Native Radicalism

In Thaddeus Stevens, the “dictator of Congress,” Robert Lindsay has found another radical to join his bloody pantheon of great humanitarian heroes, which also happens to include Joseph Stalin, Nat Turner, John Brown, William T. Sherman and Jean-Jacques Desaillines. William Lloyd Garrison must also hold a soft spot in his heart.

This piece is so comical that it discredits itself, but it touches upon the major theme of my previous post: the length to which indigenous Yankee fanatics like Lindsay, without the assistance of Jews, are willing to go in pursuit of abstractions like “equality.” The Northern mass mind has always been excited and mobilized by ideological cant of this sort. It remains an open question whether or not history would have turned out any differently had the Jews never come here.

In the times of William Lowndes Yancey, it was already a huge problem and was magnified by the stiffling conformism of Northern society. He explained how northerners bowed relentlessly to public opinion: “the northern man surrenders his individuality — See one of them, and you have before you a type of all.” And again, “he will smother — in his heart every individual suggestion of propriety and duty … His conscience is that great Public Opinion which thinks for him and decides for him.”

It was only in this context that Jewish influence in the mass media proved so disastrous. The “democratic man” of the North had long been in the habit of receiving his morals, culture and political opinions from mass circulation newspapers, not from individual thought or sacred custom and tradition. This was the perfect environment for the incubation of political correctness.

American culture has always been seriously flawed. The unraveling we are now witnessing is really the only the inevitable consequence of such a faulty design.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Don’t take Hoberto all that seriously, guys. Not that he isn’t a good writer or intelligent — since he is — it is just that he is severly confused in a lot of ways, and it seems like he says a good deal of things to get a rise out of people.

    You are so right though, Proz, regarding the motivations of ‘Egalitarian’ fanatics …their insane jealousy and ENVY of those they feel are their natural ‘betters’, and how this absolutely rankles the overblown opinion that they hold of themselves or their favorite ‘pet’ group.

    Poor deluded souls. Life itself, in ALL its manifestations, is inherantly UNEQUAL, and we humans HAVE TO find the strength, courage and HUMILITY within ourselves to ACCEPT this REALITY, regardless what the ner-do-wells and the envious malcontents say otherwise.

  2. American culture has always been seriously flawed. The unraveling we are now witnessing is really the only the inevitable consequence of such a faulty design

    That sounds like me. Can’t disagree there.

  3. This is akin to the race realist claiming Hitler is the cause of their current day impotence. By 1915, Jess Williard had knocked out Jack Johnson with a straight right hand. Scientific racism was in it ascendancy. The Klan rose again and by 1928 destroyed papal ascendancy to the Presidency of the United States.

    “The whole Puritan civilization which has built a sturdy, orderly nation is threatened by Smith.”

    An immigration quota system, protecting the old stock American from replacement, was established. Jews were limited in their access to elite Ivy League schools. Jim Crow was alive and well and restrictive realty covenants, affirmed by the USSC, Corrigan v. Buckley 271 U.S. 323 (1926) judgement that ruled that such clauses constituted “private action” and as such were not subject to the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.[9], protected American neighborhoods.

    This was not inevitable. This was clearly an effort by an amalgam of ethnic groups, both white and non-white, Catholic and Jew, that was bent upon undermining the WASP hegemony in the US and indeed the Anglosphere. The Catholic MacDonald outlined the efforts of organised Jewry, but is reluctant to detail the battles between Catholics and KKK Protestants.

    Although the seeds of dissent were planted in this era, because the efforts of the immigration restrictionists were opposed by Jewish and Catholic immigrant groups from the 1890s onward, and the size and power of the immigrant population was too great to repatriate, the fruit of this planting did not blossom until after WWII. Sadly, the South was the greatest American proponent of a war that destroyed scientific racism, Jim Crow and quite possibly the Anglosphere. Yancey’s revenge, no doubt.

  4. “The Catholic MacDonald outlined the efforts of organised Jewry, but is reluctant to detail the battles between Catholics and KKK Protestants.”

    Such as…?

  5. The South emerged from WW2 even more committed to white supremacy and segregation than it had been before. Northerners would have reacted the same way were it not for their liberalism.

  6. Get Real’s comment #5: The Catholics generally voted against White American racial interests in politics-through elections, local offices, and political coalition groups.

  7. No doubt it was all those “liberals” in the FDR/Truman administrations that made them do it. 😉

  8. The Klan was the main proponent of prohibition. People were so sure that with the banning of alcohol crime would end, they sold their jails. Of they they didn’t account for the influence of the usual suspects.

    I would rather be a Klansman
    in robe of snowy white,
    Than to be a Catholic Priest
    in robe as black as night;

    For a Klansman is AMERICAN
    and AMERICA is his home,
    But a priest owes his allegiance
    to a Dago Pope in Rome.

  9. LOL! No kidding, Desmond!

    At least the Klan puts America first! Those Internationalist-and for some*, even child molesting-Catholic priests put their denomination before America.

    Maybe America should start condemning that child molesting Catholic priest, calling for Amnesty on National Television- instead of that loyal American in a White robe.

    *I imply that some of these priests are child molesters, certainly not all.

  10. Evangelicals are certainly the greatest philosemites in the Western world today. I can’t think of a more fanatical Zionist than Hagee. He’s on the right of Lieberman.

  11. “Sadly, the South was the greatest American proponent of a war that destroyed scientific racism, Jim Crow and quite possibly the Anglosphere. Yancey’s revenge, no doubt.”

