Caribbean Project: Sean Penn Slams “Whole Fucking World” for Haiti Fatigue


I’ve managed to find some juicy excepts using various sources from Sean Penn’s now infamous Haiti speech at the Cannes Film Festival:

“It’s not only celebrities who went for a day,” he said to a room full of journalists at the Cannes film festival, when asked about his long-term commitment to the country. “It’s the whole fucking world. It’s all of you.”

He added, “The reason we have Haiti fatigue is because there was never a commitment in the first place.”

He continued that Haiti should be helped because it was just an hour away from ‘the richest f***ing country in the world’. . . .

He instructed women: ‘Tell the man next to you, “I’m not going to f*** you tonight unless you pay the f*** up.’

Nicholas Kristof has been MIA on Haiti since January.

The whole fucking world has failed because Haiti is still lying prostrate two years after the earthquake. We have already seen that Haiti never recovered from the 1842 Le Cap earthquake either.

Note: Did the whole fucking world fail Japan after it was hit by an earthquake 1,000x the size of the one that hit Haiti that knocked the whole planet off its axis, a tsunami, and a nuclear meltdown?

Is it possible that the difference in Haiti’s predicament and the inevitable onset of Haiti fatigue is attributable to an inherent lack of racial capacity in the Haitians to effectively govern themselves and recover from the natural disaster?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I can’t believe someone has not beat the fuck out of Penn somewhere, some time. He travels around and he drinks and party’s, so I’m sure he goes to bars. Surely he goes somewhere like that where at least one man will eventually run into him and hear his mouth and wipe the floor with it.

    He needs it in the worst possible way. I know it won’t change him, but he needs it. He needs it regularly.

  2. It’s the latter day version of the whiteman’s burden mentality. It implicitly assumes white superiority and black inferiority while it proclaims racial equality at the same time. Why? Blacks are the way they are because of all the evil whites do/did to them. Whites have a moral obligation to undo all the evil done to blacks and blacks will turn into white people.

    This “burden” mentality is the core religious doctrine held by “anti-racists” and demonstrates in application that they are really anti-White far more than pro-black.

  3. Brutus
    “I can’t believe someone has not beat the fuck out of Penn somewhere, some time. ”

    Yeah, I often wonder how the mouthy chosenites, make it out of school in one piece. To me, they behave like hormonal back talking teenagers. They can never be wrong, and have a compulsion to force their opinions on the rest of the world. No wonder they make enemies everywhere, they are born irritants.

  4. I like how he’s linking this to sex in marriage. Don’t have fun, because some nignog can’t bathe himself, pave a road, fix wiring…

    It’s quite nakedly Freudian. Do Jews realize they ooze hatred for the competent?

  5. Every Haitian should be given a one way ticket to Nigeria or Congo.

    Give the Island to Afrikaaners. Call it Orange Free State. It’ll be per capita the wealthiest state in the Western Hemi.

  6. ‘John says:
    May 20, 2012 at 12:53 pm
    I like how he’s linking this to sex in marriage. Don’t have fun, because some nignog can’t bathe himself, pave a road, fix wiring…

    It’s quite nakedly Freudian. Do Jews realize they ooze hatred for the competent?”

    No. They don’t. They believe their own hype. They spend decades, or rather centuries, settng up their “power grid” – and then their “grid” goes haywire- because THEY are haywire. Pennsky embodies the reasons WHY Jews finally get purged from everywhere they go. Read up on their genetics.

    I call them Satan Seed for a REASON. It’s not mere

  7. Wikipedia reports that Sean Penn is 50% Jewish, raised, secular, goes in for Leftist, Hollywood politics as a substitute for religion…. how Jewish is that?

