The Monitor

The Monitor has returned from his long absence and has raised a number of points worth considering and responding to in a separate thread.

1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement. It’s childishly simplistic and hyperbolic.

I’m not aware of any substantial difference between President Obama’s stated commitment to “comprehensive immigration reform” and the coalition of major Jewish organizations well known “Progress by Pesach” campaign. It’s the same policy (“comprehensive immigration reform”) supported by the same interest groups. It has the same effect of demolishing the “traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities” throughout the Southwest and Southeast, although that is not the publicly stated goal (or the spin) of the legislation. Are you suggesting we should take the spin on “comprehensive immigration reform” at face value and assume that the Jewish ethnic organizations supporting it are not motivated by ethnic self-interest? That would be naive.

Jewish ethnic obsessions and government policy are identical in a number of other areas. In 2004, the “Global Anti-Semitism Review Act” was passed by Congress and the “The Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism” was established within the State Department. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have actively worked to penetrate and disrupt WN groups since the 1960s. This is well known to veterans of the “movement” who are old enough to remember the sweeping crackdown in the 1980’s under Reagan that led to the Fort Smith trials in Arkansas. Similarly, there is little substantial difference between American foreign policy in the Middle East and AIPAC’s position, as Mearsheimer and Walt argued in The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy.

The Jews might not “control” the federal government like an autocratic monarch, but there is little difference between their activism and public policy. They are powerful enough to get their way most of the time in the areas that really matter to them. The U.S. federal government certainly behaves as if it really were “ZOG.” That’s all that matters.

Jews do what they do for the same reasons as white liberals: they want to destroy Christianity and its civilization. Among the elites, the behavior of Jews and gentiles are pretty much the same. There’s no overt strategy to kill off white people.

I disagree with this assessment. Jews might be liberals, but they are not motivated purely by ideology. They have an ethnic persecution complex which translates into an obsession with “fighting anti-Semitism” (and by extension white nativism and nationalism) that isn’t derived from abstract political theory. Their hatred of Christianity is based on specifically Jewish historical grievances.

2.) White people still run things. They have reasons to be rootless and cosmopolitan without much help from the Jews. First, they are secularist, which is self-hating by definition. Second, mouthing PC slogans helps them get laid and helps them disguise their decadence. Third, the dream of a New World Order fuels the Aryan will-to-stupidity, which some call the Faustian Spirit.

Whites still control the government and economy, but as individuals, not as members of a racially conscious ethnic group. It is true that whites are degenerate for a number of other reasons besides Jewish influence in our culture. Still, that influence emanating from academia and every aspect of the media has been one of the most important determining factors.

Whites are not always victims. Whites invite their crap. In fact, they salute themselves for doing so. Mainstream political cant is full of this. It is too prevalent, widespread, and successful for One Jewish Cause to be a sufficient explanation.

I also disagree with the One Jewish Cause. IMO, individualism and status seeking are mostly to blame.

After all, Jews weren’t were first to ruin Western destiny. White elites led the way, with the masses trailing behind them, burying themselves in their affluence, technology, and irreligious narcissism.

This has the ring of truth. After all, it was whites who pioneered the liberal democratic capitalist system that enabled the Jews in the first place.

3.) Why you should you care about a future for White children anyway? The game is over once the brain loses oxygen, right?

I could always ask you why should you care so much about this world instead of the afterlife.

Therefore the long-term interest of the race loses priority over one’s material prosperity in the moment. After all, in the end, we’re all dead, supposedly. So why should it matter to someone what happens to the world after he is gone?

The problem for you here is that WNs are not motivated by material prosperity. There have been many academic studies done about the Wallace and Duke voters and most have reached the same conclusion. William Pierce and Jared Taylor are both highly educated men who sacrificed their careers to spend their time on racial activism. Kinship is the answer you are looking for.

About Hunter Wallace 12395 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Some people of Jewish ancestry feel that they are not dedicated enough to their Jewishness. Inside, they feel like a disappointment and inferior to organized Jews.

    So they join in left-wing politics as a means for compensating for their own sense of inferiority relative to other Jews. They can overcome this when they decide to stick to a set of principles instead of trying to be accepted.

  2. Iceman reminded me of Sailer’s excellent point – white guilt and Jewish guilt are opposites. This is an important point and bears directly on whether or not Swipple and Jewish behaviors are identical or even similar.

