About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And yet immigration continues…

    I wonder what America will be like with 20% unemployment. Something tells me I won’t have to wait very long.

  2. “I wonder what America will be like with 20% unemployment.”

    We are creeping closer to that number on the national level — the unemployment and underemployment numbers are FAR higher than are being reported, likely double the official number of about 8%. Additionally, the 20% unemployment mark has already been surpassed in many cities, some rural areas, and even certain states as a whole.

    The absurdity of the current situation compounds by the day. We live in an age of amazing superabundance and organizational capabilities yet economic activity is slowly grinding to a halt because of widespread fear and some kind of profound mass ennui/demoralization which has taken hold in nearly all corners of America; my view is that this profound mass demoralization is mostly the result of the Jewish rot which has infected America very deeply, especially in the elite/leadership class. This rot has in turn trickled down from the elite/leadership and has infected nearly all sectors of society. History has shown over and over that nations which become too riddled with Jewish influence eventually decline and implode from within slowly as Jews replace the former elites and leaders. This is because Jews are horrible leaders/elites because they care very little for the ‘goyim’ they expect to lord over as if it was their birthright; actually, they don’t simply care very little for non-Jews, they in fact actively distrust and are overtly hostile toward them.

    This economic crisis would be a strangely compelling lesson in mass crowd psychology if the consequences of this crisis weren’t so dire because of the human tendency toward panic, violence, and irrationality when times get desperate, i.e. social breakdown and unrest; widespread poverty (again, despite the superabundance); crime; etc.

  3. We’re practically there now.The real unemployment figures-as opposed to phony government statistcs- are above 17%.Those are Depression era numbers.The Depression era was quite a time for “right-wing extremists” if I recall correctly.This are looking bleak,and therefore bright!

  4. Indeed, the Depression Era was also a great time for the Left (Communists and Socialists) here in the US. Things cut both ways.

    The fact that not only immigration, but illegal immigration, continues apace in the midst of this economic crash shows how sick and evil our current system is. The overtly treasonous and dual loyalty Hispanic Lobby is currently making a major push to shove through mass amnesty before the economy gets any worse. No way are the Democrats stupid enough to do that. But wait, maybe they are.

    One bright spot is that there is now a current move to cut back on or get rid of the outrageous H-2B visa guest worker program. For the first time in ages, the Left is supporting American workers against foreigners. It’s been the other way around for far too long.

    It makes no sense at all for Blacks to be pro illegal alien. Illegal aliens have probably ruined Black workers more than any others. The racism Blacks face from Hispanics pales against any that they got from us Whites. We are starting to see some articles from Blacks now, right and left, wondering if a non-White majority America is really in Blacks’ best interest. In California cities that have gone majority Hispanic, Hispanics now run the show and are overtly hostile to Blacks and their interests.

  5. “The economy is going to have to get much worse for WN to gain traction.” – Prozium


    The first step is for things to get so bad that Western elites finally start to lose all confidence in their leftist tropes and give up their grip on the public psyche. Once this happens nationalist ideas will finally have the chance to grow in the free air, and from that point who knows what’s possible. Our current insanity demonstrates that, with mankind, damn near anything is possible, so there’s no sense giving up hope.

    Certainly, if a food shortage were ever to come to the Western world then that would trigger the end. Aside from that, perhaps it will take Soviet-style unemployment, elevated crime rates, and financial indices long since bottomed out before the power structure finally gives up the ghost. Maybe it won’t take so much…

    At this point it hardly matters, I can’t imagine this country surviving another 16 years; lines will be redrawn at some point. These things will probably happen within our lifetimes. Get ready.

  6. Robert Lindsay: No way are the Democrats stupid enough to do that.

    Stupid? Please, there’s nothing stupid about installing a permanent majority of your political supporters.

  7. “The economy is going to have to get much worse for WN to gain traction.”

    Watch Europe. If it happens, it will happen there first. Most European countries have viable nationalist parties, and many Europeans still have a sense of their ethnic identity.

    America has no viable nationalist party, and most white Americans have no racial or ethnic consciousness. I am not optimistic about America’s future. Our society has been almost fully “deconstructed,” to use the Judeo-Marxist termonology.

  8. Nero:
    If any country in Europe falls into WN hands, you’d better believe the US will intervene militarily to put a stop to it. If anything, this will only make WN even less attractive to Americans.

