— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2020
Grabbing a cup of coffee.
This is going to be revealing.
Michigan 2020
Less Than $30,000 (16% of electorate) – 57% Biden, 41% Trump (+16 Biden margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (20% of electorate) – 56% Biden, 42% Trump (+14 Biden margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (34% of electorate) – 51% Biden, 48% Trump (+3 Biden margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (22% of electorate) – 50% Trump, 47% Biden (+3 Trump margin)
In the 2020 election, the party of the multiracial, multiethnic working class lost the working class and lower middle class in Michigan while winning the upper middle class by an 8 point margin.
Trump improved 14 points with voters making $30,000 a year. In the $30,000 to $50,000 income bracket, there was +22 point swing toward Joe Biden. In the $50,000 to $99,000 income bracket, there was an +11 point swing toward Joe Biden. The upper middle class also swung +11 points toward Biden. It was the only income bracket Trump won in Michigan. He increased his appeal at the bottom.
In the 2020 election, Trump won 55% of Whites, 60% of White men, 88% of conservatives, 37% of Moderates, 43% of Independents and 93% of Republicans.
Note: CNN exit polls were used for comparison.

Michigan 2016
Less Than $30,000 (22% of electorate) – 62% Hillary, 32% Trump (+30 Hillary margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (22% of electorate) – 52% Trump, 44% Hillary (+8 Trump margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (35% of electorate) – 51% Trump. 43% Hillary (+8 Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (17% of electorate) – 51% Trump, 43% Hillary (+8 Trump margin)
In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won the working class, lower middle class and the upper middle class in Michigan. He won Michigan with 57% of Whites, 64% of White men, 79% of conservatives, 42% of Moderates, 52% of Independents and 90% of Republicans.
Note: CNN exit polls were used for comparison.
Arizona 2020
Less Than $25,000 (13% of electorate) – 50% Biden, 48% Trump (+2 Biden margin)
$25,000 to $50,000 (25% of electorate) – 52% Biden, 46% Trump (+6 Biden margin)
$50,000 to $75,000 (21% of electorate) – 54% Biden, 45% Trump (+9 Biden margin)
$75,000 to $100,000 (17% of electorate) – 52% Trump, 47% Biden (+5 Trump margin)
$100,000 or more (24% of electorate) – 53% Trump, 44% Biden (+9 Trump margin)
In the 2020 election, the party of the multiracial, multiethnic working class lost voters making under $75,000 a year while carrying only the top two income brackets.
Trump improved 14 points with voters making under $30,000 a year and lost in the working class and lower middle class. He carried the upper middle class by a narrower margin. He lost Arizona with 52% of Whites, 52% of White men, 87% of conservatives, 32% of Moderates, 44% of Independents and 90% of Republicans.

Arizona 2016
Less Than $30,000 (16% of electorate) – 54% Hillary, 38% Trump (+16 Hillary margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (19% of electorate) – 47% Hillary, 43% Trump (+4 Hillary margin)
$50,000 to $100,000 (33% of electorate) – 48% Biden, 48% Trump (Tie)
$100,000 or more (23% of electorate) – 54% Trump, 40% Hillary (+14 Trump margin)
In the 2016 election, Donald Trump tied Hillary with voters making $50,000 to $100,000 a year and won the upper middle class by 14 points. He won Arizona with 54% of Whites, 56% of White men, 82% of conservatives, 38% of Moderates, 47% of Independents and 88% of Republicans.
Note: FOX News and CNN exit polls were used for comparison. Unfortunately, I couldn’t both compared by income stratum by a single source.
Georgia 2020
Less Than $30,000 (13% of electorate) – 59% Biden, 38% Trump (+21 Biden margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (19% of electorate) – 53% Biden, 45% Trump (+8 Trump margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (36% of electorate) – 53% Trump, 46% Biden (+7 Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (23% of electorate) – 50% Trump, 50% Biden (Tie)
$200,000 or more (8% of electorate) – 63% Biden, 35% Trump (+28 Biden margin)
In the 2020 election, voters making under $30,000 a year swung 8 points toward Joe Biden, voters making $30,000 to $50,000 a year swung 5 points toward Joe Biden, voters making $50,000 to $100,000 a year swung 7 points toward Trump, voters making $100,000 to $200,000 a year swung 16 point toward Joe Biden and voters making over $200,000 a year, well, there is no data but they probably moved toward Biden as well. Trump was weak with the poor and the working class and the upper middle class.
Trump lost Georgia with 69% of Whites, 72% of White men, 86% of conservatives, 33% of Moderates, 44% of Independents and 96% of Republicans.

