Smoking Out Auster

At VFR, Lawrence Auster chides a Randroid for his failure to “appreciate what I am trying to do” which is articulating a “modus vivendi” that will prevent “the non-tribal ideal (from going) down the tubes.” So, after all his bloviating about liberalism and non-discrimination (and now Darwinism), after years of writing about the subject, Auster admits that his real goal is to preserve the liberal regime in Washington that has been such a disaster for whites and the object of his complaints. And yet he continues to wonder why so many of us don’t take him seriously.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Larry’s “traditionalism” amounts to pining for his youth, in the philo-semitic afterglow of WWII, anti-semites everywhere in hiding, nazis hunted like animals, israel just born and growing, Dylan on the radio, hardly a muslim in New York, and Whites running from one end of the world to the other to keep it safe for (jewish) plutocracy.

    The Golden Age of a New York jew. Everything he writes about – everything – is aimed at trying to get back to that ideal.

  2. Yeah, Auster has some weird obsessions. Like Bob Dylan. How does he square that with his pining for “traditionalism.” Dylan was like the John the Baptist of the 60’s counterculture.

  3. Auster’s not at all concerned with squaring. He spins grand theories like Auster’s Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society, bragging repeatedly about how great a job he’s done explaining how the worse “minorities” behave the more “the majority” is compelled to excuse them, and it never occurs to him to wonder “gee, does what I’m saying apply in any way to the minority I favor?” When I had the temerity to assert that yes, indeed, it applies to them better than any other minority his answer was to accuse me of being a “horrible anti-semite”, proving my point.

    That was how he squared that little problem.

  4. Prozium-

    I have been involved in the white nationalist movement for over ten years and have been active in distributions, donations and everything else I can do to bring us to victory. I have read many articles, posts, books, magezines, etc on “our” issues. The reason I state this is this: Your talents as a writer are awesome! I enjoyed reading your lambasting of Raimondo, your words powerfully and articulately exposed the flaws of his poisoned reason.

    For real, your article was simply breathtaking! I’m about to read the rest of your work on this site and will add it as one of my daily destinations. Don’t stop! Your work is appreciated! Whatever has caused you to write with this style and insight, whatever set of circumstaces feed your position—don’t change it man because you are freaking hitting the nail straight on! This article was sincerely inspiring!

    Go Go GO!

    Thank you,

  5. Auster should be dismissed as a Jew attempting to infiltrate the ranks of the pro-white movement in order to distort the movement in the direction of neoconservativism and Zionism. It doesn’t matter if this is his conscious intention; it is what he is doing in effect. The sooner we purge our movement of such Jewish (or crypto-Semitic) infiltrators as Auster, Michael Levin, Ian Jobling, Rabbi Schiller, Paul Gottfried, etc., etc., the better.

  6. Crypto-Semitic is a new word we should be using to describe the likes of Jobling, Jared Taylor, and other Jew-enabling traitors.

  7. “Crypto-Semitic is a new word we should be using to describe the likes of…”

    U think “Guy ‘White” falls into this category?

  8. Tanstaalf: “When I had the temerity to assert that yes, indeed, it applies to them better than any other minority his answer was to accuse me of being a “horrible anti-semite”, proving my point.”

    So I take it you believe Auster’s genetic compulsion to do “what is good for the Jews” has him ineluctably by the balls, as with the overwhelming majority of Jews, who also succumb to their genetic compulsion to subvert to dominate their host societies. Given that, what ought to be done about them, in your opinion, other than point out the obvious?

  9. Auster didn’t say he supports the liberal regime in Washington. He says “I still hold to Samuel Francis’s hope for a restoration of white cultural and political dominance in this country.” That’s not quite the same thing.

  10. Monitor,

    If you do not adhere to the standard of ‘we will do whatever we must to remain forever ourselves’ you have betrayed your people. Despite what you may believe, there is no honor apart from absolute loyalty to your blood. Are you loyal?