  9. “And then, the— —of some of your allies. In fact, why did you take up with those gangs ? Two gangs. Jews’ gang in London, and Jew murderous gang over in Moscow ? Do you like Mr. Litvinov ? Is that face— —of our Colonial architecture ? Do the people from Delaware and Virginia and Connecticut and Massachusetts ? Do the people who live in painted, neat white houses, with their little sign for the delivery box, erected in 1790, built in 1815, and do these folks really approve that Mr. Litvinov and his gang, and all that he stands for ? Is he the implication of something that Mr. Jefferson liked best ? Or— —the— —of Boston and that the first white settlers of Massachusetts belong to a race now extinct ?

    Well, I hope before the Lord we ain’t going to be replaced by a race of Litvinovs. The South got— —and desolated in the Civil War, or— —to the city of New York, to bankers in New York City and in London, (debts) conducive of slaughter, slaughter conducive to debt, as intended, and some day you may start asking, I hope so, I hope to God you will start asking some day.” – http://www.yamaguchy.netfirms.com/7897401/pound_ezra/radio06.html

  10. Lawful Neutral,

    “If any country in Europe falls into WN hands, you’d better believe the US will intervene militarily to put a stop to it.”

    Doubt that.

    This country is literally falling apart, a time is quickly coming when we won’t be able to afford having our military ideologically police the globe.

  11. Notuswind:

    The USA still has a hell of a military, and most of Europe would be on our side against the unholy evil Nazi terrorist menace, so I don’t see how it could be prevented from intervening. An economic collapse does not preclude a war; don’t forget when the biggest war in human history happened.

  12. Lawful Neutral,

    Good points.

    But the issue is not whether the U.S. has a mighty military, because it does, the issue is how much longer the U.S. will have the will and the resources needed in order to ideologically police the globe.

    I just think that one of the consequences of the American nation falling into decline is that we won’t be able to do such things for much longer.

  13. Lawful Neutral:

    The nationalist parties of Europe are not “evil nazis.” If one of them were to gain power, you would not see them invading Poland or setting up death camps. The most they would do is restrict immigration and perhaps impose some economic and cultural protectionism. I seriously doubt that the US would invade France if the Front National took over.

  14. nero,

    I think Lawful Neutral was parrodying the hypothetical liberal response to a nationalist takeover of any European country when he used the phrase “evil Nazi terrorist meance”.

  15. notuswind,

    Yeah, I thought it might be sarcasm, but I wasn’t sure. I have no doubt that powerful forces in our media and government would characterize any nationalist European government as nazis who threaten America’s existence. They might even try to impose economic sanctions on it, or something like that. I just don’t think the US would be willing to go to war with a Western European country unless the nationalist government did something really stupid and gave the US an excuse to attack.

    Like you, I think the US’s post-WWII hegemony is entering a period of decline, at least that is my hope. American hegemony may have served some positive purpose during the cold war, but since the fall of the Berlin Wall, I think this hegemony has mostly had a negative impact on the world.

    By the way, notuswind, you have always been my favorite commenter here. You are intelligent and write well. Have you ever considered starting your own blog?

  16. If one of the Nationalist parties came to power in Europe, you can bet the US will be doing its best to provoke a Gulf of Tonkin style incident as a pretext to war.

  17. nero,

    Yeah, we’re pretty much on the same page. Like you, I can’t see a dying America crawling out of its grave at the 11th hour just to squelch a few European nationalists. I just can’t see it happening…

    Thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time right now to keep up a proper blog (maybe that will change over the Summer), but I do infrequently comment at this website, Vanishing American, and Majority Rights from time to time.

  18. notuswind,
    You’re right that I wasn’t seriously calling European WNs “evil Nazis,” but that’s how the press portrays them already; they’d be even more hysterical if there appeared to be a chance of white nationalists gaining any power.

    The governments of Europe gladly avert their eyes from violence and disorder on the part of Muslim and Antifa mobs, but come down with God’s own fury on any rightist who peaceably speaks his mind in public. Under these circumstances, a WN movement could not come to power without violence, even if only in self defense. There would be chaos, confusion and plenty of legitimate pretext for US intervention to protect its NATO allies.

