The Anti-Anti Semites

I left this comment on the White America forum:

IanJ: Also, there is only a small community of non-anti-Semitic pro-whites to begin with.

That’s probably because the very concept of being a “pro-Jewish, pro-white, anti-anti-Semite” is an oxymoron. While it is true that many anti-Semites are deranged conspiracy theorists who blame the Jews for everything (everyone who has been around this scene a long time has encountered these people), most intelligent, reasonable, openminded pro-whites can see there is an element of truth to what they say.

The American Jewish community is the vanguard of the far left-wing of the progressive movement. White racial consciousness is an anathema to all but a tiny minority of Jews. Kevin MacDonald and others are right when they point out that Jews played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement, demonizing Western culture, undermining the scientific legitimacy of racial classifications, the list goes on. Jews finance and/or control the worst anti-white organizations in the United States like the SPLC and the ADL.

The small minority of pro-whites who post here believe the kookiness of the fringe right is worse than the damage done to our cause by hostile, anti-white Jews. I don’t see the logic in that judgment. I might find people such as “Bill White, World Commander of National Socialism” silly, unsavory, and embarrassing, but reason kicks in and reminds me that they are marginal, powerless, cartoon figures; a non-factor in the dispossession of white Americans.

I’m sure that my impression is shared by many others: what sense does it make to be pro-Jewish when Jews are so typically anti-white? Until you people resolve that dilemma (and I see no evidence you are trying to do so), you are doomed to remain a minority within a minority, a whisper within a roar of angry white discontent.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I actually think Constantin Von Hoffmeister has the right approach for philosemites, rather than Jobling. You need to stand out and have some shock value. Not this soft stuff.

  2. Robert Lindsay and Von Hoffmeister both demonstrate the effectiveness of a calculated low brow posting effort, and why high brow posts are not worth the effort. It is more important to sound unique than to sound intelligent.

  3. Iceman, you’re describing trolling. That’s a good strategy; other than to tickle oneself while simultaneously looking foolish. From what I’ve seen of Lindsay he’s more of a natural-humorist making serious points than an actual troll, to his credit.

  4. Iceman, you’re describing trolling. That’s NOT a good strategy; other than to tickle oneself while simultaneously looking foolish. From what I’ve seen of Lindsay he’s more of a natural-humorist making serious points than an actual troll, to his credit.

    The best way to approach it IMO is to figure out how to say it in a serious manner (not trolling) but succinctly.

  5. re Jobling, if anyone hasn’t read this: [ctrl-f for “Jobling” then scroll up to the beginning of the article]; it’s well worth it. It explains his motivation. From reading it I get the impression that he is hyper-sensitive to status concerns, to appearing respectable; hence the Judeophilia. (Criticism of Jews is not respectable [except when in support of ‘Palestinians’ perhaps]). And hence his break with Taylor over the lack-of-sufficient-Judeophilia-at-Amren and the Holocaust issue (saying the mythical gas chambers were not real is certainly not respectable; the truth notwithstanding).

    Not that this is any kind of revelation, but it was interesting reading anyway.

  6. Lenny,

    That’s also my impression. It’s a snob thing. Expressing affection for Jews is a way for Jobling to essentially say: look how much better I am than all you white trash neo-Nazis. He isn’t making a serious argument.

    The funny thing about it is that it wins him no status points or the mainstream attention he so craves. In this sense, it is like his strategy of trying to bridge “race realism” with “neoconservatism.” That didn’t work either but he clings to it anyway and insists that everyone else follow.

  7. Trolling is when you violate the culture of the forum.

    But if you post low brow in the appropriate place, it isn’t trolling. Just like you wouldn’t be expected to wear a suit and tie into mcdonalds.

  8. It’s ironic that I argue against philo-semites on blogs like this, but also spend a lot more time on Stormfront arguing with crazed paranoid Jew-obsessed conspiracy nuts. There are thousands of freaks on SF who believe that anyone in the world who does something bad is a Jew.