  3. Both are largely explained by peer pressure.

    But with one it is revenge and the other it is self-hatred.

  4. You could’ve dismantled Monitor’s “arguments” — bland Christian framing — a bit more thoroughly!

  5. Svigor, could you elaborate on this point of Sailer by summarizing it or linking to an article where he articulates it? I don’t recall right now what kind of argument he made.

  6. Just a few side points, Proz:

    1.) When I say “race-replacement,” I may the paranoid nightmare apocalypse that many of your commenters believe awaits us. This is the Jewish-led ethnic cleansing of white people from the West and literal replacement with non-whites. I don’t think you believe that either.

    2.) While Jews might have an ethnic persecution complex, gentiles have the cult of social democracy/managerial capitalism. Any attempt to assert White, Christian civilization must be condemned as a road to Holocaust. These whites then self-righteously cheer how they better than the trailer trash who support kith and kin. This appears in many regions where Jews are fewer and less significant.

    3.) As to why do I care so much about this world, that’s because my calling implies loyalty to kith and kin. You might want to investigate the writings of our Southern forebears like Robert Dabney:

    4.) Some months ago you were touting Peak oil theories and the anti-suburbanism of Kunstler. Are these still your passions? You have a habit of changing beliefs with the tides.

  7. The Monitor enjoys our current society where white women and children are raped and murdered. While he will never admit it, he is a de facto advocate of rape and murder. The thing that bothers him and his ilk more than anything else is that in a white nationalist society, these rapes and murders will vastly decrease. White women and children will be far safer. That’s just not kosher with the Monitor. The Monitor is an evil and nasty little cuss.

    He is, in fact, far more evil than our typical enemy. Many of our enemies live in a self deluded bubble, where facts and reality are not allowed to enter. Many of the dupes truly don’t know the murder and rape statistics. Again, they live in a bubble, and the Left propaganda machine is happy to keep them ignorant.

    The Monitor, on the other hand, is something quite different. He hangs out on racialist and white nationalist forums. He knows the facts far better than the typical anti. He knows of the rapes, the murders, the genocide. None of it bothers him in the slightest. His dark and rotten soul simply cannot care about the suffering of innocents. Instead, his goal is to distract and undermine any resistance to the horrors. His arguments above are so childish and worthless that they are barely worth responding to. They are pitiful. It amazes me that Prozium sees his pablum as worth the time of day. The Monitor is useful for only one thing – to kick around and mock. But to treat his obfuscations seriously? Why? He’s not merely an anti, but a psychopath to boot.

  8. Monitor: “As to why do I care so much about this world, that’s because my calling implies loyalty to kith and kin.”

    Bullshit, unless your kith and kin are not white. I can easily believe your loyalty to nonwhites.

    You damn well know the truth of the rapes and murders, and yet you take issue with those who seek to stop the atrocities, not those who are committing them. You complain about us – not about the rapists and murderers!! You are a real piece of work. “Kith and kin” indeed. But I suppose everyone has their role to play, and yours is Exhibit A of the anti who is utterly unmoved by horrible atrocities against innocent women and children. It’s good to expose the rottenness behind your cheap religious facade.

  9. Monitor,

    1.) I wouldn’t use such lurid terms to describe the phenomena, but it exists nevertheless. The endgame is the same: whites become a degraded racial minority in the United States and other Western countries.

    I have no doubt that American Jews see this as a desirable (and justified) outcome which will promote their own ethnic interests. That’s why they push so hard for it in Congress.

    Do you agree?

    2.) I remember saying in my comprehensive post on the causes of America’s racial decline that individualism and status seeking were its primary drivers.

    3.) Thanks for the link.

    4.) I don’t talk about it as much as I used to. Yes, I still dislike suburbia and consider it an unhealthy living arrangment. It should also be clear by now that the progressive economic ratcheting down caused by Peak Oil will occur in cycles – the price of oil will skyrocket, become unaffordable, trigger recession, and collapse again. Then the cycle will repeat itself. This will go on for decades.

  10. Both are largely explained by peer pressure.

    But with one it is revenge and the other it is self-hatred.

    I’m pretty firmly in the Sailer camp on “white guilt.” It’s mostly protective camouflage, and a status marker.

