White Nationalism at Takimag

Richard Spencer writes:

What’s most important is that whites have instituted the PC regime on themselves (and rigorously enforce and maintain it). No alien power or coalition of disgruntled minorities have forced whites to act is such stupid ways and believe such stupid things; it’s all been the fault WASPs, Jews, and other shades of blanche. . . . An activist white consciousness is probably not possible, regardless of whether it’s desirable.

Which is why our fearless “Alternative Right” website censored all discussion of the topic, banned everyone who brought it up, and eventually did away with the commentariat altogether . . . there is just not any demand for racially conscious pro-white politics on the web . . . no, it is obvious what the “far right” truly yearns for – Paul Gottfried’s jeremiads on the neocons who blocked Mel Bradford’s NEH nomination way back in 1980.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Strange. The Occidental Quarterly Online just posted about “race realism [possibly] breaking through” at TM – http://www.toqonline.com/2009/05/faileocons-no-more/

    At least these very important topics and issues relating to race realism/racialism, White nationalism, and pro-White activism are starting to be discussed more openly and a bit more widely nowadays…spreading knowledge, making our case, and bringing these critical issues to a wider audience is a good thing.

    Since the (Jewish dominated/Jewish censored) American mainstream media wouldn’t dare to openly discuss these issues, the internet remains the only venue available because it is non-censored (for now). If any sort of ‘breakthrough’ or wider awareness about these topics happens it’ll be because of the incredible communicatory power of the internet.

  2. I found this revealing.

    Spencer asked the question in his essay, “Is ‘Western Civilization’ all about white people?” but never got around to actually answering it. Instead he just asserted that Takimag isn’t a white nationalist website (go figure). It came across to me as if he just couldn’t bring himself to say no.

  3. We live in exciting times (for a multitude of reasons) and one of the main reasons is that I’m sensing White racial consciousness is starting to surface again and slowly percolate out amongst the White collective after being forced underground and/or becoming dormant during the post-WWII period.

    The White ‘slumbering giant’ so to speak can continue to be force-fed various tranquilizers and sedatives for only so long before it has to wake up, and I have a very strong sense that it’ll be waking up pretty soon (within the next 5-10 years, maybe sooner). I’ve got a very good intuition regarding these types of things (the public mood, crowd psychology, the Zeitgeist, and so on), and I sense that SOMETHING (something very deep) is definitely stirring amongst the White racial collective…something that won’t be able to be suppressed, denied, held-down, or ignored by the (Jewish-corrupted) American mass-media or federal government.

    It is my view that, with the help of the internet and other forms of uncensored communication and research, some form of White nationalism/pro-White activism/White racialism (whatever you want to call it) will be surfacing again fairly soon and possibly even going quasi-mainstream either in the USA or another White country – it’s likely that if successful in one or two places we might even witness a kind-of domino-effect which will affect the entire White world and make pro-White activism a definite socio-political force to be reckoned with.

    The BNP may possibly represent the early rumblings of this increasing White racial consciousness in the UK, and perhaps the current failure and collapse of the Republican Party in the USA will allow an implicit or even explicit White racialist party or movement to take shape in the very near future as millions of disgruntled and disappointed (White) former Republicans search frantically for something better to take its place.

  4. “some form of White nationalism/pro-White activism/White racialism (whatever you want to call it) will be surfacing again” WWM

    We should reject the appellations “white nationalist,” “far-right,” “the right,” “conservatives,” and so on. We should call ourselves nothing at all (apolitical ordinary folk who don’t like getting shafted), or liberals, or progressives, or normals.

  5. or national socialists, which is what I am in addition to being a liberal, a progressive, a normal, and an ordinary apolitical guy who just doesn’t like getting shafted, all of those. Positively the LAST thing in the known universe I am is “a conservative.”

  6. Let’s see, what might increase the influence of people of european descent over the next 30-50 years? Hmm, how about a baby boom among that group and keeping those sweet babes out of public school so they can learn faster and better without folks holding them back and filling their minds with BS.
    Nah, just keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.

  7. “Alternative Right” my ass. Just more Jewish controlled opposition. Controlled conservatism.

