About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Groups like the ADL and SPLC are exactly what is needed to expose the flaws of liberal society. Because I hate the game instead of the player, I must endorse the harm they unintentionally cause to the strength of the ruling order.

  2. If there is a rise of dissident against mainstream democratic liberalism, the SPLC will deserve a medal of honor for ruining the legacy the of the founding father and provoking an authoritarian solution.

  3. Internet, Bloggers Have Well Seen These Issues Coming, For Birthers And Fed Audit
    (Apollonian, 28 Jul 09)

    This was another very revealing interview, O’Reilly totally missing entire pt. to things, the fool. See OccidentalDissent.com, ” Why doesn’t Obama just release the original long-form birth-certificate rather than paying lawyers, approaching million dollars now? In this case SPLC Jew-queer is saying nothing different than other media liars and prostitutes attempting to cover the gross usurpation and treason, trying to disinform the public about the issue–which has to do with “natural born” qualification requiring both parents being citizens (see TheObamaFile.com and NaturalBornCitizen.wordpress.com).

    Note this “natural born” qualification is what is being deliberately obfuscated–which numerous people are capable of confirming for themselves merely by going to the internet. It doesn’t really matter whether birth took place in USA–both parents must be citizens.

    Further, Jews-media attempts to discredit “conspiracy theories”–which, so ironically, it only thus confirms with their brainless and obvious attempts to confuse and mis-state the facts.

    CONCLUSION: But what thrills me is public actually seems to be ahead on this issue, the Jews-media flailing and flopping impotently, pathetically. Another interesting scene is Ben Bernanke of US Fed going about telling his lies, begging people not to ck into Fed COUNTERFEITING (see RealityZone.com, TheMoneyMasters.com, and JudenFrei.org for expo/ref. on Fed fraud). Internet has turned into potent weapon for the public, rendering an entirely new dimension to things. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  4. Perhaps some of these Jewish Assaults will help to wake up more of the lemmings??

    Perhaps the marginalization of Faileo-cons will inspire some of them to seek more Radical Ideologies that seek to counter the marginalization in the first place!

  5. The Jew always overplays his hand and this latest scheme will backfire.

    But, it will also inadvertently justify, I think, the subsequent targeting of Jewish media, negro militants, and Marxists by WN operatives. The Jews are dramatically escalating the conflict, or upping the ante so to speak, and in so doing they are planting the seeds of their own (and their comrades’) obliteration.

    Is it just me, or does O’Reilly’s arrogance, smugness, and petulance make you want to break his nose?

  6. Appolonian –

    Whatever happened to “Andrea Freiboden” and your ‘dialogues’ with ‘her’?

  7. “Freiboden” Has New Site
    (Apollonian, 29 Jul 09)

    “Truth,” Freiboden site is now at http://ostrovletania.blogspot.com. I never had any “dialectic” w. dear Andrea who was only looking to see what sort of “reaction” she’d get, evidently, to judge fm things.

    Freiboden constantly insisted upon the holohoax as if it was true and attacked unc’ Adolf Hitler as “mass-murderer,” along w. other conventional liberal platitudes. Freiboden never noticed or acknowledged any of my references given to her on holohoax, but just continued repeating–which is Jew characteristic, as u may know.

    She’s lately added a couple of new essays since changing sites, but hasn’t gotten too much reaction, fm the looks of things. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  8. “I never had any “dialectic” w. dear Andrea who was only looking to see what sort of “reaction” she’d get, evidently, to judge fm things.”

    … “Freiboden never noticed or acknowledged any of my references given to her on holohoax, but just continued repeating–which is Jew characteristic, as u may know.”

    What a bitch! And reaction for what broader purpose???

    Additionally, ‘she’ never ‘noticed’ or acknowledged ANYONE in the commentary section of that site.

  9. I can’t wait until they start coming to get Thomas Fleming!

    Dude is so deluded that he will still be reading the Bible pretending to be some Irish monk while the jack booted thugs of the Zionist Occupied Government are beating down his door!

    (Anyone who really knows History knows Irish Monks were heavily secluded on basicly fortresses on islands where Vikings, my ancestors, couldn’t get them… Fleming doesn’t seem to get that)

  10. “Freiboden never noticed or acknowledged any of my references given to her on holohoax, but just continued repeating–which is Jew characteristic, as u may know.”


    Couldn’t you tell early on that Negro and Jew worshipping “Andrei ‘Andrea’ Freiboden” is a Jew — a zionist agent provacateur — in drag, no less!?!