Georgia 2016
Less Than $30,000 (16% of electorate) – 54% Hillary, 41% Trump (+13 Hillary margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (20% of electorate) – 53% Trump, 40% Hillary (+13 Trump margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (33% of electorate) – 49% Trump, 49% Trump (Tie)
$100,000 to $199,000 (21% of electorate) – 57% Trump, 41% Hillary (+16 Trump margin)
$200,000 or more (10% of electorate) – N/A
Trump won Georgia with 75% of Whites, 80% of White men, 85% of conservatives, 38% of Moderates, 52% of Independents and 94% of Republicans.
Wisconsin 2020
Less Than $30,000 (15% of electorate) – 66% Biden, 31% Trump (35% Biden margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (19% of electorate) – 55% Biden, 43% Trump (12% Biden margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (38% of electorate) – 51% Trump, 48% Biden (3% Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (22% of electorate) – 56% Trump, 43% Biden (13% Trump margin)
$200,000 or more (5% of electorate) – 53% Trump, 47% Biden (6% Trump margin)
In the 2020 election, upper middle class voters making over $100,000 a year swung 7 points toward Trump while voters making under $100,000 shifted toward Joe Biden. The greatest swing toward Joe Biden was in voters making under $30,000 a year and among the working class.
Trump lost Wisconsin with 52% of Whites, 57% of White men, 87% of conservatives, 37% of Moderates, 41% of Independents and 93% of Republicans.

Wisconsin 2016
Less Than $30,000 (19% of electorate) – 52% Hillary, 43% Trump (+9 Hillary margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (20% of electorate) – 46% Hillary, 46% Trump (Tie)
$50,000 to $99,999 (34% of electorate) – 52% Trump, 46% Biden (+6 Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (19% of electorate) – 50% Trump, 44% Biden (+6 Trump margin)
$200,000 or more (8% of electorate) – N/A
Trump won Wisconsin with 53% of Whites, 59% of White men, 85% of conservatives, 42% of Moderates, 50% of Independents and 90% of Republicans.
Pennsylvania 2020
Less Than $30,000 (15% of electorate) – 60% Biden, 37% Trump (+23 Biden margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (23% of electorate) – 53% Biden, 46% Trump (+7 Biden margin_
$50,000 to $99,999 (33% of electorate) – 51% Trump, 47% Biden (+4 Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (23% of electorate) – 51% Biden, 48% Trump (+3 Biden margin)
$200,000 or more (7% of electorate) – N/A
In Pennsylvania, the upper middle class shifted 8 points toward Joe Biden, but the more decisive blow was that the $50,000 to $99,999 income bracket shifted 10 points toward Joe Biden.
Trump lost Pennsylvania with 57% of Whites, 62% of White men, 87% of conservatives, 41% of Moderates, 44% of Independents and 91% of Republicans.