    Basically, “white guilt” is a white confessing on behalf of every white person on Earth EXCEPT himself, to make himself look good. That’s the obvious part. The insidious part, which I only copped to recently, is that this makes white-guilt-mongering much more effective; make some obscene display of WGM in the media and you’ll have a yuppie in the palm of your hand not because he feels guilty, but because he’s nodding in agreement about how the bad whites need punishing. Presumably, if all the bad whites go to the gulag, our yuppie might even land a nice sinecure out of the deal. See, he’s heard all about this “systemic, subtle racism” and how millions of whites practice it. Well, our yuppie knows for sure he’s not one of them…

    Now picture an entire nation of schmucks thinking like our yuppie…

    I guess Kevin MacDonald spelled this out pretty clearly (“altruistic punishment”), but sometimes these things take a while to percolate. 🙂

  11. “After all, Jews weren’t were first to ruin Western destiny. White elites led the way, with the masses trailing behind them, burying themselves in their affluence, technology, and irreligious narcissism.”
    “This has the ring of truth. After all, it was whites who pioneered the liberal democratic capitalist system that enabled the Jews in the first place.”

    Actually, you can thank the Rothschild’s and their fractional reserve banking for this one.

  12. Jews openly committed to a non-White America; from the Jewish magazine The Forward reviewing Zeskind’s new book on WN: “What remains an open question, in Zeskind’s eyes, is how well the nation will make the transition to become a multiethnic state in which white people are a minority. For those who are committed to making that changeover a successful one, it will be necessary to anticipate and understand the forces that are likely to be arrayed against them. “Blood and Politics” will be indispensable to that effort.” –

  13. ”When I say ‘race-replacement,’ I mean the paranoid nightmare apocalypse that many of your commenters believe awaits us. This is the Jewish-led ethnic cleansing of white people from the West and literal replacement with non-whites. I don’t think you believe that either.” ( — The Monitor)

    ”I wouldn’t use such lurid terms to describe the phenomenon […]” ( — Prozium)

    I would. Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day; therefore, even The Monitor formulates the problem exactly right in that comment: there is indeed “Jewish-led ethnic cleansing of white people from the West and literal replacement with non-whites.” Precisely. One-hundred percent correct. The Jews are not acting alone, but have plenty of help from Monitor-type faux-Christians including the Vatican and the maincesspool Protestants.

    Frankly describing what’s going on is not “lurid” or “paranoid” but is certainly a “nightmare apocalypse.”

  14. Fred Scrooby said “The Monitor formulates the problem exactly right in that comment: there is indeed “Jewish-led ethnic cleansing of white people from the West and literal replacement with non-whites.” Precisely. One-hundred percent correct. The Jews are not acting alone, but have plenty of help from Monitor-type faux-Christians including the Vatican and the maincesspool Protestants.”

    I’m not a Hitlerite but it seems that he definitely predicted the Jewish strategy of ‘race replacement’ discussed here a while back in his ZWEITES BUCH; to quote from that book:

    “[Jewry’s] ultimate goal is the denationalization, the promiscuous bastardization of other peoples, the lowering of the racial level of the highest peoples as well as the domination of this racial mish-mash through the extirpation of the folkish [native] intelligentsia and its replacement by the members of his own people.

    The end of the Jewish world struggle therefore will always be a bloody Bolshevization. In truth this means the destruction of all the intellectual upper classes linked to their peoples so that he can rise to become the master of a mankind become leaderless.

    Stupidity, cowardice and baseness, therefore, play into his hands. In bastards he secures for himself the first openings for the penetration of an alien nation.

    Hence the result of Jewish domination is always the ruin of all culture and finally the madness of the Jew himself. For he is a parasite of nations and his victory signifies his own end as much as the death of his victim.

    With the collapse of the ancient world the Jews encountered young, in part still completely unspoiled, peoples sure in racial instinct who protected themselves against being infiltrated by them. He was a foreigner and all his lies and dissimulation helped him little for nearly one and a half thousand years.” –

  15. “Yeah, people like you better really be saving their shekels for your ‘retirements’ and not wasting them on booze, porn and sports/’entertainment’, since you types are going to have a VERY lonely existence in your “golden years” (LOL) in the nursing homes with angry, resentful, low-IQ minimum-wage foreigners giving you sponge-baths—and changing your diapers.

