Republican Responses To Obama’s State of the Union

District of Corruption

Here’s why it is a waste of time to vote for the Republican Party. Nothing short of secession or revolution or total economic collapse will reverse our present course:

“También podemos ayudar a que nuestra economía crezca si tenemos un sistema de inmigración legal que nos permita atraer a los mejores y más brillantes profesionales del mundo y asimilarlos a nuestra forma de vida. Necesitamos una solución responsable y permanente para el problema de los que están aquí ilegalmente. Pero primero tenemos que cumplir con las promesas del pasado, asegurar nuestras fronteras y aplicar nuestras leyes.”
Sen. Marco Rubio, Republican Response To 2013 State of the Union

“People say America is exceptional. I agree, but it’s not the complexion of our skin or the twists in our DNA that make us unique. America is exceptional because we were founded upon the notion that everyone should be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. …

We must be the party who sees immigrants as assets, not liabilities. We must be the party that says, “If you want to work, if you want to become an American, we welcome you.”
Sen. Rand Paul, Tea Party Response To 2013 State of the Union

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If the right wing wanted to use the economic weapon of the House, now would be a perfect time to do it:

    4Q GDP was -.1%, by cutting “just” 160 billion in deficit spending, the GOP could shave off 1% from 1Q GDP and then hang the recession on Obama’s neck.

    Moreover, rank-and-file whites could also start gumming up the works and catalyze the demise of The Beast.

    Now is the time.

  2. I’m sorry I ever had anything good to say about Rand Paul. I wanted to believe he was part of the answer when he first came on the scene. Then he began voting against our interests. Then he supported Romney. Now he he is supporting our demographic replacement and the ‘propositional nation’ BS. I have no for this man.

  3. Are the black people who live in Detroit and Birmingham also “exceptional” or is there something in the twists of their DNA that explains their lack of capacity to preserve a White level of civilization?

    What about Canada? Are White Americans really exceptional compared to Canadians or Australians or Germans?

  4. Rand Paul is a libertarian, like his father. They believe in the free movment of capital and labor, meaning people, across borders which they regard as nothing but impediments to business. You should know better.

    For the readers who don’t speak Spanish, let me translate the passage quoted by Hunter:

    “Also, we can help our economy grow if we have a system of legal immigration that allows us to attract the best and most intelligent professionals of the world and assimilate them to our way of life. We need a responsible and permanent solution to the problem of those who are here illegallly. But first we have to fulfill the promises of the past, secure our borders and enforce our laws.”

    That the Senator was delivering these remarks in Spanish should enlighten even the dullest out there as to what these words mean in practice.

  5. I read the links and many more there. I’ve read him before but don’t often because it depresses me so. The whole lot is useless. It’s all eventually going to be the death of Whites or a massive shoot out. It’s such a shame. Our country is so perfectly situated to prosper. Minerals, land, even our waterways run the right directions for commerce. All ground down to dust or should I say dusky.

  6. @ “Our country is so perfectly situated to prosper….”

    Exactly. And a lot of people ARE prospering from it, just not you.

    People always talk as if oligarchies don’t make money. They DO— for the oligarchs. Although the masses are impoverished, the group that does make money MAKES MORE MONEY than it would if the “middle classes” are created and if they prosper.

    That’s why they are choosing to do it that way. They make MORE money in their cost analysis. It has an ultimate downside they just do not care about.

    That’s what the average person is up against. Impoverishing them means more wealth for a small group (not only b/c they are collecting taxes and hoarding/controling) but b/c so much more of the created wealth flows into the pockets of a few.

    Some are prospering mightily.

  7. Perhaps it’s going to be another of those times when a certain type just “goes underground” for a few centuries, in other words a new Dark Age.

  8. Rand Paul is NOT a libertarian at all, push that from your minds.

    What Rand Paul is is an opportunistic statist thug, looking for higher office just like Rubio. I can see them running on the same GOP ticket in 2016.

    Secession is the only answer, superbly demonstrated by the circus of the SOTU farce.

  9. “I’m sorry I ever had anything good to say about Rand Paul.”

    When he backed off his previous opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1965 I knew he was nothing but bullshit.

  10. “What about Canada? Are White Americans really exceptional compared to Canadians or Australians or Germans?” – Deconstructing this myth is the number one thing that needs to be accomplished I think. If the British, Germans, French,et al had a virgin continent to settle the result would be… what happened here when that exact chain of events played out.

  11. All the presumed 2016 GOP candidates are pro-amnesty:

    Paul Ryan
    Marco Rubio
    Rand Paul
    Jeb Bush
    Chris Christie

    But I guarantee we will hear the same familiar refrain in 2016, “Aww gee, we gotter vote fer Rubio (or Bush or Paul) or else Hilary will ruin the good ol’ US of A!”

  12. I wised up to the game that Ron Paul was playing back during the Nevada primary and the Republican presidential debates when he refused to endorse the border fence and compared the Border Patrol to the Gestapo.

  13. I can promise you that I won’t be voting for ANYONE who supports amnesty. In 2008, there was never even the slightest chance that I would vote for John McCain, and I was highly pleased when he lost to Obama.

