Race and Intelligence, Continued
Mark H. has the usual litany of complaints about studying links between race and intelligence: such studies will confirm prejudice, it’s all really biased, it […]
Mark H. has the usual litany of complaints about studying links between race and intelligence: such studies will confirm prejudice, it’s all really biased, it […]
Daniel MacArthur points to two recent essays in the latest issue of Nature about whether or not scientists should study correlations between race and intelligence. […]
A few years ago, some of you may recall how Auster wrote an article for FrontPageMag called The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United […]
Briefly Noted Why has Lawrence Auster been such a vehement critic of liberalism over the past twenty years? At VFR, I am delighted to see […]
Briefly Noted Here’s the Charles Darwin that Greg Laden and PC Myers would much love for us to forget. Hat tip to Steve Sailer: There […]
Briefly Noted Ian Jobling has advised the pro-white movement to reconcile racialism with liberal values. Absent from his discussion is any mention of the corrosive […]
Briefly Noted Apparently, the purpose of organizing the “Preserving Western Civilization” conference was specifically to create a forum for the discussion of racial differences which […]
Briefly Noted Greg Laden doesn’t believe in the concept of race. Fun ensues.
Briefly Noted Buchanan hints around that the New York Times is anti-white and anti-Western, but doesn’t explicitly make the charge. More paleo innuendo.
Briefly Noted I mentioned this in the comments of the previous thread. The Cochran and Harpending interview about their new book The 10,000 Year Explosion: How […]
Briefly Noted The genome of Neanderthals, which are classified as a separate species, is over 99% indentical to that of modern humans. More proof that […]
Briefly Noted The flurry of paleo reactions at VDARE and Takimag to the recent New York Times editorial has been instructive. They cowered in fear […]
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