    You admit the USA has the military might, but say it lacks the will and the resources to use it. I’m not sure what you mean by “resources,” but I’d bet they could be summoned if sufficient will were present. As for will, it’s true that that quality is lacking in the American foreign policy of the last several decades. However, the prospect of a war against first world right-wing whites would fill the country’s heart with giddy anticipation and serious resolve. Our leaders, thinkers, and teachers have long since replaced religion in their lives with leftism. Socialism, environmentalism, and simple anti-white bigotry are sacred causes, and rightist white males are the physical form of evil. Moderate and conservative Middle Americans, in turn, would rally ’round the flag, especially after a few victories in Europe. I suspect the victories would come easily, since the press would be on the military’s side for once, and the military would be free to apply ruthless and overwhelming force wherever and whenever necessary.

  19. Lawful Neutral,

    I think the U.S. will probably lack the will and the resources needed to ideologically police the globe in the near future, not necessarily right now. Like you, I think America is still quite capable of waging war on behalf of ideology in the present.

    But remember, waging war on behalf of ideology is expensive, the kind of thing that only the wealthiest of governments can afford. And while our American government has been that wealthy in recent times, there’s no reason to believe (esp. in the light of recent events) that this capacity will exist much longer.

  20. There you have it: white nationalists are here OPENLY ADMITTING that they want humans to suffer from an economic depression. For them the end justifies the means. If people have to starve to death in order to achieve your fanciful goal of a white nationalist utopia, then so be it, as far as you’re concerned. You are all sick racist scum with delusions of granduer, and in a healthy self-respecting community YOU would be the ones being deported, not immigrants: Deported to the firy pits of Hell with a bullet through your racist skulls.

  21. “…white nationalists are here OPENLY ADMITTING that they want humans to suffer from an economic depression. For them the end justifies the means.”

    I’ll bet you think the carpet fire-bombing of German cities that CONSUMED IN FIRE (yes, a “Holocaust”) a million German civilians, and the ethnic cleansing of fifteen million German civilians that cost another two million lives was justified to defeat those “evil Nazis”.

    “Deported to the firy pits of Hell with a bullet through your racist skulls.”

    Back at you, anti-White filth.

  22. “I’ll bet you think the carpet fire-bombing of German cities that CONSUMED IN FIRE (yes, a ‘Holocaust’) a million German civilians, and the ethnic cleansing of fifteen million German civilians that cost another two million lives was justified to defeat those ‘evil Nazis’.”

    No, I see WWII as a war between various white imperialist powers, neither of whom I side with. I don’t see the Nazis as necessarily “more evil” than the segregationist US where the lynching of minorities was an everyday occurrence, or as “more evil” than the colonialist British who laid the ideological foundations of Nazism through Galton’s eugenics, Spencer’s Social Darwinism, the development of “intelligence” testing, and modern race ‘science’. I see the Holocaust as a crime against humanity, not against “the Jews”. I see Zionism as a modern manifestation of white supremacism and Western colonialism, no different conceptually or morally from Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia.

    I don’t understand your fixation with WWII and Nazism, which I never even brought up. Happily, this fixation with WWII is why you and your ilk will never achieve power anywhere, for you embrace Nazism, a movement historically situated in Germany which has no relevance to contemporary Western societies and which is incapable of exciting the sympathies of anyone but a minute fraction of the “white” population because it has been utterly discredited by the atrocities which were perpetrated in its name. In the same way Stalinists will never achieve power anywhere in the West because of the atrocities committed by Stalin, so the communists that formely supported Stalin now distance themselves from Stalinism which they regard as heretical to Marxist philosophy.

  23. Your delusion of ‘one human family’ which forces together genetically distinct groups against their will shall be the source of much blood letting to come. If you care to mitigate human misery you had best realize the answer cannot be found in your stance.

  24. If a “WN” party came to power in a European country it would be the target of extremely aggressive attempts by the U.S. to overthrow it, so at the very least there would be an economic blockade/trade embargo/international credit-banking freeze/non-stop hyper-aggressive wartime-style propaganda directed against it saying 24/7 how evil it was, how much of a threat it was to the U.S. and “the free world,” how it aimed to conquer all kinds of other nations, etc. — as was done against Iraq. There’d also be covert fomenting of domestic terrorism by its internal enemies. If it didn’t fall within a number of years the U.S. would invent any excuse to attack it with nuclear weapons. All the reasons the U.S. gave for attacking Iraq turned out to be invented. The U.S. would do the same with this hypothetical European country: simply invent reasons to attack it.

    Knowing all this in advance, as everyone does, has to be one reason “nationalist” parties in Eurpope haven’t done better: all concerned, including voters, know there’s only just so far and no further the U.S. will permit matters to trend toward the nationalistic side.