Pennsylvania 2016
Less Than $30,000 (16% of electorate) – 56% Hillary, 39% Trump (+17 Hillary margin)
$30,000 to $50,000 (22% of electorate) – 53% Hillary, 44% Trump (+9 Hillary margin)
$50,000 to $99,999 (33% of electorate) – 55% Trump, 41% Hillary (+14 Trump margin)
$100,000 to $199,000 (23% of electorate) – 51% Trump, 46% Hillary (+5 Trump margin)
$200,000 or more (10% of electorate) – N/A
Trump won Pennsylvania with 56% of Whites, 64% of White men, 85% of conservatives, 43% of Moderates, 48% of Independents and 89% of Republicans.
Irrespective of whatever classification one might give President Trump, there is something about him that The Enemies of Man hate, and, that so, he is worth supporting.
In this world, it often is that you do not have the hill you wish to defend, nor the precise man you wish to proclaim or party you wish to support, but, you can support what spites your foe.
Sometimes denying your foe is all you have, because you do not have the structure and power to launch an offensive.
That is the way life is.
Correct, correct, correct, and correct, Ivan.
@John Bonaccorsi…
Thank you very much for the affirmation, Dear John!
Purity demand has doomed every last Western resistance last 60 years. Our enemy leaders getting away with anything but anti immigration politicians can`t do anything wrong. One single pathetic communist attack or most ridiculous accusation and anti immigration folk support is gone.
This is why there are no pro white leaders in the West and never will be. There is no point to fight when defeat is guaranteed. Western white people can not unite behind the leader.
I can`t imagine that I abandon Nazi leader and throw my country to Soros only because Nazi leader does something irrelevant that I do not like. Actually any nation does no throw away their leader. This is the reason why Jews and communists have so little influence outside West.
And the another reason is that pro white leaders in the West are incapable to punish treason. For US case example, Mr. Jeff Sessions betrayed Donald on the most critical moment. Can you imagine that someone does such trick for example to Putin or Soros and getting away with that ???
Trump is pro-white? lol Jeff Sessions was the only truly anti-immigration senator out there and Trump destroyed his career. Trump could have ended the Russian collusion hoax on day one if he had any balls. He has nobody to blame but himself for that.
Trump was never anti-Immigration and constantly insists he is the least racist (aka least pro-white) person in the room. His 2016 era dog-whistles were insincere and cynical and probably not even written by Trump himself. It’s been 4 years since he said anything implicitly pro-white and you’re still holding out hope? Nothing but a total destruction of the post WWII order will shift in attitudes about race and identity in the west. This will require an upheaval as great or greater than WWII.
“Purity demand has doomed every last Western resistance last 60 years. Our enemy leaders getting away with anything but anti immigration politicians can`t do anything wrong. One single pathetic communist attack or most ridiculous accusation and anti immigration folk support is gone.
This is why there are no pro white leaders in the West and never will be. There is no point to fight when defeat is guaranteed. Western white people can not unite behind the leader. ”
Thank you for your remark, Dear Juri.
I never thought about it in exactly these terms, but, you are right – ‘purity’, or the desire to have the perfect candidate – and or the inclination to abandon a candidate over not being 100%, or 80%, even, is a big reason for our problems.
You just don’t get it do you Ivan. Trump is your enemy. If you support your enemy you’re a fool and deserve to lose. Trump groveled before AIPAC like the rest of them. Trump supports diversity & multiculturalism just like the rest of them. Trump supports homosexuality just like the rest of them.
Liberals hate Trump because they think he is Hitler. They are wrong. You support Trump because you see liberals hating Trump. You are wrong. You’re stuck in a false dichotomy of Jewish origins and you can’t get out. It’s really a sight to behold.
No, Dear Ricky, I don’t get it. I definitely do NOT see Trump as my enemy.
I’ll leave that to the Far Left and the Far Right to do.
I see Trump as something of a disappointment, but, that said, the fact that The Enemies of Man hate him so much is clear indication he must be doing something right.
At any rate, we are at this hill, in this landscape, Sir, and, that so, we need to put some effort into defending this position, no matter what our particular politicks.
I’ll say it again – going through the process of fighting makes you a better fighter, for a whole host of reasons.
As to your political positions, I like and agree with many of them.
The problem is that the overwhelming majority of our people reject it, so trying to defend that hill will be of no service.
We have to fight where the army is – not off in the desert somewhere, where no one is.
In any case, be well!
I love your blog, but doesn’t this data contradict your diagnosis? Trump won among the poor and my middle class in most swing states, right?
Your analysis of the “election” is thorough and accurate.
If 64% of white men vote one way and still lose the state as they did in Pennsylvannia, then there’s something badly wrong with the idea of democracy.
To “dissent” in the Occident against The Yankees means never say anything about Dominion and all the other ways the Democrats committed MASSIVE and IMMENSE vote fraud. Dissenting against the Yankee Establishment means pretend the Yankee Establishment didn’t commit any vote fraud.
This is how you defeat the Yankee Establishment : You go along with their MASSIVE and IMMENSE vote fraud and act like there was no wrong doing and the election results the media of the Yankee Deep State gives you, just pretend the Yankee Deep State is very honest and can be believed! This is called defeating the Yankees! LMFAO!!!!
Trump lost because whiteys stopped supporting him! He didn’t lose because of MASSIVE and IMMENSE vote fraud. There was NO vote fraud, everything about the election and the election results is on the-up-and-up! We are “dissenters against” the Yankee Establishment! LMFAO!!!
There is no Yankee establishment, only a Zionist establishment, and you certainly don’t defeat it by electing Republicans.
The fraud that exists in American politics does not occur at the level of the ballot box. It goes much higher than that. It manifests itself by the fact that every potential candidate must grovel before rich and powerful Jews at AIPAC before he or she is even considered to be eligible to run.
I’m afraid Joe, that you’re still stuck in that red vs blue kosher sandwich. Understand that the Republicans are your enemy. They have utter contempt for you. They believe in all the values of the left, they are just less vocal about it.
“There is no Yankee establishment, only a Zionist establishment, and you certainly don’t defeat it by electing Republicans.”
I am sorry, Dear Ricky, but, that is far from the reality.
There is a Gentile Yankee Establishment and it is run by New Englanders, they who, as a whole, see fit to subordinate this whole country to not only The Zionist Agenda, but, their own quack Puritan agenda.
The Jews do not run this country, alone – not by a long shot. No, Sir, the Jews and The New Englanders do it, together, and with a sad lot of collaboration from The White Southern Race that does the bidding of the former twain.