Can The Ethnostate Be Justified?

OneSTDV, one of the more reasonable HBD bloggers, has a post up asking whether or not a White Nationalist ethnostate can be justified. Personally, he doesn’t agree with such a project, and instead thinks that “a capitalistic economy, a strong, unequivocally American cultural narrative, a majority white population, and a discouragement of racialist politics can save this country.” Those of us familar with the online racialist scene will recognize this as Lawrence Auster’s preferred solution.

Here are my objections:

1.) America’s capitalist economy has always been (and remains) one of the primary drivers of race replacement. It was the unbridled operation of market forces that brought hundreds of thousands of negro slaves (which later grew into millions) to our shores, the first wave of Chinese immigrants to California, the Japanese to Hawaii, the Jews to the urban Northern metropoles, Mexicans to the Southwest. If the market had not been restrained for centuries by White nativist and racialist sentiment, America would have plunged into the Third World long ago, as it is doing at full throttle now that those barriers have been removed.

A recent FAIR study found that big business accounts for 59% of the various interests pushing for “comprehensive immigration reform.” From 2006 to 2008, the business community (in particular, the technology, hospitality, construction and agriculture sectors) spent hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying for loose immigration laws. By its very nature, the capitalist system works against those of us who stand for the preservation of America’s racial and cultural integrity.

2.) The capitalist system throws up an elite whose primary qualification to rule is their success at making money. It is not in our racial interest to live under a plutocracy of speculators like George Soros or Bernie Madoff. The old saying that the merchant knows no borders is very true. America’s treasonous elite (whether Anglo or Jewish) already identifies more with the clique of globalist elites abroad than our indigenous racial majority. The United States is now little more than an economic zone; a place to do business, and our plutocratic elite would have it no other way.

3.) The notorious Jewish problem that we are now suffering from, which has metastasized into a cancer in the mass media and universities, is itself an extension of Gilded Age laissez-faire capitalism. Jewish immigrants were brought into the U.S. indiscriminately to work in Northern industry. They went on to become ethnic activists who fomented hate against the indigenous Anglo-Americans. The same process (the formation of permanent grievance lobbies) is repeating itself today with the Hispanics who have come to America since the Immigration Act of 1965.

4.) The market doesn’t respect any boundries: racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, etc. It chews through them like acid and inserts itself into places it doesn’t belong like the family or gender relations.

5.) The market leads to a consumer culture with an ethic of expressive individualism that is corrosive of racial and cultural boundries. Shallow gluttonous consumption deadens our racial and spiritual instincts.

6.) The “strong, unequivocally American cultural narrative” that once reigned unchallenged in America was the handiwork of an Anglo-Protestant elite that was displaced in the mid-twentieth century by the operation of the capitalist economy. The current elite is disproportionately comprised of monied Jews who feel like outsiders in America, who nurse historical grievances against Europeans, and who are wary of anything that smacks of populism or nationalism by America’s indigenious White majority.  They are most certainly not fit to rule.

These people (who don’t identify with the hicks in flyover country) promote a cosmopolitan narrative that justifies their own wealth, privileges and ascension to power while delegitimizing their Anglo-American subjects. To expect them to adopt a “strong, unequivocally American cultural narrative” is a wish on the same level of nineteenth century Georgians adopting the mores and identity of the Cherokee. It is the product of a mind which doesn’t have the best interests of America’s White majority at heart.

7.) A “discouragement of racialist politics” is nothing more than a conservative plea, one that will only fall on dear ears as we move further towards 2042, when Whites are (currently expected) to become a minority. The current system privileges non-Whites on account of their race; handicaps Whites on account of our own. Any push for a “discouragement of racialist politics” is going to come from an aging, dwindling and increasingly ignored constituency. The future is (even more radical) versions of “wise Latinas” such as Sonia Sotomayor.

8.) Conservatives have been “discouraging racialist politics” for 50 years now. Has the system become more or less anti-White? When MLK was marching, there was little talk about “multiculturalism” or “diversity,” and none about “white privilege.” “Diversity” became all the rage in the wake of the Bakke decision as a justification for affirmative action.

