Glenn Beck’s Advertisers

So Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people,” and 33 of his cowardly advertisers pulled their commercials from his show. It is hard for me to see how a vigorous capitalist economy (one dominated by huge multinational corporations) is supposed to go hand in glove with a White ethnostate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “, a group that promotes political action among blacks and launched a campaign to get advertisers to abandon him. quickly targeted companies whose ads had appeared during Beck’s show, telling them what he had said and seeking a commitment to drop him. The goal is to make Beck a liability, said James Rucker, the organization’s executive director. ”

    That organization is yet another completely hypocritical pro-black organization that lies to the face of white Americans claiming to be for everyone when they advocate a pro-black agenda. It’s shameless and absurd.

    “Fox’s Glenn Beck recently said President Obama is “a racist” and has a “deep-seated hatred for white people.” Beck is on a campaign to convince the American public that President Obama’s agenda is about serving the needs of Black communities at White people’s expense. It’s repulsive, divisive and shouldn’t be on the air. ”

    Says the organization that boldly states it serves the interest of black Americans while then claiming it’s for all people.

    We’re living in a culture of schizophrenic deceit claiming to be moral.

    I don’t think most of these sponsors share the politics of that organization, they’re just afraid of negative media coverage that would reduce their profits.

  2. What a bizarre world we live in. For accusing President Obongo of racist hatred (for which there is more than sufficient evidence), Beck is the one who is ostracised. WTF?! I guess we really are living in a Judeo-African police state. BTW, the companies that participated in this stunt should be punished.

  3. If Glenn Bleck was a black liberal commentator and made the comment that George Bush was racist and hated black people, there would be little outrage and no loss of advertisers.

  4. You’re right Donald and the smarmy negro who said that would have been hailed by the MSM as a great civil rights crusader and a champion of colored people. In fact black bigmouths were charging Bush with racism following Katrina. This sickening double standard is just one more reason why right thinking whites should withdraw from this dirty rotten system altogether.

  5. The role of Fox News and Limbaugh in the current struggle is more than a little interesting. They are serving a useful purpose in that they are racializing the lemmings with their focus on the racial implications of an Obama presidency – though Jewish malfeasance is being overlooked, if not outright obfuscated. Again it may point up to a divide within the white nationalist movement – those who are willing to give the Jews a second shot, and those who want them gone. Limbaugh, Coulter, Beck, and Hannity are not your standard conservatives, they are as close to white nationalists as you can get mainstream….but still…one wonders if they don’t represent an opposition party of sorts in any future effort to regain white independence.

  6. Bamarama and its icon in chief are symptoms of the multicultural shopping mall country that caused them.

    Beck singles out, ostensibly on the behalf of normal Americans, a glaring example among these symptoms, commits attack-the-man upon it and is then publicly, spectacularly punished.

    Maybe this stunt was orchestrated. It certainly didn’t touch the cause of such woes for some reason.

  7. Michael Savage, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, Buchanan, Dobbs, and Hannity are racially conscious conservatives who water down their pro-white message in order to stay mainstream and thus reach as many minds as possible.

  8. “Michael Savage, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, Buchanan, Dobbs, and Hannity are racially conscious conservatives … ”

    Really, they all are *racially* conscious ?

    “… who water down their pro-white message … ”


    “… in order to stay mainstream and thus reach as many minds as possible.”

    Certainly staying “mainstream” is a BIG PRIORITY for these flaming narcissists ego’s, and their checkbooks!

    With the exception of Buchanan, and possibly Dobbs, the rest are primarily neoCON talking heads, warmongers and pro-Israel Firsters.

    Remember, in today’s anti-White society, where, AT THE MOMENT, Khazars have the power and Honkey Kulaks dont:


  9. “Michael Savage, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, Buchanan, Dobbs, and Hannity are racially conscious conservatives who water down their pro-white message in order to stay mainstream and thus reach as many minds as possible.”

    They’re culturally pro-white, but not racial.

    Hannity specifically advocates miscegenation. A black militant guest on his show argued that blacks should be with blacks, and Hannity said blacks should be with whites. He’s a sick bastard.

