Robert Weissberg Grovels To Politico


Robert Weissberg has chosen to humiliate himself before the Inquisition:

“But Weissberg, who describes himself to me as a “1960s color-blind liberal” and said his speech at the conference was “anti-white nationalism,” feels that the Review’s response was “bizarre,” and even compared it to a Soviet show trial.”

George Zimmerman is a colorblind liberal.

I was particularly amused to notice that he had quoted James Loewen of all people on his website. It didn’t take long for Loewen himself to ritually condemn Zimmerman at History News Network.

“White nationalism is not really an ideology, its obnoxious,” he said. “As I told them at the conference, you’re better off being called a child molester than a white nationalist. So, I said, if you are a white nationalist, why not move to a place that’s all white?”

In the Soviet Union, the term “anti-Soviet” was used to police the boundaries of the “mainstream” and anti-communist dissidents were similarly accused of various mental illnesses in order to pathologize and marginalize the opposition. Lysenkoism was also an official ideology throughout the Soviet bloc.

“I’m not a white nationalist,” Weissberg added. “I’m a 1960s color-blind liberal…. I remember being in NYC when the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964. We were dancing in the streets.”

I hope Weissberg isn’t invited to speak at another Amren conference.

Why would anyone invite a 1960s colorblind liberal Jew who celebrated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by dancing in the streets and who compares White Nationalists to child molesters to speak at one of your events?

Note: I’ve criticized White Nationalism many times in the past, but never on the grounds of “liberalism” or “colorblindness.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One can only assume that Mr. Weissberg has decided to be the least popular man on Earth. Think about it…

    1. Be a Jew. Everybody outside the Anglosphere and Western Europe will already hate you right from the start.

    2. The next step is to make 99% of those within the Anglosphere and Western Europe, including other Jews, hate you. Do this by writing a series of essays and attending a conference committed to assaulting their most cherished taboos defending egalitarianism and multiculturalism.

    3. You’re now down a veritable remnant of Jew-friendly WNs and WN-friendly Jews. Those are the only friends you have left. Compare them to child molesters and carry on about the glory of the Civil Rights movement.

    At this point, absolute victory really depends on whether or not his mother is still alive, because she’s the only person on Earth who might not hate him.

    4. If she is still alive, then the final step for him is to drive to his mom’s nursing home and inform her that he doesn’t actually have a doctorate and has decided to marry a shiksa.

  2. Why would anyone invite a 1960s colorblind liberal Jew who celebrated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by dancing in the streets and who compares White Nationalists to child molesters to speak at one of your events?

    Because that is what Jared Taylor is all about – pandering to the Jews and ignoring how their agenda is destroying this country.

  3. At least Derbyshire knows who he is.

    He also put up a great trial balloon. It’s still being hit by thousands of mental gnats.

  4. The thesis here is that America is not to be redeemed. I tend to agree. It’ll just limp on then collapse like a drunk. “American Renaissance” is a misnomer. It’s not possible.

  5. I like American Renaissance. If Amren wasn’t being effective the Anti White Powers That Be, wouldn’t be persecuting all the Amren speakers and workign to shut down Amren conferences.

  6. AmRen is “respectable.” They play by the anti-white rules, they review a book peddling the Blank Slate Theory they quibble the details not the fact that there is no evidence that the BST exists in any form. Not that they are on the other side it is just that they respect the anti-whites so much that they actually believe there really is such a thing as “anti-racism.”

  7. Gimme a J! “J!” Gimme an E! “E!” Gimme a W! “W!”. What does it spell?

    “Uh… George Bush, right? (long awkward pause). I mean, I heard the W part, so I figured either Bush, or else white people. Right? If not that, then I guess it doesn’t spell anything…”

  8. “America,” as in the united States of, is in a terminal decline because of the mistakes made by the colorblind liberals of the 1960’s. Being beyond repair, it is also doomed to never see a renaissance of any sort, simply by definition. Which is not to say that some part of what we now know as “America,” might not see such a renaissance.

    The places where they were dancing in the streets back then are certainly not that part, either. The only possible American Renaissance anymore would be a Southern one. Our people were never convinced so much as we were subdued by the forces behind BRA.

    White Southerners implicitly possess what must be reborn, what Jared Taylor attempts to define in his book–a white identity–this from the other, ultimately stronger, founding stock of America. The “colorblind” Yankee Empire has a terminal disease of its own making. We need not be a part until the bitter end.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Laughing out loud, there are like 10 anti-Jewish white nationalists and maybe 2 pro-Jewish white nationalists. It’s not like circle gets that much bigger if you change your position on the Jewish question.

  10. Caracala gave citizenship to every person in the Roman Empire. Gibbons and others noted that this was done to tax all. They also point to it as beginning the rot.

    Caracala was North African btw. His name meant Cape in Gaelic. A real product of the aroman multicult.

  11. American Renaissance is a good “first step” for White Conservatives who are looking for something different than National Review/Fox News, something a bit, well – a bit more racially aware. is the perfect first step.

    The next step is….

    A plunge off a cliff, or in to all kinds of weird cults, personal feuds, societal nut cases, loners, losers, paranoid conspiracy theorists etc.