    “As out-of-shape and as sickly as so many ‘Americans’ are (and this ABSOLUTELY includes many ‘Whitey-Righty’s’–just go to any all-u-can-eat buffets ’round the country and observe), many may–and surely will–have an early retirement indeed–from Life itself!!!”


    Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    You really got punk’d, ‘Monty’!!!

  16. In support of Monitor, he realizes that placing the loyalty to your race first and the idea of ‘will-to-power’ is what lead to Nazi Germany’s destruction. You cannot do anything without the Grace of God or else you will be destroyed, the ad hominem attacks saying he supports white girls being raped is no different than the accusations Jews use against WN’s.

    The WN movement will be destroyed if it does not realize individual salvation and group preservation comes from God and Him alone. True Christianity is not pro-Zionist and it is not Christian Identity, true Christianity is, using todays terms, Calvinist.

    Your going to run into alot of Calvinist South Africans who are going to be no different than Monitor, and yet they are the ones who suffer more than any Anglos in the US! They are headfirst in the fight against Marxism/Jewish Bolshevism (or properly Satan). The reason South Africa fell is that Darwinist WN’s took control away from the Calvinists and tried to lead the nation a Nietzschen world-view and destiny.

    Does your hatred of the Jewish race and anything smacking of Jewish influence go so far that you depise the very thing that made Western Civilization great and kept it together so long? If so you have a rootless cause. You are not genetically superior or technologically superior to anyone else in and of yourself; faith in God and God’s blessings kept the West together and strengthened it.

    When you find your willpower broken to pieces as God does humble the arrogant, pick up a bible and read Isaiah.

  17. It is the Gnosticism of you guys that masquerades for genuine Christianity, a faux-Christianity so apparent and so putrid that it is obviously a smokescreen for your cowardice–if not mendacity.

    I mean, when you all talk about not caring for future generations of helpless White children, then U R a wretched coward, NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS!!!

    I mean, even if you punanis don’t croak early from cirrhosis of the liver, or ‘Supersize’ yourselves to death from Mickey D’s (we can only hope) you all think it won’t matter to yourselves seeing your Anglo grandchildren–or other family members–being brutalized and terrorized by africans, mestizos, and other assorted Turd World ‘immigrants’???

    Yup, your going to have a lonely, MISRABLE existence indeed…

    And you will deserve EVERY MINUTE of it!

  18. Frankly describing what’s going on is not “lurid” or “paranoid” but is certainly a “nightmare apocalypse.”

    Somewhere in the white ethnic nationalist ten commandments we’re going to have to include, “if the Jews do it, ye shall use that as cover for thyself.”

    In this case, Jews intermarrying with other CAUCASOID groups (at a rate substantially lower than the Caucasoid intermarriage rate) is referred to by Jews as a second holocaust; there is no outcry from the rest of Jewry over this.

    So, if that’s a holocaust, what does that make what’s being done to us? Is there a word in English that would qualify as hyperbole?

  19. “Your going to run into alot of Calvinist South Africans who are going to be no different than Monitor, and yet they are the ones who suffer more than any Anglos in the US!”

    And those Calvinist South Africans are some of the rottenest people on Earth. The kind of curmudgeonly, hateful, Bible-mouthed bigots to drive anyone back into the arms of MultiKulti. South Africa’s evangelical republicunts. Balls to their suffering. May they be stuffed into camps and starved to death like the Boers.

  20. “In support of Monitor, he realizes that placing the loyalty to your race first and the idea of ‘will-to-power’ is what lead to Nazi Germany’s destruction.”

    My friend, would you stop patronizing us with the History Channel version of ‘history’, since you should know it was far more complex than this!

  21. “Does your hatred of the Jewish race and anything smacking of Jewish influence go so far that you depise the very thing that made Western Civilization great and kept it together so long?”

    Oops, almost missed this one…

    Ah, conflating Talmudic, post-Babylonian ‘Juda-ism’ with the faith of the ancient Israelites of the Hebrew Old Testament. Very clever!

  22. `Basically, “white guilt” is a white confessing on behalf of every white person on Earth EXCEPT himself, to make himself look good.’

    That’s part of it.

    The other side of it is that many whites have been taught to be cowards. These whites live in fear and are eager to denounce their fellow whites in the hope that it might reduce their constant psychological tension.

  23. “True Christianity is not pro-Zionist and it is not Christian Identity, true Christianity is, using todays terms, Calvinist.”