  8. Haha, Fred. There’s no way I’ll be calling myself a liberal or a progressive. I hate their guts and it is these ideologies which are responsible for the quagmire the White race is in today.

  9. Well, why call yourself “far right”? Why not “far up, far down, far left, far rightside in, far inside out, far purple-with-pink-polkadots”? Where does “right” come into it? What, only something called “right” questions race-replacement genocide? Hitler’s National Socialism was a variety of socialist and a variety of green. Is that “far right”? My advice: DON’T get caught up in these stock political categorizations. They’re structured to help the side that controls debate currently. Your side doesn’t. The side that does is not going to structure the terminology so as to either 1) help your side, or 2) give your side so much as a fair chance. Why go along with it? Get to work toppling it.

  10. The people calling themselves “conservatives,” the Rush Limbaughs and the Sean Hannitys, have been to a man staunch supporters of race-replacement immigration. The “conservatives” have been at best a complete zero for our side and at worst absolute poison. Limbaugh and Hannity never wavered in their strong support of Bush. Bush was the worst thing race-wise to hit the white people of this country since the Jews began being admitted in significant numbers as immigrants a hundred and thirty years ago. So much for the “conservatives.” They never helped us and NEVER, EVER WILL. Why support them or anything remotely connected with them? The “conservatives” have been as bad on race as the most anti-Euro Jews. They’ve been as bad on race as Abe Foxman and Morris Disease and we’re supposed to support them? Excuse me, but I DON’T THINK SO. Since there’s not a millimeter of daylight showing between them and the most extreme radical “left” on race, 1) what’s the difference between the two, as far as what’s important is concerned?, and 2) what, exactly, tells us, that being the case, that we’re “right,” “left,” “middle-of-the-road,”, or anything else? NOTHING. We might as well be extreme radical “leftists” as anything else. No, it’s time to jettison ALL OF THE CRAP TERMINOLOGY AND START OVER FROM SCRATCH, this time choosing exactly whatever name we think describes us in total disregard of “whoever has that name already.” Is it patented? No? OK we’re it if we say so and FUCK WHOEVER ALREADY “HAS IT.” AS OF NOW, WE HAVE IT. DEAL WITH IT.

  11. “The BNP may possibly represent the early rumblings of this increasing White racial consciousness in the UK …”

    Screw the BNP. All of the rising “nationalist parties” in Europe have one detestable thing in common: they either support the Jews, or they have no clear position on the Jewish question. The BNP membership is largely pro-Jewish and pro-Israel, even though the official stance on Israel is one of indifference. The BNP have openly Jewish supporters and councilors. Nick Griffin is on record stating that he is against Moslem antisemitism. Crossing the Channel, virtually all of the increasingly mainstream “nationalist” and far-right parties in Europe are pro-Jewish. Geert Wilders wants to end immigration and to repatriate Moslems, but guess what? He supports Israel. All of these phony nationalists, the BNP included, should be utterly rejected, for they are enemies of the white race.

    Let’s be clear: We should not be fighting or scapegoating Moslems. I don’t care if they are Moslems living in Europe, or Moslems from abroad. They are our allies. Like it or not, the Moslems are the only people activately fighting against organised Jewry, and they should therefore be wholeheartedly supported.

    We need to go back to the original strategy and political philosophy as outlined by such thinkers as David Duke and Lincoln Rockwell. Such an approach has infinitely more potential of yielding fruitful gain than the recent political strategies of the European nationalist Right. For it is impossible to reverse race replacement without identifying the underlying root cause thereof — namely, Jewish political activities. This is not a mere “academic question”. It’s a question of racial survival. And to the extent that the nationalist right distances itself, as it is now doing, from Holocaust revisionism, the Jewish question, and German National Socialist political philosophy, to that same extent we will fail in achieving our long-term goal of preserving the white race and defeating international Jewry.

    So I call upon all of you to REJECT the soon-to-be mainstream nationalist parties of Europe, and find ALTERNATIVE parties or political groups that follow the CORRECT line on the Jewish question, Holocaust revisionism, and political philosophy.

  12. So TakiMag is discussing a topic that’s censored? Isn’t that the opposite of censoring?

    Commenting got ditched because of hobbyhorse riding. For example, I’d write a post about something as unrelated as M&M candies, or fly fishing, and the very next comment would be about how lost I was because I wasn’t stressing the malevolence of the Jews. That’s how it seemed, anyways.

