About Hunter Wallace 12419 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In my previous comment, ‘I consider much closer’ was not clear. I should have written: ‘I consider much closer to those antifa’.

    Rudel, by ‘Talmudic’ I was referring to the genetics of some of the musicians and composers. Of course you never used the term, and they didn’t either.

  2. Courtney was it a ‘joke’ when you nagged that the girl in Las Vegas who bonked the crap out of the black who’d tried to knock her out should have ‘let her boyfriend handle it?’ Why would a southern belle like you feel you have anything to say about it? Leave your petticoats and corsets in Dixie. Suffocate yourself, not us, thanks…

    Dan, so you aren’t denying that you posted an article on your website spun out of Jew York City alleging that six out of seven women who had been ‘knock out gamed’ were jews? Well that’s some improvement on your character or, as some would call it, ‘mental state.’

    On the subject, let’s all take a closer look at the Damned Yankee’s mental state, shall we?

    We have this report, came out around October I think…the NYC jews claiming their precious inbred princesses are being beaten on by blacks. Kinda odd, though…same article says not one woman could identify the perp. And there was not one video released…
    But, sure enough within a week or two another article appears in which it’s claimed they’ve caught him! and that he admitted in one instance to have punched one jewess ‘because of the way she looked.’

    Newsflash: jews in the NYC and NJ don’t look like us. Don’t matter how many nose jobs they get or how much peroxide they pour on their kinky yid hair. That absurd assertion was included in direct response to….me. Yup, they’ve been following me on places like Amren and other blogs, Colin Flaherty’s…pointing out how it’s *white* mostly anglo celt (as opposed to jewish or mediterranean) women getting attacked by blacks throughout this country, usually blonde or fair haired. Even when it’s not blondes, it’s extreme ‘aryan’ looking northwestern europeans usually, in terms of features and or light brown hair and eyes. I’ve seen and studied this from DC to NJ and NYC. Often blacks and jews who attack the ‘aryan’ women make comments about us being ‘WASPS’ or ‘pure’ or whatever…

    Besides the transparent falsity to any northeasterner of the jews’ lies in this instance, there is the obvious problem that without any jewess to visually id the black perp and no video tapes (there are cameras all over NYC, which is a known fact to any of us) how on earth did they catch this supposed perp? Why when in the last month a european man actually was knocked out in Brooklyn did a video get released, yet not one jewmedia reporter could locate it’s origin? One said the father had tracked it down on Facebook, yet in another he was quoted as asking anyone for help in id’ing the perps, and the passive voice was used to explain the video’s existence.

    I’m ‘paranoid,’ according to the geniuses on here. What I am not is a country bumpkin.

    DC is a clash of northern and southern culture, and it is well known among us that blacks down there act in a way they don’t up here. And that southern contempt for women aka ‘gentility’ is one main difference. Every southern woman I’ve known who’s compared the difference notes how comparatively less patronizing and violent to women northerners are, so it’s not just us.

    I didn’t come here ‘begging,’ Dan Poole, and you won’t leave with much of anything but an empty website and some silly little certificate from NPI, or Amren, or the jews…same thing more or less. While sites like Daily Stormer leave Amren’s kosher anti-white news in the dust, you’re worried about being called a nazi. The latest salvo from the ADL is that crimes against jews are going way up, while rates of ‘anti-semitism’ around the country are going down.

    Huh? In reality, not the southern midwestern idiocy peddled on here as pro-White, the truth is exactly the opposite. Jews are largely insulated (and always have been) from black violence and continue to be, particularly as they get richer and europeans get poorer, while anti-judeo sentiment flourishes all over the internet, not just on ‘nazi’ sites, but increasingly mainstream forums.

    Not. A. Country. Bumpkin. A.K.A. Crazy. White. Bitch.

  3. “Rudel, by ‘Talmudic’ I was referring to the genetics of some of the musicians and composers.”

    The Talmud is not genetic, it is a literary work much chewed over and over by Orthodox Jews which is a series of religious cults (of which Rodgers and Hart were neither.) Ashkenazi Jew is the ethnicity you might have been struggling to remember and apply.

