The Trump administration and the conservative movement wants you to know that it is taking chronic Antifa violence very seriously.
They are so serious about it that the Blompf DOJ prosecuted the Rise Above Movement for getting ambushed in Charlottesville. How many Antifa has the Blompf DOJ gone after? Not a single one. Not one single Antifa that has rioted over the course of two and a half years. Instead, the GOP has exclusively singled out White Nationalism for condemnation three times.
“Benjamin Daley, Michael Miselis and Thomas Gillen were all members of the now-defunct organization called the Rise Above Movement, which was based in California.
They were sentenced Friday in the U.S. District Court in Charlottesville on riot charges connected with the Unite the Right rally and other political rallies in California.
Daley, one of the founders of RAM, was sentenced to just over three years in prison.
Gillen was sentenced to 33 months while Miselis was sentenced to 27 months.
Each man had previously pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to riot charge. …”
“These defendants, motivated by hateful ideology, incited and committed acts of violence in Charlottesville, as well at other purported political rallies in California,” said U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen. “They were not interested in peaceful protest or lawful First Amendment expression. Instead, they intended to provoke and engage in street battles with those that they perceived as their enemies.”
Where is Blompf on this?
He has more important matters to address like …
Just spoke to @KanyeWest about his friend A$AP Rocky’s incarceration. I will be calling the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden to see what we can do about helping A$AP Rocky. So many people would like to see this quickly resolved!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2019
President Trump: “I personally don’t know A$AP Rocky but I can tell you he has tremendous support from the African American community in this country. When I say African American, I think I can really say from everybody in this country n/c we’re all one.” https://t.co/GCjjZTJ9fn pic.twitter.com/krhJAX4DIM
— The Hill (@thehill) July 19, 2019
Thank you @realDonaldTrump , @SecPompeo, Jared Kushner & everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated ???? https://t.co/Ym1Rzo5Z6c
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) July 18, 2019
— Grillllin (@GrillinGhonks) July 19, 2019
Even after all of this, there will be some people who will go crawling back to Blompf and the GOP and rationalize Kim Kardashian and the cause of A$AP Rocky being worthy of the attention of the president. Just remember that these people got criminal justice reform and RAM exchanged places with them in prison because we don’t have connections to Jared Kushner.
Nothing new about the federal government stabbing white people in the back. The federal government is full of traitors.
Potato eater Hannity and all the other brain damaged boomers will still have Blompf’s back.
Republican congress support the Antifa with the resolution they passed condemned pro white rally and forced Trump to sign it.Remember, Trump at least made an effort when he said there are fine people on both sides which is driving the main stream media nuts.
Boomer con skipper, all us yunguns thank you for yur wisdom …. “Trump at least …. ”
MIGA! Send them back … oh wait, the Orange Potato said I shouldn’t say that.
Trump backtracked on the ‘good people on both sides ” a week or two later on the BBC. Oh– and by the way, there were NO good people on the anti-White side !!
I’d never heard of the ASAP subhuman until the above video. Trump throwing his weight around on hyper-signal for that Bkack degenerate filth? ?!!
Your president is a piece of sh#t.
“Your president is a piece of sh#t.” … yes, but he is 100% rabbe certified, kosher sh*t
I would not be surprised to find out, after he is dead, that the ole’ orange potatus Blompf has a parve K inside a circle tattoo on his flabby left a$$ cheek … it’s probably required to share Jared’s bed.
Would the Feds target our Founding Father’s with Sedition and conspiracy to riot if they were alive today? This country was founded on those ideals. Our Founding Father’s believed in bullets before the ballot. You can’t vote your way out of a predicament when a (((Tyrant))) is in charge. US Attorney Thomas Cullen is a cuck and a traitor of the white race. Apparently, his Jewish masters pay rather handsomely. I believe we should organize a protest outside his office. If Mr.Cullen interferes with our civil rights it’ll be a Federal felony. We shall acquaint him with US code title 18-sections 241&242.
Those founders who got caught ended up in the hold of a prison ship:https://historythings.com/gruesome-revolutionary-prison/
Not very long ago, well within living memory this guy and his friends would have been locked up on public morals charges and committed to a state mental institution, where they belong.
I guess criminal justice reform means Hollywood degenerates get to vote on who gets away with crimes and who doesn’t. I’ve got a news flash for DJT: He can release ALL the colored people from jail no matter what crimes they have committed and he will still lose bigly the colored vote. He will still be called racist no matter what he does, they hate him anyway. All he is doing is slowly alienating his white supporters.
If you’re white, and don’t like the multicultural system, don’t announce your protests or other public actions. We’re now the guerillas having to emerge from underground to make our points. Get in, get out, keep quiet. The law is against us, along with all the press and politicians. Be smart.
In order words … Hey whitey, learn a thing or two from Charlie and the Muj.
Without the willingness to sacrifice comrades by the bushel load, yes. I’m not thinking of deadly violence in particular, but indirect tactics in general. No one has to be there when the punchline to the joke is delivered, for example. (Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.)
Swim with the fishes
Yet more proof that our biggest enemies aren’t the jews or their pet schvartzes, it’s other white people, esp. those who serve ZOG.