  10. I don’t have much time for these people. But Coulter is at least interesting. In a recent column titled KATHLEEN PARKER: THE BARRY LYNN OF THE SOUTH (August 12, 2009) she took a swipe at Lynn’s Jewishness (although describes himself as a ‘Christian minister’):

    …”Then there’s Barry Lynn, alleged “Christian minister,” whose stock in trade is to denounce any mention of religion anyplace, anytime. Look, I’m a Christian minister, but even I have to admit that the sight of a kindergartner praying is terrifying to most folks. (The first person to post Barry Lynn’s bar mitzvah photos or birth announcement (mazel tov!) wins a free copy of my latest book, “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America.”)…

  11. It is hard for me to see how a vigorous capitalist economy (one dominated by huge multinational corporations) is supposed to go hand in glove with a White ethnostate.

    I’ve said previously that it would be far more beneficial for whites to replace the international capitalist order with Fascism/Syndicalism. The only people who benefit from the present system are Jews and Shabbos Goyim who support the whole house of cards – and Fascism/Syndicalism has proven it’s effectiveness already, it isn’t theoretical that such a system will be good for whites.

    My vision for the white future: Imperial dictatorship, biocentric values, “Volkswirtschaft”.

  12. Check out this article over at the Huffington post. It explicitly bashes Anglo-Americans.

    [quote]The rich “Country Club” Republicans, radio talk show hosts and screaming town hall lunatics just got another reason to hate Barack Obama….the winner of one of the four “Majors” tournaments is Korean. In fact he can’t even speak English, which no doubt will drive the Lou Dobbs division of the wing nut association crazy…
    President Barack Obama, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Serena Williams, Denzel Washington, Penelope Cruz, Professor Henry Louis Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Puff Daddy, Tiger Woods and now Y.E. Yang. Good grief! Where’s the angry Anglo-American male going to turn now? Expect a huge up tick in bass fishing and swastikas.[/quote]

    I, for one, am glad the author is so open about his contempt for Anglo’s. I wish more writers would share his candor.

  13. Sorry, I forgot to add that I found this over at It was posted by Patrick Cleburne, someone who is always namedropping Kevin MacDonald and linking to his work. Good man. Vdare really is a mixed bag, with people like Joe Guzzardi (teaching English to Mexicans in the US) and Alan Wall (Mexican wife and kids) sharing the limelight with men like Mr. Cleburne and, occasionally, Jared Taylor, Rushton, and MacDonald.

  14. President Barack Obama, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Serena Williams, Denzel Washington, Penelope Cruz, Professor Henry Louis Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Puff Daddy, Tiger Woods and now Y.E. Yang.

    Cultural prodigies, the lot of them (*eye roll*).

    What a moron for listing no-talent Hollyweird actors and other celebrities, not to mention Hillary the Red (a demoness if ever there was one). As if we care about those non-entities.

    Expect a huge up tick in bass fishing and swastikas.

    I expect for his constituency an uptick in drug dens, AIDS, and of course, violent crime.
    BTW the HuffPuffPost has no problem with promoting anti-white genocidal opinions in their comments section.

  15. This seems apropos regarding your blog remark on capitalism and multinational corporate dominance. My only criticism is claiming this is Fascism is odd (therefore, my brackets in the text). It’s more like Distributionism, which seems a more fitting system for Whites.

    You as a Fascist[?] stand for the small trader against the chain store; for the peasant against the usurer: for the nation, great or small, against the super-state; for personal business against Big Business; for the craftsman against the Machine; for the creator against the middleman; for all that prospers by individual effort and creative toil, against all that prospers in the abstract air of High Finance or of the theoretic ballyhoo of internationalisms.


  16. “Michael Savage, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, Buchanan, Dobbs, and Hannity are racially conscious conservatives … ”

    Michael Savage is a Jew.
    Ann Coulter had a relationship with Dinesh D’Souza.
    Buchanan’s running mate was a black Communist.
    Lou Dobbs is married to a mestiza.

    The comments on this site should be disabled – they really tend to drag down its overall quality.

  17. I’ll add my echo to the others who’ve already pointed this out: Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Dobbs have shown no sign of being racially conscious. I’ve never listened to Savage so don’t know about him. Buchanan is hard to figure out in this regard. I would say he’s racially conscious but holding back somewhat because the public is not prepared to hear it, something like that (the same reason we’re all commenting under pen names).