  4. Grits could call it ‘insanity;’ we prefer genius. Oh, I’ll settle for prescient…even astute…take a looky:

    Just now I open my homepage and the headline story blares just what I’ve been telling you supercilious sanctimonious fucks: http://news.yahoo.com/katie-couric-lbj-daughters-civil-rights-interview-001003293.html

    So who wants to call me ‘paranoid?’ Or invasive and rude?

    Again, take your disgusting sand n***** zionism and his genocide of my people and GTFO. That means every single ‘pro-White’ who suffers from ‘bipolar’ delusions that Big God has anointed them to speak about my northern people. G.T.F.O.


  5. I wonder what that counter-demonstrator with the hidden face is thinking, if he’s reading this blog?

    Rudel, you knew I often use that adjective, freely and deliberately, in a genetic rather than literary sense to describe them ALL — including the ‘good, solid southern’, the crypto Hispanic Roman http://www.cabq.gov/humanrights/public-information-and-education/diversity-booklets/jewish-american-heritage/conversos-crypto-jews — even the Yemeni-Anadalusian-Tunisian wandering Mizrahic self-proclaimed ‘Arab’ and miscellaneous ‘one drops’ of every colour and shade.

    @NYYankees (with H/T to HS) re: looking down on ‘my northern people’: Development of an African-slavery-free, limited NORDIC white gene pool in the invigorating seasonal (mostly cold winter) climate of The Great White North: http://mindweaponsinragnarok.com/2014/04/05/sweden-abolishes-itself/#comment-48886

  6. Mosin, white music includes classical, old church music going back even to medieval chant, folk (I’m most familiar with Celtic), and country. I like some broadway and pop, but the closer it gets to European style music the better, even within those genres. I’m a universalist Christian. Since I have non-whites in my family, and all of my great-grandparents married out of their ethnic group, kinism is just so far out of my experience. In order to fit in anywhere, I have to be a universalist. My argument on this site was that this is true for so many people now, that it is futile for any of you to stop it; best to preserve what you can for yourself in terms of ethnic traditions, but avoid any attachment to race. And, I do subscribe to the idea that Jesus called us to love one another, and that is the main message of Christianity, even as we must also call for correct moral behavior. I am a Romanist, but I don’t always support Dalton’s argumentation on here. Dalton is a fool for thinking that Catholicism is compatible with a pro-white identity, since even many of the most white traditionalist Catholic groups are seeking alliances with Latino traditional Catholics rather than white Protestants.

  7. PGRT, I appreciate your respectful commentary. I’m exceptionally friendly and compatible in person, but as Hunter says, the internet tends to ‘bring out the worst in us’ as we cross swords over facts and theories at a distance.

    ‘In order to fit in anywhere, I have to be a universalist’:

    Being ‘universal’ is unnatural and impossible. Find your dominant strain of ethnic identity, rejoice and live in it.

    ‘My argument on this site was that this is true for so many people now, that it is futile for any of you to stop it; best to preserve what you can for yourself in terms of ethnic traditions, but avoid any attachment to race’:

    Don’t give up, friend. Begin by taking one small step in the right direction.

    ‘I do subscribe to the idea that Jesus called us to love one another, and that is the main message of Christianity, even as we must also call for correct moral behavior’.

    Loving others as God loves us, living out the Golden Rule, entails beating all Global Swords into local plowshares, and letting the Chadians and Malians, and Libyans and Venezuelans et al have their gold and oil, and other treasures for themselves. Replace greed and power lust with humility and repentance.

    Your musical taste, by your general description, may be similar to mine. Music is a universal language? I don’t think so.

  8. I’ve heard a scholar in London call contemporary art a Talmudic process.

    He is called Andrew Renton.

    If you google him you’ll probably find the quote.

    Renton is a Jewish refugee from Syria.

  9. – “The greatest work in my mind is the Talmud, it’s one argument superseding another – an … For me that is what art is about.” -Andrew Renton (Contemporary Art Curator and Writer).

    Whatever could this rather secular hip professor have in mind, is he some crusty Orthodox Rambam?

  10. “Rudel, you knew I often use that adjective, freely and deliberately, in a genetic rather than literary sense to describe them ALL”

    The New Mexico government page you link to makes the preposterous claim that Columbus’s ancestry has not been well documented by historians. This is a lie. It offers proof based on the fact that there was exactly one “converso” in the crew of his first of FOUR voyages. What a joke!