No amount of virtue-signaling will get trump more than 10-15 percent of the black vote come next november. The negroes are highly tribal, and most of them who are rejecting the democrat party only do so because they are at the back of the democrat party’s grievance line now, and the lgbts and illegals are at the front.
Boomers and other confused whites give these apes too much benefit of the doubt. Only a fool would believe that the average, everyday street black has the same vision for america that trump-supporting whites have. Most negroes are lazy opportunists who only care about the gibs me dats, reparashuns and getting away with TNB, nothing else.
Found this on the internet:
List [650 listed] of Antifa Members at Charlottesville. Why haven’t they been locked up along with Hillary yet? (You mean she hasn’t) They were the ones that caused the violence. They told the “peaceful” ones who were locking arms to try to prevent the UTR from entering the park that they would back them up. Antifa and BLM were the ones who stepped in and made a fight out of just entering the park that the UTR had a permit for.
Posted by Curt Doolittle Categories Uncategorized Date April 11, 2018 Comments 3 comments
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
1. Lacy MacAuley (Leader): Washington, DC
*2. Daryle Lamont Jenkins (Leader): Philly, PA
3. Spencer George Sunshine (Leader): Brooklyn, NY
*4. John Michael Carico (Leader): Chattanooga, TN
*5. Renee Campbell Hall [INJURED]: Chattanooga, TN
*6. Alexander Stokes Contompasis AKA Alex Stokes (Leader): Albany, NY
7. Nicolas “Nic” Roy McCarthy-Rivera (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
8. Andrew Gil Mayton (Leader): Baltimore, MD
*9. Alexandra Shiflett: Bel Air, MD
*10. Cameron Rines: Severna Park, MD
11. Kelly Dietrich: Baltimore, MD
*12. Sean Gerwing Liter (Leader): Louisville, KY
13. Holly McGlawn-Zoller (Leader) [INJURED]: Louisville, KY
*14. Brent Vincent Betterly: Chicago, IL
*15. William Cory Lovell/William Corey Lovell/Corey Lovell: Chicago, IL
16. Jason Charter (Leader): Gaithersburg, MD
*17. Kyle Benjamin Wright (Leader): Chantilly, VA
*18. Rachel “Roody” Michelle Myles: Manassas, VA
19. Shiquan Rah Jackson (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
*20. Deandre Shakur Harris (ASH Seven Hills Antifa) [INJURED] [ARRESTED]: Suffolk, VA
*21. Corey Alexander Long (Flamethrower) [ARRESTED]: Culpeper, VA
22. Vonte “Vonzz” Long: Charlottesville, VA
*23. Charles Allen Howard Jr. AKA Bear Allen: Baltimore, MD
*24. Wyatt Reed: Elliston, VA
25. Lena Marie Seville: Charlottesville, VA
*26. Troy Thomas Dunigan [CONVICTED]: Chattanooga, TN
*27. Jacob Leigh Smith [CONVICTED]: Louisa, VA
*28. Jeff Fogel (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
29. Lara Rogers: Charlottesville, VA
*30. Edgar Brandon Collins [CONVICTED]: Charlottesville, VA
*31. Alec Summerfield (Leader): Maryland
*32. Dan Nguyen: Maryland
33. Jesse Schultz
34. Glenn Cantave: New York City, NY
*35. Hawk Newsome (Leader): New York City, NY
36. Medea Benjamin/Susan Benjamin (Leader): Washington, DC
37. Tighe Barry (Leader): Washington, DC
*38. Antonio “Tony” Wells: Charlottesville, VA
39. Evan “Hen” Henderson: Charlottesville, VA
40. Jay Scott: Waynesboro, VA
41. Cornel West (Leader)
42. Wednesday Allie Vulpes Bowie (ASH Seven Hills Antifa) [INJURED]
43. Marcus Martin [INJURED]: Lovingston, VA
44. Marissa K Blair
45. Courtney Leigh Commander: Charlottesville, VA
46. Nicholas Feggans: Charlottesville, VA
47. Jon Ziegler AKA Rebelutionary Z: Montrose, PA
48. Jake Westly Anderson (Renegade Media)
49. Bill Burke (International Socialist Organization: Athens, OH) [INJURED]: Hockingport, Ohio
50. Jack Basile
51. Natalie Romero [INJURED]
52. Devin Willis: Charlottesville, VA
53. Claire Millicent Wyatt: Washington, DC
*54. George Steppe: Charlottesville, VA
55. Joshua Lopez: New York City, NY
56. Michael Nigro
57. Abdul Aziz
58. Kim Cookemboo/Kim Ottensmeyer
*59. Sara Michel Tansey: Charlottesville, VA
60. Tom Perriello
61. Mitchell Elmo Fryer/Mitchell Lewis
62. Gabriel Komisar
63. David Cole
64. Cody Von Kradz
65. Lee Patterson: Baltimore, MD
66. Ed Hunt
67. Stuart D Leitch: Charlottesville, VA
68. Sandi Bachom [INJURED]
69. Kelly Carson: Richmond, VA
70. Bernadette Christopher Morrell Karpf: Philadelphia, PA
71. Sarah Delaney: Harrisonburg, VA
72. Jay Tubb
73. Brandy Gonzalez
74. Brianna Herrera/Emma Kaplan (Leader): Brooklyn, NY
75. Lisa Moore
76. Cora Schenberg
*77. Kyle Reedy: Washington, DC
78. David Vaughn Straughn: Charlottesville, VA
79. Zach D Roberts
80. Brittany Caine-Conley (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
81. Claudene “Deane” Oliva (Leader): Bowling Green, KY
82. Blake Montgomery
83. Kim Michetti Rolla (Leader): Richmond, VA
84. Elspeth Reeve
85. Osagyefo Sekou (Leader): St. Louis, MO
86. José Angel Romero (Leader): Durham, NC
*87. Daniel Barak Fargason AKA Owsi MacFearchar AKA Ötzi MacFearchar: Richmond, VA
88. Weston Gobar: Charlottesville, VA
89. Aryn A. Frazier
90. Isabella Ciambotti: Charlottesville, VA
91. Colleen Cook
*92. Chance Hayes/Zecharia Hayes: Spotsylvania, VA
93. Sandy Miller
94. Kasey Kelly Landrum
95. Shay Horse
*96. Kim Marie Kelly (Leader): New York City, NY
97. Theodore Edward Whitelow: Harrisonburg, VA
98. Nathaniel “Nate” Chase (Leader): New York City, NY
*99. Nupol Kiazolu: New York City, NY
100. Taryn Fivek (Leader): New York City, NY
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
101. Ed Zavada: Austin, TX
102. Timothy Porter: Charlottesville, VA
103. Tyler Magill: Charlottesville, VA
*104. Jeffrey Matthew Winder [CONVICTED]: Charlottesville, VA
*105. Kenneth Robert Litzenberger [ARRESTED]: Charlottesville, VA
*106. Phoebe LaFroy Stevens [CONVICTED]: Charlottesville, VA
107. Edward “Emily Florence” Gorcenski: Charlottesville, VA
108. Amanda Patrice Moore AKA Nita-Lynn Patrice: New York City, NY
*109. Jermaine Soo-Tim: New York City, NY
110. Brandon J Taylor: Hampton, NJ
111. Seth Wispelwey: Charlottesville, VA
112. Nikuyah Walker (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
113. Heather Kidd: Shipman, VA
114. Gretchen Burgess: Charlottesville, VA
*115. Tom Keenan (Leader)