    As for Van Speyk’s quote from someone named Ken Kreisman at the Huffington Post: he’s just a Jew venting genocidal loathing at the white race. He singles out “white males” because when genocide’s your game it’s enough to take out the males first. The women will fall into line automatically after the males are neutralized. The person is a Jew (I say that sight unseen by the name, the verbiage quoted there, and the blog it came from) fighting a Jewish tribal war against Eurochristians. Period, full stop, end of story.

  18. “he’s just a Jew venting genocidal loathing at the white race”

    I refer of course to this Ken Kreisman specimen, not Van Speyk.

  19. Euros need to start verbially counterattacking Jews and Israel. It makes no difference if in so doing we’re consistent or not (consistent, for example, by refraining from attacking Israel because in principle we have nothing against it, being ethno-racial nationalists ourselves and therefore recognizing nationalism’s legitimacy and the ethnoracial nation-state’s legitimacy): the important thing is to start verbally counterattacking in any way at all, whether in doing so we’re being consistent with our own beliefs or not. That’s what the Jews are doing to us — attacking us with breathtaking hypocrisy, simply monumental hypocrisy and getting away with it (90% of the Jews attacking our own ethno-nationalism are themselves Jewish ethno-nationalists, i.e. Zionists to one degree or another; maybe only 10% of the Jews attacking us are true “liberals” who are being “consistent” when they attack us). Nationalist Jews won’t recognize our nationalism’s legitimacy so why should we recognize theirs. Inconsistent on our part? Yes but look at them, the brazenness with which the bastards do it and get away with it. Lesson learned. Were they fighting a war in some principled way we as gentlemen might owe them behavior in the same principled way. But they’re not. They’re fighting in as dirty a way as they can. We’re fools if we don’t copy their tactics.

    We need to counterattack by attacking Jews and attacking Israel.

  20. “It is hard for me to see how a vigorous capitalist economy (one dominated by huge multinational corporations) is supposed to go hand in glove with a White ethnostate.

    Japan doesn’t have a problem.

    Of course Japan’s corporations and media aren’t infested with Marxists and Jews.

  21. I want to know why Men like Glenn Beck? I think he is a moron. And in his idiotic book, “An Incontinent Truth” (How edgy!!!)… He states that American women should give up their individual callings to be concerned above all else about how Muslims in other countries treat their women. So, I should give up my vocation and my calling as a wife and a mother feeding and clothing my babes and take time from making love to my gorgeous Man to advocate for WHAT? For blacks to rape more then 30,000 white women or more a year as they do in America? Has he ever written about the degradation of women in America? The over sexploitation that leads to psychosis not only for woman but for man? This guy is a tool and he is insincere.

  22. I don’t think any men here like Glenn Beck.

    He’s not really a stable guy. He had a meltdown on air recently.

    He considers himself white trash.

  23. “I want to know why Men like Glenn Beck?”

    Beck is mildly (very mildly) amusing with some of his antics. Plus he comes across as sort of an ‘every-man’ type of guy. I would rather listen to Beck then watch ANOTHER Reality Show for instance (mostly I would just play Xbox 360 though, but sometimes get bored of that…)

    The one bonus is that he has recently just flat out called Obama a racist and I endorse this straegem. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!

    Limbaugh referred to Obama as ‘O-gabe’, in reference to Mugabe, and that was a good move to be applauded.

    Outside of those instances though that is about the only good things that have recently come out of the ‘talk radio’ cacophony.

    Every now and then the radio talkers try to out-do each other on how far to the Right they can go, there is alot of competition in that market… Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, (Michael) Reagan.. the list is endless. So this weird competition sometimes goes outside of Zionist Occupied Government approved bounds and occasionally will enter into Racialist/ White Nationalist territory.

  24. Beck, et al. – I don’t care whether they are racially concious or not. The point is that – for whatever reason – they are radicalizing the white masses….in particular those whites who can’t handle the reality of Jewish control and power within the West. The radicalization of the white masses is the next step towards revolution. A white nationalist intellectual vanguard has already been created and is in place. The white masses are being radicalized. Then its to confrontations in the street…and this is happening as well. This needs to increase in intensity, and one feels that it will – the genie’s out of the bottle. Most revolutions follow these trends…intellectual vanguard, radicalization, street demonstrations, armed resistance. Be ready.