9.) Conservatives have already given up on “discouraging racialist politics.” The proof is their affirmative action appointment of Michael Steele as head of the GOP and their talk of running Jindal in 2012. They are scrambling to find non-White faces to represent them.

10.) Why should Whites “discourage racialist politics” when every other race is playing this game and refuses to quit? Non-Whites get to play poker with our future and we are too highminded to participate. That is a losing strategy for us.

11.) It is inconceivable that America will continue to have a “majority white population” unless Whites act as Whites, and soon, to reverse their racial decline (and take draconian measures at that).


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m curious, are there any Mediterranean American males that are white nationalist leaders?

    It appears to me that real racialism is typically a Northern European ideal.

    Meds are more interested in conquest and dominance, and cultural supremacy, but not necessarily racial. As we see with the result of Latin America.

    Dienekes Pontikos has been cited as a white racialist before, but he is not at all. He is a Greek nationalist or culturalist, but he lives in America (a contradiction). He also has stated he does not care at all about white interests or that America becomes non-white. Furthermore he doesn’t really care if Greeks are fully white either.

    Who are the leaders of our racialist cause? I haven’t done thorough research, but just from personal experience they are typically of Northern European extraction (Celto-Germanic).

    Of the Mediterraneans I’ve come into contact with, most of them seem to be involved in racialism just to score some Nordish women. And their racial standards are very low, including highly mixed individuals, typical of the Latin American definition of white.

    So with that in mind I don’t find it surprising that OneSTDV’s ideals are of a racially mixed society with white cultural dominance, since he is a Med, of Greek and Romanian descent.

    Since he has a preference for Asians, I wonder if he has/had a relationship with an Asian woman.

  2. When “capitalism” gets out of control, it consumes “social capital” (as explained in Putnam’s _Bowling Alone_).

    If a small group of individuals can hold themselves to a higher-than-usual standard of excellence, however, that group can create new social capital. Then the challenge is to preserve that social capital and prevent capitalism from feeding on it.

    Sustainable but draconian patterns of behavior (e.g. asceticism, wilderness survival, guerrilla lifestyles) have a chance to produce this excellence that leads to social capital.

    See John Robb’s “Global Guerrillas” for details:

  3. 11.) It is inconceivable that America will continue to have a “majority white population” unless Whites act as Whites, and soon, to reverse their racial decline (and take draconian measures at that).

    If you look at the children being born, America is already close to 50% non-white.

    I’m curious, are there any Mediterranean American males that are white nationalist leaders?

    It appears to me that real racialism is typically a Northern European ideal.

    The white population of America is probably only 10% southern European (mostly Italian), another 10% Eastern European and probably 80% NW European. It’s not surprising that most racialist leaders come out of the last group.

  4. “The white population of America is probably only 10% southern European (mostly Italian), another 10% Eastern European and probably 80% NW European. It’s not surprising that most racialist leaders come out of the last group.”

    There isn’t proportionate representation either.

    Italians are better than the Spanish and Portuguese anyway.

  5. Dienekes shouldn’t even be mentioned. Encyclopedic anthropological knowledge alone doesn’t qualify one for any sort of “leadership” role at all, not even as spokesman, really.

    Of the Mediterraneans I’ve come into contact with, most of them seem to be involved in racialism just to score some Nordish women.

    Meds don’t need to be “involved in racialism” to score nordic girls, unless you mean to score racialist nordic girls.

    And their racial standards are very low, including highly mixed individuals, typical of the Latin American definition of white.

    It’s more about recognizing, and being moved by, similarities to one’s own traits in others than “having low racial standards.” I can see what nordicists see — and why they harp on about “the beauty of the white woman must not be lost!!” — but it lacks the power to move me.

    You make a good point about peripheral whites preferring white cultural dominance but being rather indifferent about race. I don’t have a problem with this model (after all, it’s the one I’ve known my entire life), but looking at the trends I can see it can’t hope to last. If it’s going to be undone anyway, it may as well be undone along racial lines, which is why I support n. euros, because they seem to the only ones that are willing to be racially explicit.