    “Early life

    Penn was born in Los Angeles County, California,[1] the middle son of actor and director Leo Penn and actress Eileen Ryan (née Annucci). His older brother is musician Michael Penn. His younger brother, actor Chris Penn, died in 2006. His paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Lithuania and Russia,[2][3][4] while his mother is a Catholic of Italian and Irish descent.[4][5] Penn was raised in a secular home[2] and is an agnostic.[6] “

  8. “His older brother is musician Michael Penn. His younger brother, actor Chris”

    So: three kids, and not a single one of them grew up to do anything useful.

    Sounds pretty chosen to me.

  9. He continued that Haiti should be helped because it was just an hour away from ‘the richest f***ing country in the world’. . . .

    And then John said: Every Haitian should be given a one way ticket to Nigeria or Congo.
    Give the Island to Afrikaaners. Call it Orange Free State. It’ll be per capita the wealthiest state in the Western Hemi.

    This is essentially what I said in response to one of Hunter’s Haiti posts.

    Except I said give it to us. One to one, all or none. All the Haitians get to come to America, and all of us (one to one ratio), who don’t want to live among any of them, go to Haiti, which gets walled off from the Dominican Republic. No negro residents allowed, no negro tourists allowed, militarily enforced. And we build.

  10. When tornadoes sweep across the midwest and Americans are left homeless and their towns destroyed, not a peep from the Hollywood crowd. I have no problem that they want to help blacks. The problem I have with Penn,and many other whites, is that they never get around to helping their own kind.Never.
    Charity begins at home,but they have no charity or loyalty to their own race or own people or their own fellow citizens.. To my mind,their motives are suspect.

  11. Adam Curtis’s “Machines of Loving Grace” discusses atruistic and selfish behaviours.

    The founder of Cybernetics suggested that altruism masks a certain selfishness. Generally we are happy to see the destruction of people radically different from ourselves and pity those who are closer and feel empathy. This is the natural state.

    Here Penn is being perfectly selfish by asking everyone else to be moronically altruistic. The only people who get destroyed are white people dim enough to prop up
    useless blacks. Geldof, Penn, Bono etc all profit from it while seeming selfless.

  12. “Except I said give it to us. One to one, all or none. All the Haitians get to come to America, and all of us (one to one ratio), who don’t want to live among any of them, go to Haiti, which gets walled off from the Dominican Republic. No negro residents allowed, no negro tourists allowed, militarily enforced. And we build.”

    The island is pretty well trashed, you’d have a hell of a time rehabilitating it from 200 years of haitian rule.

  13. john penn is a jew remember, he is not a european white, he is a khazar dog, a turkic slimeball kike from the steppes.

  14. Japan and Haiti both experienced a regression to their respective means after their earthquakes. It’s just due to unfairness and institutionalized racism that Japan’s mean iq is so much higher. It couldn’t be because the average Haitian is permanently below retard level. No, never. A mean70 iq is inconsequential.

  15. “McDonald did a really interesting thing looking at Judaism as an evolutionary strategy.”

    McDonald gets doesn’t get enough credit. I honestly can’t abide a single racialist talking down McDonald. Not because his theories are perfect, but because he is far closer to the truth that the frothing “hollywood nazis” ever got, and he did it all without once putting on a brown-shirt.

  16. “I like how he’s linking this to sex in marriage. Don’t have fun, because some nignog can’t bathe himself, pave a road, fix wiring…

    It’s quite nakedly Freudian. Do Jews realize they ooze hatred for the competent?”

    Jews don’t ask you to stand, they ask you to kneel.

  17. Hell, put the HBD issue aside for a moment. Does Penn really not know why people get tired of trying to help perennial basketcases?

  18. Wikipedia reports that Sean Penn is 50% Jewish, raised, secular, goes in for Leftist, Hollywood politics as a substitute for religion…. how Jewish is that?

    Well, given that bio, I’d say “100%,” but since I know more about Penn than just that bio…

    Penn’s way too psycho-altruistic about the whole thing to really come across as a Jew. More like the worst of both groups; the leftism of the Jew, along with the earnest self-abnegating altruism of the European.

