Podcast: The Post-Trump GOP

It was my pleasure to join Robert Stark of Stark Truth Radio to discuss all of the topics we have been exploring on this website since November. Add Stark Truth Radio to your bookmarks.


Topics include:

Revisiting why Donald Trump lost

The New Political Realignment on Class and Woke Capital’s boycott of Georgia

Whether the GOP’s call to Boycott Woke Corporations is purely symbolic

The track records of potential 2024 GOP nominees including Cotton, Hawley, and DeSantis

The role of Trump Post Presidency and whether MAGA Inc. is just the new Con Inc.

Joe Biden’s Polling and his biggest electoral weaknesses: Immigration, Crime, cancel culture, and civil liberties

The Biden Admin’s crackdown on civil liberties in the name of fighting Domestic Extremism

The pros and cons of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan and the last COVID Relief Bill

Neoliberal Joe Screwing Millennials on Student Debt and giving the shaft to progressives on economics

How opposition to Cancel Culture has become the new culture war with Black Lives Matter tumbling in popularity

The Dirtbag Left’s alliance with the Dissident Right

How the transformation of the GOP into a National Labor Party is a long-term process

Hunter’s predictions for the midterm elections and next presidential election

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trump wants to to race-replace Native Born White Working Class Americans in US Labor Markets with Chinese Legal Immigrants and Hindu Legal Immigrants….and their US born Chinese and Hindu geneline….and Trump had already justified this by stating publicly that labor scarcities would justify him doing this.

    Well, labor scarcities only mean one thing:A HIGH REAL WAGE FOR NATIVE BORN WHITE WORKING CLASS AMERICANS…..So Trump is an enthusiast for two things:

    1)low wage economy for Native Born White Working Class Americans

    2)race-replacement policy for Native Born White Working Class Americans

    • I agree. But it makes no sense…everything he enjoys in life is created by Whites. It makes no sense that people who embrace this replacement deal would want it. How could anyone White be so in love with the small hats’ desires? Trump has plenty of money, so why would he want to patronize them? It’s beyond stupid that they want to replace Western Civilization with a mud one.

      A world of whites could have a lot of robots doing menial work. More money diverted to discoveries in medicine and science. More space travel. Joggers and mex don’t want to work. Despite what everyone says about “hard working”, the majority do not and live off of public assistance.

      Nonwhites are not going to want to be slaves. Right now, most of them live off of our taxed wages, so WHY would anyone think a giant brown mass is going to be a great labor pool? Are some of these people SO ignorant and naive, that they think this isn’t so? It’s as bad as the original slaveholders bringing them to the US…

      • Trump is from New York. New York is a cesspit of Jew ideology and Jew mental poisons.

        “Trump wants to to race-replace Native Born White Working Class Americans in US Labor Markets with Chinese Legal Immigrants and Hindu Legal Immigrants….and their US born Chinese and Hindu geneline….and Trump had already justified this by stating publicly that labor scarcities would justify him doing this.”

        There is NO SHORTAGE of white “STEM” workers. There are thousands of white STEM graduates who cannot get a job because they are crowded out by nepotistic Indians and other asians who only hire their own kind. There is a deliberate process to fill White founded American colleges with Indians and Chinese, who are not particularly intelligent (Chinese have far higher IQ’s than Indians and are more intelligent, but both groups seriously lack European creativity, which is why Chinese mostly just copy and steal White ideas, and Indians are generally just drooling morons who can cram for multiple choice exams).

        The system isn’t scared of there not being any more inventions. There are still plenty of whites inventing stuff and doing research. (Honestly, when was the last time you heard of an Indian or Chinese making some meaningful discovery? Never? Their much-lauded papers are pie-in-the-sky, theoretical nonsense with zero application to real world problems. I suspect a lot of it is simply plagiarized, and the reason it’s all this seemingly sophisticated theoretical bullshit is to wow the unsophisticated general population with the brilliance of these wonderful third worlder’s.

        I know a lot of honest, hardworking, smart white people in engineering fields. The Chinese I did have the displeasure of knowing are dishonest thieves who literally just wait around for white people to create something, and then immediately and shamelessly copy it. The Chinese, who are somewhat nationally autistic and have a weird inferiority complex with whites, will literally blindly copy even bad white ideas under the impression that there must be something to these inventions, and they might make a buck for the Chinese thief.

        • There is a tsunami of false, copied, useless scientific papers on many different subjects, mostly in the natural sciences. These waste people’s time, crowd out good, original work, get unqualified people into important positions and hinder scientific progress. Anything for a buck it seems.

          China seems to specialize in these “Paper Mills” which churn out paper by the ton but not blank sheets, paper full of bullshit studies, other people’s ideas and anything they can sell. You too can be a PhD. who has published instead of perished if you have the cash to buy an “original” research paper.

          One more time, this is another data point showing it’s the White man who drives progress forward, who discovers, invents, finds something original that ultimately benefits all mankind, not the supposedly high IQ wogs are completely amoral and excel at mimicry.