  6. I have some close Italian-American friends, and they certainly wouldn’t be classified as multiculturalists in any way, especially when it comes to blacks. Very outspoken. Don’t even ask if they want blacks in their neighborhoods. Not too jew-friendly either. I’d be surprised if Mediterraneans didn’t support a ethnostate alternative if a viable one presented itself.

    Good post.

  7. What justifies the Jewish ethnostate (Israel)? Or the Chinese one (China)? Or the Jap one? Or any other one outside the Eurosphere nations for that matter (because every country but those are conscious, unapologetic ethnostates)? If the U.S. Euro-race Anglo-Saxon ethnostate can’t be justified in the eyes of the Jews who live here, then Israel as an ethnostate CERTAINLY can’t be justified. If this country goes down as an ethnostate, the Euro peoples worldwide must work as hard as they can to bring down the Israeli ethnostate. If the white people here get race-replaced, Euro peoples around the world must work as hard as they can to make sure the Israeli Jews get race-replaced. Hey I’m not anti-Semitic or mad at the Jews or anything, no, not at all, I’m only repeating the “liberal-democratic” principles the Jews have taught me so well. Yes they’ve seared them into my brain. I’ll never forget. (Or forgive …………..)

  8. “a capitalistic economy, a strong, unequivocally American cultural narrative, a majority white population, and a discouragement of racialist politics can save this country.”

    This is a remarkably unrealistic prescription, and a veritable guarantee that NOTHING will be done. (Which might be the aim). The genie is out of the bottle, and the cat is out of the bag. There is NOTHING that can bring back the old America. It is a changed country. The only way out is separation: a White ethnostate.

    But such a move, it is understood, would antagonise the authorities to the extent they initiate hostilities against us. I wonder, are people such as Auster and OneSTDV prepared for this outcome? Or will they continue to sit on the sidelines, take Silver-like shots at WN thinkers and actvists, and continue to hold out for a fairy-tale ending?

  9. This guy’s proposal might as well be ‘do nothing.’ That’s about how effective it will be in halting or reversing the damage done to our civilization by interlopers, parasites and malcontents. OneSTDV still lives in “America the Beautiful” fantasyland. This is not the 1920s.

    There are no legal means to reform the system. There are no democratic means to reform the system (not that I really am a democrat anyway). A new system that is truly for us must emerge – and this will in many ways entail anti-capitalism: National industries, unions, protectionism, etc. I.e., the well-being and standard of living of our people will take precedence over money-grubbing and the “free flow of goods and services.” White people, contrary to the conventional wisdom of Republicrats, are only burdened by capitalism because they are fully capable of building something more to their collective benefit. Of course this would mean the excising of parasites and greed-mongers – anyone have a problem with that?

    Very good article btw. You covered all of the angles.

  10. This bit from FAEM seems apropos in light of my comment on capitalism:

    The following piece was sent in by a reader and I thought it something to be shared.
    You know, everybody talks about Pearl Harbor as if it were the last word in horrifying aggression — the government now says that Al Qaeda is “targeting” Pearl Harbor. Sure. That would really cripple the American spirit. Do people understand that Hawaii was an overseas possession in 1941, not a State? We had only taken it over some forty years before. Attacking an enemy’s forward naval base in an occupied colony is not exactly the last word in perfidy.

    The nice thing about the USA is that, exactly like the Soviet Union, our borders are constitutionally not defined by anything. Every part of the Earth could be a United State. Stalin envisioned a world Union of Soviet Republics. Our borders and hence purpose are limited only by the bold imagination of our leaders.

    The economy is spiraling into total disaster. Soon every rich lawyer will have ten peon assistants to help him schedule his lunches. I recently left my job working at a brokerage firm owned by an enormous bank. I figured out that the pay scale went something like this:

    The top 1% of the company made about 2 or 3 million per year.

    The next 3% of the company made about 1 million per year.

    The next 5% made half a million per year.

    The next 7% made about a quarter million per year.

    The pay scale dropped rapidly after that. This was a firm that was not even doing especially well, and the top executives were usually on vacation or “traveling”. They would get very upset about line-items such as a water cooler that cost a thousand dollars a month but which everybody used. They axed it. At the same time they would hire consultants to mull over the color scheme of the stationary for millions of dollars.