    Talk about being taken in by multi-cultural race-mixing ZOG propaganda. This really takes the cake.

  11. Do you argue then that Hispanic conversos and cryptos don’t really exist, Rudel — that they’re just figments of unmedicated conspiracy theory thinking?

    I included that ZOG propaganda link simply to define the term ‘crypto Hispanics’, in THEIR OWN words. I didn’t think you’d discover the mention of Columbus (yes I noticed it was there) near the end of the article. I should have posted one of the other sources with similar information that DIDN’T mention Columbus.

    We discussed Columbus’ origin and finally came to general agreement about it several months ago. Some of us gave attention to the Jewish claim, but I think none of us accepted it in the end.

  12. If you are a true scientist and historian, Rudel, you should be eager to examine all possible evidence. I’ve never been sorry for asking too many questions, only for not asking enough.

  13. Re: NYYankees

    It’s up to you people to stop White Genocide in the Northeast. That’s your responsibility. Again, that’s on you.

    I’ve been watching the WN movement for 13 years now. What has “naming the Jew” accomplished as a tactic? Even if we agree that Jewish power is a problem, what does impotently whining about it on the internet and doing nothing else do to address the problem?

    If I broke my water heater and never did anything but complain about it, I would never have hot water again.

  14. NYYankees,

    “Dan, so you aren’t denying that you posted an article on your website spun out of Jew York City alleging that six out of seven women who had been ‘knock out gamed’ were jews?”

    What website are you talking about? You’ve made this same accusation against Kyle Rogers and CofCC, but I have no control over anything that gets published on there.

    In re: Lyndon Baines Johnson, here’s how “your Northern people” voted:


    Typical Yankee behavior: Create a world of shit and then blame everyone else but yourselves for the consequences

  15. NYYankees,

    “Well that’s some improvement on your character or, as some would call it, ‘mental state.’

    This coming from a woman clearly facing a midlife crisis who once said something on here about facing jail time? That’s rich.

    “I didn’t come here ‘begging,’ Dan Poole”

    Yes you do. Every other post is infected with your screeching pleas for Whites in the North and the South (particularly Anglo-Celts) to “unite.” You repeatedly ignore the overwhelming evidence proving that Yankees and Southrons are ethnic groups which CANNOT and SHOULD NOT “unite.” The two tribes are different culturally AND genetically: Southrons are descended from Cavalier stock, whereas Yankees are descended from either certifiably insane freaks (i.e., the Puritans and Quakers), or from a giant wave of beggars and runts otherwise known as Ellis Island immigrants, who to this day side with non-whites in every single election. Y’all just got done making de Blasio the mayor of New York, and then you bitched like little girls when he didn’t shovel your snow!

    “while sites like Daily Stormer leave Amren’s kosher anti-white news in the dust”

    If you’re gonna open up your mouth about who’s leaving who in the dust, at least look up the numbers first: Amren gets 17,196 daily page views, Daily Stormer gets 8,564. Here’s to hoping both sites continue to grow.

  16. “Southrons are descended from Cavalier stock”

    Most folks in Appalachia are Scotch Irish and quite a bit of people in the plantation belt are descended from Cromwell’s Roundheads and their ancestors arrived here as indentured servants to the Cavalier plantation owners.

  17. I agree (!) Rudel. The Cavalier versus Roundhead distinction of Anglo-Celts settling south of the Line versus north of the Line is insufficient to prove two GENETICALLY different white ethnicities. But the Ellis Island (Eastern European and especially, Latin and other Mediterranean) dilution of Anglo-Celtic stock primarily north of the Line is a very important genetic distinction — and the greater dilution of Anglo-Celts with Africans (slave stock) south of the Line is another valid distinction.

    I live in a northern state, and if other people of very similar British Isles heritage in southern states consider themselves an entirely different breed, well, that is none of my business. If any southern states do secede, that would likely benefit us, since it would probably weaken the power of the Federal Tyranny to control its remaining subjects. Some conservative communities north of the Line also wish to secede from ZOG, and I hope southerners won’t mind if some state or some rural red county north of the Line actually manages to do it first — and you southern Neocon mercenaries, who LOVE to fight for ZOG, better not arrive to try stop us or otherwise intervene and violate our sovereignty like you do to so many other peoples around the world!

