    . With deep, unintended, irony the “liberal “academic airheads are now discussing Treyvons civil right to “walk the street”:

    “A classic civil-rights violation occurs when a person is targeted because of his or her race while trying to engage in a federally protected activity, such as voting or riding on public transportation.

    But Bradley Schlozman, a former acting head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, told Yahoo News that in the past, courts have found that using a public sidewalk can qualify as a protected activity.

    “Under ‘streets theory,’ individuals have been prosecuted for targeting a minority(but not whites) on the basis of his or her race because they didn’t appreciate that they were being on the streets,” Schlozman said. “One of the recognized civil rights is being able to walk the streets.”


    Of course, the irony here is that White Americans dont have those civil rights at all when they are victims of unprovoked brutal attacks by mobs of Holder Youth, savagely beaten, often to death, for the crime of riding a bicycle or walking on a public street while white.

    Here are ten different documented cases of brutal,racist, beatings and unprovoked assaults of white victims attacked by black thugs for the crime of “walking on a public street while white” at this link:

  4. This is VERY different than what all the news channels and newspapers are saying, they claim Trayvon was killed for no reson.

  5. I suspect the media didn’t care very much whether their narrative was disproven or not. The goal of this charade may really have been to intimidate the law-abiding into not practicing self-help when it comes to self-defense. YKW operatives have been pedaling an “all white activists are potential domestic terrorists” meme to police departments through active counseling and training efforts. They are trying to get the venal and easily-bought whites in police departments to spend some resources intimidating their own kind. At the same time and countering this effort, gun laws have been significantly liberalized so it is much easier to acquire a handgun. Thus the prospect of many such armed neighborhood watches like the one Zimmerman was involved coming into being can be easily imagined. Such a prospect would make law-abiding citizens less reliant on the police and would thwart YKW’s attempts to turn the police into storm troopers to advance their tribalist agenda. Self-reliant citizens may no longer see the need for large and potentially hostile police departments anymore – especially when such police departments may be captured by outside agents who are seeking to turn the police department against the local populace. In addition, YKW has made another significant investment and spent years trying to turn the black criminal class into a protected group to advance their anti-white agenda and hinder the efforts of whites to protect themselves from the black criminal class. The widespread publishing of Zimmerman’s name and likeness is an effort to raise the risk associated with self-defense – “if you practice self-defense against our brown golems we will publish your name in the papers and make you a potential target of future retribution.” If those practicing self-defense are not singled others will be emboldened to do the same. Tragically, the result of this bullying is that some whites who were thinking about getting a gun may not do so and may be murdered or maimed as a result. This is what the worst among YKW want – they push agendas that operate at the margins and favor other groups over us so that in the end there are less of us – they think that this is a good result – even one dead white man is seen to advance their cause. So don’t be so quick to assume that the media failed in pushing a crazy narrative – maybe that wasn’t what they were trying to accomplish. Rather, this may have been an effort to intimidate whites into not taking advantage of liberalized gun laws and becoming more self-reliant as a result.

  6. The cost efficiency of an armed guard of citizens was demonstrated by Zimmerman. He saved $100,000 in NU room and board. He didn’t need to go to trial as he acted sensibly at all times. Then the Goddamn Federales had to splurge cash on redisvering what the Sanford Plodders already established.

    Well done Zorro!

  7. Good job on everyone who has debunked the latest BRA Hate Crime Hoax.

    My feeling is the next one of these is going to be a fake assassination attempt on Obama., with rumors of White nationalist plots used to incite protests, beatings, riots, persecution of racially conscious Whites.

    Please be very careful, vigilant for agent provocateurs. Now is a good time to clean up your home, hard disks. Be aware of local laws and customs about fire arms.

  8. Reading W. Evans link note the author’s name and the person quoted – they ain’t Smith or O’Brien, are they? Notice the smarmy, slimy effort to criminalize community self-policing. An outsider scout comes into your neighborhood to case your neighborhood, and if you approach him for questioning, you are immediately wrong-footed according to their reasoning if that person is a different race from your own. These people are wicked! They flood our country with different races and then make it difficult to protect ourselves from the criminal element in these immigrant groups!

    Anyone who questions the divinity of our Lord has to admit that he saw through these people with God-like ability: “Jesus replied, ‘And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them!'” Luke 11:46.

  9. “Under ‘streets theory,’ individuals have been prosecuted for targeting a minority(but not whites) on the basis of his or her race because they didn’t appreciate that they were being on the streets,” Schlozman said. “One of the recognized civil rights is being able to walk the streets.”

    Prosecuted for what, exactly? I mean, swap in “talking to” for “targeting” in that quote and we’re left with what, exactly?

  10. “That Zimmerman was so much faster than Martin, despite being several inches shorter and much pudgier than him, that he caught up to Martin despite Martin’s fleeing?”
    Hey now, blacks aren’t known for their athletic ability or anything.

  11. The bottom line is Zimmerman picked a fight, got his head bashed in, and is lucky he had a gun.

    The bottom line = dead nigger, Scot-free Mestizo.

  12. “The “little kid” was 6-foot-three, much lighter than Zimmerman, but towering over him.”

    Anyone have any idea what Martin weighed?

  13. 6’2 160lbs vs 5’9 and 230…

    if this was boxing it would be a heavy weight vs a middle weight.

    Also, the whole narrative above depicts Trayvon in a negative light. Would have been great to see both sides of the stories.

    Like, Zimmerman assaulting a cop which is a felony but had the charges dropped….his Dad is a Judge in VA, so wondering why the charges were dropped.

    Also, his girl friend allegedly said he beat her up and file a complaint. Again nothing was done about it. So, it seems Zimmerman has a troubled history of violence against law enforcement and women but was able to get off without losing his gun license.

  14. The MSM discredited itself and knew it would be discredited. This is where the employees know it will happen, but know at the start they can’t say the black narrative is a lie. So they go along with it themselves knowing it will be exposed. They also know they won’t be held accountable as long as they say what they are supposed to.

    What is interesting is why people like Lowry at NRO would do this? Who were they currying favor with? Or are they dumber than CNN employees?

  15. The MSM discredited itself and knew it would be discredited. This is where the employees know it will happen, but know at the start they can’t say the black narrative is a lie. So they go along with it themselves knowing it will be exposed.

  16. When will we wake up? If this hadn’t happened, I might still be under the illusion that the races were necessarily equal and that racism was a real sin. I would also still support integration and all that stuff (except for bussing). So there’s some hope, but things will get much worse before they get any better

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