    The idea that finance capitalism is some kind of efficient system for distributing resources is so absurd and far from the truth as to be a fantasy. If anything it appears only to provide suction to vacuum dollars up the pay ladder. Just look at marketing and advertising. Nothing could be less “productive,” yet trillions of dollars are spent on this crap (one-sixth of corporate budgets I believe) all of which is tax-deductible as a cost of doing business. So corporate self-promotion is something that the public essentially pays for.

    Another element I like is the current refinancing boom. Many people do this to lower their monthly mortgage payments, which makes sense. But many others refinance their mortgages based on inflated valuations in order to “pull cash” out of imaginary equity. Their monthly payment stays the same or goes up but they get X thousands of dollars to play with. They don’t understand that this money is just a loan based on the inflated value of their equity. The banks love this scam because they still own the underlying asset and the cash floating around can keep consumer spending buoyant.

    Robertsez — With some accounts earning as little as 0.5 %, I cannot understand why people keep their loot in a bank where ZOG, hungry lawyers, and others, can sniff it out as future booty. Banks are making millions scamming the public but they apparently love it. Capitalism is every bit as corrosive as Communism and both are essentially run by jews for the benefit of jews.

  11. […]
    “The nice thing about the USA is that, exactly like the Soviet Union, our borders are constitutionally not defined by anything. Every part of the Earth could be a United State. Stalin envisioned a world Union of Soviet Republics. Our borders and hence purpose are limited only by the bold imagination of our leaders.”


    “The idea that finance capitalism is some kind of efficient system for distributing resources is so absurd and far from the truth as to be a fantasy. If anything it appears only to provide suction to vacuum dollars up the pay ladder. Just look at marketing and advertising. Nothing could be less “productive,” yet trillions of dollars are spent on this crap (one-sixth of corporate budgets I believe) all of which is tax-deductible as a cost of doing business. So corporate self-promotion is something that the public essentially pays for.” […]

    Exactly. Good quotes Mark! This shows that BOTH “Communism” AND Finance-Capitalism are tools of the Jews! 😉

  12. Prozium:”It is not in our racial interest to live under a plutocracy of speculators like George Soros or Bernie Madoff. The old saying that the merchant knows no borders is very true. America’s treasonous elite (whether Anglo or Jewish) already identifies more with the clique of globalist elites abroad than our indigenous racial majority. The United States is now little more than an economic zone; a place to do business, and our plutocratic elite would have it no other way.” – Mark:”Capitalism is every bit as corrosive as Communism and both are essentially run by jews for the benefit of jews.”