    Wasn’t John Calvin a marranos Jew (original last name: Cohen) sent in to bring the misery of usury into Judeo-Christianity???

    Thanks but not thanks.

    Better to go with Scientific Racialism any day of the week over stone age myths created by Jews in the desert.

  24. To Mr. Lombards first post, I don’t watch television and I’m not patronizing you, I realize it is far more complex, yet they did not realize it was God who gives victory in fights regardless of the odds.

    To the second post, my reply is meant to those like Fiotheth who make no distinction between the ‘Jews’ of today and the Jews of two thousand years ago. I am well aware of the difference myself.

    To Fiotheth, his last name by birth was Cauvin, as was his father; he also was not alone in his views – John Knox, Martin Luther, and St. Augustine over a thousand years before all taught the same things.

    To Mr. GR, thanks, I appreciate that you want me stuffed into a camp. So much for White Racial Brotherhood huh?

    With that I am done with this blog. Remember Isaiah folks.

  25. RO: “With that I am done with this blog. Remember Isaiah folks.”

    Goodbye. In case you haven’t noticed, we have better things to discuss here than the ridiculous ravings of some crazed Jewish ‘prophet’ named Isaiah, namely saving the White race from extinction or near-extinction in the coming decades/century along with securing White territory against further encroachment by untold millions non-White ‘immigrants’ (COLONIZERS).

    You need to remember that we here on Occidental Dissent and other similar websites care about the permanent survival/preservation/success of the White race first and foremost, above ALL other issues and concerns – religious/theological issues are of secondary or tertiary importance and must ALWAYS take a back seat to the obviously much more important issue of the permanent survival and success of the White race.

    However, you and other pro-White Judeo-Christian fundies seem to place some nebulous Jewish fairy tales first in importance and consider the White race only secondarily – that is where y’all Judeo-Chriatians are sadly clueless and mistaken. Wake up to the current racial reality.

    Judeo-Christianity will of course live on even if the White race becomes extinct or near-extinct due to the fact that there are now hundreds of millions of non-White Judeo-Christians all over the world (in Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc). Therefore, you and other pro-White Judeo-Christians should join us in focusing your attention on the survival and prosperity of Whites first and foremost and stop trying to convert us, for your religion will live on while your race will not if action isn’t taken soon.

  26. You might of misunderstood me, RO. I am a Christian also and I agree this is a spiritual battle first and foremost.

    However, our Christian beliefs should give US strength to do what is right and necessary in protecting and preserving our heritage and people–it should NOT be used as a justification for doing nothing, that it is ‘out of our hands’ or some other cowardly mendacity.

    And no, this is not ‘worshipping’ our race, this is just courageous common sense.

  27. Lombard: “I am a Christian also and I agree this is a spiritual battle first and foremost.”

    Wrong – this is NOT a “spiritual battle first and foremost.” This is a battle for White racial/biological survival along with the permanent preservation of exclusively White countries/territories here on planet Earth.

    However, a “spiritual battle” of sorts does indeed exist between Whites and Semites regarding which worldview/moral-system/religion will eventually triumph over the most people – right now the very materialistic and chaotic Semitic worldview, represented by the ubiquitous Semitic religious trinity (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), is clearly winning that battle. The gradual triumph of the Semitic over the White has resulted in the White racial crisis we are now facing. Additionally, in this age of rampant Jewish-led globalization/internationalism/multiracialism Whites worldwide are currently being squeezed by different racial factions on all sides – Asiatics (Asian ‘immigrants,’ AKA colonizers) are pouring in to White nations, Mesoamerican mestizos and Indians are openly being allowed to colonize the USA at an increasing rate, Central Asian Mongols are colonizing Eastern Europe/Russia, Africans and Arabs of all kinds are immigrating en masse (attempting to colonize) Europe, and so on. Thus Whites not only have to deal with the Semitic (Jewish and Arab) menace but all of the other aforementioned racial factions which instinctively seek to swamp us and hope to eventually take-over White territories and resources as well.