    But it’s the Jewish part of him that makes him say things like “the whole world is wrong, I’m so right,” etc. That’s the chutzpah talking.

  19. Fellas – Hollywood is Jewlywood. Study the lives of famous media “stars” (if your aren’t nauseated by doing same). Penn is a Mamzer (Bastard Jew) – but he exists in Jewlywood

    Thus he behaves according to the Common Culture. Rare are the ones that don’t. Jews SWARM over a “property” that could make them money. I watched a documentary, a few years ago, onthe Beatles. A behind the scenes look. The info was interesting – but the thing that ASTONISHED me was the absolute horde of Jewish “handlers” of every aspect of their lives. Each and every one of them.

    Reese Witherspoon is one that’s resisted. She was seeing Jake Gyllenhall – but dumped him, because she’s a Christian. Apparently he was trying to get her to blow off Christmas with her family, one year – a vacation at her parents, with her small children. She flatly refused. She’s now remarried to a White Christian man. She’s a rare bird. Southern gal, by the by. She’s very proud of her Southern Heritage.

  20. Wonder how much of his own money that worthless pusbag contributed to the welfare of the downtrodden Haitians… Probably about the same amount as those paragons of virtuous giving, Biden and Gore (and their friends) have.

  21. Denise writes:

    (Reese Witherspoon ) She’s now remarried to a White Christian man. She’s a rare bird. Southern gal, by the by. She’s very proud of her Southern Heritage.

    Jack Ryan resplies:

    Thank you so much for sharing this good news. The last I heard she was engaged to some Jew agent.

  22. emdfl says:
    May 20, 2012 at 11:33 pm
    “Wonder how much of his own money that worthless pusbag contributed to the welfare of the downtrodden Haitians”

    All leftoids are like that. They don’t want to give their own money, they demand to give YOUR money.


  23. His paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Lithuania and Russia,[2][3][4] while his mother is a Catholic of Italian and Irish descent.[4][5] Penn was raised in a secular home[2] and is an agnostic.[6] “

    Svigor has it right.

    Why say he’s a jew? The 60s produced many of these mixed catholic-jewish marriages in NYC, ( which is 4% wasp) — and the 60s from which both groups benefitted greatly, the u.s. by becoming catholic and having an open border to catholic south america, and the jews getting israel. This is also the admixture that produced the Hart-Celler Act, and makes up the current Supreme Court, and so on.

    People really seem to hate looking directly at this. Imo, the dispossession of the most generational people, the wasps, and the southerners— were the real target, either “little hitlers” or protestants, the “rednecks” the “pioneers” the “bible belters,” the “rural base,” etc., all the code words for Children of the Founders. Both groups wanted them removed for different reasons (and including the connection with national memory/ oral tradition/ alternative information about history).

    Things seems then to move beyond their control, and it all took on a life of its own.

  24. Yay, yet another hollywood idiot pontificating about noblesse oblige, kanye west style.

    “Geldof, Penn, Bono etc all profit from it while seeming selfless.”

    Exactly. Attention whorism at its finest.

  25. Sean Penn has a Haitian girlfiend,get it? He is a spoiled little rich kid,who never worked a day in his life.
    He does need an ass whuppin!
    The old child has no morals…….none.Being a Jew,he has a Jew publicist who keeps him in the news.
    600,000 Christian White Men died in a senseless Civil War
    Thousands of Irish Catholic Boys were forced to die in the Civil War!
    Millions of Irish Catholics were starved to death by stinking Brits!
    Millions more died coming to USA and lived in Ghettos and NO WELFARE
    Hundreds of millions of White Russian soldiers died in a senseless WW2!
    The USA has lost generations of White Men died fighting in all the Wars started by greedy Military Industrial Complex and all you hear about is The Jew Holocaust of maybe one million people and the American black is given EVERYTHING but still kill Whites in record numbers and Whites sit back and do nothing.
    40 million Mexicans invade this country and the feckless White man of 2014 does nothing!!!!

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