  25. Fred Scrooby: ” the important thing is to start verbally counterattacking in any way at all, whether in doing so we’re being consistent with our own beliefs or not. “

    Maybe you are right. After all, we are told that myth and emotion are more powerful than head-ache inducing intellectual arguments. Stretching the advice a little, it means that we should forget about truth, honesty, consistency. What matters is the result.

    Or we can use 2 different sets of attitudes depending on the context:

    1/ In a Jewish media context, we should stoop to the psychology of the crowds, using simple, emotional arguments (arguments that contradict each other but will have an impact even so).

    2/ In a calmer European environment when we are addressing friendly people who care about truth, we should revert to using logical arguments, and insisting upon honesty and consistency.

  26. I agree with Fred about the need to counterattack, but not to the point of lying. The awful truth is our greatest strength and we would be foolish to abandon it now, just as it seems to be spreading more broadly. We can and should use guilt-by-association and ridicule. Insult them. Put them on the defensive. Our very existence is at stake, keep that always foremost in mind. But also keep in mind that lying is part of how they discredit White advocacy, even if they have to deliberately insert over-the-line provocateurs (like Hal Turner) to get the job done. We don’t need to help them with that.

    Beck may not be racialists, they may even turn against Whites when push comes to shove. But at the moment they speak to and for and broad swath of White sentiment that is otherwise suppressed. We want to further enlighten their audience, not piss them off by shitting on their heroes.

  27. I object to lying. I did not mean to imply that Fred supports lying or that he is acting as a provocateur. I admit I have trouble abandoning consistency as Fred does advise, because hypocrisy is something that disgusts me and, I presume, other minds like my own.

  28. I view the concerns of non-Whites for their own interests as legitimate, just not superior to our own. We should consider our fears for our safety a trump card just as they do. Turn the “you just don’t like brown/jewish/other people” around by saying “you just don’t like White people”. This is especially effective just after they’ve made the kind of hate-filled anti-White rant that is so common these days. Point out how common it is. The powerful guilt-tripping that causes Whites to act anti-White can be deprogrammed and the energy can be transformed into pro-White righteousness. Non-Whites will be unaffected, but then the purpose in addressing them is to shine a light on their aggression and provide inspiration for Whites who are observing.

    The issue for us is not israel’s survival, it is our own survival. When jews invoke the survival of israel they’re saying “me, me, let’s talk about me and my concerns”. Responding, or even being the one to broach the subject, by attacking israel is not productive, because it only validates and keeps the focus on their concerns. Instead say, “I live here, not israel, and I care about me and mine, let’s talk about that”. They protest, “but israel is on the front lines of the jihad!”, respond “we are on the front lines of a genocidal non-White invasion”.

    It’s not a silver bullet, but it comes damn close.

  29. This asshole, in his book, besides offensively stating that American women should be concernerd above all else for Muslim females mocks poor people in America. He writes that poor people have televisions in America and washing machines, so they do not have it so bad! As if it makes the grind of joblessness and forced integration with blacks, – easier! That somehow the poverty elsewhere in the world and of the past is worse then the poverty of today because of television and washing machines. Poverty today, especially for whites amounts to being gang raped and beat down by savage blacks in their own front yard – But hey, they can just go home and watch Beck on TV while washing their clothes in a washing machine. This guy is scum, he posses as “white trash,” yet knows very little about what that actually is. People wonder why there is so little sympathy for whites suffering in America, well this asshole is why.

  30. ” Euros need to start verbially counterattacking Jews and Israel.”


    There are different ways to go about this. Remember your audience.

    I am employed on a Jew-niversity campus, so going in ‘David Duke style’ is not an option… however utilizing the discourse of the New anti-semitism ( and ) is certainly acceptable. Declare one-self a defender of the ‘oppressed people of color known as Palestinians’. Oppose the murder of Rachel Corrie (it was anti-feminist!). Since a black is President it is now OK to be pro-USA on liberal Campus… so bring in the attack on the USS Liberty into the conversation.

    The best defense is a good offense!

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