*116. Gregory Southall Williams (Leader): Durham, NC
117. Megan Squire (Leader): Gibsonville, NC
118. Anthony “Tony” Crider
119. Beth Reid: Richmond, VA
120. Greyson Goodenow
121. Sally Rose: Charlottesville, VA
122. Laura Albert: Charlottesville, VA
123. Brian Wimer: Charlottesville, VA
124. Alex Rubinstein
125. Erin A Corbett: Brooklyn, NY
*126. Corey Lee Lemley (Leader) (Dates Giovanna Angelina Romkee): Nashville, TN
127. Marvin Leterrius Spencer III: Sherwood, AR
*128. Kristopher Cheney Goad: Richmond, VA
129. Jonathan Taylor Canfield
*130. Caleb Michael Burroughs: Macon, NC
131. Kendall Jennifer Bills: Charlottesville, VA
132. Loren Danielle Oliver-Balerna (Dates Jacob Leigh Smith): Louisa, VA
133. Jeanne Marie Peterson(Stevens) AKA Star Lucinda [INJURED]: Charlottesville, VA
134. Christopher Thomas Schiano (Unicorn Riot)
135. Wendy Parker (Unicorn Riot)
136. Pat Boyle (Unicorn Riot)
137. Daniel Hosterman: Durham, NC
138. Alec R Hosterman: Farmville, VA
139. Lillian Dana Prosperino: Whitesburg, KY
140. Kaitlyn “Kait” Dugan
141. Brandy Daniels: Charlottesville, VA
142. Alexandra “Alexa” Michelle Stott: Raleigh, NC
143. Gretchen Honnold
144. Korla Masters
145. Heather Wilson
146. Brennan Gilmore
*147. Mik Plungis: Catonsville, MD
*148. Julia Bates: Takoma Park, MD
149. Jack Vaughan: Takoma Park, MD
*150. William Healy: Maryland
151. Sylvan Miller: Charlottesville, VA
*152. Paul Minton
153. Frances Richards: Charlottesville, VA
154. Chelsea Marie Stabler AKA Chelsea Marie Melanthios: Charlottesville, VA
155. Mark Aloysious Strandquist: Richmond, VA
156. Courtney Bowles: Philadelphia, PA
157. Damani Harrison: Charlottesville, VA
158. Michael Green: Charlottesville, VA
159. Rosia Parker: Charlottesville, VA
160. Jeanne Pupke: Richmond, VA
161. Eze Amos: Charlottesville, VA
162. Brent Combs: Washington, DC
163. Jamie Dyer
164. Andrew Shurtleff: Charlottesville, VA
165. Jason Espie: Charlottesville, VA
166. Alice Beecher: Whitesburg, KY
167. Laura Cross: Charlottesville, VA
168. Héctor E Alcalá
169. Mark Tinkleman: Philadelphia, PA
170. Brian D McLaren
171. Jeffrey C Pugh
172. Bob Gibson: Charlottesville, VA
173. Jackson Landers: Charlottesville, VA
174. Brian “Cricket” Rakita: Louisa, VA
175. Sean Tubbs: Charlottesville, VA
176. Jay McNeal
177. Mostafa Bassim Adly
178. Michael Fitts
179. Katherine Sigman
180. Mark Ludak: Lambertville, NJ
181. Samuel Corum: Washington, DC
182. Claire-Marie Brisson
183. Evan Nesterak: Charlottesville, VA
184. John Neavear
185. Bob Rodgers: Richmond, VA
186. Jack Smith IV: New York City, NY
187. Kim Kelley-Wagner: Charlottesville, VA
188. Wes Bellamy: Charlottesville, VA
189. Andrew Batcher: Washington, DC
190. Phillip Igyarto: Springfield, VA
191. Jocelyn Prostko
192. Jacob Bonham AKA Aurora Powell: Charlottesville, VA
193. Pete Deer: Charlottesville, VA
194. Stephen “Steveo” Lamont Betties: Charlottesville, VA
195. Brian Shepherd: Louisa, VA
*196. Tim “Sauce” Brown: Charlottesville, VA
197. Don Diego
198. Baynard Woods
199. Brandon Soderberg
200. Hamilton Matthew Masters/Matt Masters
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
201. Jason C Andrew
202. Tobias Wolf
203. Morgan Hopkins AKA Morgan Freegan
204. Hawes Spencer: Charlottesville, VA
*205. Jordan McNeish
206. John Zangas: Washington, DC
207. Pat Jarrett
208. Laura Sennett
*209. Connor Hicks Douglas: New York City, NY
*210. Caleb Gibrahn Perkins: New York City, NY
211. Michael Gould-Wartofsky: New York City, NY
*212. Chandler William Coates: Louisville, KY
213. Elizabeth Ann Sines
214. Leanne Chia
215. Ian Frank
216. William Nix AKA Maddie Boyd Nix AKA Madeline Hatter: Chattanooga, TN
*217. Jeanette Hoppe Burleigh: Lebanon, OH
218. Charles Edward Robb: Louisville, KY
*219. Sam Schafer: Louisville, KY
220. Samantha Peacoe/Samantha Peace: Charlottesville, VA
221. Jordon Rooney: Pittsburgh, PA
222. Dave Wright: Pittsburgh, PA
223. Otis Harrison: Staunton, VA
224. Dom Bowman: Norfolk, VA
225. Andrew Kimmel
226. Mario Benabe: Bronx, NY
227. Sally Louise Gallagher Swope: Charlottesville, VA
228. Jessica Jude: Durham, NC
229. Joshua Eaton
