Sen. Cory Booker: “You condemn white supremacy, correct?”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 13, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett: “Yes.”
Booker: “Thank you. I’m glad to see that you said that. I wish our president would say that so resolutely and unequivocally as well” https://t.co/NN41m59TpP pic.twitter.com/kVQjrokcZ3
October has been … boring?
Sure, a Patriot was murdered at a BLM-Antifa rally in Denver, BLM and Antifa tore down some more monuments of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt in Portland and Junipero Serra in the Bay Area, Trump got COVID-19 and the Amy Coney Barrett hearings have begun. It feels like October has been a relatively quieter month though. There isn’t much going on in the news.
“White supremacy” seems to keep coming up. It came up in the first presidential debate and the vice presidential debate. Trump was forced to condemn “white supremacy” on Hannity. Amy Coney Barrett was asked to condemn “white supremacy” at her confirmation hearing. If you had tuned out of politics and the news cycle, you wouldn’t have missed much except for “white supremacy.”
As for Attorney General William Barr, the Durham Report went nowhere. Antifa continue to riot and tear down monuments with impunity. Patriots are murdered with impunity. Trump is holding BLEXIT rallies at the White House and is campaigning on his Platinum Plan. I can’t remember the last time the “Forgotten Man” came up. Trump now tweets about the stock market and his tax cuts.
In contrast, I recall October 2016 being a riveting month when the whole GOP establishment came down on Trump after the Access Hollywood tape. Exactly four years ago, candidate Trump gave probably his best speech in West Palm Beach, FL when he went full populist and condemned international bankers. The Alt-Right was also going wild on social media and having a rollicking good time.
The Trump presidency was over in the first six months:
- Steve Bannon was marginalized in the White House by Jared Kushner who has guided Trump over the past three years to this point.
- Trump sold out to the big donors and staffed his administration with Republican hacks.
- The big donors made the call to dump the Alt-Right baggage during the transition and elevate the Alt-Lite and the GOP establishment.
- Trump chose to spend his political capital on advancing Paul Ryan’s legislative agenda on healthcare and tax cuts rather than the priorities of populist voters.
- The Russia narrative caused Trump to obsessively focus on impeachment and appeasing Republican senators.
The 2020 campaign has been like watching the 2012 Romney campaign in the backdrop of absolute chaos. In 2016, Trump had a populist and nationalist base and brought conservatives along with the carrot of Supreme Court picks. In 2020, he appeals exclusively to conservatives.
Note: Look at the difference between October 2016 and October 2020.
Duh? What did you expect from a foster mom of two Haitian niglets?
Amy has crazy eyes, not a good sign.
“Cooney” won’t be any different than her two fellow Catholics, Roberts and Sotomayor.
You really should shut up with that stuff, Prod. This mess lies entirely at your doorstep. The Protestants have been cooperating eagerly with the jews since the days of the Dutch republic and Oliver Cromwell. And Negrolatry reached its final form as a Protestant movement in the 19th century, with the American abolitionists.
Hell, the SJW mindset is clearly the abolitionist/Puritan/evangelical mindset, full stop. The same missionary impulse, the same “sin bench” mentality, etc. There’s a direct line. Despite its surface atheism, modernism IS late-stage Protestantism, with all its preachiness, sweaty frenzy for utopian “social reform,” and crazed self-sacrifice to the out-group — Dickens’ “weskits for foreign niggers” carried to its logical extreme,
If this country had been Catholic or Orthodox from its foundation, modernism and SJW-ism would probably never have developed, or would have remained a trivial fringe element.
This mess lies clearly on the Protestant doorstep, the result of their feminism, jew-worship, Negro-worship, and money-worship. Full stop. YOU holy rollers did it.
So it behooves you to remember you live in a glass house and not throw stones, because doing so reveals your profound, lying hypocrisy.
You can’t just shut up and bury the hatchet at this point. Got to keep up your catholic-bashing even while slipping into the abyss, even though the catastrophe is plainly YOUR fault.
Just like a jew. “The Protestant cries out in pain as he backstabs you, destroys your culture and future, and sells you to niggers and jews, then pretends it’s all your fault.”
“If this country had been Catholic or Orthodox from its foundation, modernism and SJW-ism would probably never have developed, or would have remained a trivial fringe element. ”
No Catholic ruled country ever created a White country anywhere on Earth.
The only White countries ever created (USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), were created by Protestant ruled countries. All of South America was created by Catholic ruled countries, and South America has been a brown race mixed hell hole from day one.