  25. “No, I see WWII as a war between various white imperialist powers, neither of whom I side with. I don’t see the Nazis as necessarily “more evil” than the segregationist US where the lynching of minorities was an everyday occurrence,”

    Don’t preach, swine. You’ve no moral standing. Blacks are not the same as Whites, they’re violent and dangerous and must be quarantined for the good of society.

    “or as “more evil” than the colonialist British who laid the ideological foundations of Nazism through Galton’s eugenics, Spencer’s Social Darwinism, the development of “intelligence” testing, and modern race ’science’.”

    -Many of Galton’s ideas were erroneous, but eugenics wasn’t one of them. In all he was ahead of his time.
    -Intelligence testing is well accepted in academic circles, and is built on far more solid scientific ground than your own Boasian nonsense.
    -I don’t particularly care for Social Darwinism myself – I think it can become heartless social engineering (but no more heartless than your own)
    -Race science is well-supported by genetic evidence, not to mention simple observation – fallacious Lewontin assertions notwithstanding.

    “I see the Holocaust as a crime against humanity, not against “the Jews”. I see Zionism as a modern manifestation of white supremacism and Western colonialism, no different conceptually or morally from Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia.”

    You’re an idiot then. Jews are not White, they’re Jewish. And yes, genes can prove that too.

    The iron rule in politics is use of power. South Africa and Rhodesia were taken by force, the only “right” there truly is. Don’t come at me with phony moral imperatives. You would take all you could given the same position. Blacks and Hispanics already speak openly about seizing power and oppressing the White man. Your lies won’t work on stronger minds.

    Go play somewhere else, child.

  26. “There you have it: white nationalists are here OPENLY ADMITTING that they want humans to suffer from an economic depression. ”

    Funny, because the Left-liberal Establishment itself has also openly and repeatedly called the depression an “opportunity” for “change”. Hillary Clinton and Gordon Brown, to take two prominent examples, have said as much – the “crisis” is an “opportunity” to establish a New World Order. Fittingly, 9/11 was also described by the Establishment as an “opportunity”.

    So it seems that White Nationalists are not the only people who see a tragedy as an opportunity, but the Establishment, of which you are an apologist, holds to the same view. Yet you don’t seem to have much to say about that, do you?

  27. “the segregationist US where the lynching of minorities was an everyday occurrence,” ( — Human Pride Worldwide)

    What about the lynching of majorities? I haven’t seen statistics for Dixie but I once looked them up for Iowa: the ratio of whites to non-whites (Negroes and Red Indians) lynched during the height of lynching was something like two to one. Iowa is not in Dixie but I have no doubt that from, let’s say, 1830 to 1930, more whites were lynched in Dixie than Negroes.

  28. I don’t see the Nazis as necessarily “more evil” than the segregationist US where the lynching of minorities was an everyday occurrence…

    Lynching was not an everyday occurence, and nor were the victims confined to minorities. See the wikipedia page:

    Lynchings declined briefly after the takeover in the 1870s. By the end of the 19th century, with struggles over labor and disfranchisement, and continuing agricultural depression, lynchings rose again. The number of lynchings peaked at the end of the 19th century, but these kinds of murders continued into the 20th century. Tuskegee Institute records of lynchings between the years 1880 and 1951 show 3,437 African-American victims, as well as 1,293 white victims.


    If you include the white victims of lynching in the total, then the average number of lynching victims per year (in that period) was 66. If you take out the white victims then the average falls to 48 per year.

    By the way, seeing as we’ve got you here, would you care to state your position on race-replacement? On what grounds do you support the dispossession of Europeans, if that is in fact your position?

  29. “I see Zionism as a modern manifestation of white supremacism and Western colonialism, no different conceptually or morally from Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia.” ( — Human Pride Worldwide)

    Israel is a Jewish National Socialist apartheid state (a Jewish Nazi state). If National Socialism was illegitimate for Germany 1933-45 it is illegitimate for Israel, otherwise it’s legitimate for both.

    My position: it’s legitimate for both.

  30. Iowa is not in Dixie but I have no doubt that from, let’s say, 1830 to 1930, more whites were lynched in Dixie than Negroes.

    I’m pretty sure whites were not in the majority of lynching victims, but in any case that isn’t the point. Right NOW, blacks are targeting whites for rape and murder at several orders of magnitude higher than the Old South. As Lawrence Auster wrote:

    In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

    As for homocide statistics, see here:


    Do keep in mind that the percentage of “White” perpetrators is massively inflated by including Hispanics as “White”.