230. Robert King/Bobby King: Indianapolis, IN
231. Alan Pyke
232. Marisa Holmes (Leader): New York City, NY
233. Robert John Winant: Philadelphia, PA
234. Celeste O’Connor: Maryland
*235. Anthony White: Chicago, IL
236. Carl Dix (Leader)
237. Dan Gottlieb
238. Tadrint “Tay” R. Washington: Charlottesville, VA [INJURED]
239. Constance Paige [INJURED]
240. Jason Wilson: Portland, OR
241. Lana J Heath de Martínez
242. Christopher Tweel
243. Lee Marc White: Charlottesville, VA
244. Brady Earnhart: Charlottesville, VA
245. Delores Rocha Chadwick: Charlottesville, VA
*246. Lindsey Elizabeth Moers: Philadelphia, PA
*247. Shawn Menne: Moorestown, NJ/Philadelphia, PA
248. Vanessa Bolin
249. Beth Alexander
250. Kelly Murphy
251. Kali Cichon
252. Anthony Riondino: New Brunswick, NJ
253. Jason Peterson
*254. Charles “Chuck” Modiano
255. Ian Reid
256. Kat McNeal
257. Melissa Thomas McKenney: Richmond, VA
258. Phil Wilayto: Richmond, VA
259. Alexandra Cope: Lynchburg, VA/Portland, OR
260. Riley McCarthy Bigg
261. Leila Chipowicz
262. Doug Eddy: Charlottesville, VA
263. Caris Adel: Charlottesville, VA
264. David L R Hoover: Norfolk, VA
265. Kim Bobo: Richmond, VA
266. Landon Shroder
267. Jason Lappa: Charlottesville, VA
268. Allison MacEwen
269. Charles Rasputin: Norfolk, VA
270. Brendan Orsinger (Leader): Washington, DC
271. Debra Zervas: Norfolk, VA
272. Craig Eastman
*273. Sean Golash (Leader): Washington, DC
274. Colleen Amelia Sharp: Durham, NC
275. Matteus Frankovich: Charlottesville, VA
276. Alan Goffinski: Charlottesville, VA
277. Beñat Quartararo: Raleigh, NC
278. Quamia Dennis: Charlottesville, VA
279. Austin Gonzalez (Leader): Richmond, VA
280. Joe Heim: Washington, DC
281. Tracye Prince DeSon: Washington, DC
282. Julie Van: Washington, DC
283. Donna Gasapo
284. Daniel Shular
285. Logan Rimel: Berkeley, CA
286. Arlo Millich: Charlottesville, VA
287. Sapphyre Miria: Louisa, VA
*288. Edmund Frost (Leader): Louisa, VA
289. Mark Groeneveld
290. Ruth van Veenendaal: Pitman, NJ
291. Bill Engler: Williamstown, NJ
292. Dianne Deming Bearinger: Charlottesville, VA
293. Mariah Connie Dean: Charlottesville, VA
294. Katie Spencer White: Charlottesville, VA
295. David Hunter
296. Alexandra Kedrock: Charlottesville, VA
297. Kristin Adolfson
298. Eleanor Goldfield
299. Mardokai Russom: Rockville, MD
300. Laurel Hoa
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
301. Reagan Greenfield: Charlottesville, VA
302. Kendall King-Sellars: Richmond, VA
*303. Stephen Lemons: Phoenix, AZ
304. Stuart Holme: Charlottesville, VA
305. Jeni Crockett-Holme: Charlottesville, VA
306. Allison Wilkie: Keswick, VA
307. James C Werner
308. Douglas Robert Niven
309. Caroline Polk: Charlottesville, VA
310. Russell Richards: Charlottesville, VA
311. Jennifer Lewis
312. JoAnn Cunningham Tigert
313. Patty Nourse Culbertson
314. Pam Gibson
315. Douglas Turner Day: Waynesboro, VA
316. Mary Manning Stewart: Charlottesville, VA
317. Kate Sedgwick Davidson
318. Ethan Lipscomb: Charlottesville, VA
319. Matt Turner
320. Stephen Barling: Charlottesville, VA
*321. Shane Davidson
322. Traci Blackmon: St. Louis, MO
323. Micah Washington: Charlottesville, VA [INJURED]
324. Ken E Nwadike Jr.
325. Alex Bower: Charlottesville, VA
326. Shadell Hughes: Charlottesville, VA
327. Jordy Yager
328. Dave Norris (Former Charlottesville Mayor): Charlottesville, VA
329. Natalie Brinton Krovetz: Charlottesville, VA
330. Jill Duffield: Charlottesville, VA
331. Kristina Korobeynikova: Louisa, VA
332. AD Carson: Charlottesville, VA
333. Meredith Rose: Charlottesville, VA
334. Kyle Rose: Charlottesville, VA
335. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza
*336. Don Gathers: Charlottesville, VA
337. John Stanmeyer
338. Phil Woodson: Charlottesville, VA
339. Linda Peebles
340. Max Hess
341. Elaine Ellis Thomas: Charlottesville, VA
342. Shannon Sherwood Johnston
343. Jo Belser: Alexandria, VA
344. Melanie Mullen: Washington, DC
345. Theresa Lewallen: Alexandria, VA
346. Bernard Cayce Ramey
347. Walter Heinecke: Charlottesville, VA
348. Allen Groves
349. John R Penley: New York, NY
350. Brenda “Bee” Lambert
