Black History Month 2013: The “Savior” of Mali

François Hollande hailed in Timbuktu as the savior of Mali.
François Hollande hailed in Timbuktu as the savior of Mali.


Arriving in Timbuktu, President François Hollande has been mobbed by thousands of ecstatic Africans as the French military has returned to restore white supremacy and colonialism in Mali.

Mali, formerly known as French Sudan, became an independent country in September 1960.

Modibo Keita, the first president of Mali, famously described his vision of African socialism as “a system where there will be no unemployed, and there will be no multimillionaires … a system where there will be no beggars, and where each will eat if hungry.”

Now in the 53rd year of independence from France, Martin Meredith describes the result of Keita’s “African socialism” in Mali on page 278 of The Fate of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence:

“Mali, a poor country even by African standards, set up twenty-three state enterprises after independence, all of which fell into muddle and chaos, accumulating huge deficits; its list of state enterprises included garages, repair shops, metal works, a printing plant, pharmacies and bookshops.”

Jim Hudgens and Richard Trillo’s The Rough Guide to West Africa has some more insight into Mali’s economic decline under “African socialism”:

“By the mid-1960s, Keita had created a heavy state machinery that dragged mercilessly on the nation’s already fragile economy. The situation was characterized by numerous national enterprises (almost all of them running a deficit), a plethora of civil servants clogging the administrative machinery, a soaring balance-of-trade deficit and foreign debt, and a rapid weakening of the currency. Inflation soared and wages were frozen – a combination that wasn’t calculated to enthuse Malians.

By 1967, taking his cue from Peking, Keita engaged in a “cultural revolution” to purge the nation of enemies within. He was supported in this by radical students, some of the unions, and the lower grades of the civil service who resented the corruption of senior officials and business profiteers. But in the same year, Keita was forced to devalue the Malian franc by fifty percent.”

Mali under “African socialism” sounds eerily reminiscent of the trajectory of the American economy under Barack Obama.

About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The problem with the yankee empire isn’t necessarily that it’s an empire but that it’s an ineffective empire that does all the wrong shit. In this case, wastes its strength not to extract resources or force trade agreements to make life better for all its native born ( rich an poor) but it wastes its strength, wealth and lives of White men trying to do impossible warm and fuzzy things for the brown fuzzy wuzzy’s

    Which makes a certain kind of sense when you think about it. The yankee mind is overwhelmed with the idea they fought a war against Southron Whites for the benefit of negros. They carry that forward in all their thinking. Of course it’s a lie, and of course they are full of all manner of wrong thinking because their self concept is based on the lie.

  2. We have a mercantile system in the hajji world. The government then benefits from taxing the companies versus outright state ownership. That’s why the claims by some such as “colonialism without benefits” makes no sense. By having sway over their labor force, politicians, markets and most importantly their natural resources that is essentially “colonialism”. Plus jobs are created in defense industries and for the more daring: 11b’s, 19d’s, etc.

    It’s not even in my opinion that the empire is poorly run (despite weak ROE) it’s how BRA wastes the money at home. That’s the real crime.

    Our hearts and minds stuff overseas is mostly BS similar to how the Belgians claimed they were taking over Congo to end slavery….

  3. Hollande got the “French” nigger, sand-nigger and Muslim vote. Would not have won without support from the “French” nigs.

  4. “The yankee mind is overwhelmed with the idea they fought a war against Southron Whites for the benefit of negros. They carry that forward in all their thinking.”

    I disagree with that. Probably no more than 1% of whites living north of the Line are ever overwhelmed with thinking about the WBTS — including those who attend reenactments. Virtually no one north of the Line thinks of themselves as “Yankees.” It is a rarely used, unfamiliar word. Nor do most whites north of the Line think of you as “Southron.”

    But I have been TOLD that anti- “damnyankee” hatred is a very common, even normal, way of thinking among some of the white population south of the Line.
    You might be projecting your own thinking on others you have never met, but you have been all over the world, so you can’t be serious.

  5. Wrong Mosin, the whole sense of yankee moral superiority is based on not being like us Southron, racist, rednecks and the biggest proof of that, which is also the biggest lie is that yankees are free of the “sin” of slavery and fought a war to end it. Neither of which is true, but it is the lie you people have your whole sense of self based on, and an attitude you yourself have tried to throw around.

  6. I wish Jean Marie LePen was in office. That said, Mali is proof that despite Obama and his European superiors trying to usher in a post-post-colonial world, we live in an age of implausible deniability regarding the necessity of white men with guns in Africa. Once again it’s demonstrated that the only reason “we” are marginalized is because we speak the truth without paying lipservice to the idols of the age.

  7. Well, Stonelifter, many whites born and bred north of the Line ARE “redneck” and openly racist, etc. — much more than you will admit. Furthermore, your imagination that they “base their sense of self” on being guiltless of slavery overlooks that negro slavery was NOT unknown north of the Line, and that there are other kinds of enslavement, even of whites by whites, that amount to, as you said, sin.