    Sometimes it’s better just to take one small step forward and get a god view.

  12. So Jared Taylor (or his staff) invite a Jew to speak at the conference, and the Jew turns around and compares Taylor and his supporters to child molesters? LOL. Good grief; it sounds like an anecdote Alex Linder might fabricate from whole cloth to make an (accurate) point about Jews and their brazen shamelessness. Except, it really happened.

    I won’t criticize Taylor. He has done too much. I do hope he eventually comes around on the Jewish question though.

  13. So, I said, if you are a white nationalist, why not move to a place that’s all white?”

    If you’re an oppressed negroid, why not move to Africa?

  14. I can’t imagine Taylor not being well-educated about the Jewish question, considering how long he’s been in this. And he’s a very intelligent and logical person to begin with.

    He probably realizes that leading off with the Jewish component to white peoples modern and historic woes, would onlyn end up having a repellent effect on what he’s trying to accomplish. He sticks to the non-white component of our situation because it’s the most obvious, most commonly felt, and factually impossible to refute. Basically, you just don’t see Jews robbing, raping and murdering white people, or rioting and destroying cities. It’s certainly not to say the Jew doesn’t blood on his hands, and I’m sure we all get that, it’s just that to most people, the Jew, and his actions, is invisible.

    I respect Taylor a lot. I first read ‘Paved With Good Intentions’ when I was 15 years old. I’ve always kept up with him since then. And no, I don’t think there will be a real-life “American Renaissance” either. We will most likely break apart, in phases, into a handful of republics and a few city-states. I just hope I live to see it.

  15. Wow, I posted before read that tripe…to be a White Nationalist is to not bend the knee to either juden or kosher Con-servatives, when is this going to sink in?

    We have better minds, by far, and the totality of our Message is cogent and illuminating to the the deracinated. Why would any of these so-called up-and – coming ‘nationalists’, white or otherwise, listen and follow any of these denizens proclaiming their ‘rationality’ as opposed to ours?

    Conservatism is dead…it has been moribund for three generations now. I am a White Nationalist…and the pride I share with all my fellows, and the intellectual energies which have morphed into real, discernible momentum, has begun that inexorable shift from our opposition, to us.

    Soon, very soon, Hunter, you will be called to the public forum…take a deep breath, and plunge in.

    Good Fortune.

  16. I think Taylor thinks the drawbacks of focusing on jews outweighs the benefits.

    And he’s probably correct, because if you criticism Jews under the banner of racialism, people could think you are emulating Nazism. A mild and rational criticism of Jews would be interpreted as an attack on all Jews. Acting like Norman Finkelstein would get him compared to Alex Linder.

  17. I have been feeling a bit vindicated since seeing everyone focus their attention on what Weissberg really has to say.
    I attended my very first Amren conference this March, knowing full well there would be a certain jew-tolerant flavor, but I was gobsmacked by how much jewish influence there really was on the content of the conference. It was hugely disappointing, and although I did enjoy meeting some wonderful people (many of whom felt the same way I did), the experience itself left me somewhat bewildered, I mean, what is the aim of this, exactly?
    Also, it ought to be noted that Weissberg was not only “a speaker”—he was the kick-off speaker for the whole conference. I have already written elsewhere that I was not impressed by his talk, nor did I appreciate what I felt was his condescending and flippant attitude regarding the future of poor Whites in his bizarre plan of coffee shop based “non-White Nationalism”. (I have a copy of his talk and will scan and upload it for anyone interested, but won’t be able to do so for another week).

    Still, he was given a very warm reception by the vast majority of conference attendees and a glowing intro by Jared Taylor himself, so for him to turn around now and treat his “colleagues” in the shoddy fashion he has here….well…..I too hope that Mr. Taylor takes a good long look at why such a man was present at Amren to begin with.

  18. I never understood why Hunter Wallace keeps thinking that Amren will “come around” on the Jewish question. Personally I think they should stick to their niche. Microsoft doesn’t make bricks. Honda doesn’t make computers.

  19. Don’t know. I wasn’t there.

    Also, I haven’t said anything about Amren “coming around” on the Jewish Question. The issue really doesn’t interest me because I have seen it debated five million times now on the internet. That’s been their position for what – gosh, ten years now – so who cares?

    I like Jared Taylor and the people who work at Amren. That’s always been my position. I know nothing about Robert Weissberg although I recognize the name.

  20. For the record, I focus on blacks here because (1) I believe that BRA really is run for their benefit and (2) because we have indisputable evidence that black people acting black is by far our most effective wedge issue.

    Ever since this Trayvon Martin scandal began around March 15, the daily traffic on OD has grown 5x from what it was a month ago. It has stayed there too. More people are coming here than ever before. This tells me what we are doing is working.

  21. If you follow the gaming industry (I haven’t touched a video game in quite some time, too busy) you see Nintendo attacked because it focuses on innovative controls, first party games, creative characters and simple graphics instead of the business model of high definition graphics, third party support, “realistic” games.