    Also an abrupt name change, without notifying “her” former blog readers of the “new” blog? Obviously a Jew-through-and-through!

    You know, “if it walks like a duck”

  11. I am familiar with Andrea on Facebook; her name change without explanation is very strange. However, I never got any vibe from her to being an “agent provocateur”. Perhaps she is an agent collecting information, but if she is trying to provoke some kind of response from our side, she has done a poor job of it.
    She definitely has some ideological confusion and misunderstandings of history, however.

  12. “Couldn’t you tell early on that Negro and Jew worshipping “Andrei ‘Andrea’ Freiboden” is a Jew — a zionist agent provacateur — in drag, no less!?!” -on 30 Jul 2009 at 2:39 am, 14 “Get Real”
    * * * * *

    Science Still Requires Confirmation
    (Apollonian, 30 Jul 09)

    Well “Get Real,” I understand how inductive logic works, perceptions and particular instances leading to a general conclusion. The problem is how to definitively confirm–such is science. How do u know Andrea is “drag”? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  13. “How do u know Andrea is “drag”?”

    Well, ‘Andrea’ has posted before under the name “Andrei’ Freiboden” before …but looks like someone scrubbed this link that he/she posted a comment under –

    More importantly Apollonian, discernment is the key here. Not only is the ‘lady’-of-many-names writing style profoundly unfeminine and stridently male,

    …its the virulent, snarky anti-White propaganda this thing puts out, attempting to demoralize the less-savvy of US into thinking that we ‘need’ the jews to run a ‘modern’ society —

    …hence these jews ‘deserve’ to do what they do and have ‘control’ over our lives!!!

    The overiding impression that I get, again, aside from the grandiose way of telling us things that we overwhelmingly are familiar with,

    …is even the Khazar tactics that “she” critisizes, however ‘vehemently’ really seem to be almost a secret, cryptic kind of PRAISE 🙁 !!!


    Matthew 7:15 –
    “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves.”

    Matthew 24:24 –
    “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”


    This is the penultimate purpose of the J-ew-das Goat in their SOLE MISSION in deceiving the divine LEADERSHIP of the Nations and Peoples.

  14. “Not only is the ‘lady’-of-many-names writing style profoundly unfeminine and stridently male, …its the virulent, snarky anti-White propaganda….” -17 Kronprinz Wilhelm on 30 Jul 2009 at 5:16 pm
    * * * * *

    What’s “Male” About “Andrea’s” Style?
    (Apollonian, 30 Jul 09)

    Okay, I don’t disagree w. the “snarky anti-white prop.,” but how do u mean, “profoundly unfeminine and stridently male” for style? “She” surely likes to babble on–isn’t that rather female trait?

    I think, once again, she just wanted to run some stuff past “patriot”-types to see what reaction would be. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  15. “I think, once again, she just wanted to run some stuff past “patriot”-types to see what reaction would be.”

    For what reason??? Just to be a wise-ass bitch?

    “The overiding impression that I get, again, aside from the grandiose way of telling us things that we overwhelmingly are familiar with,

    “…is even the Khazar tactics that “she” critisizes, however ‘vehemently’ really seem to be almost a secret, cryptic kind of PRAISE !!!”

    I think Herr Kronprinz nails “her” motives squarely on the head!

  16. *n/a on the likely backgrounds and reality of the “andrea’-of-many-names” and “goy’ white” –

    “–They’re not the same person (completely different writing styles), but yeah “Andrea” has an extreme presentation of the tendency to be overawed by black physiques exhibited here by gaywhite. They may have similar backgrounds. I have the impression both are from the Chicago area and of Eastern European (possibly Jewish) extraction. I suspect both were beat up by black kids when they were younger.–“

  17. I’ve talked to Andrea for a few months online. I think he/she seems very intelligent and well read. I say he/she because I have never seen a picture of Andrea. Andrea only portrays he/she as that anime character and many people who have talked to Andrea online has speculated that Andrea’s personality has a decidedly masculine overtone, bringing up suspicions that Andrea may be really a “he.” My personal opinion? Regardless as to Andrea’s sex, I think Andrea is either: insane or a fake online persona (although with the amount of long, rambling, half sophisticated blogs that Andrea writes I have a hard time believing this). Although Andrea makes some good points, Andrea is extremely quarrelsome and behaves like he/she is more interested in showing everyone how “extreme” he/she is.

  18. 1 separate voice on Cnn inside the Television show. This individual has a really difficult immigration law policy. This individual graduated for the Harvard School. At this point he features his one Stereo Show. He couldn’t just like any American leader.

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