351. Sandy Hausman
352. Eric Cortellessa
353. Joe LoCascio
354. Brenda Brown-Grooms: Charlottesville, VA
355. Matthew Hatcher: Columbus, OH
356. Seth Herald
357. Megan Jelinger: Lima, OH
358. Sylwia Siemion: New York, NY
359. Aaron Cohen: Brooklyn, NY
360. Hawkins Dale: Charlottesville, VA
*361. Lucha Bright: Chicago, IL
362. Aaron Thomas
363. Charlie Gilliam: Charlottesville, VA
364. Anne Meng: Charlottesville, VA
365. Dolly Joseph
366. Kristen Wilson Pingry
367. Bill Gohl: Baltimore, MD
368. Kim Triplett
369. James Mauney: Salem, VA
370. Lura N Groen
371. Noah C Goodwin AKA Noah St Jacques
372. Monica Painter Martin
373. Rachel Gilmore: Virginia Beach, VA
374. Irma Heppner Mahone: Charlottesville, VA
375. Robbie Hott: Charlottesville, VA
376. Patricia Rowley Hott: Charlottesville, VA
377. Radcliffe “Ruddy” Roye
378. Antonio Mitchell
379. Sherin Nowrouz
380. Chaimaa Oualia: Woodbridge, VA
381. Sophie Schectman [INJURED]
382. Rebecca Schectman
383. George Curbelo (Traitor)
384. Dave Bruton: Charlottesville, VA
385. Maria Cristina Trutanich: Winston-Salem, NC/Long Beach, CA
386. Matthew Donald Casella: Greensboro, NC
387. Lindsay Kate Caesar: Greensboro, NC
388. Kathy Shearer: Emory, VA
389. Rees Shearer: Emory, VA
390. Kristin Layng Szakos: Charlottesville, VA
391. Robert Creigh Deeds: Hot Springs, VA
392. Robin Kunkel: Lexington, KY
393. Gabe Cavallaro: Waynesboro, VA
394. Peter Moskowitz: New York, NY
395. Jalane Schmidt: Charlottesville, VA
396. Ned Oliver: Richmond, VA
397. Jackie Kruszewski: Richmond, VA
398. Ryan M Kelly: Richmond, VA
399. Chenjerai Kumanyika: Philadelphia, PA
400. Saadiqa Kumanyika: Philadelphia, PA
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
401. Zoe Spellman/Zoe McDowell: Charlottesville, VA
402. Meredith Sam O’Leary: Charlottesville, VA
403. David Freeman: Silk Hope, NC
404. Winnie Varghese: New York, NY
405. Laura Saunders
406. Jamie Ballinger: Charlottesville, VA
407. Samantha Towett: Charlottesville, VA
408. Elizabeth Hancock: Charlottesville, VA
409. Devin Gentry: Charlottesville, VA
*410. Joseph Culver
411. Aaliyah Jones
412. Candice Maupin: Charlottesville, VA
413. Jacobie Artasia Maupin: Charlottesville, VA
414. Jonasia Maupin: Charlottesville, VA
415. Casey Ian Patchell
416. CJ Hunt
417. Mitchell Kordella: Richmond, VA
418. Michael Shallal: Washington, DC
419. Victor Thorp
*420. Nicholas “Nic” Evan Smith (Leader): Roanoke, VA
421. Juliana Colette
422. Benjamin Gray
423. Eva Pilgrim
424. Bo Erickson
425. Preston Willett
*426. John Andrew “Andy” Mulligan: Perkasie, PA
*427. Caeden Famiglio: Philadelphia, PA
428. Blair Sydnor Flynn
429. Anej Rendrag: Richmond, VA
430. Bessie Mae Hutt
431. Sheila Blackford: Charlottesville, VA
432. Tim Dodson: Charlottesville, VA
433. Adam Slate: Charlottesville, VA
434. Robert D Lewis: Charlottesville, VA
435. Bethney Foster
436. Bonnie Louise: Des Moines, IA
437. Bryan C Mann: Jamaica Plain, MA
438. Lisa Sharon Harper: Washington, DC
439. Carlton Elliott Smith: Holly Springs, MS
440. Susan Frederick-Gray
441. Sahar Alsahlani: New York, NY
442. Adam King
443. Marguerite Gallorini: Charlottesville, VA
444. Mary A Braden: Baltimore, MD
445. Alethea Leventhal: Charlottesville, VA
446. Scott Marzano: Charlottesville, VA
447. Paul Beyer: Charlottesville, VA
448. Gene Osborn: Charlottesville, VA
449. Garrett Trent: Charlottesville, VA
450. Kirk Conard
451. Jeffrey P Mickle
452. Forrest Swope: Charlottesville, VA
453. Christopher Mathias: New York, NY
454. Ronald Bailey: Washington, DC
*455. Dwayne Emil Dixon: Durham, NC
456. Ben Sherman: Lexington, KY
*457. Maya Malika: Chicago, IL
458. Ari Daniels: Charlottesville, VA
459. Chris Suarez: Charlottesville, VA
460. Lauren Berg: Charlottesville, VA
461. Eberhard Jehle: Charlottesville, VA
462. Joel M Gunter: London, England, UK
463. Sara Flounders
*464. Ronaldo Jahman Dixon: Morgantown, WV
465. Stephen D Melkisethian: Bethesda, MD
466. Rafael E Justo
467. Karla Ann Coté
*468. Jennifer “Kittie” Sobolowski/Jennifer “Kittie” Sobolewski/Jennifer Maria Sobolewski (Baked Sprayer GF/Spencer Sunshine GF/EX!): Jackson Heights, Queens, NY
