National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Strikes a Nerve in Alabama

National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day draws huge crowds across all corners of Alabama


The Council of Conservative Citizens has long wondered what it would take to shake White Christian conservatives out of their complacency and start a physical mass movement in the streets to reverse our national decline.

Black-on-White crime. Illegal immigration. Outsourcing. Obamacare. Affirmative action. Crumbling public schools. The soaring national debt. Reckless government spending. Economic depression. Cultural degeneracy. The Holder Justice Department. Endless foreign wars.

Like a voice crying out in the wilderness, we have harped on all these resentments and many others for years. Nothing seemed to be working. What if I told you that the juxtaposition of gay marriage, grandstanding leftwing politicians, unpopular Hollywood celebrities, and Chick-fil-A would spark just such a blaze?

Would you believe it? They would revolt over a chicken sandwich?

The Dothan Eagle reports:

“Doug Dowdey waded through the mass of people waiting in line at the Wiregrass Commons Mall Chick-fil-A and shook hands.

About 100 people stood in line in front of him. The line including another 100 or so snaked beyond the carousel in the middle of the mall’s food court …

On Ross Clark Circle, traffic extended beyond West Main Street as scores of cars tried to squeeze into the location near Sam’s Club. Inside, patrons stood shoulder-to-shoulder, scrunched into every available open space while workers moved about frantically in an effort to fill the mountain of orders.”

Capitol Insider reports:

“Judging by Wednesday’s crowd, and I mean crowd, at a Chick-fil-A restaurant near my office in Montgomery, I bet that satellite dish was shooting out information like headquarters has never seen before.

At about 1 p.m., the Chick-fil-A on Ann Street at a busy Interstate 85 exit had at least 150 people inside standing between the counter and the condiment shelf, around the side, and even where people were seated munching on their sandwiches and waffle fries.”

The Montgomery Advertiser reports:

“By 10:30 a.m., the drive-through line at the EastChase Chick-fil-A stretched out into the shopping center’s main entranceway, and employees buzzed around the outside of the restaurant jotting down drivers’ orders and rushing to bring food to car windows….

Soriano also operates the Chick-fil-A branch in the RSA Tower downtown, and he said it was “slammed” with customers as well ….

At the East Boulevard restaurant, two drive-through lanes wrapped around the building while the line for dine-in customers extended out the door and onto the sidewalk. Customers wiled away the time in line marveling at the crowd or trading stories about the number of people at the other Chick-fil-A locations….

Before noon, Ann Street had come to a near standstill as cars waited to turn into the restaurant. The nearby Walmart parking lot was crowded with cars searching for an alternate route, and a line of dine-in customers wound behind the building in the midday sun.”

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports:

“You’d think they were giving away free food.

Instead, something less tangible drew thousands of Chattahoochee Valley residents to Chick-fil-A restaurants Wednesday.”

The Opelika-Auburn News reports:

“Chick-fil-A parking lots were overflowing with traffic in both Auburn and Opelika, especially during the lunch rush Wednesday. Many customers said they chose to eat there specifically to show support for the company.”

WLOX reports:

“Other locations weren’t so lucky. Faced with an onslaught of business, the Prattville, AL Chick-fil-A closed early after running out of chicken.”

MSNBC reports:

“At first glance it looked like bad morning traffic causing a backup on Dauphin Street in Mobile, but it was no accident causing the jam…

Hundreds showed up to the Dauphin Street restaurant to show support. Cars wrapped around the building and out into the street.”

The Mobile Press-Register reports:

“As you can see, it is an amazing day,” Daphne Chick-fil-A owner Daniel Nance said. “We appreciate the community; that just speaks to Baldwin County and the people who are out there. We are just trying our best. We appreciate, but we didn’t expect, this kind of turnout. I don’t think anybody did.” …

Locally, traffic was backed up on U.S. 98 as people were trying to turn into the drive-through. The business had stationed several employees in the parking lot approaches for taking orders from idling vehicles.”

The Tuscaloosa News reports:

“Chick-fil-A supporters packed restaurants in Tuscaloosa County and around the South as the chicken chain continues to be criticized by many for an executive taking a public position against same-sex marriage….

Locations in Northport and Tuscaloosa saw long lines with police directing traffic.”

WHNT reports:

“TENNESSEE VALLEY (WHNT) –Heavy crowds are turning out at Chick-fil-A restaurants across north Alabama today. Many say waiting in line doesn’t bother them, and they’re happy to do so to show their support for the company leader’s recent stance against gay marriage.

Police are dealing with traffic headaches, though. Madison Police have called in extra officers to help deal with heavy congestion on Highway 72, and Huntsville Police are trying to manage traffic backups near Chick-fil-A’s on Whitesburg Drive and at University & Wynn.”

The Huntsville Times reports:

“HUNTSVILLE, Alabama – Hundreds of people slammed Huntsville-area Chick-fil-As at lunch today during a national demonstration of support of the chain called after its president expressed public opposition to gay marriage. Some had called for boycotts of the fast-food restaurant since Dan Cathy’s remarks on July 16.

Some stores are already reporting record sales along with the huge crowds. More than 100 people formed long lines at the fast-food store in Parkway Place Mall, and Madison police issued an advisory at 12:12 p.m. telling people to stay away from the area of the restaurant at 7885 U.S. 72.

