Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don’t believe our pain. My children almost became a statistic. I almost became a statistic.
— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) May 6, 2021
I testified about my experience @OversightDems today.
Hear us. Believe us. Because for so long, nobody has. pic.twitter.com/rExrMXzsSQ
When we talk about birthing people, we're being inclusive. It's that simple.
— NARAL (@NARAL) May 6, 2021
We use gender neutral language when talking about pregnancy, because it's not just cis-gender women that can get pregnant and give birth. Reproductive freedom is for *every* body. https://t.co/9E9qKRMJTu
When James Carville spoke out about wokeness gone mad and “faculty lounge” talk that is weird and alienating to working class voters, this is precisely what he was talking about.
“Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush hit back Thursday at conservative critics who denounced her use of gender inclusive language rather than focusing on her story of nearly losing both of her children during childbirth.
Bush, a freshman lawmaker from St. Louis, testified at a House Oversight hearing on health risks faced by Black mothers. …
But when Bush posted a video of the heart-rending testimony to Twitter Thursday afternoon, she faced swift backlash on social media for her use of the phrase “birthing people,” a term that includes transgender and non-binary people who give birth.
A slew of prominent conservative accounts criticized Bush. …”
Who talks like this in St. Louis?
I mean outside of the humanities department at St. Louis University which my father-in-law used call the Little Red Schoolhouse? Have you ever seen a normal black person in St. Louis use the phrase “birthing people”? How exactly do trans girls give birth?

“Birthing People”
Kill. Me. Now.
She looks like she just stepped off the set of a Planet of the Apes remake. Amazing some guy would tap that, twice. It must have been a fifth of Jack Daniels doing the thinking that night.
There’s an ass for every seat as they say.
Black guys will fuck anything.
With blacks, the problems are endless and the solutions are none.
The solution is a firm, no-nonsense Boer government that knows how to discipline its subjects.
Or maybe free one way helicopter rides or leaky boat trips back to the homeland.
“Humans of the CIA” was the recruitment ad header.
Only 5 years ago, all of these grievance groups would have demanded that government agencies do spotlight propaganda specifically about women/gays/POC etc. It seems like the rabbit hole of identity politics is creating a critical mass where ambiguous language is becoming the only safe option instead of specific language because of these new blossoming gender identities that keep being invented. It’s a perfect example of leftist ideology turning itself inside our.
These people will continue to push their victimhood upon us as long as we allow it. The more we give the more they take. We allow this and they need it to thrive, the second this statement Wasnt laughed off the stage the beast grew more powerful. Blacks are coddled and treated like children at this point no self respecting person would want this
Thanks again, Lincoln.
I thought he wanted to send ’em back to the Motherland.
The Left’s insanity has no limit. The limit is reached when everything is destroyed and chaos rules.
“But when Bush posted a video of THE HEART-RENDING TESTIMONY to Twitter Thursday afternoon, she faced swift backlash on social media for her use of the phrase “birthing people,” a term that includes transgender and non-binary people who give birth.”
Leading word choice calculated to get stupid weepy women to take the woke niggress’ side in an editorial thinly-veiled as “reporting”. All jewnalism is like this now.
If a feminist says I can not have an opinion about abortion because I am a man I can now say ‘Yes I can! I am a birthing person’