469. Glenna Gordon
470. Christian W McMillen: Charlottesville, VA
471. Gary Powell: Charlottesville, VA
472. Jasmine Turner
473. Susan Melkisethian
474. Raman Pfaff: Charlottesville, VA
475. Nathan Sheard
476. Jessica Lehrman
477. Allie Conti
478. Zach Caldwell
479. Montae Lamar Taylor: Richmond, VA
480. Tanesha Hudson: Charlottesville, VA
481. Jordan Green
482. Orlando de Guzman
483. Jeannette Candelario
484. Aneyssa Harris
485. Brandon Dudley
486. Nadia Owusu: Baltimore, MD
487. James Lewis: New York, NY
488. Jeannie Nelson
489. Matt Korbon: Charlottesville, VA
490. Sam Becker
491. Sarah Rankin
492. Alba Onofrio
493. Yazmeen Nuñez: Richmond, VA
494. Emily Kingsley
495. Haley W Douglass
496. Michael Douglass
497. Sarah Crisman: Alexandria, VA
498. Destiny D Aman: Alexandria, VA
499. Amanda Hendler-Voss: Dumfries, VA
500. Karen Murray Rivers/Karen E Rivers: Woodbridge, VA
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
501. Marina Brock: Richmond, VA
502. Melanie Monteclaro Pace: Charlottesville, VA
503. Terri Gerald: Charlottesville, VA
504. Andy B Campbell: New York, NY
505. Elizabeth Marfell
*506. Donald Blakney [ARRESTED]: Charlottesville, VA
507. Joseph Robert Mee AKA Joseph Cornelius Suttree
508. James Dean Seal: New York, NY
509. Christopher P Schulz
510. Christine Mihelcic
511. Taj Arya Leblanc
*512. Rourke Thomas Winder: Afton, VA
513. Rosemarie Harper: Afton, VA
514. Ryan Wender: Afton, VA
515. Melissa Wender: Charlottesville, VA
516. Blake Caravati: Charlottesville, VA
517. Luis Oyola: Charlottesville, VA
518. Michael Bruder
519. Stephen S Daniels: Charlottesville, VA
520. Andy Orban: Charlottesville, VA
521. Alan Box Levine: Charlottesville, VA
522. Jennifer Esser: Charlottesville, VA
523. Jeanine Bordeau
524. Ruis Owin Brown: Charlottesville, VA
525. Tess Yergin/Teresa Collier: Charlottesville, VA
526. Joseph “Joey” Fowler: Charlottesville, VA
527. Ava Elizabeth Collins: Charlottesville, VA
528. Morgan Kiesler: Charlottesville, VA
529. Michael Cary Bragg: Winston-Salem, NC
530. Henry Graff: Charlottesville, VA
531. Allison Wrabel: Charlottesville, VA
532. Roxanne Croft/Roxanne Barreto
*533. James Wilson: Carrboro, NC
534. John Rudoff: Portland, OR
535. Robyn Gurinsky Weatherford: Charlottesville, VA
536. Candi Richards: Richmond, VA
537. Marc Adams: Charlottesville, VA
538. Gina R Carroll: Waynesboro, VA
539. Bernard Dukes
540. Christopher Newman: Charlottesville, VA
541. Adam Luke Senecaut (Leader): Chapel Hill, NC
542. Trish Kahle: Greensboro, NC
543. Jennifer Walker: Charlottesville, VA
544. Corey R Miles: Blacksburg, VA
545. Thomas Burwell: Greensboro, NC
546. Rachel Samuels
547. Abdulelah Aljawarneh (Illegal Alien)
548. Alvin C Jacobs Jr.
549. Jabeen Akhtar
550. Craig Stanley
551. Eric Hurt
552. Dan Miller
553. Rebecca Edwards: Charlottesville, VA
554. Ben Doherty
555. Lisa Woolfork: Charlottesville, VA
556. J Herman Jones: Waynesboro, VA/Richmond, VA
557. Liz Goodwyn: Charlottesville, VA
558. Bryce Woodrell: Orange, VA
559. Luke Dahl: Charlottesville, VA
560. Megan Renfro: Charlottesville, VA
561. Rob T Scott: Charlottesville, VA
562. Laura Shumaker Drummond
563. Brittany Leach