  13. Evan,

    In all fairness, that’s really what happened towards the end. I saw it and understand why the comments were shut down. However, there were others like Zmirak and his acolytes who were opposed to all discussion of the topic whatsoever long before Captainchaos showed up and turned every thread into a discussion of WN.

  14. Let’s be clear: We should not be fighting or scapegoating Moslems. I don’t care if they are Moslems living in Europe, or Moslems from abroad. They are our allies. Like it or not, the Moslems are the only people activately fighting against organised Jewry, and they should therefore be wholeheartedly supported.

    Do they support you in return? What are they willing to do for you in return?

    David Duke isn’t a thinker, he’s a fuckstick. The pace of demographic change has overtaken the feasibility of Rockwell/Pierce.

    The only way to vote your way out of it — and thus hope to educate via elections — in N. America is separation; separation on any level — city wide, county wide, state wide etc. There’s no alternative. That’s stage 1. If you want to go onto state 2, “winning it all back,” that’s up to you.

    You can hate me so much it makes your head explode but it doesn’t change a single thing I just said.

    Which is why our fearless ”Alternative Right” website censored all discussion of the topic, banned everyone who brought it up

    Boy Wonder is shocked, shocked that someone named Taki Theodoracopulos — Taki Theodoracopulos, born in Greece — could be uneasy with something called “White Nationalism,” something called White Nationalism which didn’t want a bar of him not so long ago, and in your case, continues not to.

    Honestly, now, Boy Wonder, put your feelings aside for a moment and ask yourself whether you have any better ideas than the delightfully simplistic :

    “And what about the “do something for white people” Republicans? Do what? If it’s going to be something short of full-scale removal of every single non-white off the territory of the United States, then why not something along separationist lines? You don’t even have to rely solely on the white vote to do that.

    How many millions of blacks would be sick of hispanics? How many millions of hispanics sick of blacks? How many Asians sick of both? What about everyone sick of muslims?

    Separationism allows you talk about all the issues (barring you-know-what, because it’d be supremely pointless with respect to immediate goals) without a smidgeon of “hatred” and appeal to far, far more than the N. European.

    What’s the alternative? Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan on the internet about being “jewed” out of your patrimony?

  15. Take heart American whites, only a few years ago, (2006) Britain was in lockdown East German stasi style.

    Then came some local elections, resulting in gains for the BNP – the geni was out of the bottle.

    The pressure cooker had blown, the elites couldn’t handle it other than to hurl abuse at the BNP. It was counter productive and the BNP has prospered.

    Here we are, a mere three years later and the BNP are nosing into the mainstream.

    True, it’s different over here. Despite massive immigration Britain is still mainly a cohesive white nation.

    The BNP will go on to win – but Britain’s (and the Western World’s problems will not stop there) but that’s another story.

    As I see it, and I suspect so do you, is that you do not have this innate tribal family thing that goes back thousands of years the same as we.

    Still, there are more than sufficient Euro whites in America that will inevetably gravitate to a determined critical mass.

    Strangely really, America lags behind Britain in this respect, (growing resistance) even more strange as all of this was exported to Europe by America (via EU)

    I suppose what I’m trying to say is, once the dam cracks and the forces unleashed, the dam will burst. Britain is almost at this point.
    So you see, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Truth, common sense and the forces of nature are on your side – never forget that

  16. Chill out Yosemite. MANY of the leaders and ideologues in the BNP are fully aware of the Jewish problem; for example see: http://www.toqonline.com/2009/05/tyndall-on-the-jewish-question/

    It’s just that the upper-echelons of the BNP have apparently decided to publicly put the Jewish problem aside for now and focus on the more immediate and pressing issues which actually leave them a chance at winning some representation in the British and European political realms.

  17. Professional Dago,

    Taki shutting down the comments at his website had nothing to do with your hypersensitive obsession with Nordicism.

    BTW, William Pierce was always a vanguardist, not a mainstreamer. Unlike David Duke, he didn’t believe the majority of degenerate whites could be won over to his cause. That was his starting point.