  8. Re: “the necessity of white men with guns in Africa”:

    Necessity? Necessary for whom, and why? Please state your reason/s why this new engagement is necessary.

  9. I think Wayne, in his comment above, misunderstood me on Wordism. I am not a fan of neologisms like that, Eric Hoffer, etc. The Urban Dictionary “defines” it well enough.

  10. The blacks recognize the need for whites with guns. They may or may not be pulling a scam but they do seem to be prepared to treat a European president to a triumph.

  11. “They may or may not be pulling a scam” but give them some time and they WILL be pulling a scam. Still no reason to be there. Militarisation without representation, and unconstitutionally, is tryannical.

  12. Wayne writes:

    ” The only threat from Muslims is via immigration to the west, which they take advantage of but do not control.”

    Jack responds:

    There were/are a few other Muslim threats:

    Arab Muslim Moors invasion, 700 year occupation of Spain…. 700 years is a bit long for a Jewish/CIA fal se flag operation.

    Muslim Turk invasion, enslavement of Greeks and Slavs in The Balkans, Constantinople, Ten thousand year old Greek cities in Asia Minor.

    Algerian Arab Muslim genomic idle of White French Pied Noir in French Algeria, now being repeated in Arab Muslim dominated areas of France.

    Paki Muslim rapes of English girls, sexual “grooming”.

    Arab Muslims running Jew style rip,off convenience stores all over the US.

    Muslim immigrants voting 80 percent plus for Obama, Muslim immigrant in UK, Europe vote overwhelming for PC liberal/Leftist parties.

    So Wayne, Whites in the West have always has some “issues” with non White Muslims.

  13. Of course soldiers hug their wives and kids (red herring) and many fight well and are very brave, but that begs the question of whether the war they are in is just or not.

  14. Have you been to the Sistine Chapel Mosin? There is a wall that Michaelangelo covered with his vision of the last judgement. Demons look very much like blacks. Indeed the swirling crowd in Mali around Hollande resembles the image. There’s Christ, he looks very much like my people. Hell is the other people. Simple.

  15. So you say Mosin, but I have a life time of dealing with yankees to say otherwise. It’s a common altitude with the yankees who post here, you included, particularity regarding the Anabaptist. It is a common altitude among the transplants, it is a common altitude among the rural yankees I dealt with in the military. It’s a common altitude in the various media your culture produces.

    We can also see it in the way your people votes, and more so in the way your senators and representatives vote. You are a lone voice in the wilderness on this topic, with so far no evidence to counter act personal experience, what we see in the media of all types and voting patterns

  16. Jack Ryan: That is what I said, Muslims are a problem in the West, not in their homelands. Since the fall of the Ottomans, they have been no military threat, however, only a civil threat and only because they are allowed to be.

    How about that awesome half-time show? BRA “talent” and values on display. I had to laugh when, after that turd world performance the lights went out–totally turd world.

  17. Tamer, what does “Hell is the other people” mean? Does it mean that Hell is FOR non-white people, or that non-white people ARE Hell (are what “Hell” MEANS)? Neither explanation is congruent with orthodox belief. Hell is possible for anyone. Authentic, Biblical Celtic Christianity has always taken that position, contra Augustine and Calvin.

  18. It’s a paraphrase of Sartre:
    “Hell is Other People.”

    Hell is the Other.

    The PC brigade like to say that racists fear “the other”. Thought Id use that formula and twist it.

  19. Stonelifter, please explain: “It’s a common altitude with the yankees who post here, you included, particularity regarding the Anabaptist.”

    WHICH attitude are you referring to? What do you mean by “regarding the Anabaptist”?

  20. Thanks, John. Sorry I wrote “Tamer,” responding to your comment on the painting. Tamer had just commented on the painting of the Centurion. Sounds like something Sarte would say. I read Sarte, and Hoffer (said by Whitaker to be the source of “Wordism”) and other popular philosophers, but much more of the REAL philosophers (Aristotle, etc.) when I was young. About twelve feet of the books are still on the shelves here.

  21. Hell probably is just an eternity around people you don’t like. It’s a reasonable idea.

    Camus had a good idea about the last Judgement. Don’t await it. It’s happening everyday.

  22. @ Mosin:
    Virtually no one north of the Line thinks of themselves as “Yankees.” It is a rarely used, unfamiliar word. Nor do most whites north of the Line think of you as “Southron.”…

    That’s only because it is highly normalized and they are totally unconscious. The contempt they have learned from their movie mindsets is evident to most southerners (even those only partially identified as such nowadays). It’s why many call them “rude,” and so on. They can give offense without even meaning to do so.

    The attitudes are rarely stated, often implicit (such as in movies), and frequently totally unconscious—- most evident in the underlying assumptions they make about the world.

