VICE: The Guy From Staind Is an Alt-Right Darling Now and His Label Loves It

Apparently, the Jews hate the new Aaron Lewis song “Am I The Only One” and have been trying to get his label to cancel him. They’re accustomed to controlling everything and bossing people around. The ADL has recently established itself as the censor and gatekeeper of the internet.


“At some point, the song came across the desk of Bob Lefsetz, a veteran music blogger whose long-running newsletter, “The Lefsetz Letter,” is seen by many in the music business as required reading. (“Just about everyone who’s anyone in the music industry” subscribes to it, as the Los Angeles Times wrote in 2017.) Lefsetz gave “Am I The Only One” a listen and, on July 15, published a post about how much it sucks.

“It’s HEINOUS!” Lefsetz wrote. “This middle class, right wing wanker has recorded a song that should have been played at CPAC, in between speeches by nitwits like Lauren Boebert saying to refuse the ‘Fauci ouchie.’”

From there, Lefsetz trained his sights on the man responsible for putting this song into the world: Scott Borchetta, the CEO of Big Machine Label Group, which has Lewis on its roster. Lefsetz tore into Borchetta for releasing “Am I The Only One”—telling him, notably, to “get your head out of your rear end”—and implored him to drop Lewis from his label. 

Then Borchetta himself got in the mix, writing a page-long email responding to Lefsetz’s takedown. Lefsetz published it the next day.

In it, Borchetta notes that while he and Lewis have “political differences,” Borchetta “believe[s] in the First Amendment,” whatever that’s supposed to mean. He also lauded Lewis for his “unique point of view”—though loving the flag, hating liberals, and defending Confederate monuments isn’t all that unique—and for “inspiring conversation.” …”

Bob Lefsetz points out how David Geffen has cancelled people before:

“Why does Valory release such crap. Come on Scott Borchetta, David Geffen dropped the Geto Boys over their odious lyrics and now you’re marketing this junk? And for those who don’t know, all the execs idolize Geffen, and communicate and consort with him too. That’s his role today, elder stateman with a hand guiding all the players, young and old, Scooter Braun calls Geffen his rabbi and Jimmy Iovine doesn’t make a move without talking to Geffen first. You see Geffen made billions and they all want that money too. Come on Scott, get your head out of your rear end. How much money are you gonna make here anyway, and it is all about the money at this point, right? …”


As we previously noted, the frog is starting to boil and the normies have been stirred up ever since COVID and the George Floyd riots. There has been a shift in cultural mood among the normies from complacency to alarm and anxiety and it being expressed in songs like this one.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I reget listening to some of it. What filthy language, even Tractor Supply probably can’t play it. Nothng of value in Nashville commercial “folk music.”

  2. This is what the kykes do when things get hot, they send out fake dissidents. You are seeing it all over. Ben & Jerry a couple of kykes from Vermont are not going to sell ice cream in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Don’t be fooled and remember all Jews are the same, they all reject Christ and his teachings and they all hate Christ with all of their might. That is what makes them Jews. Jews would not be Jews if they did not hate Christ and Judaism would not exist without the Jewish hatred of Christ.

    • Robert B,

      Are you familiar with Grimstad’s “Anti Zion” under something called the Colchester Collection? It’s still online.

      This is a book that lists the comments on some of the worlds greatest thinkers and their “noticing” certain negative things about certain/most J people.

      Some of the most surprising and insightful comments against the Js were made by men not thought of as anti Semitic:

      Winston Churchill
      Nietzsche the German philosopher
      Mark Twain

      Their comments are not from a perspective of :

      Js are bad because they crucified Jesus Christ and reject Christ as their savior and Talmudic Judaism is very hateful towards Christ, his mother the Virgin Marry and to all Christians/Gentiles.

      No, there comments and other comments of White pagans, Muslims, the Shah of Iran concern the Js history of promoting the worst forms of Communism/Bolshevism, of working together in the most dishonest business ways to exploit honest farmers (Black and White in the US South During Reconstruction), farmers in Russia and Ukraine who became enslaved to J usury money lenders.