  18. I think that the idea Hunter is working on is the end of BRA.

    A regional secession would be the shortest trip to that destination.

  19. Hunter wrote:

    ‘IF (my capitalisation) we agree that Jewish power is A (my capitalisation again) problem, what does impotently whining about it on the internet and doing nothing else do to address the problem? If I broke my water heater and never did anything but complain about it, I would never have hot water again’:

    This implies that THE most important, and PROVEN, problem, or enemy, IS whites north of the Line?

    I think ‘impotency’ of ‘whining’ on the internet is going too far. If the Beast doesn’t crack down harder and soon, the internet alternative information movement is just getting started. Don’t throw the white internet baby out with the bathwater.

  20. This whining about the Joooos on the internet does get us nowhere fast. History shows that these people only have power when the host country or it’s political establishment allow or give them the means to acquire it. So focusing the majority of our energies on the Jews, in the long run, is a losing strategy. Our focus should be on the corrupt political establishment (call it DC, Yankeeland, Wall St. whatever) that produced this mess in the first place. If we target only the Jews, we may see them leave the country, but if we don’t fire at the powers that be that has arisen from the “City On A Dunghill”, we will leave intact the very thing that caused our problem in the first place.

  21. Perhaps I jumped the gun a bit by asserting that the predominately English Northern settlers were genetically different then the predominately English Southern settlers, but there’s no doubt they were legions apart culturally, and an argument could still be made that they were different genetically in this regard:

    Unlike the indentured servants of Virginia and other Southern states, who were run-of-the-mill poor people, the Puritans (to use them as the biggest example) were hated and despised back at home. Their morbid history has been well documented on OD and other SN circles.

    In lieu of that history, one can’t help but wonder if the diseased, fanatical behavior of Puritans (and of most of the other Northern settlers) was caused by their genes. A mental defect amongst an entire people, in other words. So while they’d still be of the same ethnicity as the poor Anglo-Saxon settlers of the South, they’d nonetheless be different genetically thanks to that (admittedly hypothetical) mental defect.

    It’s hard for me to believe that the morbid history of those original Northern settlers was caused by some amorphous culture (i.e., their “environment”). We all know that environment doesn’t shape people, people shape their environment in conformance with who they are genetically. Therefore, doesn’t it stand to reason that the radically different cultures of the Northern and Southern settlers was caused by genetic differences?

    One thing’s for sure: Not only were the Northern settlers the runts of their tribe back home in England, they were like rabies-infected runts.

  22. My understanding is that Puritans were from regions very heavily populated by Danes.
    They can be obsessive about equality to the point of comedy. Boston, Norfolk, Huntingdonshire. Dour equalitarianism.

  23. Hereward Saxon,

    Some Southern settlers were high-cultured Cavaliers/Normans, and they established the Planter class. Others, as Rudel points out, were descendants of indentured servants. My point is that Southerners came from a superior genetic stock compared to Northerners.

  24. The Normans were victorious in conquest but as a class they were spread pretty thin over their subjects. Hell, even the conquering Angles and Saxons did not fully displace the various native Celtic tribes. Current estimates are that the population of the island of Great Britain is still on average roughly 40 or 50% Celtic genetically although this varies on an East-West cline with native populations in the eastern counties having more Germanic blood than those in Wales or Cornwall.

  25. Norfolk was very populous up until the time of the Black Death. Norfolk and most of the rest of Western Europe enjoyed a much warmer climate back then (the High Middle Ages) too. I drove through there once. What struck me most was all the old stone churches and no people.

  26. I prefer to think that English chiefs coup-ed the local Romano-British kings. Many of the English chiefs themselves long settled as Roman auxiliaries and to some extent already farming and intermarried. Gildas’s account has no archeological evidence.

    Rudel is the story is of interest I strongly suggest you research Bamburgh Castle and their archeological projects. Time Team on the BBC have a couple of excellent digs.

    The use of the Saxon shore forts is also answering a lot of questions about what occurred.

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