Jail For Deniers

I seriously doubt Auster will be citing this as an example of Israel’s embrace of suicidal multiculturalism. More on this here.

This came at the end of a week in which the Israeli Knesset voted by a large majority (47 to 34) for a law that threatens imprisonment for anyone who dares to deny that Israel is a Jewish state.

The private member’s bill, proposed by MK Zevulun Orlev of the “Jewish Home” party, stipulates one year in prison to anyone who publishes “a call that negates the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State.”

Imagine what the reaction would be if a bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives that spitulated a year in prison for anyone who denies that America is a “white man’s country.” Don’t count on the anti-anti-Semites to draw any inferences about Jewish Power in America from this.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Auster is a lying jewish nerd!

    How any self-respecting White Anglo-Celtic American could take him seriously is truly beyond comprehension… . Oy!

  2. Have Auster or Jobling ever commented on the many, many people in Europe who have been imprison or fined for criticizing Jews or questioning the official holocaust narrative?

  3. Thought you might like the following quote, Prozium:

    The South fought for the race which has made the world what it is, for the agricultural organization of life, for political conservatism, for social order. . . . Between two groups of Nordics fighting a mighty fight was this difference–that one fought for the Nordic race, the other against it. . . . The chief result of the Civil War was the ruin it brought on the Nordic race in America. . . . In the more than half century since the great struggle, immigration has swamped [us]. The New England of today . . . contains a thin Nordic upper class and a mass of factory workers of almost wholly non-Nordic stock. . . . [T]he South [too] is changing, and the time must come when it, like the rest of the country, will be largely non-Nordic.

    But what has Jefferson Davis to do with all this? Much. The Southern Confederacy was, essentially, a protest against modernity. It was . . . the effort of the Nordic race to save itself. If it had succeeded, there would have been a new chapter in history. . . . Success depended . . . on Jefferson Davis. He failed . . . and with him faded the last hope of the Nordic race.

    – FROM: http://www.toqonline.com/2009/06/americas-racialist-moment-part-ii/

    – ALSO SEE: http://www.toqonline.com/2009/06/americas-racialist-moment-part-i/

  4. UR, of course, is a pro-Jew blog – not popular with this segment, to say the least. Anti-Jew comments are hereby prohibited, as are anything smacking of a personality cult. I’m sure everyone has heard enough from you Nazi swine

    It’s a pro-babble and pro-obfuscation blog as well. Mencius’ skill is throwing together sundry unrelated and obscure references in a lame attempt to support his thesis that it’s really universalist hyper-calvinists whose deleterious influence we should all be concerned about, not jews.

    Is he worse than Auster?

    Is having cancer misdiagnosed as a cold worse than having it misdiagnosed as the flu?

  5. Moldbug brags about being the grandson of a Jewish communist. He wants an authoritarian society to protect him from the shwartzes and enable his dream of an urban techno-utopia. He’s the antithesis of Prozium in many ways, even though they both share a materialist, modernist philosophy.

  6. Moldbug brags about being the grandson of a Jewish communist.

    And his (jewish) father was a State Department careerist.

    He concludes Open letter pt. 2: more historical anomalies on this bemused note:

    There seems to be a mysterious X factor which the Nazis have and the Soviets don’t, or the South Africans have and the North Koreans don’t. The treatment may not just be based on X, it may be X + human rights, but it is definitely not just human rights. And yet X does not appear in the explanation.

    X seems to be related to the fact that the Nazis are “right-wing” and the Soviets “left-wing.” As the French put it: pas d’amis a droit, pas d’ennemis a gauche. But why? What do “right-wing” and “left-wing” even mean? Weren’t the Soviet and Nazi systems both totalitarian dictatorships? If Communism is “too hot,” fascism is “too cold,” and liberal democracy is “just right,” why not oppose Communism and fascism equally? In fact, the former is much more successful, at least since 1945, so you’d think people would be more worried about it.