Also the USA does not allow Protestants on the Supreme court. Only Jews and Catholics are appointed. There must be a reason the PTB like Jews and Catholics so much, they trust only them with its most powerful institution.
Why do you feel the need to defend the Catholic Church?
tt can’t be the paedofile priests, or the Pope who licks black Muslim feet, and invites Islam to take over Europe.
Could it be all your friends and family are still there, and it would cost you something to do the right thing?
I walk away from corrupt organizations all the time. I walked away from WN who supported Trump, for the simple reason that Trump was surrounded by Jews, and WN have warned people about Jews for decades. In the end I have my self respect, and they do not.
SCOTUS went off the rails and became became activists under Chief Justice Earl Warren who was a Protestant.
Christianity is not going to save us nor voting. We must find something sacred that we are will willing to sacrifice if necessary our property, liberty, and lives if necessary. That is why the “normies ” haven’t woke up, and why atrocities against our Volk by ‘the others’ goes unchallenged and unpunished.
“SCOTUS went off the rails and became became activists under Chief Justice Earl Warren who was a Protestant”
He was probably blackmailed up the wazoo. WASP ruled America was on its last legs in the 1950s, and dead by the 1960s. The 1960s US cultural revolution was the celebration of WASP ruled America’s death.
I am not supporting Protestants, and picking on Catholics, I’m pointing out objective facts. All Catholic created countries are brown. So if the dude prefers countries that were Catholic ruled from the start, his butt should be in South America.
Me, if its a choice between church and a White country, I’ll pick the White country every time. By comparison, these based right wing church types will let their countries turn brown, before telling their traitor churches to go to hell.
“”You really should shut up with that stuff, Prod. This mess lies entirely at your doorstep. The Protestants have been cooperating eagerly with the jews since the days of the Dutch republic and Oliver Cromwell. And Negrolatry reached its final form as a Protestant movement in the 19th century, with the American abolitionists.
Hell, the SJW mindset is clearly the abolitionist/Puritan/evangelical mindset, full stop. The same missionary impulse, the same “sin bench” mentality, etc. There’s a direct line. Despite its surface atheism, modernism IS late-stage Protestantism, with all its preachiness, sweaty frenzy for utopian “social reform,” and crazed self-sacrifice to the out-group …”
Fascinating and penetrating comment. Thanks!
all communists for the Rube cubist’s … cubes, cubes, everywhere a cube…
This thread is worth reading: https://twitter.com/martjacques/status/1316338569850617856
Except it doesn’t mention the primary cause of the disease. Oh what on earth could be causing all these failures in Western society?
“Fighting Fascism” and “White Supremacy” are Jewish neurosis. AntiFa and BLM are the physical manifestations of these neurosis.
There is another one too, worshipping a dead jew like cuckholds
ask Jerry Falwell Jr. 😉 cucks …
Well, didn’t she say she would defer to the Pope’s guidance instead of the Constitution? The Pope no doubt told her to kiss the negro ass, just as he kissed the feet of negroes last year. She obeys like the good Roman Cuntholick she is.
Trump was always an asset of the Israeli Likud party.
If right-wingers had a clue, they would have realized what was going on when Trump was tweeting all those stupid “Obama’s Birth Certificate” conspiracy theories and re-tweeting the Israeli Orly Taitz. They should have wondered why Obama had appointed a very, very conservative Republican, Chuck Hagel, to the Pentagon.
They should have paid attention when Israel tried to start a war with Iran – and drag the US into it – only to be stopped by the Obama administration who told Israel in no uncertain terms that the US wouldn’t risk a single plane to back Israel up.
For that matter, conservatives and right-wingers should have paid attention to all the eye-witnesses of the 9/11 attacks at both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
History looks really, really different when you look past whatever the TV is telling you at the time.
You also get a better understanding of the world when you don’t automatically believe whichever politician or talking head is supposedly “on your side” just because they make a few speeches.
With all those posts about modernism, I have to admit I really do agree with Mencken on one thing:
Democracy is the theory that the people should get what they ask for – good and hard.
“I really do agree with Mencken on one thing: Democracy is the theory that the people should get what they ask for – good and hard”:
The people (we) do not deserve what we get, or what is taken from us. We are often disinformed by the elites, to make us ask for what the elites want us to ask for.
Democracy, or a people’s republic, is not only possible but natural. Only good will and common sense, which the majority of commons are NOT lacking, are required to understand politics and make good choices. Political understanding is rational, but it does not require very high IQ. It is not “like rocket science.”