        • @metrosucks Oh yes, the HB1, and there are plenty of other avenues too for them. It’s always wonderful for other groups to hire their own and shut whites out, but whites can’t even get hired fairly for being qualified..
          Trump was so worried about black unemployment. The MAGAs constantly bragged about the lower black unemployment, and they were so proud of this.
          About the Chinese theft…the “racial realists” will tell you that Asians are smarter than Whites. Which is all bullshit because history is on our side. They are good mimickers, and their idea of success is copying our first world nations.

      • “Nonwhites are not going to want to be slaves. Right now, most of them live off of our taxed wages, so WHY would anyone think a giant brown mass is going to be a great labor pool? Are some of these people SO ignorant and naive, that they think this isn’t so?”

        Yes, absolutely yes. People are this stupid. They are so stupid they really do deserve the world they are creating. Problem is, all of us will be paying for their stupidity.

  2. “Conservatives are angry with virtually all institutions now: Big Media, Big Business, Big Finance, Big Tech, Big Education and even the Pentagon and want to blow up and knock down those institutions. They lack the ideological equipment and the historical memory to justify why they want to do this.”

    No statement have I read in recent years that more accurately sums up the electorate and their plight of being furious at having been disenfranchised on so many levels, yet, having been drunk on The Jewsmedia & the dogma of the academies, for so long, they’re staring at the truth is giving them a horrendous hangover.

    Essentially, White Gentile America does not remember who it is, which is why it was taught to be that way, because if you cannot remember who you are, you are incredible unlikely to contrive a strategy to defend yourself and your well-being.

    That said, I feel White Gentiles are currently involved in an intense groping in the dark for themselves, and, the upshot of this is that they will find themselves soon enough.

    Signs I see of this in Northeastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia are the extremist things old Baptist ladies say or the ever growing amount of Gadsden and Confederate Battleflags being displayed.

    Moreover, because I so often wear our flag in publick, I am often treated with a glee that makes me wonder if, in my form, they have seen a ghost from The Army of Northern Virginia.

    The South is finished with this form of America, and now the conversation has gone to what we will be next.

    I humbly submit that what we will be next is what we have always been, and high time it is to be that, once again – only this time we will have air conditioning and takeout Chinese with our rifle racks and overly sweetened iced-tea…

    • “Essentially, White Gentile America does not remember who it is, which is why it was taught to be that way, because if you cannot remember who you are, you are incredible unlikely to contrive a strategy to defend yourself and your well-being.”

      Very true and well put. Maybe it was an inevitable consequence of the “melting pot”, which I have always known too many ingredients were thrown in.

      • Thank you, Dear Powell.

        Yes, the more ingredients you put in the soup, the more complex and uncentered the flavour runs the danger of becoming.

        Even if the soup remains good, or gets better than it was, it still becomes a different soup.

        Often that soup winds of getting thrown out by the chef, at which point he starts again.

        Personally, I think this country needs to go back to scratch. 5, 10 years back, I felt like I was in a small minority to consciously think that. Nowadays I know I am in a plurality of citizens feel and want that, and the plurality is growing.

        Have a great wee!

  3. The “Dirtbag Left” does not exist except for literally a few hundred people in Brooklyn making “Internet Media Content.” It was a label invented for “white liberals disillusioned with the Democratic party that listen to political stuff on their iphone occasionally.”

    They were there to keep the whitest and malest liberals from defecting to the new and fun “Alt Right.”

    People are listening to Jimmy Dore because he is calling bullshit on the fake “Progressive Democrats” and even touching the Holy Grail and pointing out what a fraud Bernie Sanders is.

    Good for him – the Democrats are almost as bad as the Republicans, and the “Progressives” are just as ridiculous as the “Nationalists.”

    There is no “Red-Brown Alliance” because the people who listen to Jimmy Dore aren’t “Red” and there are no “Browns” in America. If something were to happen the people who are “Jimmy Dore voters” will listen to some other podcast.

    Americans LOVE to invent these fake “movements” like they are in some sort of club. Both the right-wingers and the left-wingers do it. I think it’s an American thing, like how Americans always loved to invent their own specific denomination of Protestantism.

  4. To all you QAnon retards:

    Trump was very good friends with Jeffrey Epstein….And this makes Trump a pedophile….And this makes Trump a pederast…


  5. You gotta move beyond the anal sex homosexual pederast party of Ronald Reagan….This how you get beyond GLOBAL HOMO….

  6. Donald Trump’s GLOBAL HOMO Foreign Policy had a really bad smell to it…..and it smelled liked shit….for a very obvious reason….

      • @12AX7…

        While I agree with you that fear of losing would be a problem for President Trump, and would always figure in his calculations, fear of not winning a 2nd term, and, thus, seeming like a loser president (only one term) in his mind will prompt him to run.

        I think he will win a primary against DeSantis and Hawley, sad to say, and will very likely win a second term.

        To be clear, for me Trump is better than Biden, and by a long shot, though, with another victory of his Whites will think the nation saved and go back to sleep.

        It’s a terrifying prospect, and, because of that, it might just be that The Establishment secretly helps President Trump win.

  7. Elections are over. It’s clear that candidates are appointed.
    Just like our nation is gone.
    “A nation of immigrants” and “Melting Pot” have been drummed into peoples’ minds for so long, they actually believe this. Contrast how many Germans (the largest European immigrant group) with how many noneuropeans have come into this nation.

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