    Those of us who seek to expose the Jewish role in white dispossession need to do more to silence the insane psychologically defective weirdos that scare normal people away from our movement. We can talk about anything; but what we say must be supportable with evidence and presented in a reasonable manner. Those who refuse to do this need to be ostracized. There must be no tolerance for nut jobs.

  9. “Kevin MacDonald and others are right when they point out that Jews played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement, demonizing Western culture, undermining the scientific legitimacy of racial classifications, the list goes on.”

    All very true, except you left out a critical factor – Jews pushing and lobbying very hard for non-White mass-immigration to the USA (not only with the 1965 immigration bill, but throughout the 19th-21st centuries) – you should go back and add this factor to this list because it is so critical to know and understand!

    Emma Lazarus’ treasonous sonnet “The New Colossus” is at the base of the Statue of Liberty for God’s sake, claiming that America is a land for “exiles,” the “tired, poor, huddled masses,” the “wretched refuse” of the world, “the homeless [and] tempest-tost”…everything except a land founded, populated, and built to greatness by those of Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Celtic, and Germanic/Nordic stock. Her wretched poem is nothing more than your typical treasonous Jew-twaddle and is the epitome of the warped Jewish view of America and its founding population.

    Also, a general question and suggestion: why do you capitalize the word “Jew/Jewish/Semite” and NOT capitalize the word “White”? Do you routinely capitalize “Jew,” “Black,” “Asian,” “Hispanic,” etc? If so, please consider routinely capitalizing “White” from now on too.

  10. “Who cares what shitbag Jobling says about anything? He’s an anti-
    White piece of shit. He’s worthy ov a bullet thru the skull.”

    Hey Prozium, I’d definitely consider screening, banning, and/or deleting future comments like that one above from commenter “Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk” because he is commenting about murdering people which is obviously horrible if not very, very illegal/immoral. Comments like that make pro-Whites in general look like murderous crazies, which 99.99999999999% are definitely NOT.

    Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if “Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk” is a psyops plant on this blog by the $PLC, ADL, FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, etc to make pro-White blogs like this one seem very extreme, crazed, and terroristic.

    Please, for the sake of the overall American pro-White movement please remove or disallow extreme comments similar to that one in the future because they are emphatically NOT representative of the pro-White movement as a whole.

  11. I think Jobling has good intentions but the more intellectual he sounds, the more boring he sounds. He is all about respectability.

    Frankly, shock value and calculated immaturity are infinitely superior to underground movements than intellectualism. Dennis Rodman or Marilyn Manson or Insane Clown Posse gets noticed more than an intellectual does who writes a strong Doctorate thesis.

    That is why Linder gets a bigger audience than Jobling. The more Jobling tries to emulate Republicans, the more he is eclipsed by them. It is like emulating the sun. If the light is already there, then nobody will see your flashlight.

    Jobling tries to copy mainstream movements but doesn’t have the marketing power to compete with them. The better strategy is to differentiate yourself in a way that you are no longer eclipsed by those movements.

  12. I’m not saying Jobling should change his stance on Jews necessarily. But he has to do something that gives him a niche that sets him apart from the crowd.

    There are plenty of Tom Tancredos and Ron Pauls in the world. Jobling needs to find a way to separate himself more strongly. There has to be something he provides that mainstream people don’t.

    Right now there isn’t. And belief in racial differences doesn’t make you extreme. Most people if you talk to them privately, believe in racial differences. He needs something stronger to differentiate himself.

    With Constantin it is poetry. With Lindsay it is crazy low brow blogging. With me it will be pushing the tech limit with multimedia design. But what is Jobling doing that is any different than Pat Buchanan or even worse, neo-conservatives?

  13. With the ZOG saying they are coming for ‘right wing extremists’ now more and more people will be receptive to believing it is the jews all along!