    Exactly. The historical trail isn’t difficult to follow, just put the puzzle pieces together…”free market” (HA!) democratic chaos-capitalism = undue concentration of ‘wealth’ (often bogus international stock-exchange capital) and the concomitant rise of sociocultural influence is gradually brought in to primarily Jewish hands and in to Jew-dominated urban areas worldwide via outright lies, subterfuge, manipulation, massive indebting of non-Jewish populace [usurocracy], and Jewish white-collar ‘legal looting’ = the rise of a primarily Jewish international plutocracy based in numerous big cities worldwide and a rootless cosmopolitan Jewish middle-tier bureaucracy for slow seizure and eventual domination of mainstream banking/finance, governmental monetary policy, federal legal system, academia, mass-media, medical system, etc = concentration of wealth causes rising resentment amongst the ‘prole’ non-Jewish masses who slowly realize they are being outright fleeced and economically raped; the mass-proletariat thus demands “change”; ethnic/racial as well as class-based tensions rise across the board, and manufactured wars plus other fake events are fomented by Jewish mass-media-masters in an attempt to distract the ailing masses from their Jew-induced misery = hypercapitalistic/parasitic borderless Judeoplutocracy attempts to install crypto-Marxism/Judeocommunism nationally in the interest of furthering so-called “equality” in the countries which they dominate (Russia, USA, etc) which is actually nothing more than an institutionalization of Jewish hegemony that will invariably be managed almost entirely by an rootless cosmopolitan mid-tier Jewish bureaucracy along with the borderless top-dog Jew plutocrats who are still at the helm (albeit more behind the scenes now) = gradually Judeomarxist/Judeocommunist repressions become less concealed and lead to the wholesale degeneration and dispossession of the native non-Jewish populace along with the attempted elimination of all resistance offered to the rootless urban Jewish elite/plutocratic classes (making for more willing serfs/slaves of Jewry); they outsource in search of cheaper labor, and they in-source non-White immigrants for cheaper labor too; eventually there is blatant and brutal repression of all resistance and outright murder of the non-Jewish former elites so that the populace is deprived of their natural leaders who could rally people to offer resistance to the Jewish plague = THE END RESULT: rootless cosmopolitan Jewish bureaucracy (who take orders from an international elite of plutocratic Jews) control nearly all aspects of socioeconomic life in the nation(s) they unduly dominate and can only be dislodged via and explicitly anti-Jewish revolution and/or wholesale collapse of the Judeocommunist/Judeoplutocratic system. Eventually Jews migrate and/or are expelled to ‘greener pastures’ wherein the Jewish cycle of destruction starts all over again. However, a remnant of elite partial Jews (those in deep-crypsis) often remain behind in the host country and subsequently continue to exercise undue influence there, leading to the general socioracial and sociocultural decline of the nation in time.

  13. White nationalism rising? Just passing along a recent article by Dr Carol Swain which appeared in “The Huffington Post” — Dr Swain is the co-author of a noted book on WNism entitled Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America; read the article @

    She seems like a reasonable person, writing: “As I have warned repeatedly, I believe America is headed for unprecedented levels of racial turmoil. The election of President Barack Obama has not been the healing balm anticipated. If anything President Obama’s stances have heighten rather than ameliorated existing racial and ethnic tensions. If we are to make progress, we need a no-holds-barred racial dialogue during which minorities must listen as much as they speak out. We desperately need leaders willing to stand up and defend rather than subvert our Constitutional rights.”

  14. The utter bankruptcy of both the mainstream Left and Right in the USA and elsewhere is revealed by their utter obsession with money and ‘markets’ and all such related degeneracy; these people are nothing more than fat greedy pigs fighting for their spot to sop up the poisonous slop at the Jewish trough of Mammon…it’s a truly disgusting spectacle — this neverending pursuit of money which has been forced upon us by the Judeoplutocratic money-masters is quite clearly destroying the spirit of White-Western peoples.

    This incredibly idiotic and counterproductive obsession with money and markets in the ‘Jewnited States’ and elsewhere in the White-Western world just shows how sickeningly Judaized so many people have become in this decrepit age of Jew-led ultramaterialism and hyperconsumerism. However, we White nationalists live and abide by higher and deeper values: we place the well-being and survival of our ancient race above the base, decadent, and piggish pursuit of ultimately worthless scraps of Jew-manufactured paper.

    I look forward with optimism, hope, and joy at what Kerry Bolton described (see below) as “the rise of the new Caesars,” those highly idealistic and incorruptible White leaders who will work assiduously to eradicate the monstrous, degenerate, and bogus rule of Judaic money/markets, those who will root out the parasitic plutocrats (oftentimes Jewish) who have so debased White-Western culture, those who will usher in a new and better age for the continued social, political, and spiritual evolution of humankind. I view Mussolini and Hitler, with their exaltation of the race, the ethnostate, high-art/creativity, nature and the environment, ecological sustainability, societal health and wellness, non-Judaic/Semitic forms of religion/spirituality, and so on, plus their downplaying and attempt to eradicate those greedy/money-grubbing Judaic values which have proven so toxic, as a prelude to the backlash which is surely coming against the dark Jewish God of Mammon that has unfortunately established itself in much of the White West. To quote a bit from the preface of Bolton’s excellent book Thinkers of the Right: Challenging Materialism:

    Many of the new generation of writers were thus drawn to Spengler’s analysis of the way the rule of money, of money values and of the money baron’s control of politics, had become determinative of the tastes of a civilization in its final cycle. They were concerned with overthrowing the rule of money and returning civilization to its “springtime” where the arts flourished under the patronage of born nobles. Yeats and Evola look to certain epochs of the Medieval period of the West. Ezra Pound sought the overthrow of the banks through the economic theory of Social Credit; Hamsun and Williamson wished for a return to rural values in place of those of the City; many were attracted to Fascism.

