“ALBEMARLE COUNTY, Va. (WVIR) – An Albemarle County judge has granted the man dubbed a “Crying Nazi” bond.
Christopher Charles Cantwell appeared in Albemarle Circuit Court on Monday, December 4. The 37-year-old defendant from New Hampshire is now indicted by a grand jury on a felony charge of illegal use of tear gas.
At his hearing, Cantwell was given $25,000 secure bond and will have home electronic monitoring. As part of his deal, he’s ordered to stay in Virginia and cannot have firearms. …”
This ordeal isn’t over.
We still have several people locked up in Charlottesville. Cantwell also still has to go to trial in February. It is the latest sign though that Charlottesville has started to boomerang. Tim Heaphy delivered a blistering account of his findings tonight at the Charlottesville City Council.
Up Next: The state review of the Unite the Right rally should be released any day now (the preliminary report blamed Charlottesville), UTR organizers will file their own lawsuit against Charlottesville and the FBI has its own ongoing criminal investigation of Antifa.
Why this matters: There are a number of things coming up related to Charlottesville which will help both with our defense (fighting off the frivolous lawsuits, exonerating our people) as well as going on offense (reassigning the blame, making these bastards pay in court).
Mike Signer,Wes Bellamy and others should all be charged under USC title 18- sections 241@242.
Fuck that. No deal removes our 2nd Amendment Rights.
@hunter Wallace
I tried to contact Kessler about this. We need to open a class action suit that includes each person that was there. For our rights getting trampled on we need to get $750k a head for the purpose of future legal defense. The reason for this is the city could bring charges against any one of us for years.
It should amount to at least 150 million give or take a law firms payout. Put that money into an ongoing trust fund that funds any legal needs we have.
“May God arise, and May His Enemies be scattered!”
[And the enemies of God are the non-white races, the Jews, and the traitors of the European people, who have sided with the seed of Satan.]
People like Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Schumer, Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, etc., etc.
This IS a Racial HOLY War. No doubt about it.
I must concede your point, this struggle
I must concede your point, this struggle is about more than race, politics or economics. There is indeed a spiritual component to it as well.
I’m glad he’s out on bail. He was/is getting screwed. Still Christopher made many mistakes that others here and elsewhere should not make again. He did serious butt showing, allowed hostile anti White media to basically follow him around, tape and edit and will. He proudly showed off all his guns – which is a huge no no.
You/we want to be very much anonymous in these things – Antifa, anti Southern people/groups pose as journalists to set you/us up.
Don’t make the same mistake that Christopher made – resist the big urge to “Get on TV”.
Excellent advice, Senor Yack Ryans. I think Cantwell’s biggest mistake was allowing that weird looking jewess from VICE to follow him around and then showing her his gun collection. Never speak to cops or reporters.