Caribbean Project: Louis Sebastien Mercier, Abbé Raynal, and Black Jacobinism


If you ever wondered why the slaves in Saint-Domingue and the French Caribbean were emancipated and why free negroes were transformed into French citizens with equal rights during the French Revolution, here is a sample of the ravings of the lunatics that inspired it all:

Note: This passage comes from Laurent DuBois’ Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution. It shows that liberalism has always been anti-White because slavery, conservatism, and racialism – like monarchs and aristocrats – were an affront to its ideology of universal human rights.

“Writers in France prophesied the imminent emergence of a black revolutionary leader. In his 1771 fable of time travel, Louis Sebastien Mercier imagined waking up after a 672-year nap and finding himself in a changed and perfected world. In one plaza he saw on a pedestal “a negro his head bare, his arm outstretched, with pride in his eyes and a noble and imposing demeanor.” Under the statue were the words “To the Avenger of the New World!” Mercier learned that “this surprising and immortal man” had delivered the world “from the most atrocious, longest, and most insulting tyranny of all.” He had “broken the chains of his compatriots” and transformed those “oppressed by the most odious slavery” into heroes. In an “instant” they had “spilled the blood of their tyrants.” “French, Spanish, English, Dutch, Portuguese all fell prey to iron, poison, and flame. The soil of America avidly drank the blood that it had been awaiting for so long, and the bones of their ancestors, murdered by cowards, seemed to stand up and shake with joy.” The “Avenger” became a god in the New World and was celebrated in the Old. “He came like a storm spreading across a city of criminals that is about to be destroyed by lightning.” He was an “exterminating angel,” granted power by justice and by God.

The Abbé Raynal’s famous history of European colonialism, which went through many printings in the 1770s and 1780s, contained a passage that drew on Mercier’s vision. After critiquing the institution of slavery, the work warned readers that the slaves did not need their masters’ “generosity or advice” to break the “sacrilegious yoke of their oppressors.” Already, it noted, “two colonies of fugitive negroes have been established” in Jamaica and Suriname and had won recognition of their freedom. These signs were the lightning that announced the storm. “All that the negroes lack is a leader courageous enough to carry them to vengeance and carnage,” the work warned. “Where is he, this great man, that nature owes to its vexed, oppressed, tormented children? Where is he? He will appear, do not doubt it. He will show himself and will raise the sacred banner of liberty. This venerable leader will gather around him his comrades in misfortune. More impetuous than torrents, they will leave everywhere ineffaceable traces of their just anger.” The “American fields,” the text continued, riffing off Mercier, would get drunk on the blood they had been awaiting “for so long,” while the bones buried over the course of three centuries would “shake with joy.” Monuments to this “hero who reestablished the rights of the human species” would be erected in the New World and the Old. But the Europeans might reap what they had sown: “the Code Noir will disappear, and the Code Blanc will be terrible, if the victors consult only the law of revenge!”

Note: Laurent DuBois dedicates the book to Haiti and opens it with a fitting quote from Jean-Jacques Dessalines who exterminated the remnants of the White population in Haiti in 1804: “I have avenged America.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Racio-eschatology. Bewildered whites seduced to view their own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the highest order.

  2. I don’t know which is More Pathetic, the Urban Pavement Ape with its boundless arrogance matched only by its Stupidity or the Idiots that worship and idolize these worthless creatures whose Stupidity is matched only by the Enormous Ignorance of these Indolent Useless Creatures!
    Abolition of Slavery for the Weak-minded is about as Noble as the Noble Savage, which is to say NOT AT ALL!
    Removing the Chains of a Wild Animal is Not a Noble Pastime! Better to just Kill them then let them loose on unsuspecting populations of potential prey!

  3. The problem is that Mercier and Raynal had not read Jared Taylor’s documentation about the Black rape and murder rate, nor Richard Lynn’s book about IQ and the wealth of nations. Frenchmen who believed in the sameness of all men everywhere on the planet had simply never seen an African.

    Laurent DuBois dedicates the book to Haiti and opens it with a fitting quote from Jean-Jacques Dessalines who exterminated the remnants of the White population in Haiti in 1804: “I have avenged America.”

    I’m pro-White and I wish the Blacks would all be in Africa. I don’t have fantasies of collectively punishing the Whites for any injustice they did. But it’s difficult not to be sympathetic to Spartacus at the time of the Romans, and it’s natural to take the side of the downtrodden people. If I was a former slave in the midst of a great rebellion… well, I think it makes sense to kill everyone on the side of the former oppressors.

    “why free negroes were transformed into French citizens with equal rights during the French Revolution”

    For all the talk about equal rights, the truth is that people no longer had any rights at the time of the revolution. If Blacks had equal rights, it means they had zero rights.

  4. Two years after that utterance, Dessalines was shot and desecrated by his fellow “Haitians”. They resented him ensuring that the coffee and sugar plantations were worked as it is the disposition of an African to view work as oppression. Haiti then split into north and south with the north implementing a strict serf system and the south, primitive subsistence farming.

  5. “The problem is that Mercier and Raynal had not read Jared Taylor’s documentation about the Black rape and murder rate, nor Richard Lynn’s book about IQ and the wealth of nations. Frenchmen who believed in the sameness of all men everywhere on the planet had simply never seen an African.”

    We have seen too much at this late date; these vitriolic and insane anti-whites and their descendents today are not phased by being exposed to facts about non whites. In fact, invariably exposure to these facts only increases their fanaticism. These anti-whites view racial facts differently. Show them crime statistics, and the anti-white fanatic starts talking about poverty being the cause and that whites are the cause of non white poverty, ergo it is still the fault of whites and our racism. Show the anti-white fanatic data regarding IQ and the anti-white will start talking about discrimination and segregation and white racism being the cause of blacks having poor schools and poor educations.

    Nothing phases the anti-white or diminishes his insane fanaticism. Nothing.

    A month or so ago on this blog, I discussed the fanatic, be he religious or ideological in his fanaticism. The fanatic either is set upon and totally annihilated, or over an extended period of time his numbers diminish to the vanishing point. That is the only two means of eradicating a cult of fanatics.

    There is a third alternative outcome, of course, and that is the case where the fanatics become victorious and overcome their opposition. When this takes place, the opposition is either annihilated all at once or so oppressed and persecuted that his numbers finally diminish to the vanishing point. In short, the fanatics conquer and the outcomes are reversed.

    You will notice the obvious lesson here, I hope, dear reader.

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