Mfw I get banned #MyFirstTweet pic.twitter.com/VlmFIbAwhe
— V?I?O?L?E?T? (@dxiefrau) March 26, 2019
I’m going to appeal to self interest for once.
It was a terrible idea for Big Tech to put the ADL and SPLC in charge of censoring social media who are giving the SJWs a free pass to whip up outrage mobs. This was all a huge overreaction to a single election and Big Tech should return to supporting Enlightenment values.
Here’s what I recently wrote in the 14 Points of 3.0:
“The Alt-Right never had a clear cultural message. The message should have been that political correctness is a terrible operating system for our society. It is a cultural virus that divides and inflames the body politic. It pits groups against each other. It is wholly a negative, diabolical force in our society and the True Faith is propped up by disciplinary institutions like the SPLC and ADL, SJWs in academia, Antifa at the street level and Journofa in the media with their heretics list.
We should think of ourselves as reformers like, say, Martin Luther or John Calvin or Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit Order. The problem is political correctness and our message is that we should get rid of it. We can replace it with the finest wines of Western civilization: the virtue ethics of Aristotle and classical Antiquity, the Christian faith which was once the bedrock of our common culture and the values of the Enlightenment such as free speech, tolerance and reason. We should contrast our moderation with the bigotry and fanaticism of the zealots who oppose our message of reform.
These people have mistaken politics for ethics. A common morality reconciles people of different points of view. It is positive as opposed to negative. It stimulates love instead of hatred. I think smart people are beginning to recognize that political correctness has poisoned our discourse. It has made countless issues toxic and nearly impossible for Americans to talk about anymore.
I shouldn’t have to tell you that Pittsburgh and New Zealand is what happens under our current absurd moral system. Catholicism was a better moral system even when it abused indulgences. Protestantism was a better moral system because it eliminated the middle man between the individual and God. Political correctness, however, simply damns the “sinner” to Purgatory in this world until he self detonates in a mass shooting because he sees no other way out of it. …”
Don’t believe me? Just listen to the SJW fundamentalists on Twitter. They live out their entire lives in a perpetual state of outrage over the most absurd things. They are the ones who are intolerant. They are the ones who are witch hunting fanatics. They are the ones who are self righteous bigots.
I’ve been studying the Reformation and Enlightenment over the past few months.
Do you know what? I kind of like free speech. I like individual liberty. I really like reason and tolerance. I don’t really like fanaticism and enthusiasm. Luther condemned them as Schwärmer. Voltaire mocked the bigots. There is NO ONE more bigoted in American politics than SJWs.
We’re going to start attacking them in an entirely different way now.
The vast majority of the country wants to exorcise this demon and its toxic division from our culture. There are a lot of interests that have a stake in this.
“A Scanner Darkly” is both a great Philip K. Dick novel and movie starring Keanu Reeves.
How do I cope with Semitical Correctness? By reintroducing “inappropriate” words such as Negro, Oriental and Homosexual into everyday discourse. Most people I encounter seem to have no problem with it.
I find the most infuriating people online are not the jews, niggers or shitlibs, it’s those #MAGA morons and #Q tards, most of whom are Babby Boomers. Jim Goad is just about the only person over 55 who is worth following online.
“Just listen to the SJW fundamentalists on Twitter. They live out their entire lives in a perpetual state of outrage over the most absurd things. They are the ones who are intolerant. They are the ones who are witch hunting fanatics. They are the ones who are self righteous bigots.”
HW, consider for a moment where this refuse learned this manner of thinking… from the heirs of the Pharisees.
Jews are guilty- always