“The U.S. is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to “send a clear and unmistakable message” to Iran, National Security Advisor John Bolton said Sunday night.
“In response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings, the United States is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the U.S. Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”
— John Bolton statement
Why it matters: A defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AP the strike group was deployed after “clear indications” that Iran, along with its proxy forces, was preparing to possibly attack U.S. forces in the region. The move is an escalation of action against Iran. The Trump administration has been working to starve the Iranian regime of cash and chill the country’s growth, per Axios’ Jonathan Swan. …”
Meanwhile, we have to take a break from looking at future technologies to return to our current programming of dumb Boomer Christian Zionist politics:
Trump’s next moves to tank the Iranian economy https://t.co/sajVwBdeCB— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) May 5, 2019
BREAKING: Statement from the National Security Advisor John Bolton: pic.twitter.com/sGm0NYOgbe— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 6, 2019
The White House announced that the U.S. was sending an aircraft carrier strike group and Air Force bombers to the Middle East because of “troubling and escalatory indications and warnings” related to Iran https://t.co/icdXOFiUdj— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 6, 2019
The US says it’s sending a message to Iran by deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the Middle East. https://t.co/X6kFWdtPz4— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) May 6, 2019
16 Palestinians, including a toddler, were killed by the IDF and Shapiro launches into a giant screed about how jewish people are victims of “anti-semitism.”
Literal “cries out in pain as he strikes you.” pic.twitter.com/7cDRS8uvvy— Will Westcott (@westland_will) May 5, 2019
He’s not looking into it. It’s just a done deal when it is Israel, https://t.co/DZHNoNfKtC— Ulfric (@Ulfric74) May 6, 2019
#Pompeo: #Trump has ‘full range’ of powers to intervene #Venezuela at willhttps://t.co/PcZeAu7nDr pic.twitter.com/eftLRSA1na— RT (@RT_com) May 6, 2019
Do you see this?
This is why I have no time anymore for the conservatives and lolbertarians who come to this website and tell me that our movement HAS TO BE aligned with the interests of the Republican Party and Conservatism, Inc. For years, we’ve been told that White identity politics requires populists to set aside our views on economics in order to line up behind conservatives at the ballot box. Just set aside student loan debt, health care, taxes and all that stuff because of the GOP’s “position” on immigration.
The good of the White race requires us to line up behind Blompf and MIGA 2020 and to support a Democrat over the Republican … well, that’s just treason. It’s unthinkable mainly because immigration and a dozen or so of these other “social issues” that the GOP trots out during campaign season only to forget about while in office as it scrambles to “fight anti-Semitism” in like two dozen different ways while it goes about fulfilling its customary duty to always serve the interests of Israel.
There came a point where I was like, no, I am not going to sit here and get conned again by all these conservatives in the movement. I know better than these people because I have been watching these con artists for years and I know how they operate. Case in point, I said during the 2018 election cycle that Blompf and the GOP were conning everyone by pretending to care about Antifa and social media censorship and ending birthright citizenship and all the fake “social issues” the GOP ran on through all of last summer which I said would be tossed out the window after the election was over.
Guess what happened after the election? The GOP Senate voted against building the border wall and withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan. It has demanded that Blompf end his steel tariffs or else it will block the USMCA treaty that he negotiated to replace NAFTA. It has already threatened to kill the $2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that Blompf has been talking about. It passed the anti-BDS bill for Israel. It passed criminal justice reform for the Koch Brothers. Mike Pompeo and others had Julian Assange arrested and now these neocons are threatening to invade Iran and Venezuela.
I will never again vote for the GOP on the basis of FAKE POSITIONS on social issues like immigration or political correctness or abortion that have NO CORRESPONDENCE WHATSOEVER to its actions, its priorities and its real legislative agenda. It is beyond clear to me what the GOP really cares about is things like bullying Iran on behalf of Israel while our border collapses as it jumps up in the air with its pom poms cheering our economy while record numbers of White people are committing suicide.
/ mic drop
Note: Andrew Anglin agrees that even Jeb! may have been the better choice.
The only country they care about is Israel.
“I will never again vote for the GOP on the basis of FAKE POSITIONS on social issues like immigration or political correctness or abortion that have NO CORRESPONDENCE WHATSOEVER to its actions, its priorities and its real legislative agenda. It is beyond clear to me what the GOP really cares about is things like bullying Iran on behalf of Israel while our border collapses as it jumps up in the air with its pom poms cheering our economy while record numbers of White people are committing suicide.”
That is exactly how my sons feel and will be voting in the 2020 election. The GOP definitely have a problem on their hands. The boomers want war and the zoomers don’t.
War with Iran has been the end goal since the Iranian revolution. I do believe such an action would invoke total war in the region.
If Trump wins election we will be in a war with Iran his second term! Tulsi Gabbard is looking better and better.
“If Trump wins election we will be in a war with Iran his second term! Tulsi Gabbard is looking better and better.”
No matter who wins the election, we’re still going to war with Iran. That’s what the Jews want.
I’m done shilling against war. Accelerate 6.0
Let the jew unmask itself for the world to finally snuff it the fuck out.
I agree 100%. The GOP screws the base over all of the time, and has been doing so for how many decades? Their SOLE function is to serve and obey Israel. I can’t support this at all. The Dems are Anti White – but at least they are honest.
I’ll only be voting in local elections for God knows how long, if not til the End of Days.
“The U.S. is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln”
Appropriately named ship. These characters have a long history of starting wars with ships involved in various scenarios.
“Operation Zionist Shield” should be the code name for this latest bullying of Israel’s supposed enemies.
Blompf must be not serve a second term as Commander in chief of the arsenal of Zionism. He and his (((neoconservative))) advisers will undoubtably launch a major war in Middle East, especially when Blompf is a lame duck.
So our overlords really expect us to believe that Iran is preparing an attack on American forces? That certainly would be quite convenient for (((them))).
Like I’ve been saying, the GOP will never be a pro-white party. It’s third party or nothing. It can be done. We need to start now. There needs to be an openly white nationalist candidate in 2020 with a party. We already have the American Freedom Party. Let’s get a candidate now.