      We haven’t had a lot of success of containing or reversing J political and cultural power here in the USA/UK by just using the standard:

      “Js are bad because they are anti Christian, they are religious heretics and they make huge amounts of $ making promoting anti Christian movies and TV shows”.

      We did have the Hayes code contain them for a while.

      The US Christian church denominations are very corrupt today with Christian Zionism and Neo Conservative nonsense.

      Please check out Grimstad’s Anti Zion.

  3. Even the jews will cancel one of their own if they deem he is a threat to waking up the goyim. Yes, Lewis is a jew.

    • Only thing the song appears to encourage is joining up to fight proxy wars for Israel.

  4. When you are awoken to the Jewish Question, you can find them everywhere in our society. I am shocked that Aaron Lewis is a Jew. We got to make these guys wear a symbol of some sort so they can be easily identified when we reestablish this country. They really do blend in. I do an early life search on almost all republican or Democrat politicians now.

    • If you listen to the lyrics he’s just encouraging someone else’s son to get shot in the middle east.

  5. This song shows the problem with right wing dissent in the USA. It always get recycled back into the same empty patriotard stuff.

    It’s good that the 20th century America Aaron Lewis loves is finally dying.

  6. Another Shlomo masquerading as a flag-waving badass while singing about Muh Freedumbs and dying for the Red, White and Jew.

  7. Staind sucks. They pushed that depressing crap for the same reasons David Geffen (JEWISH) pushed Nirvana, to demoralize Americans.

  8. “Lewis was born in Vermont to a Jewish mother and a Catholic father of Italian, English, and Welsh descent.”

    Aaaannnndd, he’s a jew.

  9. Eh, more “appeal to the proles” business.
    David Geffen is a gay pedophile who founded DEN Entertainment along with Arianna Hiffington’s dead gay hubby. It was set up as an online network for teens to watch online in the early 00s, but in reality it was a way for some convicted pedos to get full access to young teen boys.
    Several were convicted and the boys got passed around to the Bryan Singer/David Geffen pedos in Hollywood.
    You can find a ton of articles online about it.

  10. Well what a surprise. Jews control the music recording industry. I don’t see how to awaken normies to the JQ. It’s like trying to educate Vermont about blacks.

  11. “Why does Valory release such crap. Come on Scott Borchetta, David Geffen dropped the Geto Boys over their odious lyrics and now you’re marketing this junk? And for those who don’t know, all the execs idolize Geffen, and communicate and consort with him too. That’s his role today, elder stateman with a hand guiding all the players, young and old, Scooter Braun calls Geffen his rabbi and Jimmy Iovine doesn’t make a move without talking to Geffen first. You see Geffen made billions and they all want that money too. Come on Scott, get your head out of your rear end. How much money are you gonna make here anyway, and it is all about the money at this point, right? …”

    What did the Geto Boys say in their lyrics to get cancelled by jews? My recollection of them was they had some mildly socially conservative lyrics of the kind black nationalists sometimes flirt with. IIRC they had an anti-abortion song and then Bushwick Bill became a born again after he got shot and stopped doing gangsta rap music for religious reasons and actually stayed that way. I wonder if they said something about jews. The articles I could find aren’t specific about what lyrics were a problem. A lot of rappers got in trouble in that era for saying things about jews ripping off black artists or supporting the Palestinians. That’s why the jewish media had to take rap in a non-political direction with a focus on materialism in the second half of the 90’s.

    If you remember rap from this era, there were hundreds of XXX rated albums and it always seemed strange when one of them would become “controversial” while the other 99 that were just as bad were ignored. It seems now like this was done to discredit the idea of any standards for blacks, by making the criticism that was allowed in the media seem arbitrary and inconsistent. At the same time, all the “controversial” rock music was being blacklisted from media exposure, even when it was still selling very well for several years with no airplay.

    BTW, Bushwick Bill originally hails Bushwick, Brooklyn, the now gentrified inner city enclave where TRS honcho Mike Enoch one lived as an urban bugman.

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