564. Anisa Gray Garnett
565. Chance Drummond
566. John Kluge: Charlottesville, VA
567. Tammy Purcell: Louisa, VA
568. Rhys D Baker: Washington, DC
569. John W Last: Charlottesville, VA
570. Krista Moore
571. Xavier Torres de Janon: Philadelphia, PA
572. Melissa Bohl
573. Leigh Finnegan-Hosey: Washington, DC
574. Andy Stepanian: Laguna Beach, CA
575. Miranda Mossey: Salinas, CA
576. Luke Harms/Luca Charms: Charlottesville, VA
577. John D Copenhaver: Winchester, VA
578. Katrina Turner
579. Salem Pearce: Brooklyn, NY
580. Lizz Goldstein
581. Christina C DiPasquale: Washington, DC
582. Jareyah Bradley
583. Mimi Arbeit: Charlottesville, VA
584. Laura Goldblatt
585. Jenna Hochman
586. Jason Lambert: Roanoke, VA
587. Karen Castanes
*588. Jabari Brisport: Brooklyn, NY
589. Chris Dietrich
590. Emmetri Beane
591. David Curtis: Richmond, VA
592. Edu Bayer: Brooklyn, NY
593. Jeremy Jones: Charlottesville, VA
594. Lisa Jones/Lisa Anne: Charlottesville, VA
595. Richard A DeLoria
596. Bryce Hardy: Lynchburg, VA
597. Samuel Hardy: Lynchburg, VA
598. Mykal McEldowney
599. Melanie Jane Barnum: Charlottesville, VA
600. Mai Shurtleff/AniClair Grey: Charlottesville, VA
(to be continued)
List continued:
All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017(August 11 and 13 as well):
Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.
601. Suzanne Hall: Charlottesville, VA
602. Damonia Lee: Charlottesville, VA
603. Mike Barber: Charlottesville, VA
604. Ethan Malamud: Richmond, VA
605. Andy Hannas: Free Union, VA
606. Jacin Buchanan: Richmond, VA
607. Thomas Martinez Pilnik
608. Rachel Zaslow
609. Barbara Armacost: Charlottesville, VA
610. Kevin Cope
611. Mila Versteeg
612. Anne M Coughlin
613. Mark Langlet
614. Courtney Koelbel
615. Amanda Lineberry
616. Kate Duvall
617. Julia Davis
618. Sean C Davis
619. Lara Celeste Mack: Harrisonburg, VA
620. Aubtin Heydari [INJURED]: Harrisonburg, VA
621. Zach Williams: Harrisonburg, VA
622. Will Mullany
623. Judith Young
624. Bradford Karl Slocum
625. Josh Hebdon: Harrisonburg, VA
626. Darryl W Cross
627. Matthew O’Donnell
628. April Muñiz: Charlottesville, VA
629. Kailey Adkins
630. Hannah Phillips Pearce: Charlottesville, VA
631. Mark Apollo: New York, NY
632. Brian Rule
633. Melina Caprellian: Richmond, VA
634. Therése Sylvia
635. Chelsea Alvarado [INJURED]: Richmond, VA
636. Paul D Murphy: Richmond, VA
637. Martha Mccausland Ross Havens: Charlotte, NC
*638. Thomas Jackson Massey: Philadelphia, PA
639: Clare Ruday: Charlottesville, VA
640. Alina Kilpatrick
641. Paulina Leonovich: Washington, DC
642. Franklin Bryan: Washington, DC
*643. Michael J Longo Jr.: Philadelphia, PA
644. Carly Romeo: Richmond, VA
645. Alexis Morris [INJURED]
646. Noelle Morris [INJURED]
647. Margaret “Maggie” Nicole Dickhaus AKA Vaughn Stokes: Asheville, NC
*648. Brian Bozicek: Philadelphia, PA
*649. Laura F Evangelisto
650. Alexander Stein
(end of list)
I had never heard of this Asap Rocky nigger until this morning. I made it about 45 seconds into the video embedded in this piece, as he spoke of his f-word problems. This degenerate stuff would have been illegal to publicly chant just a few decades ago.