    ZOG are going into neo-bolshevik mode but luckily there are those of us here to sound the alarm about the jewish hive mind behind the crack-down (just like Hitler did in his time)

    It is almost like the early ’30s again!

  14. Honestly, I think I’ve slowly lost my enthusiasm for ripping on people who attack organized Jewry. I do think though that people should view the demise of America with a wide eye, not a narrow eye. Jews are caught up in the problem but the scope of the problem is wider than Jews imo.

    Jobling is wrong if he thinks people should mince words to avoid offending oversensitive Jews. But then again, Stormfront types are also wrong to hang on the issue to the extent that they do.

  15. I would question the wording that “Jews are caught up in the problem.” Why get all passive? Is that like when black criminals get “caught up” in robberies and murders?

  16. That is why Linder gets a bigger audience than Jobling.

    Used to get a bigger audience. Since he sold out to “blogging” and ‘Socrates’, and busied himself with cleaning out his colostomy bag, I doubt VNN has a quarter of the readership it did in the glory days of Pearson spintros. As far as internet white nationalism, MR and OD are now “where it’s at”. VNN is dead (viz. Brutus’ latest “toons”).

    Von Huff-n-puff is worthless too. Accomplishes nothing. How has the white nationalist critique of modernity advanced? Let’s look at its most significant “leaps forward”:

    – Post-War cryptofascist authors (Yockey, Evola, WG Simpson)
    – American WN figures (Mason, Duke, Pierce, Oliver)
    – Pearson / Linder
    – MajorityRights / GW (the introduction of postmodern rhetoric & sociologizing, re-enfranchisement of genetics)
    – Frank Salter (? I haven’t read the guy)

    That’s about it. And remember, it’s still just the internet. Big Von is meaningless in this skeletal model of what brings us here to talk about the things we do in the way we do. Yea, a characteristic approach is fun to read, but Big Von’s scribblings are nothing but crude, predictable, shock-value performances at the big open mic called the web. His ideas are deliberately over-the-top contrarian to make the orthodox squirm and impress the naive. He confirms that egotistical charlatans can always find a shallow audience to take the bait and flatter them.

  17. I suppose I forgot the entire field of Holocaust debunking. And that’s a big piece — of what value is someone like Big Von to that?

  18. Because while I consider Prozium a peer, I deviate from his paleo-conservatism and believe America had problems ideologically even in 1776.

  19. Your forgetting Stormfront, that’s the biggest pro-white site on the internet by far. It’s not very intellectual though. Much of the discussion there is just small talk about nonsense like “my favorite celebrity” or “R NIGGERS HUMAN?”

  20. Lenny, the different colors on the diagram show clear groupings of gene frequencies that correspond with selection due to geographic separation. The red being characteristic of South Asian gene frequencies. I have used just this study to convincing effect to demonstrate the existence of the White race in debate. In first came to my attention at JWH’s now defunct Western Biopolitics. As we know, the more intensive genetic studies become, done on the genome, the greater the relief is in distinguishing groups.

    Rosenberg’s dramatic work can be perused here:

  21. Sadly, Western Biopolitics — one of the best blogs on the net — is now down. You should probably replace Western Biopolitics with Freiboden.

  22. What is Freiboden, a student? An academic using Freiboden as a pen name? The girl is impressive. She could do with some discipline in terms of editing her entries to be a lot shorter. Even if they were looked at as free-standing essays they’d need editing. She’s got to tighten them up. About her devotion to the Palestinians: I can’t sympathize with that at all. I can see supporting the Palestinians as payback for Jewish race-replacement genocide of Euros but apart from that I can’t see it.

  23. “Sadly, Western Biopolitics — one of the best blogs on the net — is now down. You should probably replace Western Biopolitics with Freiboden.”

  24. “What is Freiboden, a student? An academic using Freiboden as a pen name? The girl is impressive. “

    For one thing, “she” is obviously male.

