Federal Judge Strikes Down Alabama Gay Marriage Ban


It seems like we just spent most of last week here discussing the nature of liberal republican governments and whether or not they are plagued by perpetual cycles of ever expanding rights claims:

“A federal judge in Mobile on Friday struck down Alabama’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, ruling that a woman could not be denied her desire for a second-parent adoption of a 9-year-old boy whom she has helped raise since birth. …

“Careful review of the parties’ briefs and the substantial case law on the subject persuades the Court that the institution of marriage itself is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution, and that the State must therefore convince the Court that its laws restricting the fundamental right to marry serve a compelling state interest,” Granade wrote in her 10-page order.”

Homosexual marriage is now a “fundamental right protected by the Constitution” in Alabama. For some reason, I’m sure the debate will continue though about “what the US Constitution really meant.”

Note: In other news, a judge in the Federal Republic of Germany has ruled that German men do have the right to stand while urinating in the privacy of their own homes. Since we don’t experience many cultural victories under liberal republicanism, I felt like sharing this small bit of good news.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s perfectly obvious by now, or it should be, that if we’re ultimately to win this thing, we can’t do it democratically and republicanly. If we do win, then the historians among our descendants 500 years from now will look back on our times and view democratic republicanism as a very bad hair day in terms of modes of governance.

  2. You have got to wonder what kind of religion Judge Granade practices, and if she believes homosexuality is a normal & healthy practice. She must.

  3. I believe that most folks aren’t bothered by lesbians. But then, they’re not known for molesting little boys either. I’ve heard that many of these Lesbians are only that way when it comes to White men, but switch back when they want some dark meat.

  4. It should be apparent by now that secession–or, at least, forcible, organized withdrawal of political consent–is the only savior left for normal human beings in this “country”. I assumed Texas would have gotten farther along with it by now, but there seems to be some hold up.

    The question isn’t whether we’re losing or not–we are–but whether it’s too late to make a comeback.

  5. I’ve heard that many of these Lesbians are only that way when it comes to White men, but switch back when they want some dark meat.

    What Internet cesspool did you get this information from?

    I’ve known more than a few on a personal level. They are actually a little more racist than your average straight White woman nowadays that you might see when you’re out in public. They just hide it very well. Then again, a lot of people put up a facade and “fake it” when they don’t feel like they can speak openly and honestly. Gay men are especially racist. Not racist as in they hate everyone who isn’t White, but more like racist in the fact that a lot of them just can’t stand the average black man or even a lot of the women.

    The reason why a lot of lesbians don’t like black men is because they tend to run in circles that are almost entirely made up of other women. If you can imagine what kind of crap a straight woman might have to endure from roaming blacks if she’s out in public, then just imagine the kind of shit lesbians see when there are generally no men around to act as a buffer between them and the savages. It’s not like the black community is really known for being understanding, nurturing, having true empathy and not preying on those who are weaker and maybe more vulnerable.

  6. If you want good news, pay attention to the most aggressively democratic republics, such as Hungary where the constitution restricts judicial review, or Switzerland where referendums play a large role.

    If you want bad news, pay attention to any persons or institutions eager to please the Ashkenazi oligarchs.

  7. Why secede from the Government when you can burn it down? The mistake the Confederates made was not finishing the job after whipping the Union at Bull Run. If they torched Washington, the War would have been over and Lincoln hung on a lamppost. Make no mistake, the bloodsuckers cannot let you leave. Vampires cannot suck the blood from each other.

  8. Hungary is a small, economically vulnerable country. They need to pick their battles carefully.

    They are willing to defy the Ashkenazi oligarchs on abortion, gay marriage, church/state relations, immigration, porn, feminism, street crime, money in politics, bailouts etc., for the sake of their *own* people.

    Who knows what economic or political threats were made to the Hungarian government if they allowed the NPI conference to proceed? They weren’t willing to throw their nation on a sword for the sake of a small, mostly foreign New Right / Radical Traditionalist conference, and I frankly don’t blame them.

    The larger point is this: the measures designed to humiliate and break our people originate in the ethnic hostility of the Ashkenazi elite towards our people. Christianity, democracy, and ancient Europan egalitarian traditions such as monogamy seem to retard these hostile measures. Why is the entire Dark Enlightenment constantly trying to deflect criticism away from the force which attacks us, onto forces which defend us?

    • Hungary is a small, economically vulnerable country. They need to pick their battles carefully.

      They are willing to defy the Ashkenazi oligarchs on abortion, gay marriage, church/state relations, immigration, porn, feminism, street crime, money in politics, bailouts etc., for the sake of their *own* people.

      Who knows what economic or political threats were made to the Hungarian government if they allowed the NPI conference to proceed? They weren’t willing to throw their nation on a sword for the sake of a small, mostly foreign New Right / Radical Traditionalist conference, and I frankly don’t blame them.

      Three years in prison for Holocaust denial and/or trivialization?


      • The larger point is this: the measures designed to humiliate and break our people originate in the ethnic hostility of the Ashkenazi elite towards our people.

        Obviously, I agree that Jewish influence is a problem. In Hungary, for example, denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense. We’ve always discussed the negative impact that Jewish influence has on our culture here.

    • Christianity, democracy, and ancient Europan egalitarian traditions such as monogamy seem to retard these hostile measures. Why is the entire Dark Enlightenment constantly trying to deflect criticism away from the force which attacks us, onto forces which defend us?

      I’m sure it is because lots of people who have studied our racial and decline disagree with you on that point. I haven’t followed the “Dark Enlightenment,” so I won’t comment on what they are saying, but I would imagine their conclusions are similar to mine.