    Most simply assume the “war was about slavery,” (that’s what their now-often immigrant parents were told, with no access to any other information)—- and this forms (unconsciously) the basis of their “morality” and sense of what is “good” and so on.

    By the age of ten—- they know the narrative, and simply assume it. It’s how the society formulates its ‘subjects.’

  23. @ Mosin—- many north easterners don’t even really know there WAS a war. You’re right about. They are totally unconscious about history outside of t.v. and school.

    But they carry all the assumptions, all the attitudes, all the faux morality— their personalities are constructed around these memes very early on, rarely discussed, and only acted on. And that’s based in the yankee-slavery society (“freeing” one group to enslave everyone).

    The most dangerous thing—- is that northeast people CANNOT live without a scapegoat. (wasps, jews, illuminati, masons, enlightenment thinkers, puritans, etc, etc— it doesn’t matter who it is, just that they can demonize a group, in order to get money— the impulse of the whole thing is, essentially, extortion).

  24. “Tamer, what does “Hell is the other people” mean? Does it mean that Hell is FOR non-white people, or that non-white people ARE Hell (are what “Hell” MEANS)? Neither explanation is congruent with orthodox belief. Hell is possible for anyone. Authentic, Biblical Celtic Christianity has always taken that position, contra Augustine and Calvin.” – Mosin

    Mosin- It was John that responded. I believe he is iterating that which the entirety of Christendom once acknowledged- that Europe is White, and the rest of the world is not. As Europe was also Christendom, the rest of the world, ipso facto, is not.

    Therefore, ‘blacks’ are both not ‘Christians’ and NOT Adamic. They are the ‘Other.’
    I’ve corroborated Patristic Fathers, famous Europeans, scriptures, etc. over the last six years to point out that simple factoid. Multiculturalism is a COUNTERFEIT RELIGION, and has (as Cambria has noted over at his blog, every week) a DIFFERENT SAVIOR, than the White Christ.

    But, of course, to minds not enlightened by the grace of God (the ‘pnevma’ as the Orthodox call it) this ‘cannot be.’ But…. it is. Only Whites (as a race) are to be redeemed. Only White Civilization is where the Tabernacle of God dwells, for Christ incarnated OUR ethnos, and none other. While individual non-Whites may ‘convert’, as a missions strategy, our ‘neighbor’ is ‘he who looks like us’ – i.e., fellow Whites.

    And none other.

  25. It seems pretty obvious that Christianity is a good proxy for “white”
    Through the medieval/renaissance period.

    Look at how Christ is imaged and represented by Michealangelo. That’s the church imagining its own messiah.

  26. Aristotle’s reputation held back a great deal.
    He did not really beleive in observation.

    He thought he could deduce everything from logic instead of careful methodical observation. Empiricism required French, English, Italian and German practitioners.

  27. Thor wore a dress and got his ass kicked all the time

    Odin had to sacrifice himself to a higher power to gain wisdom

    Not much to go with in either of those things

  28. I beleive in genetic imperatives, more than almost anything else. Genetics Uber Alles. We have a documented 200 year history of What Happens

    By the by, for oyu Dixie Gents – the ONLY people, noth og the MD Line, that I have EVER EVER EVER heard sneer at Southerners, as “inbred hillbillies” etc, are Jews from NYC. As in “heard with my own ears”. I have lived in Philadelphia, WDC, and regions of NJ, just outside of NYC. I have never ever ever heard ANY White Northerners EVER trash Southerners. I’ve never heard Northern Blacks trash White Southerners. I’ve heard Negroes trash Southenr Negroes, as “hicks” or “country” – but I have NEVER heard any-one besides Jews, and their Goyim claque ever utter a word of disdain. And I’ve only heard this a handful of times. And I’ve known all kinds of people.

    The “Yankees” trashing Southrons are NOT White Northerners. You are hearing media Jews doing this. Media Jews, and their Goyim factotums.

  29. Aaaackk! Sorry – I became distracted, when typing my [above] post. I forgot to finish the first paragraph. Yikes! I had a particulary demented day….

    Anytaty – there is a 100% consistent pattern of Black behavior, whenever, where-ever. There is no deviation. They function not too badly when under consistent and stern White Rule. But then the whip hand loosens up, to they are allowed ot run amok – it’s the same general pattern of violence, mayhem, and destruction. They are absolutely incapable of creating White standards of civilization, and maintaining White standards of decorum, without relentless…”correction”… shall we say.

    I wonder how long this demented meme of pretending that We Are All Alike Underneath will continue………..will we be completely be drowned by the Black Undertow, and then they will destroy themselves?

    I wonder. The BRA grows more deranged by the day.

  30. “They are absolutely incapable of creating White standards of civilization, and maintaining White standards of decorum, without relentless…”correction”… shall we say”

    Incompatible species. They are just as intelligent for survival but not equal to a dynamic race of creation of heaven on earth.

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