  25. Hello,

    I have posted under the name mentioned above, Krystian, at VNNF. I have never posted here under that name. Recently my main computer crashed from a serious malware/spyware thing. I do not endorse terroristic statements, never have. It is possible my computer was hacked by someone with malicious intent. Apologies for the confusion and I’m dismayed that my screen name has been used for such purposes. It is all rather ominous :-(.

  26. “For one thing, “she” is obviously male.”

    You’d think that’s gotta be right. No female could have thoughts like that. Female brains just don’t work that way. It’s gotta be a guy. Even for a guy it’s pretty remarkable — read this (or read it again): . She gets all the way at the nub, right at the innermost core, of just about everything she touches there.

    Gotta be a guy and gotta have some years on him: this is no twenty-something. Forty-something more like it.

    If it was a gal, I was thinking it might be “Duende” who blogged very briefly at GnXp in 2002, an outstanding intellect at that time and reported to be just finishing her undergraduate degree so couldn’t be older than 21 or 22. She disappeared into thin air, possibly as a result of a clash with GC.

    Anyway, whoever or whatever Freiboden is, I’ve been checking the site every day.

  27. Superb website. Far better than V-Dare, White America, and other websites of philosemitic vermin. I’ll add it to my blog roll as well, thanks.

  28. “For one thing, “she” is obviously male.”

    Am I the only one who is a little creeped out by a man who pretends to be a woman online?

    Also, remember this stuff? Read the comments section of the post:

    This guy has some creepy obsession with black men and miscegenation. Here are some more gems:

    “As such, blacks are worshiped by white boys and white girls as the alpha-male race. White men have become sheepish white boys groveling before the big tough cool black dudes, and white girls wanna put out to black studs and give birth to little Obamas.”

    “Obama is their boy. He’s the child of black male/white female sexual union. He is the template of what Jews want to happen to all of white America. Jews want white males to be emasculated into metrosexual quasi-homos and white females to open throw themselves at black men. This will destroy white power forever, and Jews will be All-Powerful forever. Jews want to control a black guy who would morally and spiritually lord over a bunch of pussified, sappy, dorky, and self-loathing white boys and jungle-feverish girls.”

  29. “Also, remember this stuff?” ( — ATBOTL)

    Describing isn’t endorsing.

    But you’re right about posting in drag being creepy — or at least not a good decision. There’s lots wrong with it in terms of truth and honesty totally apart from creepy, and the guy should stop that. Andrei or whatever your name is, cut the crap and admit you’re a man.

  30. OK, here is the deal guys –

    First, an analogy.

    Do you realize that 90% of the ingrediants in rat poison is actually benign and nutritious (and tasty!) for the rat? The other 10% causes the actual harm, and kills the rat!

    See where this is going?

    The thing with likeky Judas Goats, such as ‘Mz. Free-Bottom’, is that the things ‘she’ says may indeed be 90% good or accurate, but the other 10% is downright toxic.

    Especially when your aiming not for run-of-the-mill CONservative types, but targeting those already HIGHLY ‘in the know’. To ensure optimum effectiveness, you have to make the 90% ‘good’ stuff largely entertaining more than anything else, since, like the poison, it has to be ‘tasty’ in order for it to be attractive, hence seemingly credible.

    That 10%, the negro and jew worship, is the poison. It is meant to instill feelings of dejection and self-doubt, that somehow we “deserve’ our fate” of alien control and influence on our lives.

    Even if these allegations were [sic] “true” (which there not); nonetheless, there simply is no need to further demoralize the less-savvy of US into thinking that we ‘need’ the jews to run a ‘modern’ society, or anything else.

    The real giveaway, if you CAREFULLY notice, is even the jewish tactics that “she”, OSTENSIBLY, critisizes, however ‘vehemently’, really seem to be almost a secret, cryptic kind of PRAISE:(!!!
    Matthew 7:15 –
    “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves.”

