The Emergence of White Identity In The Chesapeake

Here are a few things I have learned in the course of my research into the Chesapeake:

1.) Virginia began as a military enterprise. The English who colonized Virginia originally sought to emulate the Spanish in Mexico. They came as conquerors who believed they could establish their dominance over the local Indians and force them to mine gold and provide them with food.

2.) This is why Jamestown was such a clusterfuck in its earliest days. The English hadn’t come to settle Virginia as self-sufficient farmers. Originally, they didn’t even have settlers with that skill set.

3.) Virginia was quickly embroiled in racial conflict with the Powhatan Indians who twice attempted to wipe out the colony in 1622 and 1644 before they were finally defeated. These Indian wars went on for years. Interestingly enough, Maryland was notable for its lack of conflict with the Indians.

4.) Virginia was full of Englishmen rambling around the New World until the late 17th century. Unlike Massachusetts, it only became a predominantly creole society around 1690.

5.) The first negro slaves arrive in Virginia in 1619. Virginia and Maryland are still only around 10 percent black in 1700 though. White indentured servants formed the vast majority of the workforce in the 17th century. Virginia and Maryland only turned away from that model around 1675. This was primarily because the supply of indentured servants from England dried up after the Restoration.

6.) We begin to see the first glimmers of what we would recognize as the legal codification of white supremacy in Virginia and Maryland in 1660-1661. The settlers began to articulate a growing sense of White identity. It likely existed before this time, but Virginia and Maryland both pass the first anti-miscegenation laws.

7.) Just as I suspected, the spread of chattel slavery in the Chesapeake was highly influenced by the West Indies. Before the 1660s, the English weren’t heavily involved in the African slave trade and few slave ships had any reason to travel from the Caribbean to the Chesapeake. The first slaves who trickled into the Chesapeake were the result of commerce between Tidewater and the West Indies.

8.) It starts with the wealthiest Chesapeake planters who before 1650 had the capital to invest in slaves. The institution spreads as slaves become cheaper and more available.

9.) “Liberty” is thought to be something that inheres in English bodies. In other words, it is the English who are free. They have English rights and liberties.

10.) I’ve learned that “from the time of initial Chesapeake settlement English migrants regarded Africans as different and inferior to themselves.” Even before they sat down to codify their racial attitudes, the English in Virginia saw the Africans as a different and inferior people.

What about universal human rights? What about racism?

It really makes you think: why didn’t it occur to the English that the human rights of the Africans were being violated? Why didn’t it occur to anyone to expose their racism? Why didn’t anyone object to their colonialism? The answer is that no one at the time (the English, the Indians, the Africans) had any concept of universal human rights, no one believed that “racism” was immoral and colonialism made sense under the mercantilism which was the dominant economic theory in those times.

White supremacy was less obvious. The English had arrived in Virginia to challenge the Spanish. They were engaged in the conquest of Ireland. They encountered various Indian tribes in Virginia and Maryland who were as distinct as rival European nations. Each Indian tribe had a different response to the European presence. White supremacy emerged as a pragmatic response to racial conflict.

The Puritans in New England had their Indian towns for a generation. They tried to incorporate the Indians into their “City on a Hill.” They were better than the Spanish or so they thought. That experiment in multiracialism ended in King Philip’s War when they were nearly wiped out.

About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The institution spreads as slaves become cheaper and more available.”

    Kinda like smartphones.

  2. “Even before they sat down to codify their racial attitudes, the English in Virginia saw the Africans as a different and inferior people.”

    Interesting. No wonder they thought it would be a good idea to bring millions of them to live among them.

  3. Not directly on topic with this particular blog entry, but I just took another look at the map below—from one of Carleton Coon’s books, I’m pretty sure. If there’s one thing that proves the Jews can talk whites into just about anything, the transformation of the paradisiacal Caribbean into an extension of sub-Saharan Africa has to be it …

  4. That experiment in multiracialism ended in King Philip’s War when they were nearly wiped out.

    Unfortunately for us, Philip failed.

    • The New England experiment was a paternalistic quasi-apartheid system, remember the Yankees had intact families they for the most part were so obsessed about their bloodlines they didn’t mix with them. Virginia on the other hand did have quite a bit of mixing, because there was a huge sex imbalance in Virginia until about 1700 or so. Took about 2-3 generations for Virginias population to get strong

  5. This history is heresy to those who support the New England Moral Political Paradigm and the New England Theory of American History.

    • Whites couldn’t adapt to the climate the way negroes already were. Furthermore, the supply of White settlers and indentured servants had dried up after the end of Cromwell’s rule. For many decades, there was a chronic shortage of manpower in early America®.

      • right on. south of the mason-dixon line tropical diseases reigned supreme, & early white settlers died in droves. africans had evolved better immunological defenses for surviving tropical diseases.

        • It’s not disease. It’s heat and humidity. Imagine cutting the grass when it’s 102° and 89% humidity.

          • In those days Yellow Fever and malaria were part of every Southern summer. Yellow fever hit as far north as Philadelphia and New York at times. Yellow fever even hit pretty far west into Texas and as far north as Saint Louis at times.

      • England did ship alot of White Convict slaves but according to most I read the preferred place for them was Barbados

    • The flow of indentured servants was a product of the turmoil of early 17th century England. After the Restoration, England settled down, the economy improved, more colonies opened up and the flow of indentured servants dried up. Around the same time, England was getting involved in the African slave trade.

      • A lot of people don’t realise that climate and a manpower shortage were main factors in African Slavery in the Americas.

  6. Slaves became much more affordable after THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION when England won the right to transport slaves directly to Central and South America for the first time. From the 1400’s to the 1600s the slave trade had been almost explicitly Spain and Portugal. Then in the 1600’s Holland comes on the scene remember Spain exiled their (((People))) to Holland and they built it up using their contacts with the Moors. After Holland becomes officially free of Spain in 1648, their dominance continues, until 1688 when the nation of Holland and Great Britain are joined in a Personal Union. After that point the (((Dutch People))) begin flooding London. The rest is HISTORY. After 1713 England monopolized Africa

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