    Spengler states that in the final phase of the winter cycle there arises a reaction against the rule of money. Money marches on reaching its peak then exhausts its possibilities:

    ‘It thrust into the life of the yeoman’s countryside and set the earth moving; its thought transformed every son of handicraft: today it presses victoriously upon industry, to make the productive work of entrepreneur and engineer and labourer alike, its spoil. The machine with its human retinue. The real queen of this century is in danger of succumbing to a stronger power. Money, also. Is beginning to lose its authority, and the last conflict is at hand in which civilization receives its conclusive form–the conflict between money and blood.’

    The rule of money will be overcome by new “Caesars,” strong leaders not harnessed to the plutocrats and their parliaments and media. In Spengler’s last book, The Hour of Decision, he sees the Fascist legions in Italy as heralds of the “new Caesarism.” Mussolini was much impressed with both Nietzsche and Spengler.

    Spengler resumes:

    ‘The sword is victorious over money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will . . . Money is overthrown and abolished by blood. Life is alpha and omega, the cosmic stream in microcosmic form . . . And so the drama of a high culture–that wondrous world of deities, arts, thoughts, battles, cities–closes with the return of the pristine facts of blood eternal that is one and the same as the ever-circling cosmic flow’.

    SOURCE =

    If y’all are interested in reading more about how the corrupt ad degenerate Judaic rule of depraved money-values has so corrupted white-Western culture, you can also check out some of the stuff collected @ – some of it’s pretty good.

  15. ” The only way out is separation: a White ethnostate.”

    Thank the Gods that more and more learned individuals are coming to the same conclusion!!!

    Things are just too far gone. The last, best hopes for reform within the corrupt system were the last campaigns of David Duke and Pat Buchanan and those were quite a while ago.

    The fact is that those who have been arguing for Secession have apparently been right all along and it is time to follow their lead (and this includes O’meara!)

    We are not going to be able to vote our way of this mess!!

  16. The idea that we can save white America without “racialism” is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. Color blind conservatism is unilateral disarmament. No other race has ever, or will ever stop being racialist. We need to make racially based in group/out group distinctions too or we will be conquered. That is essentially what is happening. White people are being conquered by non-whites. Aracialism is the weakness that is allowing this to happen

  17. Aracialism is the weakness that is allowing this to happen

    Good points ATBOTL, as usual.

    Just one quibble.

    The better term for the root of our weakness is deracination. White racial instincts have not been freely abandoned so much as they’ve been deliberately extinguished by external forces.

  18. Admiral,

    Or will they continue to sit on the sidelines, take Silver-like shots at WN thinkers and actvists, and continue to hold out for a fairy-tale ending?

    Ridiculous to lump me in with those two. I’ve barely read anything onestdv has written but he sounds like another tired ‘hbd-er,’ repeating what has already been said and most likely said much better by others. Auster is better (culture is very important) but he’s such a dissimulator on race I can’t stand him, and his incessant Israel advocacy annoys the hell out of me. (I’m not even anti-Israel. If anything I’m very pro. Not in the sense of fighting wars for them or giving them money. Just if someone asked who I think is in the right and who I like I say Israel.) In contrast, I support separation and believe it can be accomplished democratically, even if it’s to just to secure you your white republic and everything else remains mixed (perhaps with a bit of segregation to ease the tensions). Scoff if you will, but I think a good case can be put forth that this form of “diversity” (ie under such an arrangement) actually is an improvement over blanket homogeneity. If I take “shots” it’s because I think some things some of you sometimes say are truly idiotic and it’s better that a sympathizer like me points them out than an opponent, who will only use them to discredit you in the eyes of those whose support you desire and require. Lastly, I’m not simply hoping to sit on the sidelines and put everything right by pressing a few buttons on a keyboard; I understand full well the implications of the positions I take.