Harold Chancellor of Madison said he waited 45 minutes in a traffic jam on U.S. 72 only to get waved on by police when he got to the entrance to the Madison restaurant because the parking lot was already overflowing. People were walking to the restaurant from all directions, he said.”

The Gadsden Times reports:

“Waits of up to a hour were the norm at Chick-fil-A locations in the Gadsden Mall and on Fourth Street Wednesday as customers flocked to the restaurants in support of Chief Executive Officer Dan Cathy. . .

She said at the peak customers had waits of about 45 minutes. Traffic around the restaurant was snarled for much of the day.

“I did not get one complaint,” Zaharias said. She said she also expected larger than normal crowds in the evening.”

The Anniston Star reports:

“People drove from Lineville, Piedmont, Saks, and points beyond to wait in hours-long lines to get chicken sandwiches and to support the national fast-food chain Chick-fil-A at the company’s Oxford locations.

At the free-standing Oxford Chick-fil-A in front of Walmart, the dine-in line wound around the restaurant and out the front door onto the sidewalk at noon. The parking lot looked like a traffic jam, as a stream of vehicles poured through the two-lane drive-through area. A manger directed traffic in the scorching summer heat, sweat dripping from his forehead.”

The Birmingham News reports:

“BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — Overflow crowds filled up Birmingham-area Chick-fil-A restaurants today in response to a call for patronizing the Christian-owned business after controversial comments by its top executive expressing opposition to same-sex marriage.

“It’s good support,” said Morris Jackson, owner of the Hoover Commons Chick-fil-A. He said business was high-volume at his three locations, including Riverchase Galleria and Patton Creek.

“I’ve never seen it this busy; there have been cars circling the building all morning,” said Trussville Chick-fil-A customer Ed Nesmith. “I come here six days a week. They’re closed on Sundays, which they should be.”

The Trussville Tribune reports:

“Hundreds of local diners poured into the Chick-fil-A in Trussville today to show their support for the fast food chain. Today has been dubbed Appreciation Day for the company and it appears that many area residents still enjoy the company’s signature chicken sandwich.

“I decided to stop by Chick-fil-A to show my support today… and the line for the drive through is backed up to the highway,” Megan Taylor, from Trafford, said about the Trussville Chick-fil-A. “Wow is all I can say.”

The overwhelming crowds that turned out in Alabama this afternoon (even Antoine Dodson showed up in solidarity) in support of Chick-fil-A and traditional Christian marriage are just a microcosm of what happened all across Dixie and far beyond in Middle America.

In Hollywood, California at the intersection of Sunset and Highland, the leftwing website Firedoglake is reporting that the Chick-fil-A patrons in Hollywood outnumbered the gay rights protesters by over 10 to 1. The Miami New Times is reporting that “even Miami’s Chick-fil-A’s were packed with homophobes today.”

Amazing, isn’t it?

In order to get White Christians off the couch and into the streets, the only thing it took to start a resistance movement (remember, this is the second time, as Rick Santelli started the Tea Party on CNBC in 2009) is for our so-called conservative leaders (i.e., people on FOX News and talk radio) to start acting like leaders, and not be intimidated by insults like “racist” and “bigot” and “homophobe” hurled at them by the liberal media.

Civilization didn’t have to collapse. We didn’t need a Second Great Depression. Mike Huckabee, a “respectable” and “mainstream” face on television, simply had to make one post on Facebook about “National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” and Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, and Glenn Beck had to back him up.

If our conservative leaders would speak out more forcefully about the evils of black-on-White crime, multiculturalism, political correctness, and Third World immigration, close ranks and refuse to be intimidated by the liberal media, what do you suppose the result would be among the White Christian conservative masses?

Aside from the cowardice and lack of integrity of our conservative leaders who are always trying to impress the liberal media (think of Chief Justice John Roberts), do we have any other problem? What, if anything, can we do to replace them or get them to listen?

About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Very uplifting news! Maybe the sodomites and their handlers were so full of triumph on legalizing sodomy in the military that they overstepped.

    Still, I think there will be “gay marriage” in this country, probably forced on the states from the central government. The Marxists are using the same routine they used for the Civil Rights Trojan horse, gay marriage is just a logical extension of the same anti-Western meme. Unfortunately, Christians and Repubs surrendered the moral high ground in the 60’s, thinking they would have peace if they just gave in on the black-white issue. Lesson: Never ever surrender the morale high ground to the left.

  2. ‘I fear that people under forty (more like thirty and under) are more “for” gay marriage, and a plethora of other leftist causes than against it. I blame this on the endless indoctrination of leftism through public schools, pop culture, the pressure to be “cool,” and lazy parenting.’

    In-roads can be made with these gay-friendly types:

    Am a Conservative Libertarian who doesn’t really care all that much about the homo-issue, but what does concern me is City Mayors using their Statist positions to intervene in the Free Market by using their Statist positions to urge boycotts of businesses.

    Turn this into anti-Statist issue! Ron Paul is really popular with the young folks, they can be drawn in!!!! ‘Dang it Rahm, leave Chick-fil-a alone!’

  3. It was a great day, to be sure. I am glad I was able to participate in my small way. I really hope it portends good things for the future.

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