Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Other Side of The Story


There’s nothing about the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I or anyone else in the blogosphere will be sharing this afternoon that can top this article that was published in August 2013 by The Daily Mail. This was the first time that I have seen this must read story. I can’t believe that I missed this:

“King’s secret sex life became such a talking point at the White House that recently released interviews with Jackie Kennedy revealed even she knew about it.

Jackie confided how her brother-in-law Bobby Kennedy had told her the FBI had recorded King trying to arrange a sex party on the night before the March on Washington in August 1963.

‘I can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible,’ sniffed the former First Lady. Bobby had told her that King ‘was calling up all these girls and arranging for a party of men and women, I mean, sort of an orgy’. …

“One of King’s most distinguished biographers, Taylor Branch, revealed how — on King’s trip to Norway to collect the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize — members of his entourage were found running after naked or near-naked prostitutes in the Oslo hotel where they were staying. Only a desperate appeal to hotel security saved them from being thrown out.

Branch also detailed how FBI agents bugged King’s hotel room in Washington in January 1964 and recorded him in adulterous full flow. ‘I’m f*****g for God! I’m not a negro tonight!’ he could be heard shouting.”

Note: Please do me a favor and share this article about the Rev. King with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. It needs to be circulated as much as possible!

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My own view is that whites and blacks should not be involved with each other. The behavior of Martin Luther King, Jr., is of no importance to me.

  2. “It wouldn’t be important except for the canonization of MLK by American society.”

    No–it’s not important at all. How much time do you think an effective rhetorician of the left would require to throw your statement back in your face? How long do you think it would take him or her to say that your use of the word “canonization” is a straw man, a racist attempt to deny King the enormous admiration that he has rightfully won? How long would it take for such a rhetorician to say that King’s alleged utterance of “I’m not a negro tonight!” is a tragic manifestation of the psychic wounding wrought by the segregation and racism King gave his life to overcome?

    If you’re a racist, if you think whites and blacks should not be involved with each other, then just say it. If you think you’re going to bring our multiracial society to an end with anti-King rhetoric of any kind, you have no political instincts to speak of; but of course, those who fly the Confederate Battle Flag, as you do, have been setting the standard for political incompetence for a century-and-a-half now.

  3. Do tell how the men and women of 1861, who stood against the usurpation of power and white self-rule by Lincoln, were any sort of standard for political incompetence. Sounds to me like the words of a vapid, pretentious asshole.

  4. “Do tell how the men and women of 1861, who stood against the usurpation of power and white self-rule by Lincoln, were any sort of standard for political incompetence.”

    Spare me.

  5. No, you ought to substantiate your hot air and defamation or apologize for it. Otherwise spare US. As you can see, that flag is flown here. Where is your alternative? Oh yeah, there is no grassroots Northern resistance movement.

  6. @John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
    “If you’re a racist, if you think whites and blacks should not be involved with each other, then just say it.”

    “Racist” is a made up gibberish word used Against White people, in all of the countries WE BUILT.


    If Whites want to live around blacks or separate from for good, we should have the free choice to do so. Free choice is something you anti-Whites will never allow, because you are Evil and your intention towards Whites are Evil.

    “If you think you’re going to bring our multiracial society to an end with anti-King rhetoric of any kind, you have no political instincts to speak of; but of course, those who fly the Confederate Battle Flag, as you do, have been setting the standard for political incompetence for a century-and-a-half now.”

    King is a proven academic plagiarist and had sex with underage girls.

    Get back on your elevator and ride it straight back to Hell where you came from, anti-White.

  7. Simple fact. Negroes are the most powerful and effective weapons in our enemies’ arsenal of political weaponry.

  8. Can’t find proof of underage girls, we’ll have to wait for the files locked away for 50 years to be opened. Those files must have something really bad in them, to be suppressed for so long. And whats the bet when those 50 years are up, those files are no where to be found.

  9. It’s all ok; all the fools I know they are not troubled be any of these concerns.
    Today there is an insurance add. on tv. Geico, the girl with the red lipstick.
    Notice their add with the white man pushing a mower of some sort. But the music goes “pussygood, pussygood…. real good” This is an old go-go bar song. But there has been no comment as to this grossness. Where is that idiot Huckabee?
    So, your 12 year old granddnaugther sits there and listens.
    King could not be happier.

  10. JoeB @ 10:20
    Two guesses here. either you are right, “what files?”. Or what we will find will be celebrated . “early recognition of the importance of miscegenation.”

  11. Observe all of this sputtering, Mr. Wallace: “Martin Luther King was a plagiarist!” “Racism is a made-up word!” It’s been showing up at websites like this for so long it’s starting to seem like Americana–and all of it not merely ineffective but counter-productive. What is the response when I point that out: “Go to hell, anti-white!”

    Have it your way–and keep losing.

  12. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    January 20, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    “Have it your way–and keep losing.”

    Oh one of our enemies is giving us helpful advice. Yeah and I’m sure you have our best interests at heart.

    ” What is the response when I point that out: “Go to hell, anti-white!””

    Oh boo hoo! He doesn’t like being called what he is. Well you better get used to it.

    • Bonaccorsi chimes in here every so often with a cranky comment. He’s been doing it for years now. He reminds me of the guy in that Bill Murray movie, “St. Vincent.”

  13. “Oh boo hoo! He doesn’t like being called what he is. Well you better get used to it.”

    No, you fool. I’m pointing out that when someone tries to help you, by showing you what you’re doing wrong, you think him your enemy.

  14. When some loud mouth clown, tells us we can’t tell the truth about Michael King and uses that gibberish word “racist”, I shoot first and ask questions later. Why don’t you use “blahblopbeebop” instead of “racist”? You would make just as much (non)sense.

  15. “Feel free to rise to the challenge and show us all the true way forward. We’ve been waiting for several years now.”

    I think I have, in fact, tried to indicate the way forward. As I’ve said here more than once, I’m pretty sure, it’s a matter of what you avoid. That’s what power is: what you avoid. There is much to be said in criticism of the Jews, but they can’t be charged with a lack of seriousness. They avoid unseriousness. They avoid, for instance, thinking that drunkenness is hilarious, or that not prospering is no big deal, or that punctuation is just a bunch of silly rules for pointy-heads. If more whites avoided those and a few other things, the position of whites would be much better than it is, I suspect.

    God knows how much money this website’s commenters pay to mass-communication companies each month for internet service. All that money that you pay for the opportunity to throw rocks at Martin Luther King at right-wing blogs is being used by those companies to “canonize” him. When you own the companies–when you’re the one being paid instead of paying–you’ll decide who’s canonized. If you want your descendants and you to be the ones building the companies and owning the companies, well, then, as I say: it’s a matter of what you avoid.

  16. I’m not sure that Mr. Bonaccorsi is against our cause here. If he lives in Philadelphia, then he deals with feral blacks every day and he KNOWS very well how much they hate him, and for no real reason. Perhaps he is here seeking answers like the rest of us and is faced with – admit it – some very stupid responses to some well reasoned points he made that could HELP us. Maybe some of us should listen more and spout less?

    It also doesn’t help when he sees things like the pussyrealgood post above. That song’s name is PUSH IT and never once in the lyrics is the word ‘pussy’ mentioned at all. Methinks that poster must have ‘pussy on the brain’ because there is most assuredly none in that commercial.

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