  19. Samuel Francis once wrote a great article in Chronicles about how capitalism is the enemy of racialists and traditionalists using the South Carolina Confederate flag controversy as an example. The article titled “Capitalism the Enemy” can be read online here (it’s the fifth article):

    Here’s an excerpt from the article:

    Conservatives — real conservatives, at least, not classical liberals or neoconservatives — should not be surprised. Capitalism, an economic system driven only, according to its own theory, by the accumulation of profit, is at least as much the enemy of tradition as the NAACP or communism, and those on the “right” who make a fetish of capitalism generally understand this and applaud it. The hostility of capitalism toward tradition is clear enough in its reduction of all social issues to economic ones. Moreover, like communism, capitalism is based on an essential egalitarianism that refuses to distinguish between one consumer’s dollar and another. The reductionism and egalitarianism inherent in capitalism explains its destructive impact on social institutions. On the issue of immigration, capitalism is notorious for demanding cheap labor to undercut the cost of native workers. But it is not only in America that it has done so.

    You can read more of Samuel Francis’ articles from Chronicles here:

  20. By “aracialism,” I meant something like the ideology that whites must not make racial in group/out group distinctions in the political arena. Deracination is a more of a psycho-social ebbing of group consciousness.

    I guess the point I was trying to make is that on the political right in America, there is an ideological tendency to refuse to address race in policy, even among people who feel a sense of racial identity and who recognize racial differences. In other words, people like Steve Sailer, Lawrence Auster and OneSTDV, plus countless paleocon types.

  21. ATBOTL #27: Auster addresses race in policy. He doesn’t do it on a daily basis but he does it; it’s in his archives and in a number of the titles posted in the margin of his home page.

  22. An ethnostate can’t be justified using the current liberal/cultural Marxist/multicultural paradigm since these belief systems deny any racial differences. Otherwise, an ethnostate is perfectly justifiable from the pro-white point of view. As the country continues to darken as a result of insane immigration policies and suicidally low white birth rates it will be our best and last hope for survival.

    Only a complete and total collapse of the central government in Tel Aviv on the Potomac, popularly known as Washington D.C., can facilitate the formation of independent pro-white states over the decaying American landscape. If this is done prematurely while the district of corruption still maintains some striking ability you can be sure the Jews will make every attempt to marginalize and undermine the embryonic white state using their D.C. proxies possibly resulting in military action against a militarily weak ethnostate.

    The other thing that I rarely see being discussed is the prospect of some white people willing to take up arms against white nationalists. These will be the modern day abolitionist types but I’m sad to say even some so called Christian and constitutionalist types since they’ll view us as wicked knatsies (sic) for dare attempting to act in the best interests of white people. Increasing levels of non-white violence will drive other whites into our camp.

    Fortune hasn’t favored us or our plans up to this point but let’s hope that changes very soon.

  23. ” If this is done prematurely (…) you can be sure the Jews will make every attempt to marginalize and undermine the embryonic white state (…) ” (—Mr. Dithers)

    On the other hand, a few clashes between white nationalists and the anti-white forces will help many whites take sides with their own people.

    ” the prospect of some white people willing to take up arms against white nationalists”

    That would be interesting. Can you imagine a fanatic white christian race-replacement activist using a gun to enforce the idea that diversity brings peace and love, and cultural enrichment?

  24. When a large number of whites are losing loved ones to non-white brutality they’ll be very receptive to our message of racial separation. Whites taking up arms against their own to resolve ideological differences isn’t as fantastic a claim as it sounds.

    American whites enthusiastically butchered their German kinsmen in WWII because they were told Hitler planned to subjugate America. A lie of course but Americans believe anything the radio or boob tube says. Untold millions lost their lives in the Christian civil wars of the latter middle ages. Whites aren’t averse to fratricidal violence and there are whites who will oppose WN’s with the same religious fervor and blood lust.

    The MSM already paints us as a collection of mental and moral defectives with a propensity for violence. That’s how the majority of whites see us like it or not.

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