WHO Declares Coronavirus a Global Health Emergency

UPDATE: Dr. Oz on the coronavirus

UPDATE: Just sharing a meme

UPDATE: It was so good!

UPDATE: Giant snake soup is so good!

UPDATE: Trump says the coronavirus is under control.

UPDATE: 1,800 new cases in China. Total infections now exceed the global spread of SARA in 2002-2003. The quarantine of Wuhan or a shortage of test kits might be registering an impact.

UPDATE: Still waiting on China’s national update at 6 PM Central.

Relax, it’s not Jack Ryan or Nick Fuentes. It is the husband of the woman who traveled to Wuhan.

UPDATE: Contagion is currently the biggest movie in China which has been disavowed today by Russia and Italy for eating too much bat soup.

But … it tastes so good! It fresh!

UPDATE: Spreading outside of China now.

UPDATE: Don’t worry.

The president is monitoring the situation.

It took long enough.

The coronavirus is now spreading in Chicago.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s a worldwide health crisis…but don’t stop trade and transportation?! Yet another example of how the elites put profits before peasants.

  2. Haxo had great hopes for Ebola-chan solving the Black problem. But

    she disappointed. He

    will not be fooled by Corona-chan’s so far pathetic effort

    to solve the Chink problem.

  3. How ironic is that in the film “Contagion,” the woman landed at O’Hare airport in Chicago to bang an ex-lover and started the person to person spread of the virus in chicongo. Now nCoV is spreading in Chicago. Don’t worry chicongo has a lesbian negress mayor, so I am certain that the city’s public health department is staffed by only the best and brightest.

    How amusing would it be, if Chicago was the first city in the USA that gets quarantined off?

  4. I know people who lived there for years – mainland China really is awash with filth. Most unhygienic place on earth, after India maybe. At least the Hindus don’t eat mice.

  5. The Super Bowl, I hear the Super Bowl, the Sacred Sacrament of feetsball will be this coming Sunday in Miami, the capitol of South America. Will there be a generous helping of corona virus on the menu? Even if it were known that the Super Bowl game in Miami would spread the virus around, the sports fans and businessmen would rather spread the virus around than cancel the Super Bowl. Money and entertainment, bread and circuses are what matter.

  6. Was gonna watch contagion but most of the big stars in it rub me the wrong way. All liberal A shit listers who are very overrated as actors matt damon, gwenth paltrow, kate winselt and jude law all actors way past there pay grade imo

    I’ll take unknowns over superstars any day of the week also corona beer isn’t that great from what i remember basically bud light with slight citrus aftertaste, negra modelo is a way better mexican beer I’m sure christina would agree with me on that

    • Thom,

      Ha! I just caught my name in your comment. What you said is true about those beers. Modelo tastes better to me. I asked my father and he said the same thing. Corona is weak.

      I have been to German restaurants before and I liked German beer. Drinking laws in Mexico for under 18 outside of resorts are usually not enforced if you are with parents and they approve.

      In the USA? I am not sure what the law is. But I have never had trouble when eating out with family.

      However, I do not weigh much so one or two beers before the food comes makes me happy. It is all I am allowed and all I need.

      • Cristina,

        I highly recommend Kölsch bier from Germany. Some American “microbreweries ” make a pretty good Kölsch bier too.

        My personal favorite is a half and half using Guinness Stout and Harp together.

        • November,

          Thank you. I will ask my father to buy some. Or next time I am at a German restaurant I will get someone to order one for me.

          I have to admit I think German beer tastes better than Mexican beer.

          • Technically modelo is a Austrian beer developed by Austrian immigrants brewers in Mexico November so not quite Mexican then

            Another Mexican beer i’m fond of Christina, is Lèon but i haven’t had one in years they either stopped making them or its now a Mex only product or something

    • Thom,

      Leon is called a Mexican Dunkel. That was the name of the beer I had in German restaurants that I liked so much. It was called Dunkel. I have never had a Leon. My father bought me a 18 ouncer and when I was finished I was ready to do a dance. I get tipsy fast.

      Yes, there are German inspired breweries in Mexico. It still shocks me about Prohibition. I wonder if the USA is the only Christian country to have ever banned alcohol? If everything that humans abused were banned then everything would have to be banned since humans are an abusive species.

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