    Again, we are left with pure confusion. It is simply not possible that the horizon is made of canvas. And yet our boat has crashed into it, and left a big rip.

    “Pure confusion”? “X factor”? More like obfuscation. The “X factor” is jewish influence. That’s why the words “nazi” and “fascist” have become the strongest words of political opprobrium in the Anglosphere 60-odd years after National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy were utterly crushed.

    Psssst. That’s also why there’s a mulatto marxist in the White House.

    Moldbug’s mealy-mouthed deception is archetypically jewish. Only a few thousand lines of fulsome and pompous prose earlier he had written:

    As we’ve seen, if the “international community” is a predator, reactionaries are its prey. So, while the Soviets might be seen as a competing predator, fascism is something quite different. Fascism is a species of prey that (unlike the Borboni) decided to fight back. And it was not exactly averse to fighting dirty.

    Here is my perception of fascism: it was a reactionary movement that combined the worst ideas of the ancien regime, the worst politics of the democrats, and the worst tyrannies of the Bolsheviks. And what was the result? It is every bit as vanished as the Borboni. For a reactionary, fascism is more or less a short course in what not to do.

    Even a lifetime later, our emotional responses to fascism and Nazism make these concepts very difficult to handle. (Full disclosure: my grandfather, a Jewish communist, enlisted in the US Army to kill Nazis. And I’m pretty sure he bagged a few.)

    His own very jewish emotional response to fascism and Nazism is exactly what enables him to pretend the “X factor” that produces glaring double standards is a big mystery.

  7. “It’s a pro-babble and pro-obfuscation blog as well. Mencius’ skill is throwing together sundry unrelated and obscure references in a lame attempt to support his thesis that it’s really universalist hyper-calvinists whose deleterious influence we should all be concerned about, not jews.”

    “Is having cancer misdiagnosed as a cold worse than having it misdiagnosed as the flu?”

    You are on one heck of a roll there, Tan…..


  8. There’s a certain circle in the blog world in which two names often brought up and singled out for praise are Mencius Moldbug and Roissy. You encounter this circle when you read Mangan’s blog for example. As a result I’ve tried reading both and found Roissy definitively of zero interest, Moldbug of zero interest so far but not yet definitively (have to read him some more before assigning him that ranking). I didn’t read the Moldbug material in question above but Tanstaafl certainly does a good job analysing the excerpts he’s selected. Bottom line, we can see things from both sides, Jews only from their side. Jews are blind to our side. In the end that’s going to prove an Achilles heel: those with an irremediable blind side get blindsided. I’m assuming Moldbug is Jewish.

  9. To make their fantasyworld seem to work Jews have to use lots of layers of epicycles. Clearminded Jews like Rabbi Kahane don’t: they see the straight deal, not a highly constructed fantasyland they have to contort and pretzelbend their brains into even “perceiving” let alone actually “believing.” A Jew who sees things straight will instantly feel the weight of tons of epicycles has been lifted off his brain leaving him with the impression of being able to breathe for the first time in forever. Jews are Ptolemaics who, unlike Ptolemy, know the Copernican truth; we’re Copernicans.

  10. Auster has been saying interesting things lately:

    “When Americans opened the Golden Door to millions of Jewish immigrants (from several of whom I myself am descended) in the late 19th century, if they had known that many of the grandchildren of those immigrants would be a bunch of permanent cultural subversives against this country, would they have let them in?”

    “What distinguishes Jewish liberalism from Protestant liberalism is the following: Jewish liberals see white Christians as guilty. The Jews feel OK about themselves, they think the white gentile majority is the problem.

    By contrast, white Protestant liberals feel guilty about themselves. This leaves them without a confident group selfhood. They believe only in equality, only in their own guilt for somehow standing in the way of equality. It is this lack of collective and even individual selfhood, this inner nothingness, this willingness to be destroyed, that makes the white Protestants the true liberals.