  11. What Auster needs to understand is that the assertion of our peoplehood to the degree necessary will not cost him the life of his people, even if that means physical separation of the two. If that comes to pass, his people will yet live, perhaps ours will not if it does not. The Jews have no right to murder our people. They must begin to know it. I, and others, are not afraid to tell them.

  12. Btw Monitor, clearly the men at Takimag lag forthrightness, courage and therefor honor. I felt firmly justified in doing what I did there, and in the way I did it, for that reason, and commensurate with stakes involved. If they will not speak unerringly and unmistakably for our people then they should shut their mouths. And good riddance to them. I give not a damn what petty sensibilities are trampled on when contrasted with the looming destruction of my people. And nor should you, White Man, nor any of us. For if they take from us our peoplehood, they will have taken from us everything. Let the Devil take the hindmost, I say.

  13. “Yeah, Auster has some weird obsessions. Like Bob Dylan.”

    Well, Positively 4th Street just may be the greatest hate song ever.

  14. And some people go for that kind of thing.

    Didn’t MacDonald dig up a great quote or too about Heinrich Heine and Karl Marx in that regard?

  15. Captainchaos asks:

    Given that, what ought to be done about them, in your opinion, other than point out the obvious?

    What you refer to is hardly obvious, and I think too starkly stated.

    I want the aggression against my people to stop. I will do what I can and must to stop it. More specifically what I think ought to be done is on the byline of my blog:

    Eject the invaders. Hang the traitors.

    Commissar Auster is a dissimulator. Like Jobling he’s faux-White. They’re not infiltrators. They’re directing semi-aware Whites to serve jewish interests, attacking anyone who goes beyond their shallow analysis of “liberals” and White “suicide”. It’s pathetic and disgusting once you see through it, but it’s not obvious to your average semi-aware White. Myself for example.

    I can still remember when I felt race and jews were untouchable taboos even while I was incensed about immigration and jihad. Only now is it clear to me how and why my thoughts and desires were manipulated. You can’t reach semi-aware Whites with starkness. Most of us are too polite. Too fair minded. Some of us need to see how the lies are spun and see them calmly and deliberately unspun before we’ll accept the surreal depth of malevolence we’re up against. A large number never will.

    Auster actually helped me. He showed me just how naive I had been about jews, and just how dishonest they can be when they’re lecturing everyone else about race, morality, and ethics. I hope my analysis of him helps others.

    Frankly I think Auster will see me hang before I see him brought to justice.

    I’m sure Dylan wrote something that covers all this.

  16. ** “You can’t reach semi-aware Whites with starkness. Most of us are too polite. Too fair minded. Some of us need to see how the lies are spun and see them calmly and deliberately unspun before we’ll accept the surreal depth of malevolence we’re up against.”

    This is where the genteel Academic air that Kmac gives off in his presentation comes in to help Our Side.

    Kmac and CofC are dynamite in helping to awaken our people to what the Jews have been up too!!! (which is why they have sent the SPLC out to hound him)

  17. Tanstaafl is right. Auster is not a white separatist. He doesn’t even advocate the repeal of the various civil rights which established the principle of non-discrimination in American law. Basically, he wants to set the clock back to 1964.

  18. It isn’t logical for Auster to be concerned with Southern Matters. He lives in Manhattan New York (which means he’s doing very well) and doesn’t have a historical tradition of civil rights to base his platform off of.

  19. “He lives in Manhattan New York (which means he’s doing very well) and doesn’t have a historical tradition of civil rights to base his platform off of.”


    Does anyone actually know what Larry does for an income in, of all places, NYC as a ‘race realist’???

  20. On the Jewish blog The Kvetcher, Jews are discussing evacuating most of the Jews from Israel to the USA by trying to use Iranian nuclear weapons as an excuse for classifying Israelis as “refugees” fleeing non-existent Iranian nukes, thus flooding the USA with millions of more Jews and making the American Jewish problem even worse:

    “Jewish Immigration Policy as Worst Case Scenario Appears Ever More Likely”

    Steve writes,

    If two million Jewish Israelis ask for citizenship in the USA – what do we do? Do we as American Jews seek to bump the Israelis to the front of the line – ahead of the Koreans and Chinese that have been waiting 20 years to get in to the USA? I am open to that idea –
    or do we loosen the whole US immigration system in order to get them in – if we do this then along with 2 million Israelis we probably get 10 or 20 million other people that we don’t really want here in the USA

    No. As Israel becomes increasingly threatened with nuclear destruction and its secular, younger population becomes increasingly desperate to get out, we work to have these young people classified as refugees, not immigrants. Additionally, we work with European countries to absorb them as well.