  14. Rubio is setting the Republitards up for another stab in the back, a la Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc. The Republitards are obviously going to double down on the colorblind society, and place all bets on Mestizos being little brown conservatives. Republitard stupidity is unsurpassed. Tea Party is assuming the reigns of the chamberpot of commerce party.
    I’ll reiterate my prophecy: There will be amnesty and the Republitards will tell us it’s not, Dems will celebrate because they know it is. 2014 will result in more leftist victory dances, expect house to fall to the left. Once that happens, gun rights will be revisited and pushed through. Gay marriage will be proclaimed legal by way of our Marxist surpreme court. Two judges will resist and write a scathing opinion which will be summarily shitcanned, just like all the rest. All this begore 2016, when Texas, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia are solid blue.

  15. on another note, I was surfing Wikipedia and remain shocked at the number of Maxists, Communists, and socialists who were famous authors, journalists, profesdors, socialites, entertainers, etc from WWI through today. You can literally surf the links from one to another, big names too, people who are respected and esteemed by today’s society. The whole frigging West was infested!

  16. Dixiegirl, us liberals are also against the oligarchy. We are the ones who want to redistribute wealth to the poor by placing most of the tax burden on the rich. This would help the poor of all races.

  17. Scum like PGRT are “the (Jew) oligarchy”, busy “redistributing” the wealth of middle and working class Whites into the Congoid maw…and into their own.

  18. Stuka- I think PGRT is very young. He’s a cossetted, indulged, and utterly deluded DWL, who lives far far away from actual direct contact with a Darling Darkies he purports to adore. He’s in some type of ans academic setting, and worships the power of his Jewish Masters. See, in doing this, he is utterly absolved from any responsibility to assisting his own kinds, otr even acknowledging the existence of “his own kind”. He does not have to deal, in any way, with the ahhh…”unfortunate” effects of his cherished and deranged social engineering fantasies. His Lord The Jew will make all the decisions, and he can bask in “safety”, in the relfacted Glory of the Light Unto the World. His Judaic overlord can make all the decisions. Should the Grand Jews decide it’s time for the Darkies to be Dealt with, PGRT and his ilk can shrug off any unpleasant accountablity. All will be beautiful and flawless…until PGRT’s time comes…

  19. I am around lots of non-whites. Oh right, the ones in the college towns don’t count; you can just pretend they are white until the time comes when white people wake up and you can get rid of them because they have the same skin color as the gang members.

  20. “Also, we can help our economy grow if we have a system of legal immigration that allows us to attract the best and most intelligent professionals of the world and assimilate them to our way of life.

    I agree. Let’s bring in millions of ethnic Brits, Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Ukrainians, etc.

    “We need a responsible and permanent solution to the problem of those who are here illegally.”

    The solution is deportation a la Operation Wetback.

    “But first we have to fulfill the promises of the past, secure our borders and enforce our laws.”

    NO. First deport. Then secure our borders.


  21. First we get “Press 1 for English”, bi-lingual packaging, etc. and now this! What betrayal. Like Jared Taylor said: “The Republican Party is finished.

    What RINO clown came up with this ‘brilliant’ idea? Was this bi-lingual travesty shown on American TV or only Spanish language channels? If the former, my outrage and disgust is amplified one-hundred times more!

    The pandering to illegal aliens is so blatant. Roll out the red carpet! Jose and Maria are going to vote Republican! Keep dreaming! The only thing this is going to accomplish is to alienate more White voters, not that we can vote our way out of our dire situation.. Any Hispanic votes (lol) the RINO’s get will be dwarfed and cancelled out by the loss of White votes and guaranteed losses in future elections for this very limp, impotent party.

    “If our race is to survive in America, the Republican Party must die.” – Sam Francis


  22. ” Now he he is supporting our demographic replacement and the ‘propositional nation’ BS. I have no for this man.

    Agreed. I’d like to ask as well as tell him: “Just how many more Mexicans and other racially incompatible non-whites does America need? Ten million more? Twenty million? Fifty million? Tell me! And tell me, how have all these Mexicans and other non-whites improved the quality of life for millions of White Americans everywhere these disruptive Turd Worlders have settled in great numbers? All this will continue to do is cause more White flight (because of safety and quality of life concerns–not “hate” or “prejudice”). It will cause even more chaos and division and ultimately result in the balkanization, weakening and most likely break up of America. Are you and your colleagues oblivious to this?!”


  23. “…if we have a system of legal immigration that allows us to attract the best and most intelligent professionals of the world and assimilate them to our way of life…”

    Yeah, we have that already.

    What you want, Marco, is to allow those who came illegally, to stay. Period. As for “the best and most intelligent professionals”? Yeah that’s them, risking life and limb to cross the desert to work as landscapers, and hang out all day in front of Home Depot. Because, they’re, you know, intelligent professionals…

  24. “I wanted to believe he was part of the answer when he first came on the scene.”

    Remember that the Pauls are Pennsylvania Yankees.

    Our redemption will come from our own people.

  25. Fuck no Phil, the other White European immigrants have done nothing but drive down our wages an drive our culture, political system etc to the left.

    We’d be even more fucked then we are now

    Remember Southron White men, the gop was formed by yankees and got a lot help getting started by European immigrants, in this case Germans. The gop is the original political party to win power based on importing people to replace native born founding stock

  26. Let’s bring in millions of ethnic Brits, Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Ukrainians, etc.

    How could creating a melting pot possibly solve our problems?

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