Poll: 73% Of Israelis Oppose Including Arab Parties In a Coalition Government

As we have been told ad nauseum, ISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Now comes this troubling news about the state of liberal democracy in Israel from the Israel Democracy Institute.

The Israel Democracy Institute:

“The gaps between the different political camps (Jewish Israelis) on this matter are very large: whereas among those defining themselves as left-wing only 26% oppose including Arab parties in the government and appointing Arab ministers, among those locating themselves in the center a majority opposes it (56%), and among right-wingers an even larger majority does not want to see Arab parties in the government (89%).”

Want to hear a joke about democracy?

73% of Jewish Israelis oppose including Arabs in a coalition government.

89% of rightwing Jewish Israelis oppose including Arabs in a coalition government.

It is the highest rate of opposition ever to including Arabs in an Israeli government. Well … put that in your pipe and smoke it! Sounds like “racism” to me!

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Selfish , self-interested jews will preach to us how to be tolerant and accepting until we are no more.

    Nice survival/dominance tactic, preach to your enemy the practice of self-destruction.

  2. The political system has always been in Israel to be anti Abrahamic religion’s branched from Judaism with Christianity and Islam. Why evangelicals or Christians Zionist, pro Israel Christians believe supporting them is an added insurance policy for the after life of heaven is a foolish Gamble in the stock market and we know who can easily manipulate that in (((their favor)))

  3. Only an animal persecutes and torments the weak and the innocent. And these psychotic, mentally and emotionally retarded Jews think they are better than us, what a laugh.

    • Animals aren’t psychotic. Only sick, evil humans are. “Chosen People” sounds awfully supremacist to me.

  4. It is the highest rate of opposition ever to including Arabs in an Israeli government.

    Actually, according to your own source, the highest rate of opposition was in 2007, measured at 75%. The number has hovered two-thirds since the survey started in 2003. More interesting is that opposition was at the lowest point ever measured only in January of this year – it’s taken a huge leap since then.

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