    Patton. Poor, gorgeous Patton who was assigned the undignified and disgusting task of “de-Nazification.” To further humiliate men who lost not only a war, but loved ones, women children and parents. He was blessed with the task of spiting in the face of the hungry and helpless which was not in his nature. It was then that he announced that the Germans were the most honorable people of Europe. It must have been a horrible revelation.

    And MacArthur was born in Little Rock, smelled “something Semitic” while his men were fighting and dying in Korea. His reports were being delivered to the enemy and he knew it.

    Americans are hopelessly confused. Eisenhower’s warning of the “military industrial complex….” Was not the prophecy it is pumped up to be, but a reaction to these two great rebellious Southerners.

    “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
    In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

    Of coarse it is no secret that –

    “Eisenhower served as MacArthur’s assistant in Washington and his advisor in the Philippines in the 1930s. He disliked MacArthur for his vanity, his penchant for theatrics, and for what Eisenhower perceived as “irrational” behavior. “Probably no one has had tougher fights with a senior than I had with MacArthur,” Eisenhower once said. While Eisenhower served as Chief of Staff after World War II, MacArthur undermined his efforts to slow down mobilization and later to unify the armed services. He willingly admitted though that MacArthur was smart, decisive, and a brilliant military mind. Working under him was frustrating, but also an invaluable learning experience.”

    But, yet this strait talking General, this American Hero is demonized.

    ”I just can’t understand how such a damn fool could have gotten to be a general.” E.

    THIS is what that warning was about! Southern men who reluctantly would fallow the high doctrines of leaders of men, that they might just be skeptical and rebel, and have the technological ability to do so! That military men might get “uppity.” Eisenhower felt that character and sane mood just might gain too much influence.

    That is what this warning is about, not the tyranny we have today, but exactly its opposite.

  12. Lena, the military-industrial complex actually is a threat.

    It was probably the deciding factor why we went to war in Iraq, and possibly Afghanistan and Vietnam.

    Why wouldn’t Haliburton and Blackwater oppose a war full of profits?

    Don’t tell me they lack power, or “the Jews made them, against their will- kicking and screaming-accept massive profits and executive bonuses.” And don’t tell me you actually believe these White Gentile elites aren’t motivated by profits-and thus support war, for its own sake.

  13. Yes, – SIS – Today, “it” is a threat, of coarse. But what I am referring to above is Eisenhower’s opinion of the subject, and in particuliar its mis-reading. What he was determined to do, and did do if you look into his revolting NATO leadership, is take military power from the Natives – and it was precisely because he hated the likes of Patton and MacArthur. It is quite obvious.

  14. Lena: Ok; I don’t really have an opinion on your interpretation of it. I just wanted to clarify our discussion. The important part is that we recognize the danger of unrestrained military contractors, so they don’t put profits before our national interest and stability.

  15. “The important part is that we recognize the danger of unrestrained military contractors, so they don’t put profits before our national interest and stability.”

    AND so that they don’t further use ‘our boys’ needlessly as ‘bullet-catchers’ in additional wars of conquest on behalf of “Eretz Yisroel” and other forms of ZIONIST ‘LEBENSRAUM’ GENOCIDE!!!

  16. Patton. Poor, gorgeous Patton who was assigned the undignified and disgusting task of “de-Nazification.” To further humiliate men who lost not only a war, but loved ones, women children and parents. He was blessed with the task of spiting in the face of the hungry and helpless which was not in his nature. It was then that he announced that the Germans were the most honorable people of Europe. It must have been a horrible revelation.

    And MacArthur was born in Little Rock, smelled “something Semitic” while his men were fighting and dying in Korea. His reports were being delivered to the enemy and he knew it. ( — Lena, #13)

    Well said.

  17. While I definitely believe that we should consider White Catholics our full allies in the pro-White struggle, I am very skeptical of the internationalism and ‘race blind’ policies of the Vatican. The Catholic Church in the USA is one of the main organizations lobbying for the mass-immigration of Catholic Hispanics in to the country because they want to fill up their increasingly empty pews (and their coffers too, of course).

    I’m also rather anti-Catholic because I do not at all believe in centralized/bureaucratic ‘authorities’ (like the Vatican) dictating how people should act, believe, or live from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

    The mandatory celibacy of Catholic priests (who were often the most intelligent, educated, and literate people in the entire local population) has also clearly had a dysgenic effect upon European peoples ever since it was instituted many long centuries ago. One of the main reasons that Protestant Northern Europe eventually eclipsed Catholic Mediterranean Europe is likely because the Northern Euro Protestants abandoned the celibacy requirement for the Christian clergy, and thus those high-IQ people had more children.

    My ancestors have all been White Anglo-Saxon (and German) Protestants for as far back as I’ve been able to trace…can’t ya tell? 😉

  18. Most of the “Yankee fanatics” that Prozium decries are concentrated in the Northeast or ultra left wing West coast. I live in the upper Midwest and people in the mold of Roberto Lindsay and the foaming at the mouth anti-white radicals he admires are a small minority. Confederate symbolism is actually very popular amongst lower middle class whites. And before any trolls claim this is due to ignorance you are the ignorant ones. Lower middle class whites are on the front lines with blacks and Hispanics and experience their hate and savagery first hand.

    Robert’s latest ode to anti-white radicals throughout America’s history is about what I’ve come to expect from him. He lionizes historical figures that hated whites and who took steps to undermine our interests but any Southerner who believed in his/her cause was a “fanatic” who deserved their horrible fate. His is the reasoning of a typical left wing zealot and his writings are riddled with hypocrisy and double standards.

    I honestly don’t see why Jared Taylor and others feel his work is worthy of consideration.

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