About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What’s wrong with these kids?! They’re not trying to remove a flag, they’re trying to remove history!

  2. This is what you get when the University pushes “diversity”..ungrateful mongrel students destroying traditions and standards,.

  3. Maybe they should be removed from the school. Robert E. Lee fought for HIS country and if they can’t respect that, they don’t need to attend a school named in his honor. How many of those limp wristed, soft “modern” students would even dream of doing the same? Shameful.

  4. The name and the flag were all already in place when the little assholes decided to go to school there. If it made them uncomfortable, why didn’t they go somewhere else to begin with?

  5. Perhaps a white should hoist a rastized Black/Green/Brown flag on a pole and superimpose a ganja weed sign on it.

    Maybe put up a Scimtar with Inshallah! Pasted over the design.

    Do they not realize that the flag itself was a flag white men fought other white men under? I don’t think the flag ever showed up for Helot Hunts.

  6. Dixie,

    The monument destroyers are like the Taliban.

    Indeed, they are the actual American Taliban.

  7. “The monument destroyers are like the Taliban.”

    No they’re not. They are a bunch of indigenous Pashtun tribesmen from the mountains of Afghanistan and Northwest Pakistan that came together when we financed there guerrilla operations against the Russians and they came formed a government in the wake of Russia’s withdrawal from the area. They adhere to the Deobandi fundamentalist Sunni Islam sect and espouse the traditional Pashtun way of life called Pashtunwali.

    They’ve got nothing to do with a bunch of privileged nigger students bitching about the slavery of 150 years ago.

  8. Butzhead..how do you know he’s a Roman Catholic?? did it say so in the article? so what’s your point snake handler? Lots of RCs fought for that flag.. PGT Beauregard, my great grandfather included. Hey did you check to make sure the Pope wasn’t hiding under your bed tonite? Well rolling on the floor spouting “tongues” gibberish you probably would have missed him.

  9. Reynauld de Chatillon says:

    ‘Hey did you check to make sure the Pope wasn’t hiding under your bed tonite? Well rolling on the floor spouting “tongues” gibberish you probably would have missed him.’

    Lots of Catholics spouting “tongues gibberish”. With papal approval.

    Pope Francis discovers charismatic movement a gift to the whole church


    ‘Like Pentecostalism, charismatic Catholicism emphasizes the Holy Spirit, features faith healing and speaking in tongues and is spread by door-to-door evangelists.’

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