  18. Nick Griffin wrote an article in the 90’s which was the British equivalent of William Pierce’s “Who Rules America,” entitled “Who Are The Mindbenders.” He is aware of the Jewish role.

    Yosemite’s uninformed ravings are part of the problem here in America. As much as I respect William Pierce’s insights and dedication to our race, he was a terrible political strategist.

  19. McLaren: “So TakiMag is discussing a topic that’s censored? Isn’t that the opposite of censoring?”

    There is no “discussion”, it is a monologue. No feedback or criticism is allowed.

    “Commenting got ditched because of hobbyhorse riding.”

    Commenting was ditched because of your cowardice.

    “For example, I’d write a post about something as unrelated as M&M candies, or fly fishing, and the very next comment would be about how lost I was because I wasn’t stressing the malevolence of the Jews.”

    Exactly, studied irrelevance. Why write about the passing away of European Man when you can scribble about the price of tea in China.

    “That’s how it seemed, anyways.”

    I openly challenged the cowards Gottfried and Spencer to debate me, they declined even to respond. That non-answer was not satisfactory.

    Prozium: “I saw it and understand why the comments were shut down.”

    Yes, the illusion of “respectability” is more important than the life of our people. LOL!

  20. Captainchaos, do you understand that no matter how right you may be, you will lose if your behavior repels other people? One of the major reasons for the failure of WN in America is that the movement has attracted numerous deranged individuals who scare normal people away. It is vitally important that we do not allow this to continue.

  21. Hey there ATBOTL, lay off Captainchaos – he is extremely effective at what he does and he is indeed almost always right.

    Why do you consider Captainchaos to be “deranged”? Simply because he has a very active, expressive, and forceful writing style? Actually, many of the best of Whites in North America, Europe, Australia, and so on are increasingly “deranged” these days as they look around and notice what is happening (or what has already happened) to the White West…the realization that your people, your country, and your culture are on the path to extinction, that they are being swamped by parasitic non-White “immigrants” (colonizers, actually) from all over the Earth, and led (more like forced) in to a deep ditch by an unhinged, hostile, and organized group of greedy, culture-wrecking, and universally despised semi-Semites referred to as Jews who would much prefer that all unmixed Whites go extinct and thus get permanently out of their way so that they can eventually lord over the purposely-made-stupid-and-inferior mixed masses of a non-White West with a totalitarian Judeo-Communist fist. So yeah, sometimes we here get a bit “deranged” when we think and write about the increasingly imminent extinction of our people…because contemplating EXTINCTION has a strong effect on people like us who actually care about things like the PERMANENT survival and preservation of our glorious White-Western cultural legacy (in terms of genetics, history, science/technology, art, language, etc).

    “One of the major reasons for the failure of WN in America is that the movement has attracted numerous deranged individuals who scare normal people away. It is vitally important that we do not allow this to continue.”

    This website is not “mainstream” and likely never will be, and it nor Captainchaos are certainly not to blame for the inability of pro-White activism to catch on amongst American Whites in the last few decades. This is a place to debate ideas, discuss theories, formulate possible scenarios, and so forth…this is not a place for the masses, nor is this a place for “normal” people because the people considered “normal” nowadays are in general pathetic ‘liberals’ who are horribly scarred and brainwashed by the (Jewish-led) multicult-worshiping establishment mainstream who have filled untol millions of White brains with their endless lies via the Jew-corrupted mainstream media; “normal people” like the oh-so-nice ‘nice’ Mr. John Progressive and Ms. Jane Liberal who live next door seem to be plagued by a noxious form of anti-White suicidalism, wracked by endless guilt for our supposed ‘racist misdeeds’ in the past, and resigned to the pathetic fate of extinction or near-extinction…again, all because of the lies in the Jewsmedia and fed to them in pitiful public schools (AKA ‘stupid conformist factories’) Also, since when have “normal” people actually made a difference in anything? The answer is NEVER – we aren’t “normal” here because the current norm is obviously fucked up beyond belief due to the fact that it seeks and even actively cheers on the dispossession and eventual extinction of Whites in North America, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere.

    The current (Jewish-imposed) norm is clearly what is repelling, sickening, scary, and deranged ATBOTL…not our views.