  31. By the way, I just wanted to run this past you guys. I was reading the other day (on Auster’s blog) about a woman who was offered the protection of a guard at her apartment complex when a black would-be buyer came to see the flat, but refused this protection on the grounds that it would upset the prospective black buyer. The man went on to brutally murder her.


    One of Auster’s commenters mentioned a liberal friend of theirs, “Professor F”, who, commenting on this black-on-white murder, said that the woman did the right thing in overcoming her prejudice by allowing a black murderer into her flat.


    I am prepared to state that the majority of liberals would HAVE to agree with Professor F, in that the woman was morally obliged to invite the black man into her flat without protection. They must do so to remain good liberals.

    Now the often-stated liberal case against racism argues that racism is morally objectionable on the grounds that it leads to very serious harm such as violence and and even mass murder, which must of course imply that these consequences are WORSE than racism, not LESS WORSE. Otherwise their argument would be useless. It is ridiculous to object to Malign Condition Z on the grounds that it “leads to” Less Malign Condition Y (people don’t usually say, for example, that the “real problem” with AIDS is that it can lead to lethargy, now do they?).

    However, it is also clear that, when given the clear-cut, unavoidable choice BETWEEN holding racist/discriminatory thoughts on one hand AND being murdered on the other, that most liberals will actually opt for murder over racism. Which suggests that they really believe “racism”, and racist thoughts, are in fact WORSE than murder, even though the alleged increase possibility of murder was a major (even THE major) pillar of their argument against racism.

    It won’t be long before liberals finally “discover” a philosophical objection against the taking of human life on the grounds that…it could lead to racism!

  32. Don’t forget that most blacks who were lynched were guilty of capital crimes. It wasn’t a matter of racial aggression by whites — quite the contrary. It was punishment for racial aggression by blacks.

  33. [Unrelated to the above discussion(s)] — It is said that DOW will fall to 5,000 before too long now. Down from the 14,000 peak 18 months ago.

    Still, it was only hovering around 1,000 during Reagan’s first term (http://stockcharts.com/charts/historical/djia1900.html); it only started mushrooming once The End Of History arrived in 1991.

    (I remember reading the phrase “Children of the Rising Dow” on this website some time ago, refering to the generation born btwn ~ 1970 and 2000 in the USA ; that’s a great label whoever made it up).

  34. Q: Which commodities are worth buying or holding on to?

    A: I recently bought more of all of them. But I really think agriculture is going to be the best place to be. Agriculture’s been a horrible [JEW-WRECKED] business for 30 years. For decades the [JEWISH] money shufflers, the [JEWISH] paper shufflers, have been the captains of the universe. That is now changing. The people [NON-JEWS] who produce real things [will be on top]. You’re going to see [JEWISH] stockbrokers driving taxis. The smart ones will learn to drive tractors, because they’ll be working for the farmers. It’s going to be the 29-year-old farmers who have the Lamborghinis. So you should find yourself a nice farmer and hook up with him or her, because that’s where the money’s going to be in the next couple of decades.


  35. The number of racial lynchings was trivial by any reasonable standard. Recall that in those days most men were engaged in what were then dangerous blue collar occupations-thousands died every year in industrial, mining and farming accidents.

    Why do you think FDR refused to expend any political capital by supporting an anti-lynching bill? Did the crippled commie hate blacks?
    He had far bigger fish to fry-not even including plotting to get the US into the Second World War.

  36. Sixteen years from now you may all still be here talking about the imminent demise of America. I’m guessing America will, instead, outlive all of you, however disagreeable its form to our kind. You mistake your wishes for historical necessity, like the Christians & Communists. Unlike them, we don’t live in a time when our wishes can inspire the masses and effect political or even social change to the meanest extent, nor do any of us have the passion and will of those early agitators, nor would either be relevant if we had.

  37. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk, thank you for elevating the discourse here to such a refined level. With great minds like you on our side, victory is assured.

  38. Commenter “Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk” – are you a psyops plant on this blog by the $PLC, ADL, FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, or another similar (governmental or Jewish) organization to make pro-White blogs like this one seem very extreme, crazed, and terroristic even though the vast majority of pro-White activists (99.99999999999%) are DEFINITELY not as extreme, crazed, and murderously terroristic as you are?

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