      Personally, I believe Jewish influence is a problem (the ADL will verify this), but I reject the Single Jewish Cause paradigm. That’s why I have no problem discussing the negative impact of Jewish influence here without minimizing or ignoring the existence of other problems. Single Jews Causers are desperate to explain every problem that afflicts the West by pining all the blame on Jews. This is why the comment section on this website and other blogs is constantly plagued by people posting retarded conspiracy theories about how “the Mossad did Boston” or “Paris was a Jewish false flag.”

      If democracy and egalitarianism has been so great for Americans and Western man, why has the spread of democratic institutions across the West in the 19th and 20th cnturies brought us to our lowest point in our entire history? Why is our future existence as a people and a culture now under a greater threat than it was in the days of the Black Death or the Mongols and the Ottomans? If the spread of liberal republican governments has been so bad for the Jews, how is it that Jews are wealthier, more influential, and more powerful in the West than ever before?

      Do you consider the Weimar Republic or the Federal Republic of Germany, racially and culturally speaking, to be an improvement upon the Third Reich? Was Jewish influence and power greater or smaller before and after the Third Reich? How about Jacobin France? Was Jewish influence in Europe greater or smaller before the French Revolution tore its path across Europe like a tornado?

      In the United States, the triumph of liberal republicanism in the American Revolution started the snowball rolling. It swept away slavery in New England. It started the attack on the slave trade which was swept away in 1808. By the 1830s, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania had repealed their anti-miscegenation laws. The Northeast was already bubbling over with radical movements like abolitionism, women’s rights, and the free love movement. Most of the North was already integrated before the 1880s and 1890s and the South avoided that fate only after two generations of resistance to Reconstruction.

      The Dred Scott decision, the most controversial Supreme Court decision in American history, denied that blacks could ever be US citizens because blacks had no rights that White men were bound to respect. You would think that a “White Republic” would have rallied behind Dred Scott. Instead, it polarized the US to the point where secession and war followed in less than two years. It was extraordinarily controversial because already by that time so many millions of Yankees ardently believed in negro equality. Blacks were already US citizens with equal rights in all the New England states except for Connecticut.

      Why were Yankees so determined to push “equal rights” and “civil rights” on the South? It is because they were so enamored with republicanism. They believed that “natural rights” should apply to blacks. Why shouldn’t the doctrine apply to blacks? If all of “mankind” was “created equal” and has the same universal equal rights, it is the logical conclusion to draw.

  9. Near as I can tell this only proves the bankruptsy of federalism and tyranny. Had there actually been a republic or populist system in power in Alabama this wouldn’t have been possible. The people of Alabama are still overwhelmingly opposed to publicly recognizing queer behavior. Yall are still chasing ghosts.

  10. @VanSpeyk
    Truly astounding catch! It will be interesting to see what happens to “BBC Religious Correspondent Caroline Wyatt” for shining some light from her dark corner.

  11. Hunter writes:

    “Personally, I believe Jewish influence is a problem (the ADL will verify this), but I reject the Single Jewish Cause paradigm. That’s why I have no problem discussing the negative impact of Jewish influence here without minimizing or ignoring the existence of other problems. ”

    Jack responds:

    I agree. I think I have a pretty good OD article in the queue on this subject and compare and contrast what happens to a sane, healthy White guy that pisses off Jews or Muslims, or both.

    Hunter can you look at it and if it’s good, publish it?

  12. FuturoDellanazione says: I assumed Texas would have gotten farther along with it by now, but there seems to be some hold up.

    I don’t know if they’ve voted on them yet, or if they have, if they passed., but there are two bills in the Texas House that are being debated. One to create a Texas bullion reserve, and the other to create a Texas State Bank. North Dakota has already done it, which has made them immune to Federal financial blackmail. So it’s claimed. Colorado is talking about it. TNM Radio, on the Texas Nationalist website, has a programme on it. The president of the TNM states that independence is made up of three elements. Cultural, political and economic independence. The podcast also has a talk given by a financial expert on state banks and gold reserves, to the Colorado State legislature. I’m not sure, but I think it was given within the past year or two. You might check it out sometime. It’s an interesting idea at least.

  13. If two people can be married because they are consenting adults, and although some members of society may disagree with same sex or interracial marriages, they have no right to impose themselves on what legal adults may do, than why not legalize polygamy? After all if all parties are consenting adults ……

  14. @Connor Galt
    Utah has indeed already decriminalized polygamy. State authorities will not prosecute polygamists, even though historically the Feds required the Utah Constitution contain an anti-polygamy amendment as a condition for statehood.

  15. Funny how the federal government agrees with States’ Rights (the 10th Amendment) when the states promote liberal policies but show their Communist colors when conservative minded states want to protect Traditional Marriage. Same goes for our ancestors who defended Segregation in the 1960s. Think these issues are a learning lessons for right wing conservatives. The idea of States’ Rights was forcefully removed (with the mass murder of thousands upon thousands of Confederates) by Abraham Lincoln and his central government loving Yankee Empire. Until we restore the 10th Amendment the South will never have rights in the Empire. Why our conservative friends don’t advocate Secession in times like this is beyond me. Deo Vindice !

  16. I think polygamy will come soon. The plaintiffs will probably be Muslims not Mormons.
    The argument will be that polygamy is the norm in many countries;that polygamy has been around as long as monogamy and that there are various practical advantages.

    Our country is ruled by judges and they are on a roll to destroy everything. I only hope that the gay marriage controversy goes on forever. It keeps the liberals occupied. Once
    Gay marriage becomes legal who knows what insane new crusade the liberals will discover.
    At least gay marriage is not explicitly anti-White like every other liberal cause since the end of WW2.

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