    Matthew 24:24 –
    “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”


    This is the penultimate purpose of the J-ew-das Goat, in their SOLE MISSION: To deceive the natural LEADERS of the Peoples and Nations

    So, do not be deceived, ‘my beloved bretheren’!

  31. “You’re reading too much into it.”

    I don’t think so.

    Reprove – definition of
    …..from Latin ‘re- + probare’ – to test, approve.

  32. Ok, I just discovered this website.
    That quote is from a thread I started actually. Well, first of all, I just want to say I respect you without even knowing you very well for the creation of The Phora, which I find as a real great place for free speech in general, obviously focused on racialism.
    Other than that, I have a couple of questions for you:
    Do you deny that there are White Jews who are against multiculturalism and are heavily Pro-White?
    Do you deny that there are Jews against illegal immigration and multiculturalism?

    No one in White America is saying that he is specifically pro-Jewish. At least no more than they are pro-Finish or pro-Maltese. But we are, definitely, against undocumented and false acussations against Jews, and radically against the concept of blaming the Jews as a whole for something that only some of they do.
    Your impression is obviously shared by many others, does anybody deny it?.
    We can be years discussing about the influence of Jews on the West and such things, but please, answer this: No matter the role of some of the Jews, do you deny the existance of White Jews who follow every single precept of the Pro-White movement?

  33. In all the years I have spent online, I have yet to come across a “pro-white Jew.” Before you ask, a “pro-white Jew” would be a Jew who supports the exclusion of the scores of destructive “anti-white” Jews from the United States.

  34. Let me see if I understeand.
    If you mean taking them out of the country, that doesn’t makes any kind of sense. It’s like saying that we should deport the multicultural Whites from Europe. That’s ridicolous, that way there would be a lot less population.

    But if you mean being against the things they say, I can present you a couple of Jews that I know who think like that.

  35. Well, first of all, I just want to say I respect you without even knowing you very well for the creation of The Phora

    Of course, the pedophora is a bit of a Dr. Frankenstein situation with poorly managed membership selection leading to the ousting of the original members.

  36. “I have yet to come across a “pro-white Jew.””

    There are lots of charlatans on the internet who /claim/ to be ‘pro-white’ and to be Jewish, but it’s probably because they fear Islam more, not because of any love for the white race. They want to divert our attention from the real problem (Israeli control of American foreign policy, anti-white Jewish lobbying groups, etc) by focusing on problems that are of concern to Jews (namely, securing a safe environment from Moslems), issues which are of no relevance to whites. They probably think that white interests in this case overlap with Jew interests, but the truth of the matter is that what happens to Jews in the Middle East is of no consequence whatsoever to preserving Western civilization.

    Such so-called ‘pro-white’ Jews include:

    -White, Jewish and Proud (amren poster)
    -nycjew (white america poster)
    -Jewish Racial Conservative (white america poster)
    – about a dozen other people from ‘white America’ — I’ve lost track of the number of Jews who have infiltrated that once promising website
    -Israeli White Nationalist (a blogger)
    -Ashkenazi Thing (a blogger)
    -Lawrence Auster (a blogger)
    -Michael Hart (blogger, founder of a conference called Preserving Western Civilisation)
    -Michael Berman
    -A few other Jews that post at Auster’s blog
    -Michael Levin (arguably — depending on how charitably you interpret his works on race. I personally think that he is only ‘pro-white’ because blacks are often antisemitic, not because he cares about the white race.)

  37. How can you say Jews infiltrated it?

    Jobling basically opened the flood gates and kicked out the antisemites on purpose. It was by design.

    Which btw, Jobling’s anti-antisemitism isn’t his problem. It is his liberal pussyfooting.

  38. Whether he opened the flood gates or not, Jews are basically ruining his website. Look at the posts by the Jewish members if you don’t believe me. It’s why I stopped posting there a long time ago.

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