    “And no, this is not ‘worshipping’ our race…”

    I’d much rather ‘worship’ or respect the triumphs of White race rather than worship or respect the triumphs of Semites like Jews or Arabs as laid out in the Bible and Koran. The Torah/Old Testament was written in Hebrew by Semitic Jews, and the Koran was written in Arabic by Semitic Arabs…thus why do Whites choose to worship these religions when they were concocted by non-Whites and were originally written with non-White Semitic (non Indo-European) languages? That’s absurd. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek, but it was written and compiled mostly by Semitic JEWS who merely spoke and wrote Greek; it is also my understanding that Greece at that time had already been mostly swamped by Semitic-types who ended up displacing the once Northern European-derived elite who once ruled there. Once again Judeo-Christianity proves itself as a Semitic (non-White) religion.

    “[Judeo-Christianity] should NOT be used as a justification for doing nothing, that it is ‘out of our hands’ or some other cowardly mendacity.”

    I agree with you wholeheartedly – modern White Judeo-Christians are far too fatalistic, weak, and passive (it was different in the past, i.e. the Age of Exploration = the Age of White Colonization) because they seem to believe that we are just mere pawns in the hands of God and thus nothing can or should be done to oppose ‘His’ divine plan(s) – according to the White Judeo-Christians the mestizo invasion of the USA is just supposed to be ‘part of God’s grand plan’ and shouldn’t be heartily opposed as a result. This is of course bullshit – God (if it exists) clearly gave us a brain, a consciousness, freedom of action, a natural ethnocentrism, and the will-to-survive for a reason…thus let us Whites start using these supposedly ‘God given’ talents again for the pro-White cause before it’s too late for us and the Semitic and/or Asiatic triumphs over the entire world.

    + All of the pro-White Judeo-Christians here should read the following at some point:

  28. For one thing, I am not a “Judeo’-Christian”, so please drop that PC term.

    “Jews” today are not the ancient Israelites, nor have they ever been.

    I understand that you may not care about this distinction, and that is fine with me, but just realize that you are reinforcing Jewish supremacism when you or anyone conflates the SOS* of today with the Israelites (as does that tract from the Jew Ravage you cited).

    *What is the ‘SOS’ you ask: Read Revelation 2-9 and 3-9.

  29. I will say this though WP–that is is rather comical of the REAL “Judeo”-Christian Funda-Mental-Cases who, in their ‘gnosticistic-psudo-pacifism’, think we should do nothing meaningful in/for our defense as White Christians, as individuals or as nations, for, as you allege, they think it would be ‘rejecting’ “God’s plan’…,

    …but many of these same ‘hick-a-crites’ want to see EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING violent and evil done to the Jews opponants, especially to the Moslems who stand up to them in the Middle East.

    So I feel ya, man. Understand where ur comin’ from on some points!

  30. Notice The Monitor strikes a more conciliatory tone as he realizes the paleo camp is ever shifting closer to our position. So, I guess he now perceives explicit racialism as some what more “respectable”; how predictable. The Monitor still cannot bring himself to accept that racial preservation is a concern rooted in the material, and that the days of religiosity defining matters of culture from the top down, is gone. The secular state is here to stay, it is just a matter of who will control it.

    As for South African Calvinists versus National Socialists: the will of the former to maintain White rule crumbled, whilst the National Socialists fought nearly to the last man for their people. Paleos must understand, the further the situation of our people deteriorates, the more fanatical our opposition will necessary become. We can certainly expect no sacrifices from them for their people, they are cowards to a man (read: The Monitor is a coward).

  31. You know, just what exactly are you pagan Whites doing to fight Jewsh supremacy other than your usual diatribes attacking other Whites?

    You, like the evan-gelly-fish funda-mental-cases [LOL – good one Lombard :-)] seem to have just as many Zionist dissimulators among your ranks promoting anti-White defeatism whilst simultaneously plugging for Jewish supremancy [you know, the “oohh, they’re sooooo special, we should be just like ’em” sh-t]!

    Is this the type of country and society you want so bad to emulate?

    This is not a model for how to run a country, it is a model for running a prison! And you can keep it!

  32. Thanks for the link to that article Monitor. Interesting stuff, and I’ll be sure to check out the book it is based on.

    From that article: “He argues that cities, the centers of civilization, are inherently destructive. ‘They consume the areas around themselves,’ he writes, ‘and if they cannot find new materials, they die.'”

