Buchanan on Democracy

At VDARE, Pat Buchanan writes:

When a democracy reaches a point where the politicians cannot say no to the people, and both parties are competing for votes by promising even more spending or even lower taxes, or both, the experiment is about over.

“Remember,” said John Adams, “democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

Democracy: the theory that you have as much power and influence as George Soros.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Democracy has been an unmitigated disaster in the West, and it should not even for a moment be considered as a viable form of government for our people, in the future. I think everyone on this forum would agree. What Pat seems to suggest is that democracy MIGHT have worked, if not for his certain qualifiers. I would submit that anywhere you look, there has never truly been a democratic government, that ‘democracy’ was used – just as communistic or monarchical forms of government were used – to conceal the rule of powerful elites…which is the only way a society can function in a healthy manner.

    Societies must be ruled by their ablest men, those who possess Aristotle’s ‘great soul’, who put their people’s interests over their own personal concerns. These individuals will always be a minority of humanity…and really, democracy may have been the most effective form of government in disabling this class from rule.

  2. I’ve been an anti-democrat for some time now, but this is one of the best wise-cracks on it yet: “Democracy: the theory that you have as much power and influence as George Soros.”

  3. There is no question in my mind that representative democracy, at least as we understand it today, is an unqualified disaster. I have no confidence in it whatsoever.

    However, I’d be curious as to what Prozium (or anyone else) thinks of Swiss style democracy – direct and decentralized.

    Maybe we can do better in the coming white nation, but I’d say that the Swiss system seems to be the best government extant. With a strong racial foundation, my view is that the Swiss system has promise from a white nationalist perspective, though undoubtedly some modifications would be appropriate. Thoughts?

  4. The USA was founded as a Republic with enfranchisment for ONLY White males over the age of 30 who owned property, not as a direct democracy… which sadly it has become.

    Senators were originally supposed to be appointed by the state legislatures. This was meant as an ‘aristorcratic’/ Elitist check on the popularly elected House of Representatives.

    One may argue about the nature of this former arrangement, but assuredly it is better then what is occurring now, which Buchanan has written about.

    When a White mans vote is considered the same as that of a negroes or Jews, the end is nigh.

  5. Perhaps someone can locate the book of memoirs of a US Senate restaurant maitre’d who informed his readers that , on a surprisingly, regular basis, drunken elected officials forgot to take with them, upon departure, envelopes stuffed with tightly wadded hundred dollar bills.

    Democracy – you know it makes sense!

  6. Democracy opens the door to an orgy of greed and power as the proletariat chaotically surges forth for its chunk of the beaurocratic cake. Dictatorship by an alpha male type tribal leader is fine by me. And if he fails to dictate dutifully he then faces the guillotine or the noose, carried out by his watchful leuitenants. I like the way troops of baboons organise themselves, having lived with them up in the remote mountains of the Drakensberg/Lesotho area in my youth. Way more organised than humans I tell you.

  7. ” Democracy: the theory that you have as much power and influence as George Soros. “

    or the theory that Jewish influence is an unimportant detail.

    Buchanan: “When a democracy reaches a point where the politicians cannot say no to the people”

    I think we have the other problem: people want an end to immigration, they want to live in crime-free, immigrant-free areas, but the politicians won’t listen. Not very democratic.

    Lanogheal: “The USA was founded as a Republic with enfranchisement for ONLY White males over the age of 30 who owned property, not as a direct democracy… which sadly it has become.”

    I have more trust in white people who don’t own their houses than in the treasonous phony white elites. The USA has not become a direct democracy, or people like Soros would not have much influence. Voters have been superficially brainwashed by the schools and the Jewish media, but they remain opposed to immigration, even though their opposition is muted.
    I think where the corruption by anti-white forces is most efficient is at the top. Besides the media, what doesn’t work and has been subverted is the electoral process and the political machine, between government and the voters.

  8. “Democracy: the theory that you have as much power and influence as George Soros.”

    Well said. This system can not last. What comes next? Authoritarian rule. Dicatorship. Totalitarianism. At that point, when the power elites remove all pretence of democratic rule and institute some form of authoritarian government–telling us that it’s “for the good of the country,” “in order to preserve the rule of law,” “to stop the bloodshed,” “to protect the rights of people of color,” or some other BS excuse– patriots and WNs will in good conscience be free to act. When the mask slips, that’s when we slide the knife in.

  9. The problem with attacking democracy is that 1) it has a tradition-laden resonance with most white Americans, and 2) you have to propose an alternative that is almost certainly going to be an impossible sell. Wouldn’t it be better to attack nonwhites’ obvious unfitness for democratic rule, rail against their misuse and destruction of any true democracy and rally for a separation that would allow whites to restore a true democracy? That would seem to be the wisest first step.

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