Pro-elitist Mencken also disparaged socialism or communism as “something that is not true.”
“The United States brags about its political system, but the [American] President says one thing during the election, something else when he takes office, something else at midterm and something else when he leaves.” – Deng Xiaoping in 1983.
Says the woman who adopts a couple of demons from voodoo Island…
The funny thing is that the likes of Vdare still shill for him constantly though he doesn’t even mention immigration anymore.
I wonder if the estimable Steve King will be at Trump’s IOWA Rally today??? Will Trump recognize him if he is in attendance???
Trump could win this election and if he does I wouldn’t be surprised if he is the one who signs off on AFFH in the suburbs. After all, the real estate bidness thrived during the negrification of White, working class neighborhoods in the 1960’s. It was common for real estate agents to move one black family into a neighborhood then tell White people there were more on the way so they better sell out now while their homes still had some value. The turnover and commission$ were “good for bidness” as they say.
The real estate business is also involved in building housing projects and the Section 8 scam ruining many cities and costing White people their homes and savings. Real estate developers got rich again off of Government housing policy at the expense of moderate income White people. Once again, it was “good for bidness” as the Chamber of Commerce Republicans say.
Trump is a “bidnessman” from the world of real estate and he does seem to have quite a bit of sympathy for the scumbag “bidnessmen” and their terrible plight. They have not been able to hire enough cheap labor so that’s the end of the wall. Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google are working diligently to defeat Trump while at the same time Trump has allowed high tech to continue to import Indian (dot, not feather) cheap programmers. If Trump wins a second term there will be nothing holding him back.
Incorrect. Many columnists contribute to Vdare so it doesn’t have a single unified voice outside of immigration regulation, but it’s one of the best immigration restriction websites out there.
As for Barrett’s critics, what do you want her to do, lunkheads? Yell out some Sieg Heils and blow any chance she has to making it to the Court? Political strategists you are not.
Wally George the father of combat TV and conservative TV entertainment!
Nixon the most redpilled and pro-middle class President in recent history!
Trump the start of an America First makeover of the GOP. Trump 2020!
How about she condemns Critical Race Theory as the Satanic religion that it is? This so called “Christian” is supporting evil.
But hey she clerked for Scalia, so that makes it ok, right?
Vdare is pro-Chump. It’s Twitter thread pleads daily for Chump to do something, anything, to save the “Historic American Nation.” That’s conservatism. Conservatism is comprised of indolent, greedy, cowardly individuals who shadow Left-liberalism’ principles, then whine about Left-liberalism’ hypocrisy. Right-liberals are always looking for somebody else – a saviour – to take the risks, do the organizing, donating, and (heaven forbid!) hit the streets. Nowadays these cowards can’t even meet a half-dozen like-minded folks in a coffeeshop for fear of being found out. Forget leadership, these losers have failed as followers.
Why should anybody care about a group of people with a 56+ year track record of failure and repeating same? I’ll wait….
I also condemn white supremacy. In addition I condemn every last weasel word,
I condemn Nazism and in the very same time I demand that in front of every house must have the statue of Adolph Hitler and entire population of my country must wake up 3 AM in the Sunday morning, go out and sing Horst Wessel song together .
When you have Adolph Hitler statue in front of your house and you must wake up every Sunday morning 3 AM to go out to sing sing Horst Wessel, this is not Nazism but just civilized suburb normal behavior.
In the tank battle the best anti tank weapon is your own tank. In the Orwellian society, your best weapon is your own own Orwell .
When you sitting in the Tiger tank, then driver is in the left, cannon is in the center and commander is behind the cannon up in the turret. So do not even try to claim try Waffen SS tank units had something to do do with right or far right. Tiger tank crews were mostly peaceful left wing moderates.
What we have right now, is the real psychologic war not old school primitive intellectualism. And Donald and Amy are winning.
The dogma does live loudly in her.
I would not be surprise her adopted Haitian rape her biological daughter.
Pets sometimes “play rough” with children, no?
As long as I’ve been watching this, the conservative answer is to put conservatives on the court. Except at least half the time, they don’t turn out to be conservative, even by Washington standards. The answer all along was, these are a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, who had no authority to interfere in state and local affairs in the first place. The conservatives should have impeached Earl Warren and the other liberal wackos, pass laws in Congress saying what the court did was not legal to begin with. Bare minimum, they should have tried to appose this crap. They never have.