    Again, I say as a committed zionist that Israel’s days as the country we know are numbered. We are looking at an Israel with a much smaller jewish population, a jewish population that is made up of ultra religious folks who are more committed to living under the shadow of a mushroom clowd – Dare i say it – a jewish population with a a Masada complex.

    This subject – the subject of millions of jews abandoning Israel out of fear for their lives – is truly the greatest taboo in our community – it really is too unpleasant for jews at any point on the political spectrum to contemplate – but it is coming

    Also read:

  21. We have all likely heard about the recent cyber-attacks against the British National Party website, which shut down the site for many hours at a time and for even over a day at one point I think.

    Now is continually going down – as soon as it’s back up again it often gets knocked back offline.

    And earlier today went down again, which is likely another cyber-attack against pro-White websites.

    Anyone know of other pro-White websites which are under cyber-attack by forces hostile to the pro-White movement? Organized Jewry and/or Jewish allies are likely behind these attacks – organized Jewry is extremely hostile to the internet because they hate not being able to control the channels of information-flow.

  22. “Iceman” (who names himself after a notorious serial killer) wrote:

    “It isn’t logical for Auster to be concerned with Southern Matters. He lives in Manhattan New York (which means he’s doing very well) and doesn’t have a historical tradition of civil rights to base his platform off of.”

    Stop defending him, please. Auster knows full well what he is doing.

  23. He’s a contract killer.

    Not a serial killer.

    You must be reading those drama whore forums if you were able to reach that conclusion as I’ve never discussed that here.

  24. “He lives in Manhattan New York (which means he’s doing very well) and doesn’t have a historical tradition of civil rights to base his platform off of.”


    “Does anyone actually know what Larry does for an income in, of all places, NYC as a ‘race realist’???”


    So nobody still has any idea how Auster is able to afford living in Manhatten, eh?

  25. I wonder if there is Auster family money. My joke is that he is a middle-aged nerd living with his elderly mother. He doesn’t mention a wife, children or career.

  26. Lawrence Auster is the brother of the famous kike novelist, Paul Auster. From reliable sources, I know that Lawrence Auster gets his money for writings that he makes pseudonously. He also ghost writes biographies and political tracts for other relatively well known individuals. His brother Paul provided him with money when Horowitz fired him.

  27. I don’t find this line of discussion on someone’s personal life appropriate and I find it lowers the level of this blog.

  28. From reliable sources, I know that Lawrence Auster gets his money for writings that he makes pseudonously.

    That would be ironic. That would make him even more similar to Spengler/Goldman than he already is. Each doing double duty for their people.

    Auster has frequently berated “masked poltroons” who make a living under their real name and oppose the anti-White regime under a pseudonym. If there’s a moral or ethical difference between us it would seem to favor those of us who truly oppose the regime rather than trying to spread the blame to “liberals” (which, according to him, is most everyone) in a mendacious attempt to protect the principal criminals from their own excesses.

    Aiding and abetting the criminals makes him one of the criminals. So sorry if that intrudes on his personal life. I’m certain he wouldn’t feel the slightest pang of sympathy if our personal lives were not only discussed but upended.

  29. Auster is what one would, in the words of the late Representative Francis E. Walter (D-PA) (1894-1963), call a “Professional Jew”.

  30. “Auster is what one would, in the words of the late Representative Francis E. Walter (D-PA) (1894-1963), call a “Professional Jew”.”


    You will know then when Morning has come to America and the West when We can take up the occupation(s) of “Professional Aryans” 🙂 !

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