Just Another Day (Part 9)

Jews — Britney Spears is converting to Judaism.

If William Pierce were still alive, he would probably use this as an example to illustrate Jewish control of the American entertainment media. This is such old news that I see little reason to revisit the issue.

Everyone who travels in these circles knows the score on this one. “Jews control the media” is like the first thing you learn in WN kindergarten.

Moderates — According to silver, “Extreme White Nationalists” are subhumans, not the nonwhites who are the object of their contempt. It is the task of “moderates” to rush in and “bring them into alignment with irreproachable human ideals of justice, compassion and fairness.” No thanks. I think I will pass.

More Jews — Whites in the Philadelphia suburbs can’t enjoy a mere summer day around a pool without a Jew like  Leonard Zeskind heckling them about “racism.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Jewish traders sold Christian girls into concubinage and into prostitution, and even today they display the same activity in the same field in southern California where I live.” -Upton Sinclair

    “a Jewish holiday, a Gentile tragedy” -F. Scott Fitzgerald on Hollywood

    It certainly is old news. Ever since the beginning. They may be quiet about it, but they’ll admit it, nay outright exult in it, from time to time:


  2. “More Jews — Whites in the Philadelphia suburbs can’t enjoy a mere summer day around a pool without a Jew like Leonard Zeskind heckling them about ‘racism.’ “ ( — from the log entry)

    But his Jewishness is irrelevant there, right? Do I have that right, that he’s acting there solely as an agent of capitalism (your, O’Meara’s, and FB’s view) or of liberalism (Auster’s and Kalb’s view)?

    So, I’ll correct the typos in that. It should have been written

    “More [capitalists] — Whites in the Philadelphia suburbs can’t enjoy a mere summer day around a pool without a [capitalist] like Leonard Zeskind heckling them about ‘racism.’ “

    to meet with your and FB’s approval, or

    “More [liberals] — Whites in the Philadelphia suburbs can’t enjoy a mere summer day around a pool without a [liberal] like Leonard Zeskind heckling them about ‘racism.’ “

    to meet with Lawrence Auster’s approval.

    I hope I’ve got that right.

  3. FS,

    You know my position on this issue. I must have restated it a hundred times now. It can be found in the Response to Gottfried thread. I don’t believe in a Single Jewish Cause or a Single (Any) Cause.

  4. “FS, You know my position on this issue. I must have restated it a hundred times now. It can be found in the Response to Gottfried thread. I don’t believe in a Single Jewish Cause or a Single (Any) Cause.” ( — Proze)

    Yes, I was teasing you a bit, but that’s also my position (Jewish influence is one important factor among several important ones), which I too must have “restated a hundred times” (not a hundred times here, more like at MR.com, but I’ve stated it here, trust me), and yet the vibe I was getting, certainly from FB at whom my sarcasm there was partly aimed, was that all others were sarcastically being called “single Jewish causers.” Very few on our side are literally “single Jewish causers” and I’d bet a number of the ones who are are deliberately trying to sabotage this side’s discussion, via the tactic of ridicule-by-caricature.

  5. I do get the feeling though that I apportion greater blame to Jews than you do. I see them as not the sole cause (nobody sees them as literally that, so that’s virtually always a straw man) but as very much the chief factor, the ring-leaders. As for FB, to hear him speak nowadays, he seems to apportion zero blame to them. That is beyond one-hundred percent wrong, it enters into “bizarre” territory.

  6. Perhaps FB should be thought of as a recent convert to hardcore vegetarianism. He doesn’t like the sight of steak on your plate. Fred, being on the Atkins Diet, will ellicit a powerful reaction. Ex-smokers are also sometimes like this.

  7. the ring-leaders. As for FB, to hear him speak nowadays, he seems to apportion zero blame to them. That is beyond one-hundred percent wrong, it enters into “bizarre” territory.

    Would there have been a CoC without Jews? How successful would it have been? Or Hart-Celler? Holocaust propaganda? What would history look like without a Jewish Hollywood and Madison Avenue? How many congresses would’ve looked like the ones Geoff Beck analyzed at MR? What would the plaque read without Emma Lazarus?

  8. I’m not sure why FB has gone from one extreme to the other.

    Some extremists are political junkies. Falling off your donkey is an easy way to skip the whole “painful change” process. Not saying that’s FB, just saying I saw this kind of behavior long time ago.

  9. “I’m not sure why FB has gone from one extreme to the other.”

    Maybe the jews got somthin’ on him.

    Also he being a German, the hate propaganda and brainwashing directed against that great European nation is AS DEEP AS THE GRAND CANYON!

  10. “I’m not sure why FB has gone from one extreme to the other.”
    Nine chances out of ten, he fell head over heels for a Monica Lewinsky type. That’s my guess.

  11. Notice the opprobrium splashed out by the mainstream media on the ‘Pennsylvania pool case’ (I have seen it on the news at least twice) compared to the ‘Akron 40 Blacks attack White Family’ case.

    Also bear in mind the Akron case involves VIOLENCE. (not surprising given it is Negroes after all)

    The US is devolving into some sort of South Africa-like crime ridden heck hole!