  22. “We need to go back to the original strategy and political philosophy as outlined by such thinkers as David Duke and Lincoln Rockwell.”

    Before his untimely assassination Commander Rockwell had worked to mainstream the image of his party. He switched over to using a business suit and Imperial Eagle rather then swaztika and storm-trooper out-fit.

    Duke later heeded this direction and ‘Suit and Tie White Nationalism’ had come into being!

    It is important how One presents themselves in appearance and this is one aspect that One can take from this Past Glorious Leaders. (ok Duke is still around though, maybe he can make a come back like Tricky Dick Nixon did!!!)

  23. Spencer: “And as Sailer points out in his Takimag essay, the elites that take part in all this are aware that it’s blue collars whites and those bereft of perfect résumés and 1400 SAT scores who are actually getting screwed over by affirmative action, and not them. ”
    I get so tired of this idiocy. One of my law-school classmates has sat on the Georgia Supreme Court for five years already because of his race. The marginal difference toward the top is much greater than the marginal difference toward the bottom. The natural aristocracy are the ones most affected personally.

  24. I’m not sure I understand your point, Ben. You’re saying the élites are just as affected? more affected? less affected?

    If as affected or more affected why isn’t there less élite acquiescence?

  25. ATBOTL: “One of the major reasons for the failure of WN in America is that the movement has attracted numerous deranged individuals who scare normal people away.”

    That is an interesting name you have given yourself. How is it pronounced? ‘At bottle’? Tell me, once one is there, that is ‘at’ the ‘bottle’, is there any wisdom at the bottom of it? Besides the flaccid pusillanimity that is exterior.

  26. Fred:

    Affirmative action hurts the elite much more than it hurts the average Joe. The elite acquiesce in it because the negative effects of opposing it (while, quite likely, still suffering from it) are worse than the effects of merely suffering from it without painting yourself as a dissident.

  27. “….and perhaps the current failure and collapse of the Republican Party in the USA will allow an implicit or even explicit White racialist party or movement to take shape in the very near future as millions of disgruntled and disappointed (White) former Republicans search frantically for something better to take its place….”
    –White Western Man

    It will likely include White Democrats, as well. I used to be as loyal and Blue of a Democrat as the next person. But what made me leave the Democratic Party was its excessive support for illegal immigration, in 2006. The traitors supported giving every Hispanic and Asian illegal alien free U.S. cizitenship, for (in effect) raising a hand in the air. This would include bringing in every Jose’s relatives up to 10th cousins. Estimates of 200+ million non-White immigrants in less than 20 years, resulting from just one bill; and this would even add to the number of annual non-White legal immigrants. I apologize for digressing, but this infuriated me, even as I wasn’t racially aware. I didn’t think much about race, but I wasn’t ready for the U.S. to turn into Mexico within 20 years!

    I at first thought about Immigration Restrictionism for an extended period of time, before becoming officially racially aware. What actually developed my racial views was when I unintentionally found National Vanguard on a search engine.

    My point is that with enough alienation, even White Democrats will start to convert to White Nationalism/White Preservation. And it will be like leaving a trail, or savenger hunt along the way.

  28. Ben Tillman, are you speaking of those who control governmental policy, or just those with natural skills. I agree many of the smarter Whites are affected. But how are elites such as the Kennedy’s and Bush’s greatly harmed?

    Or are you thinking about a differnt kind of “elite,” such as intellectual, etc.?

  29. Ben Tillman, are you speaking of those who control governmental policy, or just those with natural skills. I agree many of the smarter Whites are affected. But how are elites such as the Kennedy’s and Bush’s greatly harmed?

    Or are you thinking about a differnt kind of “elite,” such as intellectual, etc.?


    Only White ‘gentiles’ are adversely affected, often regardless of income level or class status.


    The True Proletarian

    “The true hallmark of the proletarian is neither poverty nor humble birth but a consciousness–and the resentment which this consciousness inspires–of being disinherited from his ancestral place in Society and being unwanted in a community which is his rightful home…’

    …and this subjective proletarianism is not incompatible with the possession of material assets….”

    Arnold Toynbee
    “A Study of History” Vol. V

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