That’s the very nature of the Republican Party. Her answer is the definition of a Cuckservative. I was watching this afternoon and a Senator asked her a question about Antifa and Black Lives Matter having Violent Race Riots during the Covid-19 Pandemic and yet Churches in those same states couldn’t / still can’t hold Church Services like normal. She didn’t even answer the question….just usual Conservative spin. She did that over and over again. So in other words she only does what she’s told by the Super Rich Jews who run the New World Order and World Government. Deo Vindice !
And her Satanic Anti-Pope.
Bergoglio is not an anti-Pope but a very typical Pope. Different times require different methods and paths to be taken but the destination/goal of world hegemony – remains the same.
This will now be a standard question for any White political candidate or appointee. I would not be surprised to see disavowal of “White supremacy” become a requirement for employment, to open a bank account, etc. Check a box, like a terms of service agreement. Just a little ritual humiliation and reminder as to who holds the whip hand.
Barrett will be a disaster, particularly on any cases related to race or immigration.
I thought of that scumbag David French when I read that she had adopted Haitians. I wouldn’t want her to hear a case regarding affirmative action or anything else to do with race. I am ok with Dems torpedoing this one.
Had she pledged allegiance yet to Israel?
What did you expect her to say instead of “yes”?
Did you expect her to say “no”?
And then not be confirmed? This is bordering on a juvenile tantrum, Hunter.
What did she need to say to gain your support?
“I support White Supremacy, Fuck you, Senator”.
Did you even bother to mention in this tantrum article that she sided with an employer against a racial discrimination case?
Hunter expends a tremendous amount of effort telling it like it is and persuing his historical interests. He’s not concerned about advancing the political strategy of a failed movement and political party. Such concern is a tremendous waste of time and energy. Especially on the streets.
You’re new to this, insane, or a political cuck. Wise up or take your concern to a leftist blog. Try converting those bastards to your “cause.” We’re done with you.
Willie’s Cameltoed Ho in 2020/2024!
Oh yeah: I voted.
Hey, (((Anglin))), don’t you have better things to do than obsessing over this blog and Richard Spencer?
Get a life, midget. Jeez.
By the will of God, it is faith in Christ and fidelity to his teachings which makes whites superior, and she can not see that which separates the Christian from the anti-Christian?
Nation’s create culture, .. a foreigner’s so called “culture” and “religion” nor their propositional communistic ideology, create nation’s!
Your all about preserving the control “religion” and “propositional communistic ideology” that support the Solomonic Temple of Usury Empire and it’s global goal of slave/serfdom/borg monoculture serfdom/borg’s and henotheism. psalmistice.com/2017/03/13/the-lawd-of-doubles/
I’m sorry but I don’t pray too, nor worship, a tranny he-she “deity”, nor the graven (dead) image of the YHWH he-she tranny’s effete coward son. https://sacred-texts.com/mas/sof/sof26.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpm5gvKMbOU
It’s the biggest “gay op” of all time straight out of Gomorra !!
… open borders is a scheme to continue building the base of serf/slaves/borg’s their global usury ponzi scheme and is very destructive to nation’s. Good luck with your global “messianic” monarchy, henotheism, and global slave monoculture …
Nation’s create culture, a foreigner’s so called “religion” and “culture” nor their propositional communistic ideology, create nation’s! It destroy’s them!!
Preserving the control “religion” and “propositional communistic ideology” that support the Solomonic Temple of Usury Empire and it’s global goal of monoculture of serfdom/borg/slavery, henotheism, and global “monarchy” is certainly not nationalism!! psalmistice.com/2017/03/13/the-lawd-of-doubles/
I’m sorry but I don’t pray to nor worship a tranny he-she deity not the graven (dead) image of the YHWH he-she tranny’s son. https://sacred-texts.com/mas/sof/sof26.htm
It’s the biggest “gay op” of all time straight out of Gomorra !!
…. also open borders is part and parcel to continue building the base of borg’s for their global ponzi pyramid usury scheme and is very destructive to nationhood. Good luck with your global messianic monarchy, it’s henotheism, and it’s global slave monoculture …
Corey “Power Bottom ” Booker should have asked Judge Amy where does she stand on transsexual abortion right.
It’s all so tiresome.
Isn’t it ironic that these same idiots that scream about white supremacy will also say they believe in science. Well those same white supremacists that you hate created science.
You’re welcome.
The nation was founded on “White supremacy”, so all this denouncing is just a mechanism used by nation-destroyers to get people to denounce and build hatred toward the founding stock….Northern Euro Whites.
White “conservatives” pledge to conserve everything except their race and the civilization it built. “Are you Pro-White or pro White Genocide, Ms. Amy?” is the question no one will ask.