  12. “I’m not sure why FB has gone from one extreme to the other.”

    Incidentally, isn’t it supposedly “against the law” (at least de facto if not de jure as well) in Deutschland to take any position that reflects negatively on the ‘Chosenites’–even if it is merely a neutral stance?

    So, how did Herr Braun purportedly get away with it for so long??

  13. I never said that Jews weren’t a problem. However, I regard capitalism and liberalism as more fundamental problems. We need to develop an alternative ontological Weltanschauung to the current dominant ideology of liberalism, if we are to survive and prosper as a people.

    Frank Salter offers the first contours of such a nascent worldview. It’s a deeply philosophical work.

    Anti-Semitism as a rallying and organizing political force is dead in the post-W.W. II West. It’s also highly counterproductive now. Any politician/ author/ public figure who espouses an anti-Semitic program is destined to have zero influence. It’s just sterile territory. And it doesn’t matter whether the anti-Semites are right or wrong.

  14. I’m amazed that I’ve become a topic of conversation on the Internet. Even Steve Sailer’s commentariat discusses my shift in outlook.

  15. —“Anti-Semitism as a rallying and organizing political force is dead in the post-W.W. II West. It’s also highly counterproductive now. Any politician/ author/ public figure who espouses an anti-Semitic program is destined to have zero influence. It’s just sterile territory. And it doesn’t matter whether the anti-Semites are right or wrong.”—

    “As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism.”

    “I am Not Racist, but…”
    ~ Alex Kurtagic

  16. —“Anti-Semitism as a rallying and organizing political force is dead in the post-W.W. II West. It’s also highly counterproductive now. Any politician/ author/ public figure who espouses an anti-Semitic program is destined to have zero influence. It’s just sterile territory. And it doesn’t matter whether the anti-Semites are right or wrong.”—

    “While it is a commonplace for White Europeans and Americans to critically talk in private about Arabs, Mexicans, Africans or, for that matter, deride their fellow White citizens, a critical comment about the influence of Jews, even if founded on empirical facts, is viewed as an insult to Jews. …

    “Such a schizophrenic climate of self-censorship in the West will sooner or later lead to dramatic consequences for both Jews and non-Jews. The lack of healthy dialogue can last for decades, but feigned conviviality between opposing groups cannot last forever. Mendacity carries the germ of civil war.

    “While many authors in the West sport staggering erudition in unabashedly challenging modern myths, the most sensitive point of reference of the twentieth century — Jewish influence — is carefully avoided. …

    “If the subject of Jews is ever brought up in a European or American public forum, it is in a laudatory fashion — a clear indication of the morbid desire of White ruling elites to curry favor with the Jews.

    “In the same vein, many intelligent White American and European racialists frequently decorate themselves with their “token Jews” in hopes of achieving some legitimacy in the mainstream media and seeking some camouflage in their opposition to non-European immigration or to various other myths of multicultural ideology.

    “These individuals will likely be the first to declare themselves anti-Semites if the wind changes and critiques of Jewish influence become part of a new Zeitgeist.

    “The lack of open discussion about Jewish influence corroborates the thesis that Jews play a crucial role in opinion making in Western societies. True power shows itself by not being open to discussion. …”

    “Who is an anti-Semite?”
    ~Tom Sunic

  17. “Anti-Semitism as a rallying and organizing political force is dead in the post-W.W. II West. It’s also highly counterproductive now. Any politician/ author/ public figure who espouses an anti-Semitic program is destined to have zero influence. It’s just sterile territory.”

    It’s not anti-Semitism.

    “And it doesn’t matter whether the anti-Semites are right or wrong.”

    They’re not anti-Semites.

  18. “I am not an anti-Semite. I have hundreds of Arab friends.” ( — Robert Reis)

    It’s not anti-Semitism in terms of Jews either. If truth is anti-Semitic lies must be pro-Semitic. So 2 + 2 = 4 is anti-Semitic and 2 + 2 = 5 is pro-Semtic. That’s what the Abe Foxman “everything in the universe is anti-Semitic” boils down to.

    What’s going on with FB may be he’s hitherto equated criticism of Jewish behavior with visceral hatred of Jews. Maybe he wants to reject visceral hatred of Jews and feels the way to do that is rejection of criticism of Jewish behavior.

  19. “We need to develop an alternative ontological Weltanschauung to the current dominant ideology of liberalism, if we are to survive and prosper as a people.”


    There are TONS of Right Wing Ideologies out there.

    One of my hobbies is reading about them! Lets see:
    National Socialism,
    National Bolshevism,
    International Third Postionism,
    Right Wing Populism (Carto),
    Radical Traditionalism (Evola),
    Right Wing Conspiracism,
    Christian Identity,
    European New Right (de Benoist)

    Forget developing something new, everything good has already been set up, what must be done is spreading the message (The Authentic Right has been denied access to the Jewish Media) and in this we are helped with the advent of the internet and especially the blogosphere!!! Get the word out!!!

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