I will make one note though. If White Americans were as bold and angry on behalf of their people and culture as this rapper is for his, none would even be considering cucking to vote for *Donald Zog Trump* for a second term in 2020.
At that moment, a massive column of hundreds of Unite The Right demonstrators marched west down Market Street towards the southeast entrance of Emancipation Park. Led by members of the League of the South and the Traditionalist Worker Party, they wore helmets and carried shields, flagpoles, and pepper spray. The crowd of counter-protesters saw this, and they rushed east to form their own blockade in front of the clergy. THEY LOCKED ARMS AND BLOCKED MARKET STREET.
Captain Shifflett called out the sudden movement of counter-protesters at 10:52 a.m. Around that same time, an officer in Zone 2 observed, “They’re trying to take over the street.” Officer Hulme saw this and remarked, “THIS IS GOING TO GET UGLY—they’re [THE LEFTISTS] blocking their [UTR’S] passage. This is going to get really ugly if they don’t get out of the way.” He pausedfor a moment then commented, “I thought we had a Zone 5 right here,” as he pointed out to the area where the groups were coming together in the middle of the street. Of course, Zone 5 was another twenty feet beyond that intersection behind a row of metal barricades, and the officers in that zone were standing another twenty feet from the road.
Seconds later, a brawl broke out on Market Street. Unite The Right demonstrators pushed forward with their shields and hit the counter-protesters with flagpoles. Open source video footage shows demonstrators violently jabbing the poles at counter-protesters’ faces. The counter-protesters fought back and tried to grab the flagpoles away. Eventually, the demonstrators pushed the counter-protesters away with brute force and a cloud of pepper spray.
Body camera footage shows that police officers in Zone 1 witnessed all of this. They called out the fight and observed that pepper spray had been deployed. Body camera footage shows people attacking each other in plain view of the officers. The officers stood behind the barricades and watched.
— Heaphy Report
Notice in the timeline of the Heaphy Report that it was the violent Left [Antifa, etc] who moved in and locked arms (in front of the clergy as you will read elsewhere in the report) and essentially blocked the street so the UTR people had no option but to fight to enter the park they had a permit for and the police just stood by and watched.
10:52 a.m. Large group of counter-protesters lock arms, block entrance to park; large group of Unite The Right attendees, including members of the League of the South, approach from East on Market Street and engage in fights with antifa counter- protesters
10:59 a.m. Captain Shifflett recommends declaration of unlawful assembly
11:01 a.m. All CPD officers in Zones 1-4 ordered to withdraw to Zone 4, put on riot gear
11:08 a.m. City declares Local State of Emergency
11:21 a.m. All CPD officers dressed in riot gear
11:31 a.m. CPD declares Unlawful Assembly in Emancipation Park
— Heaphy Report
The clergy expected to be arrested for blocking the entry to the park but violent Leftists (Antifa, BLM, etc) stepped in and turned the whole affair into a riot by fighting with the UTR people who were the ones who had a legal permit to have a rally at the Park.
Yes, there were “bad people” on the Left who actually caused the riot and this allowed the CPD to call for an unlawful assembly before the event was even scheduled to start.
The clergy stood at the top of those stairs for about ten minutes before any Unite The Right demonstrators arrived. During that time, the counter-protesters that had been crowding around the southwest entrance began to move east. Pole camera footage shows that at 10:36 a.m., Reverend Sekou walked down to the crowd that was gathering around the bottom of the staircase and got them to move away to clear the area.
Ann Marie Smith and Rebekah Menning were part of the group that formed a line at the top of the stairs. They indicated that Antifa counter-protesters had agreed to “stand down” as the Alt-Right demonstrators approached. Antifa indicated, however, that they would “JUMP IN IF THINGS GOT VIOLENT.” Smith and Menning told us that they expected to be arrested for blocking entry to Emancipation Park. But officers did nothing. As indicated above, the closest police officers were behind two rows of barricades on 2nd Street NE, discussing their hope that the clergy would keep others out of the park.
–Heaphy Report
Somehow the MSM wants a lie to go down into recorded history instead of what really happened in Charlottesville.
Lock Antifa, BLM, etc up!
“Lock Antifa, BLM, etc up! ” more boomer shitposting.
There is a reason you are banned for life, it’s because you’re tedious and boring. It’s Saturday night, go back to the man cave, drop your weight into your Lazy-Boy, and turn on your electric jew to the local PBS channel … I think Lawrence Welk is on.
I think antifa needs someone to torch another limo. You better hurry before they find someone else.
They pleased guilty. Why?