    People are always suggesting that Nintendo is doomed if it doesn’t switch and become more like Sony or Microsoft.

    But Nintendo just totally dominated this cycle in sales by staying loyal to its niche, when last cycle, it got killed by Sony.

    It’s for similar reasons that I think that if Taylor focused on Jews, it would be a bad business decision. He would lose one of his major differentiating factors.

  22. Metal – Taylor would lose a LOT of MONEY if he focused on Jews.

    Money Uber Alles. Never mind those grubby little White proles.

    Mary – so about 50 people gave the Jew retin a warm reception? This speaks well t othe general politeness of Whites. Even “Knaaazeee” Whites. I’m glad oyu had the opportunity to see the TrewJew – the Nature of the Inner Jew, in action, on public display.

    You’ll note that no problems arose, AFTER the SF conference went off without a hitch. There were NO Hebes there at all.

  23. It is far easier for “professional racists” in America to take shots at BRA that change racial attitudes than it was ever was for anti-communist dissidents in the Soviet Union to operate underneath the Iron Curtain

    Well, yeah, but Homo Sovieticus had far more reason to revolt than Homo Economicus does. Chicken in every pot, and all that.

  24. The thesis here is that America is not to be redeemed. I tend to agree. It’ll just limp on then collapse like a drunk.

    It will never collapse. Never. This ain’t the 5th century. The world knows too much about how to “limp on” now for much of anything to collapse. They don’t even really let fully negroid countries collapse any more, at least, not in this hemisphere.

    It will weaken to the point that it can be superseded, though. That’s entirely feasible. Maybe corporatism will pick up the slack? Patriarchy (breeding like rats) on the fringes?

    I like American Renaissance. If Amren wasn’t being effective the Anti White Powers That Be, wouldn’t be persecuting all the Amren speakers and workign to shut down Amren conferences.

    If the Republicans weren’t being effective, the Democrats wouldn’t be trying so hard to defeat them in every election.

    I respect this asshole. Even though he is a blood enemy.

    I like Farrakhan. I’d like to see him leading the Detroit flying wing of the Black insurgency.

    American Renaissance is a good “first step” for White Conservatives who are looking for something different than National Review/Fox News, something a bit, well – a bit more racially aware.

    Right. Amren/SBPDL/the rest attack the weakest part of the wall erected in the DWL mind to “protect” against racial sanity. Once the wall is down, the former-DWL mind is helpless against the hordes of sanity pouring through it.

    Once someone accepts “racism” against negroids, they’re defenseless against the whole arsenal. Jews know this, which is why they all rally to the breach.

    Re Jew-heavy Amren:

    I mean, what is the aim of this, exactly?

    Damage control. They want to do the impossible; contain the hordes of sanity to the negroid quarter. Pity them, they’re fighting a doomed delaying action. Once the outer walls are breached, the end has begun.

    For the record, I focus on blacks here because (1) I believe that BRA really is run for their benefit and (2) because we have indisputable evidence that black people acting black is by far our most effective wedge issue.

    It’s true. My problem with focusing on Blacks is personal; it’s just too easy. I like big game. I like rounding up parties of raving berserkers, fresh from the breach in the walls, and convincing them to go after the Senate.

  25. Everyone that I have talked to will tell you the same thing:

    (1) Run 10 articles in 10 days about black people acting black with videos from local news reports.

    (2) Run 10 articles in 10 days about avant-garde fascism and the Jewish Question.

    The 10 articles about black people acting black will get far, far, far more views, hits, comments, and social media shares. There is a reason why even mainstream conservatives are dog whistling so hard now. It is like putting a little lamp outside to attract moths.

    I want to say that the Daily Mail (UK) is the most popular newspaper in the world. They constantly run stories on black people acting black. That’s what the people want to read about.

  26. I agree with focusing on the Black Thang. I always like to push the envelope, in my little sphere. I am having fun doing this now. I am getting VERY little pushback. Hit the weakest part of the wall, and all. I mean it’s SO OBVIOUS , now, that Blacks are an utter disaster to any form of Human Civilization, that even the most moronic White DWL apologistas are crazy, and hopeless. Don’t evet pass up an opportunity to totally SNARK all over one of ’em, in public.

    One should be as gleefully derisive as possible. Make all kinds of nasty, yet amusing, character assassination remarks, for any available onlookers. (And be FUNNY!!!) We need to do the Saul Alinksey #5 Special, and any-one STILL attempting to defend Negroes, in order to shame, disdain, and set up as a public pariah. They need a big fat whomp of what they’ve dished out to us We need to DRENCH them in the “Ewwww Yucky! I don’t want to be like THEM” slime.

    Jews are a bit trickier, as we all know.

    If any-one is reading these words – I am about ot make a shockng Public Statement.

    I don’t actually hate all Jews.

    I certainly hate specific Jews.

    I generally, in person, get on well with them. I like individual Jews. They can be very funny, bright, and fun companions. I’d KILL for their racial solidarity.

    But when one studies real world history – one sees a horrific pattern. They’ve been attacking my people for centuries. It’s a nightmare. It’s wholly un-necessary.

    And it’s GOT to STOP.

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