    The Jews, whose collective and individual psyche is not guilty under liberalism (since in the liberal world view Jews are victims and the champions of victims), have psychological power and self-confidence and thus are not true liberals.”

    Thoughts, gentlemen?

  11. . . . if they had known that many of the grandchildren of those immigrants would be a bunch of permanent cultural subversives against this country, would they have let them in?”

    Seeing how we know that now, Auster insists that we keep them here, and dismisses anyone who says otherwise as an “anti-Semite.”

  12. It is this lack of collective and even individual selfhood, this inner nothingness, this willingness to be destroyed, that makes the white Protestants the true liberals.

    There he goes again. Absolving jews while blaming Whites.

  13. I’m not defending Auster here, but note what he’s saying: Gentile liberals actually believe in all the equality stuff, while Jews cynically use ideas to promote disorder.

  14. Auster is essentially saying the same thing as MacDonald, whom he condemns as an anti-semite. I guess the supposed distinction is that Auster insists that Jews are attacking WASPs out of some kind of self-destructive nihilism rather than to advance their own group interests, which makes no sense.

  15. Thoughts, gentlemen?

    I’m not defending Auster here, but note what he’s saying: Gentile liberals actually believe in all the equality stuff, while Jews cynically use ideas to promote disorder.

    Monitor, it’s not that hard dude. It doesn’t require 55 years of deep reflection to come up with an answer.

    *Your ancestors (like everyone’s ancestors) were short-sighted and failed to sufficiently protect race;
    *Race is more important than territory;
    *Conceding territory for race makes it possible to vote for racial salvation;
    *Otherwise take up arms or go extinct;
    *Jews, on average, are dissimulating, disassembling, self-interested, self-obsessed pieces of shit that get in the way of any kind of racial solution;
    *The end.

  16. I commented on the Auster-Gottfried exchange the other day at MR.com:

    As I see it, a portion of a recent e-mail exchange between Professor Paul Gottfried and Lawrence Auster supports the view, widely held, that Eurosphere Jewish “liberalism” is not “liberalism” but simply a form of Jewish nationalism — specifically, Jewish-nationalist tribal warfare waged against what Jews see as their tribal enemy, Eurochristians. The exchange is here:

    http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/013467.html#gottfried .

    Auster refers to “the energy pushing this guilt and never giving it a rest” as he and Prof. Gottfried try to comprehend the phenomenon of the Eurochristians annihilating themselves in this way. But it’s not they who are doing it to themselves. Its source is external to them and coming from a tribe that sees them as its enemy. The prodigious “energy pushing this guilt and never giving it a rest” is none other than the tribal energy of the Jews attacking, in a Jewish nationalist spirit, their tribal enemy the Eurochristians, through their control over the mass media, reinforced by strong Jewish influence in other key societal domains.

    The Euro races are not doing this to themselves.

    So, why are Eurosphere countries like Finland, that don’t have Jews, doing it or trying to? They’re under the Jew-rich U.S.’s very strong influence. (Also, some of them, like the U.K. and France, do have lots of Jews.)

    ( http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/a_new_song/#c76942 )

  17. “*Your ancestors (like everyone’s ancestors) were short-sighted and failed to sufficiently protect race;”


    There was a very strong Racialist Movement in the United States at one time. Look at Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, Carlton Coon, etc., for examples of that.

    The same was True in Europe in the form of National Socialism.

    These movements didn’t fail, they were DEFEATED.

    American Racialism was defeated by Jewish Boasian anthropoligists and National Socialism was defeated militarily by Capitalism and Marxism.

  18. Fred writes:

    Eurosphere Jewish “liberalism” is not “liberalism”

    Jewish liberalism is neo-liberalism, in a similar sense to how jewish conservativism is neo-conservativism. The subversion of the older terms, and thus their sympathizers, is also crypsis.

  19. “Jews, on average, are dissimulating, disassembling, self-interested, self-obsessed pieces of shit that get in the way of any kind of racial solution;”

    Silver, why have you changed your mind about Jews?

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