    This is very true. Cities are definitely huge parasites, consuming MANY more resources (food/water, energy, metal, etc) than they produce. I’ve been anti-urbanist myself for quite a while, and I’m now a localist/regionalist, an agrarian, and an ‘ecosocialist.’ I think we’d all be MUCH happier if we could go back to more eco-friendly living patterns in localized ‘ecovillages’ – however, these ecovillages would only succeed if they were ethnically/racially homogeneous (the same way socialism can only succeed amongst ethnically/racially homogeneous populations or groups). I think that many of the problems with cities stem from the fact that they are so often extremely multiracial and thus filled with so many groups and individuals competing for resources that the overall level of trust between fellow urbanites is very low.

    A book which is similar to the one mentioned in that article, Desmond Morris’ THE HUMAN ZOO: A ZOOLOGIST’S STUDY OF THE URBAN ANIMAL, notes similar problems with cities and city-dwellers (urbanites). He notes that the majority of urbanites exhibit many pathological/unnatural behaviors which are also commonly seen amongst captive animals kept in zoos. In that book Morris writes: “…under normal conditions, in their natural habitats, wild animals do not mutilate themselves, masturbate, attack their offspring, develop stomach ulcers, become fetishists, suffer from obesity, form homosexual pair-bonds, or commit murder. Among human city dwellers, needless to say, all of these things occur. … Other animals do behave in these ways under certain circumstances, namely when they are confined in the unnatural conditions of captivity. The zoo animal in a cage exhibits all these abnormalities that we know so well from our human companions. Clearly, then, the city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”

    The chronic pathologies so often found found amongst urbanites is another reason to not trust Jews, who are certainly one of the most urbanized ethnic groups on the planet and thus exhibit some of the most extreme forms of urban-induced mental derangement and physical degeneration.

  33. “You know, just what exactly are you ‘pagan’ Whites doing to fight Jewsh supremacy other than your usual diatribes attacking other Whites?”


    1) The neo-pagans.
    The neo-pagans are not the pagans of the stream, the field, and the hunt; they are not the pagans of old. If they were, a Christian could work with them. The old European pagans were willing to bend their knees to a God above the pagan gods, but the neo-pagans have no God. Most don’t seem to feel the need for one. Others write articles about the need for a new religion for the white man. That type of thinking typifies the neo-pagans, who have no ties to the white European tradition and no ties to reality. Can you make any claim of solidarity with white people if you reject Christianity? And can you be taken seriously as a man if you think religious faith can simply be manufactured to serve as a motivational tool for the advancement of the white gene pool? Reading the writings of the neo-pagans is similar to looking at a surreal painting; there is no trace in either of beauty or truth. I recently read a self-promotional ad in one of the neo-pagan’s publications; the author quoted Dostoyevsky’s assertion that only “beauty could save us.” But the neo-pagan neglected to say what Dostoyevsky considered beautiful. The Great Russian had one true love who combined, in His person, perfect beauty and complete truth: “… he passed through all the circles of human hell, one more terrible than the medieval hell of the Divine Comedy, and was not consumed in hell’s flame: his duca e maestro was not Virgil, but ‘the radiant image’ of the Christ, love for whom was the greatest love of his whole life.”

    “The more subtle of the neo-pagans include Christianity in the white man’s history. They use phrases like, “Our Celtic, Saxon, Germanic, Greco-Roman, Christian heritage.” But when you get past the clever phrasing you realize that the neo-pagan who talks about that kind of encyclopedic heritage thinks the European invented Christianity. To such a neo-pagan, Christianity is a reflection of the brilliant creativity of the European, but it is not true. The neo-pagan has already made the determination that the natural world is the only reality.

    “What does the neo-pagan look to as a substitute for God? He, like his liberal cousins whom he despises, looks to the future. In that world there will be no individuals, just an intellectually, biologically superior herd of white technocrats. The neo-pagan’s dream is the same dream as the liberals: they too look to a future where the herd has triumphed over the individual. The two groups simply differ over the preferred color of the herd, but they are united in their common hatred of the white, Christian European.”
    -Cambria Will Not Yield: The Darkness of Liberalism, Saturday, May 09, 2009

  34. It seems there have been some very crucial misunderstandings. it is not to wonder, as there is so very much disinformation out there.

    1) The prophet Isaiah has no connection with anything “Jewish.”
    2) Not all Christians are “fundies,” that is, fundamentalist. Perhaps the poster would care to provide a definition of fundamentalism, and we could presently dispel this misconception.
    3) Christian and Judeo-Christian are not cognate terms.

    Carry on.

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